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pawian  226 | 27587
24 Jun 2022   #331
Kania is exchanging pleasantries with Bobko

Yes, 70 years ago he could have had nice "civilised" discussions with a Nazi man who doesn`t participate in crimes yet, but fully supports the Nazi policy of exterminating Jews and other Untermensche. They meet in a German Knaipe in unsere Strasse and drink a lot of beer. Kania listens happily to the explanations why Jews have to be exterminated. .(:(:(

certain positive qualities in each other and acknowledging them. :)

Yes, it is sickening and I am going to puke. Kania, you are repulsive to decent people. Yuk!
RussianAntiPutin  6 | 209
24 Jun 2022   #332
What's your problem with Bobko? He's nearly as much of model poster as you and Pawian! Nice, not attacking, intelligent. Yes, he has some....... kind of political views which are not exactly desirable right now, but he's a good poster, don't you think so?
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
24 Jun 2022   #333
Geez... you're such a drama queen, Pawian, it's unbelievable.

I am going to puke. Kania

Knock yourself out. :)
pawian  226 | 27587
24 Jun 2022   #334
Pawian! Nice,

No. I am not nice to RuSSists and their Polish stooges, women haters, fake machos, rightists, traitors and other scum.
Novichok  4 | 8596
24 Jun 2022   #335
Today RuSSists who support Putin and RuSSist army crimes in Ukraine are the same as Germans before and during WW2.

You are so right, my dear Russia hater...Just look at what these barbarians did in Mariupol. Executed half of the city...just as they did thousands of Crimeans to make sure others vote "yes".

There should be an S or M violation here for posts like yours.
Paulina  19 | 4505
24 Jun 2022   #336
I'm here to try to show people the Russian perspective

You've shown us the perspective of a Russian imperialist who has no regard for human life, for the independence of other countries and no empathy. If that's the "Russian perspective" then I want a big wall to be built between Russia and Europe, a big, thick and a very high wall so we wouldn't have to deal with you people until you come to your senses (which may be never).

I think being nice is the better approach in this department

Yes, you Russians are good at it. Winning people over in this way and even whole nations and their political leaders. Many pro-Putin Russians were nice to me personally. Russians are very nice people on the personal level. You get an impression that all they want is to be friends, for our nations and countries to be friends. The problems start when you stop talking about books and kittens and scratch that pleasant surface. And underneath that pleasant, friendly surface there's an imperialist Bobko and all the Velunds who think that Ukraine is a fake country, Ukrainians are a fake nation and Nazis and their language is fake and invading and killing your Slavic "brothers" is OK. You get people deprived of empathy, amoral, cynical, hypocritical, cruel, narrow-minded, brainwashed and with no respect for other countries.

I don't mean the anti-Putin, pro-democratic Russian liberals, of course. They're normal, humane people, like us. But judging by the polls they are a small minority in Russia.

but he's a good poster, don't you think so?

I'll put it like this - if some very cultured, elegant, intelligent, educated and well-mannered Nazi officer had a pleasant chat with you about ballet and Russian literature, he would give you some compliments and then he would shoot your sister in the head, because, in his mind, that was in the best interest of his country, would you care more about the fact that he was well-mannered towards you or that he shot your sister in the head? What would be more important for you?

For me Bobko is an executioner. An executioner wearing white gloves who perhaps haven't soiled his hands with blood yet, but mentally - an executioner nevertheless.
pawian  226 | 27587
24 Jun 2022   #337
.Just look at what these barbarians did in Mariupol

Yes, darling, RuSSists destroyed Mariupol like Germans destroyed Warsaw during WW2. The same associations.

For me Bobko is an executioner. An executioner wearing white gloves

Exactly. Fraternising with such a svoloch suggests that Kania is really suffering from a mental breakdown. He used to have them in the past, too.
jon357  72 | 23528
24 Jun 2022   #338
Fraternising with such a svoloch suggests that Kania is really suffering from a mental breakdown.

Sadly yes.

I used to have to socialise with a dictator somewhere A minor dictator, but one whose country allegedly had poor human rights.

He was very good company indeed and a very generous host however there was always that feeling of wondering what fate his victims met.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
24 Jun 2022   #339
Kania is really suffering from a mental breakdown


Although, when I think of it now, I did suffer from something resembling a mental breakdown when I allowed hatred and aggression to get the better of me. I won't let that happen again.



Get a grip of yourselves, people - nobody here is an executioner and nobody is a dictator. We are a bunch of random people from all over the world, discussing things on a tiny, obscure, technologically outdated internet board that nobody apart from us gives a flying f*ck about. Just to put things into perspective.

Anyways, screw you guys, I'm going to sleep.
pawian  226 | 27587
24 Jun 2022   #340
nobody here is an executioner and nobody is a dictator.

So hadn`t been Germans at first. Until the Nazi state machinery turned them into eager perpetrators of Holocaust of Jews and Poles in occupied territories.

I'm going to sleep.

Have a nice nightmare about Bobko executing you. :):):)
Miloslaw  20 | 5141
24 Jun 2022   #341
people deprived of empathy, amoral, cynical, hypocritical, cruel, narrow-minded, brainwashed and with no respect for other countries.

A brilliant description of Russian people!Bravo!

For me Bobko is an executioner

Yeah, but smart enough to live in America and not Russia.... What a f###ing hypocrite!
Paulina  19 | 4505
24 Jun 2022   #342
@GefreiterKania, sorry, but me stating that Bobko is "mentally an executioner" makes more sense than you stating that a married, childless woman is "mentally a spinster".

nobody apart from us gives a flying f*ck about. Just to put things into perspective.

People like Bobko and Velund are supporting and keeping leaders like Putin in power. They're supporting an invasion of Poland's neighbour, the destruction of a country and it's people. Just to put things into perspective.

Anyways, screw you guys, I'm going to sleep.

Screw you too. I'm tired of your mood swings, I'm done with you, strange person :/

So hadn`t been Germans at first. Until the Nazi state machinery turned them into eager perpetrators of Holocaust of Jews and Poles in occupied territories.

Exactly... :(
pawian  226 | 27587
24 Jun 2022   #343
I'm tired of your mood swings,

Let`s hope he gets over that depression and returns to his sound state soon. Coz now he is under the influence. :):)
jon357  72 | 23528
24 Jun 2022   #344
here is an executioner and nobody is a dictator.

Sadly there are people who approve of the actions of a country with both

One that is a direct threat to Poland and is currently pursuing a scorched earth policy in the country next door
Bobko  27 | 2128
24 Jun 2022   #345
Nazi officer had a pleasant chat with you about ballet and literature, he would give some compliments and then shoot your sister in the head

Absent the shooting the sister in the head part, this is the stuff of film and literature. Not to overuse the Bible, let's use Hollywood as a gauge of what people respond to. The Pianist, is literally about a Jew and a German officer in Poland finding a mutual respect despite everything else going on. Schindler's List won an Academy Award for showing how a German entrepreneur and his Jewish deputy saved thousands of lives. What is so terrible or fantastical about people reaching out across the lines? Small people, encountering each other, and not allowing the outside context (which is admittedly terrible) to color their interaction?
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
24 Jun 2022   #346
you are repulsive to decent people. Yuk!

How old are you? your histerical left wing views are repulsive. Your histeria about the war is kind off on a fringe, are you Ukrainian?

If that's the "Russian perspective"

Why are you suprised?

People like Bobko and Velund are supporting and keeping leaders like Putin in power.

So what? Isn't that obvious? What you going to do? Write posts in capital letters addresed to them? With acusations or abuse? To want end? Why don't you grow up? You have that chance it is too late for pawian.

I prefer to see what they think and how they think and even how they lie and manipulate.
That is interesting, if you prefer to preach at them that is lame.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
24 Jun 2022   #347
Russian perspective is such: Say what is needed to avoid as much trouble as possible even lying through teeth, preferably while having a laugh and liking it that the people they are talking to are being duped and get to feel superior. But when a nation points out their lying they get upset. Appearently somebody trying to save their soul is incomprehensable.

As they have lost touch with reality they forgot and don't care about two of the greatest military victories that Russians and Poles won together. Battle at Grunwald and battle for Berlin, each group providing more means then the other in seperate battles.

Yet instead of truly wanting to co-operate and stand together and learn from that, they wish to feel that they can rival U.S.A and China at the same or preferably playing them against each other.

It ended badly for Second Polish republic trying to balance between two major military powerhouses. Thinking itself superior, same with Yugoslavia and it's neutral policy that made it explode in the end when internal factions grabbed after foreign support&influence. I hope Russians will learn in time.

Instead of Russians grieving shared strife and misery in chains which both nations are FREE from now. In a true fashion!

Lukashenko challenged Poland's sovereignty by sending middle eastern migrants, thinking Poland is Americas lapdop that will bark and do nothing until U.S.A arrives, then strike a deal to earn moneys.

Now that he failed with that he cries: "foul" and runs to Putin for support.

Wether Russian Federation or state of Ukraine has greatest claim to the continuation of Kiev Rus (people of Ukraine have it more in my opinion).

It doesn't change the fact that human beings are at war in a slavic country, waged war by another slavic country while everyone around tries to coin the situation in their favor with whatever is possible or make a good deal.

Russians and Ukrainians got to come to their senses.
Bobko  27 | 2128
24 Jun 2022   #348
Russians and Ukrainians got to come to their senses.

Agreed. Surprisingly sober account, except I don't think Russia has any genuine ambition to play China off America. More of a kind of "forced embrace". First of all, we wouldn't know how to "play them off" each other, given that our leverage is mostly energy and commodities. Secondly, as you said - I think we're well aware of the problems inherent in trying to sit on two chairs at once.
pawian  226 | 27587
24 Jun 2022   #349
Russians and Ukrainians got to come to their senses.

BS. Ukraine didn`t attack or even threaten RuSSia, quite the opposite.

are you Ukrainian?

Yes, darling, every patriotic or at least intelligent Pole should feel Ukrainian now. Don`t you? So you are not a patriot or a moron. Simple. :):)

Why don't you grow up?

Stop this childish hystery. We only call them what they fully deserve - Mongol barbarians, that`s all.
Paulina  19 | 4505
24 Jun 2022   #350
The Pianist, is literally about a Jew and a German officer in Poland finding a mutual respect

That mutual respect was possible because that German officer from "The Pianist" was a "good German". Also Oskar Schindler and the German officer who gave food to my grandfather's starving family were what we call "good Germans". They were so rare during the Nazi occupation of Poland that this term became somewhat proverbial.

Ukrainians these days are calling your people "good Russians" if they're anti-Putin and are against invading Ukraine and other neighbouring countries. Those "good Russians" are also rare, unfortunately.

You're not "a good Russian" though, Bobko. You're a Putinist. If you lived in the times of World War II in Germany you would be what Poles call a "hitlerowiec". A follower of Hitler and you'd be giving us in your cultured, well-mannered way your perspective on what "the Great Reich" wants.

So what?

You're clearly not intelligent enough to understand why I'm writing what I'm writing, so just ignore my posts and don't waste my time.

That is interesting, if you prefer to preach at them that is lame.

I'm not preaching, I'm sharing my thoughts and observations, just like you do. I'm not telling Russians to shut up on this forum, so I don't know what's your problem. As for me personally - as I already wrote more than once, I've discussed with Russians for 7 years and I know pretty well what they think and how they think and even how they lie and manipulate. But knock yourself out.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
24 Jun 2022   #351
every patriotic or at least intelligent Pole should feel Ukrainian now.

What kind of BS is that? If you are Ukrianian you should go there and enlist.

You're clearly not intelligent enough to understand why I'm writing what I'm writing

Enligthen me. I think you write them because it makes you feel better and on the top you like to preach or nag.

Russians for 7 years and I know pretty well what they think and how they think and even how they lie and manipulate.

If that is the case why would you do it all over again on PF? Give yourself a break. Isn't that boring for you if you already know it all.
pawian  226 | 27587
24 Jun 2022   #352
You're clearly not intelligent enough to understand

That`s Iron`s eternal game here - playing stupid. :):):)
Paulina  19 | 4505
24 Jun 2022   #353
Enligthen me.

Sorry, but you're like Novichok - a complete waste of time. I have better things to do in life ;)

I think you write them because it makes you feel better and on the top you like to preach or nag.

Then you're wrong.

That`s Iron`s eternal game here - playing stupid. :):):)

I'm afraid he's not playing... lol
Miloslaw  20 | 5141
24 Jun 2022   #354
I hope Russians will learn in time.

That is the problem.
Russians never seem to learn from their mistakes.

It doesn't change the fact that human beings are at war in a slavic country, waged war by another slavic country

And this is.the true tragedy.
Slav against Slav?
But Russia started this and are the guilty party.
pawian  226 | 27587
24 Jun 2022   #355
he's not playing.

He doesn`t realise it when he is playing. He does after a while when he gets sober...... :):)
Kashub1410  6 | 580
24 Jun 2022   #356
BS. Ukraine didn`t attack or even threaten RuSSia, quite the opposite

Then you are unaware of the Austrian plot to destabilize Russia at it's very foundation?

You think they supported Ukrainian national movement only as to support an opposing political identity against Polish influence on their controlled areas?

They wanted to Shake the very core of Russian foundation which is the continuity of Kiev Rus being uphold by them. This matter was put under the carpet during Soviet Union cause control over Ukraine was a fact and a non issue at the time (from a practical perspective), but it bore it's fruits after the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

In theory Ukraine could claim all Russian owned lands due to it being the more legitimate heir, with enough internal Russian support if Political leadership in Kiev will be a promising option then Kremlin.

Which scares Putins gang so much they would create excremets in their pants if Ukraine wins that war. It would be over for them, the longer Ukraine can influence ordinary Russians, the more desperate measures they will take

If we are talking bullets, control or military I agree with you. But sure understand that U.S.A, China or Poland cannot end Russia. But, Ukraine can actually
pawian  226 | 27587
24 Jun 2022   #357
Russians never seem to learn from their mistakes.

RuSSians have to realise they are viewed by the civilised world as Mongol barbarians, as modern Nazis, as criminal rapists and thief occupiers. Only then they might start thinking what to do to reverse such unfavourable opinions.
Miloslaw  20 | 5141
24 Jun 2022   #358
RuSSians have to realise they are viewed by most of the world as Mongol barbarians, as modern Nazis, as criminal rapists and thief occupiers

Alien  25 | 6442
24 Jun 2022   #359
They are modern barbarian and ...they don't care.
pawian  226 | 27587
24 Jun 2022   #360
and ...they don't care.

Because some morons still prefer to fraternise with them! That`s a huge mistake. No fraternisation with Mongols until they give up their RuSSist obsessions.

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