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Roman Dmowski-Patriot, Nationalist, Anti-Semite?

Poloniusz  5 | 969
1 Aug 2020   #181
Find where I claimed so. hahahaha

No, problem. Go to your post #156 in this thread. Here, I'll quote you for the benefit of others since I'm sure you'll continue to claim you never said it.

Did the Jewish lecturer at call`s high school lie about bench ghetto segregation law? I am going to repeat my question over and over again.

a finished topic for me...afterwards we can discuss next discriminatory practice

Of course. Like I pointed out previously, when challenged you don't want to explain yourself because you can't and therefore need to move on to other topics.

Thanks again for proving me correct.
pawian  226 | 27817
1 Aug 2020   #182
need to move on to other topics.

Yes, it is time to move to the boycott of Jewish shops. Thank you for reminding us.

Can you imagine that nationalists tried to force Poles to stop buying at Jewish businesses? However, their endeavours were in vain coz Poles still prefered to go to Jews where products were cheaper and customer service better.

So, nationalists had to resort to dirty tricks. E.g., they filmed people who used Jewish businesses and published their images in nationalist press.

E..g, Torun females buy from Jews!

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Poloniusz  5 | 969
1 Aug 2020   #183
There is nothing wrong with educating consumers that they have choice.

You claim (without proof) that Jews offered cheaper products (but notably you didn't say they were of a better quality) and better customer service (but notably you didn't qualify how it was better).

So, let's keep it simple for you. How much did these Jewish shops reinvest in non-Jewish community projects and spend in non-Jewish shops vice their own communities and businesses?
gumishu  15 | 6228
1 Aug 2020   #184
Yes, it is time to move to the boycott of Jewish shops.

as for now it's some of those who favour the 'total opposition' who call for boycotting Podkarpackie - strange like this fascist thingy meanders around
pawian  226 | 27817
1 Aug 2020   #185
You claim (without proof) that Jews offered cheaper products (but notably you didn't say they were of a better

I read it in books about the past times which are available at our local library. If you don`t agree, you have to find counter proofs on your own. I am waiting. hahaha

There is nothing wrong with educating consumers that they have choice.

Educating by secret filming and publishing their images?? hahahaha Neo-Nazis have peculiar notion on education, don`t they?
Ironside  51 | 13098
1 Aug 2020   #186
That is more than enough.

Do do what? Pretending you are morally superior because you CARE? Unfortunately we have only your word for it. We don't know if you really care or you faking it. Even if you care it is kind of cheap as it all a dust anyway.

It is all meaningless anyway without Christian morality or ethic based on it.
So basically you are saying hey look your ancestor weren't so good and moral people ha! lol!

I doubt being a victim of segregation was a barrel of laughs then either.

Well, fight the old battels fi you want. Do you want a time machine?

to whiten their dark past?

Well soviet you haven't yet atone and apologized for yours! Yet you are back to the old soviet trick to call your opponents ( any decent human being) a Nazi. It is a slander and a lie but soviet leftovers can't help themselves.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
1 Aug 2020   #187
you have to find counter proofs on your own

You are the one spreading propaganda. And propaganda relies on overly simplistic imagery and statements which the propagandists would prefer they never to have to explain so instead they change the topic or shift the burden onto others.

Educating by secret filming and publishing their images?

How do you know they were so-called neo-Nazis when it was pointed out to you that the Nazi party was German and Poles were not Nazis but rather victims of the Nazis?

What you are describing above is today called doxxing and goes hand in hand with cancel culture. These are peculiar and notorious vengeance tactics used exclusively by violent intolerant totalitarian leftwing extremists when they can't explain or defend their radical positions.
pawian  226 | 27817
1 Aug 2020   #188
You are the one spreading propaganda.

Of course not. I never spread propaganda in this forum, it`s not my style. It`s yours.

Case is simple - I claim sth which I obtained from credible sources. If you don`t agree, you have the right to prove I am wrong. I said: I am waiting.

How do you know they were so-called neo-Nazis

buahaha a funny deflection of yours again. We are talking about pre-war nationalists and fascists, while Neo- Nazis are YOU and your sort today. When you praised filming people and publishing their images and called it education, I called it a peculiar Neo-Nazi concept for education. Isn`t it simple?? hahaha

Jews are our enemies - those who buy at a Jew are the nation`s traitors.

and more faces

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Ironside  51 | 13098
1 Aug 2020   #189
Of course not. I never

If you caught you lie even more.
pawian  226 | 27817
1 Aug 2020   #190
It is a slander and a lie but soviet leftovers can't help themselves.

Of course not. You do everything to convince us you are a Neo- Nazi - here and in other threads.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
1 Aug 2020   #191
Jews are our enemies - those who buy at a Jew are the nation`s traitors.

You avoided answering my earlier question about how much Jewish business owners spent in non-Jewish businesses and towards non-Jewish community projects.

If you don't provide an answer (or slough it off by saying others should do the research) then you are admitting that the Jewish community was actively boycotting the wider Polish economy even if they weren't running stories in their own low circulation newspapers to do so.
call1n  2 | 192
1 Aug 2020   #192
You avoided answering my earlier question about how much Jewish business owners spent in non-Jewish businesses and towards non-Jewish community projects.

Jewish businesses tend to cheat the non-jew aka the goyim
pawian  226 | 27817
1 Aug 2020   #193
how much Jewish business owners spent in non-Jewish business and towards non-Jewish community projects.

Firstly, they paid taxes like everybody else. So, they contributed to non-Jewish community projects. Secondly, rich Jews offered donations to local charities, also Christian. Simple.


As for Poles prefering to buy at a Jew, I know you are unable to refute my claims. I will show mercy on you - I found a source in Polish - shopping at Jews in Lublin - a lot of positive things are mentioned.

Jewish businesses tend to cheat the non-jew aka the goyim

Nope, Jewish shops were known for good customer service (in Lublin).
In result, average Poles prefered to go to a Jew. Only nationalists didn`t. Simple.
Ironside  51 | 13098
1 Aug 2020   #194
to stop buying at Jewish businesses?

Ah they were doing that because they were bad people, is that your point? If so you a f loony! lol
pawian  226 | 27817
1 Aug 2020   #195
violent intolerant totalitarian leftwing extremists

??? We don`t know what you are talking about.

BTW, do you know that pre-war Polish nationalists praised Nazi German way of treating Jews? Here is the headline from 1935: How Germans fight Jewry. The cartoons were reprinted from German "Der Stürmer"" edited by Julius Streicher, who later was hanged in Nurnberg. The journalist recommeds German methods to be used in Poland.

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Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
1 Aug 2020   #196
BTW, do you know that pre-war Polish nationalists praised Nazi German way of treating Jews?

Of course. Polish nationalists have been fighting against the Jews and the ideologies they try to force onto the population for centuries. The fight continues today and we're winning. One government official even said that Hitler should have a statue in Warsaw.

Jews are our enemies - those who buy at a Jew are the nation`s traitors.

100% facts
pawian  226 | 27817
1 Aug 2020   #197
Polish nationalists have been fighting against the Jews and the ideologies

It was OK if they were traitors of the Polish nation, like Jews in bolshevik provisional government in 1920. Or top leadership (cos all lower ranks were ethnic Poles) of Interior Ministry in stalinist times.

But what about average Jews who wanted to be loyal to Poland and integrated well? What about Tuwim, Brzechwa, Lem and hundreds of others who wanted to feel like Poles but nationalists never allowed them to do so.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
1 Aug 2020   #198
they paid taxes like everybody else

Like I said, they were boycotting the Polish economy.

And thanks for your attempt at refuting this with this example because you actually proved my point.

It says it all really that it required taxation rather than voluntary commerce and good will for this guest community to give back to their Polish host.

a lot of positive things are mentioned.

It said nothing about Jews spending any of their money in non-Jewish businesses or giving back to the Polish community.

Sure it talks about low prices and the perceived quality of service on offer but nothing about the quality of the goods sold to Poles vice their own kind.

But thanks for sharing your link. It's a very interesting and revealing website. On other pages, for example, it does indeed talk about your quip regarding charity. It is mentioned under the section where it talks about the shtetls carrying on a tradition of "self-containment". So, in other words, the only charity giving that was done was amongst themselves. Indeed, the site states that donations were collected from everyone and nothing about relying on "rich Jews" as you falsely claimed.

Oddly, this same paragraph talks about punishments carried out in the shtetl like "a pillory, or whipping." Can you say "human rights violations"? Bizarrely, the most severe punishment is regarded as being expelled from the shtetl. Really? They actually thought public corporal punishment wasn't as bad as being told to leave a community enforced through violence?

Were Poles mentioned? Of course! Under the section praising multiculturalism it says that "a Gentile could act as a Shabbes goy for his Jewish neighbors." Isn't that wonderful? Poles could not only patron Jewish business (unreciprocated) but they could also do chores for them around their homes. Note too that it says they could "act" as a Shabbes goy. Nothing is mentioned about being compensated. But this shouldn't be surprising because halakhic restrictions meant Jews couldn't hire labor on or for their Sabbath. Thank God for taxation, huh?!

Here is the link to read this and more absurdities:


The only thing simple is that as a propagandist you want to give the world a very one-sided, overly simplistic view of Poland's past. Jews are always good, Poles are irredeemably bad.

Odd then that as a Marxist agitator who demands diversity in Poland today you are actually demonstrating through your biased postings and stark omissions that it never worked and was never beneficial to Polish society in the past.

But do carry on.
pawian  226 | 27817
1 Aug 2020   #199
Jews are always good, Poles are irredeemably bad.

Another long post full of lies and manipulative propaganda. Please, try to make them shorter, I read only the beginning and the end coz everything else is such crap not worth my time.

That is why, and it is our new lay tradition, I will only quote you once where you used your typical distortion tactics:

Jews are always good, Poles are irredeemably bad.

I said many times that anti Jewish discrimination was practised by nationalist Roman Dmowski`s doctrines supporters. Decent Poles didn`t participate in those ignoble acts.
Ironside  51 | 13098
1 Aug 2020   #200
Decent Poles didn`t participate in those ignoble acts.

Oh, so according to you 60% of Poles were not decent people. well, you are not left you are soviet.

Another long post full of lies and manipulative propaganda.

yep, that you. Try to change and do better.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
1 Aug 2020   #201
not worth my time.

Once again, you were hoist with your own petard.

The truth is always difficult for you to face when your propaganda collapses from facts. Especially the ones you provide thinking they will support your anti-Polish, pro-semetic bias.
call1n  2 | 192
1 Aug 2020   #202

support your anti-Polish, pro-semetic bias.

If you like jews so much why don't you get circumcised. Lets see how much you like them when the Jewish urologist mutilates your winky.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
1 Aug 2020   #203
True, he seems to have some sort of covenant with them.

That, or they are paying him with peanuts and bananas per post.
pawian  226 | 27817
1 Aug 2020   #204
If you like jews so much why don't you get circumcised.

How do you know I am not already? buhahahaha

True, he seems to have some sort of covenant with them.

yes, that`s the duty of all decent Catholic Poles to love our elder brothers in faith. Isn`t it obvious and so simple??????????????????????

That, or they are paying him with peanuts and bananas per post.

Hey, you are a genius! Today I had two peanut chocolate cookies and 5 minutes ago a banana sandwich for supper. How did you know? I am really impressed.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
1 Aug 2020   #205
yes, that`s the duty of all decent Catholic Poles

What duties do Jews have towards all decent Catholic Poles?

Hey, you are a genius!

Finally, something we can agree on.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
1 Aug 2020   #206
But what about average Jews who wanted to be loyal to Poland and integrated well?

Good for them then they're on the right side. As long as they're not some Talmud following Zionists who view all non Jews as cattle aka goyim who are worthless and should be taken advantage of, robbed, even killed for their organs.

What about Tuwim, Brzechwa, Lem and hundreds of others who wanted to feel like Poles but nationalists never allowed them to do so.

For one, it's bullshit because there was a disproportionate amount of Jews in universities back then and still even today and same with professions in finance, media, politics, medicine, law, etc.

Second, most Poles don't bother Jews and didn't back during WW2. Rather, exponentially more were saved by Poles during WW2 than were sold out, killed, etc. by Poles and that's a fact. When there were roving bands of Jew Bolsheviks causing trouble in the countryside during and after the war of course AK, NSZ, etc. would've taken care of it.
pawian  226 | 27817
1 Aug 2020   #207
What duties do Jews have towards all decent Catholic Poles?

Why should I be interested in that? Is my duty of a decent Catholic conditional? Sb has to fulfill certain conditions first so that I can love them ???

Finally, something we can agree on.

Of course. If you go to a complety dark room, and start shooting at a fly which is buzzing in the air, you will finally hit it even if it takes decades. Do you know which Polish author of Jewish origin invented that concept in one of his books? Ha!

Of course you don`t know.

Hint: the story involved an American as the main protagonist.

Good for them then they're on the right side.

Uf, I am relieved, there are still some human traits in you, thanks God.

it's bullshit because there was a disproportionate amount of Jews in universities

Why was it so?
Poloniusz  5 | 969
1 Aug 2020   #208
Why should I be interested in that?

If you believe Jews are 100% Polish then why wouldn't you be interested in mutual respect and responsibilities?

Can you answer this or do you need to first get permission from your hasbara paymasters?

...a complety dark room...start shooting at a fly...buzzing in the air...finally hit it...takes decades.


Such juvenile and cumbersome thinking. At best, a plagarized scene from a comic book.

Of course you don`t know.

I don't want to either. There is no loss for not knowing. Remember, you said he was an author but not a famous or even a good author.
pawian  226 | 27817
1 Aug 2020   #209
Remember, you said he was an author but not a famous or even a good author.

Begging for more hints? hahaha Ok, so he was the most internationally renowned Polish author.

If you believe Jews are 100% Polish then why wouldn't you be interested in mutual respect and responsibilities?

What does it change for a Catholic if sb is or isn`t 100% Polish, Jewish, Catholic, Orthodox, orange juice or whatever and if they display all this respect and responsibilites??? You should love all and finito, without any conditions. It is obvious you lost contact with good Christian preaching long ago.

Nevertheless, I love you and forgive you all lies and manipulative propaganda you resort to. hahaha

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Poloniusz  5 | 969
1 Aug 2020   #210
the most internationally renowned Polish author.

There is no such thing.

What does it change for a Catholic

You speak from a position of comfort won for you by true Poles like Dmowski and the Home Army.

Even JPII never told true Poles during the Cold War to accept the fate of Soviet occupation and instead love the communists who oppressed and terrorized them.

Poland would not be here today with your call for passivity and "love all" lecturing.

You are not a Polish patriot but rather a Kakapo patriot.

This is why PiS needs to make the necessary investments in modernizing Poland's defenses. They know that bitter unrepentant communist Zionist subversives like yourself would gladly give Poland away while at the same time wildly screaming your head off that Israel has a right to exist.

Anyway, as a Catholic you should be aware that even Jesus became violent when push came to shove.

Even he knew that weakness never garners mutual respect.

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