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Roman Dmowski-Patriot, Nationalist, Anti-Semite?

pawian  226 | 27817
1 Aug 2020   #211
by true Poles like Dmowski and the Home Army.

Please, don`t put Dmowski and Home Army in one basket. It is a disgrace for those indomitable AK soldiers to combine them with that ugly fascist. They bravely fought against fascism and communism and I won`t allow any Neo- Nazis like you to blacken them like that.

Anyway, as a Catholic you should be aware that even Jesus became violent when push came to shove.

Yes, exactly, that is why I don`t hesitate to chastise you in our debates coz I know Jesus would do the same on you.

Ha! How simple.

while at the same time wildly screaming your head off that Israel has a right to exist.

hahahaha antisemitic fury is blinding you. Calm down.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
1 Aug 2020   #212
It is a disgrace for those indomitable AK soldiers to combine them with that ugly fascist.

There are two separate threads going on Dmowski and the Home Army and in each one you are enthusiastically critical of both.

It's pretty clear that you operate according to the following equations:

Polish Patriotism = Fascism

Zionism =

pawian  226 | 27817
1 Aug 2020   #213
There are two separate threads going on Dmowski and the Home Army and in each one you are enthusiastically critical of both.

Two threads about Dmowski? I am afraid you are drinking too much on this Saturday evening. You see double. Wow, we didn`t know you like that. hahaha
Poloniusz  5 | 969
1 Aug 2020   #214
No, you are just an ESL sufferer who can't follow along. You are forgiven.
pawian  226 | 27817
1 Aug 2020   #215
No, you are just an ESL sufferer who can't follow along

ESL? Electronic Sports League? Hmm, you missed coz I have never been interested in any sports leagues. It`s stupid. I always prefered model making. Do you know what this plane is below?

You are forgiven.

You have revealed some Christian attitude at last. Thank you, better late than never. It is comforting for me to know I discuss difficult issues with my brothers in faith.

  • Comment about faith

  • Model plane
call1n  2 | 192
1 Aug 2020   #216
How do you know I am not already? buhahahaha

You will not receive the salvation of Jesus because of your mutilation. You will go to hell.

You are forgiven.

Don't forgive him. The sin of circumcision cannot be undone.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
2 Aug 2020   #217
What you talking about?
How is it a sin?
call1n  2 | 192
2 Aug 2020   #218
It is a sin because man is born perfect. Anthony Wiener, Harvey Weinstien, Jeffery Epstien. Child molestation.
That is what circumcision is: The fruits of the Jewish tree.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
2 Aug 2020   #219
Really? So your telling us that, the human body never changes? Cells don't Get eaten nor replaced? You against making holes in the ears too?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
2 Aug 2020   #220
It's not just the circumcisions. These nasty ass rabbis will suck the blood off the baby's dick after cutting it effectively giving them a form of herpes simplex, not to mention how disgusting that is..

Oddly enough Jews believe that yes man is perfect and that the body shouldn't be changed and therefore won't get tatts.
Wincig  2 | 225
6 Aug 2020   #221
if the human body is perfect, which I seriously doubt, how do you explain that most of us still have an appendix, a completely useless organ?
call1n  2 | 192
6 Aug 2020   #222
I am against mutilating the body of an innocent baby boy. That is Child Molestation. Tell those Anthony Wieners; they are not welcome in Poland.

how do you explain that most of us still have an appendix, a completely useless organ?

The appendix was used when man ate more seeds. It is very useful in promoting the immune system, just like tonsils.
Cutting open a human body; something all doctors do in medical school is sacrilege.
Tell Jeff Epstien, and Harvey Weinstien, America will not tolerate your penis mutilation.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
6 Aug 2020   #223
man is perfect and that the body shouldn't be changed

So why do they snip off their bell ends ?
Lenka  5 | 3548
7 Aug 2020   #224
Back in the day it was probably hygene. When people didn't have easy access to washing facilities etc it probably made sense. After stuff becomes tradition or religious event people turn off their brains and stop asking why so it carried on.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
7 Aug 2020   #225
The sin of circumcision cannot be undone.

In Europe it is mainly just Jews and Muslims that are circumcised.
But I have read that in America it is widespread.
As you are in America perhaps you can confirm or deny this.
call1n  2 | 192
7 Aug 2020   #226
As you are in America perhaps you can confirm or deny this.

I was circumcised at birth because Jewish Urologist claimed it was a 'cure for cancer'

If you come here, you better not criticize Zionist Israel, or they will circumcise you too.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
7 Aug 2020   #227
Back in the day it was probably hygene

What! you only need to dip the old todger in the local stream once a month , job done :)

Or maybe just rub it with sand if in the desert.
pawian  226 | 27817
7 Aug 2020   #228
Local stream? Are you crazy? Do you want to freeze him to death??
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
7 Aug 2020   #229
I was circumcised at birth

You f#ck##g hypocrite. .....
Most American men are circumcised... end of.......
call1n  2 | 192
7 Aug 2020   #230
Back in the day it was probably hygiene.

I don't want to be circumcised because it is a LIE that 6 million Jews died in the holocaust.
It is a lie that circumcision is hygienic and cures cancer.

I don't want my body to be substantiated to political nonsense against my permission. It is my body.

It is my choice, if my penis was not damaged by circumcision, I would not have trouble peeing and I would join the military, like my grandfather did during world war 2.

It is my choice, I did not consent to endorse Zionist Israel when I was circumcised at birth.
Lenka  5 | 3548
8 Aug 2020   #231
I don't want my body to be substantiated to political nonsense against my permission. It is my body.

Talk to your parents then as they were the ones that consented and give the rest of us a break
call1n  2 | 192
8 Aug 2020   #232
My parents were duped by the Jewish Urologist "Cure for cancer / Hygiene " when really, this is done to support political Zionism.
Lenka  5 | 3548
8 Aug 2020   #233
Oh give it a break. If anything it has more to do with doctors wanting extra income. And yes, your parents said yes so the consent was given. You weren't kidnapped but your parents made one of those decisions every parent does many times during kids lifetime. You just don't like what they decided.
call1n  2 | 192
8 Aug 2020   #234
You just don't like what they decided.

If they decided based on facts that were true, I would not be so mad. Just like it is just not true that 6 million Jews died in the holocaust, it is just not true that circumcision cures and prevents cancer.

You want to know something that is true: Leon Trotsky's real name is Michael Bronstien, from the Bronx, NY. He is not even Russian! Maybe after learning the truth about circumcision people on Polish Forums would realize communism is solely a Jewish Effort.
Lenka  5 | 3548
8 Aug 2020   #235
Maybe after learning the truth

The truth is you are obsessed. You used your personal history as a fuel and look for someone to hate and came across Jews.
For your own good you should sober up but I know it's not going to happen.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
8 Aug 2020   #236
Leon Trotsky's real name is Michael Bronstien, from the Bronx, NY. He is not even Russian!

You are nuts.........Leon Trotsky's real name was Lev Bronstein and he was Russian...... sheesh!!
Spike31  3 | 1485
8 Aug 2020   #237
communism is solely a Jewish Effort.

Not solely, but yes Jews took a big part in forming and upholding the communist regime. Let's forget about bias and focus on the numbers.

In Stalinist Poland (1948-53), around 37% of communist Ministry of Public Security (UB) were Jewish, 50% were Polish and the rest were Soviet.

But there's a catch: we are talking about post-war Poland where Jews stood for ~1% of the total population. That's a huge overrepresentation of Jews in the UB don't you think?

Those are facts, not antisemitism. Unless we define "antisemitism" as: discussing historical facts which modern Jewish organizations would not like to hear about.

Jews in Poland were both: the victims of the German army during WWII and the oppressors of Polish population after WWII. And then again the victims of a repression within the communist party after the end of the Stalinist era, like Zygmunt Bauman* or Stefan Michnik*. That doesn't make them good people, thought.

You don't have to reach to "conspiracy thereories" to check some of those facts nad numbers. Because of the nature of the subject there are not many English sources but even a generally left-leaning Wikipedia articles share some of those figures.

Wiki has provided its own, more politically correct, narrative but some numbers are solid.
pawian  226 | 27817
1 Sep 2024   #238
there are no Polish fascists.

Of course there are. Also, there are far right nationalists whose ideology and views are fascistic. The problem has been discussed for decades so why are you lying now??

Polish fascists feel free to do it. They will celebrate Adolf Hitler's birthday again

  • z22932745AMPPolscy.jpg
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
1 Sep 2024   #239
Of course there are.

In a 40-million nation, how many of them? Do they have any real political representation or influence over everyday matters in Poland?

There are all kinds of sickf*cks in every nation - paedophiles, philatelists, you name it.
pawian  226 | 27817
1 Sep 2024   #240
There are all kinds of sickf*cks in every nation

AmaSSing you aren`t prone to close your lovely eyes in similar fashion over Ukrainian nationalists..... :):):)

Besides, I gladly exposed another lie by Ironside.

In a 40-million nation, how many of them?

Doesn`t matter. If there are only 2, we will still claim there are fascists in Poland against Ironside`s lies.
But there are thousands of them. And that is really a problem.

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