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Roman Dmowski-Patriot, Nationalist, Anti-Semite?

Poloniusz  5 | 969
30 Jul 2020   #151
bench ghetto


You are quite the sophomoric student in serious need of a long overdue lesson.

A) True or False, Jews have a long tradition of separating men and women in their community during religious services and school teaching for all age groups and is still practiced by some Jewish communities today.


B) True or False, shtetls in Poland were market towns which were freely inhabited and exclusively by Jews where they enjoyed social stability, homogeneity, and the preservation of their own language, traditions and religious practices.


Bonus points if you can not only identify the above structures and where they stand today but also provide a full explanation as to why marauding "bench ghetto"-enforcing Poles never raised them to the ground.

Extra bonus points if you can explain why the above structures are so amusingly large for a community which you propagandize as being segregated, downtrodden, poor and therefore oh-so deserving of everyone's pity and unreserved apologies.
pawian  226 | 27817
30 Jul 2020   #152
Jews have a long tradition of separating men and women in their community

Now you are talking about religious chasidim Jews while Jewish students discriminated at Polish universities weren`t chasidim - in fact, they were lay people, well integrated in the society, the same as Poles, except their surnames and noses.

why marauding "bench ghetto"-enforcing Poles never raised them to the ground.

Simple - Those antisemitic rulers couldn`t pull down Jewish buildings coz that would make them look the same as Nazis in Germany.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
30 Jul 2020   #153
Now you are talking about

You had only two True or False questions to answer with hints plus the chance to earn some bonus points.

You failed and you only have yourself to blame.

weren`t chasidim

Oh, so the Jewish students at university had nothing in common at all with chasidim Jews. Do tell us more.
pawian  226 | 27817
30 Jul 2020   #154
You had only two True or False questions to answer

That`s your typical tactic when you realise you are losing and don`t know how to save your ass in the discussion. HA!

Why are you losing? Simple: you didn`t answer my question - was bench ghetto a lie or not? :):):):)

Extra bonus points if you can explain why the above structures are so amusingly large for a community

Large? Surely, you can`t be serious. hahaha

Look at a large house in prewar Warsaw:

  • images.jpg
Poloniusz  5 | 969
30 Jul 2020   #155
That`s your typical tactic when you realise you are losing

Nope. But the pattern you consistently display (like others here with your lefty mindset) is to never explain yourself and talk about something else. Oh, and you always show how nervous you are about having an honest conversation by shouting slurs at those of us who are willing to challenge your propaganda.

Look at a large house in prewar Warsaw

See, digression. Thanks for proving my point.

But sorry, the test I gave you is over and you can't take it again. You failed.
pawian  226 | 27817
30 Jul 2020   #156
Jews have a long tradition of separating men and women in their community

It is a useless argument. We are talking about Polish-made seperation. There were no such traditions in Polish communities.

You failed.

Of course not. Why? Simple: You still haven`t answered my question: Did the Jewish lecturer at call`s high school lie about bench ghetto segregation law?

You`d better not shun it coz I am going to repeat my question over and over again. hahahaha
call1n  2 | 192
30 Jul 2020   #157
I suggested Neo Nazi in another thread.

Are there any Polish people who have affinity for Tsarists Russia? Maybe who have ancestors who fought in the Imperial Russian military when a part of Poland was under Russia?

The protocols of the elders of Zion were written to tell the truth about Jews. The Russian revolution happened because Tsarists Russia refused to pay back the Rothschild bankers after they funded the Japanese during the Russo-Japanese war.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
30 Jul 2020   #158
There were no such traditions in Polish communities.

But you always claim Jews are Polish and Jews themselves practiced segregated seating amongst themselves even in schools.

So you better explain this contradiction in your propaganda.

Did the Jewish lecturer at call`s high school lie about bench ghetto segregation law?

Yes, it was a lie.

It was never a law enacted by the Polish government.

It was a policy at the university level.

Big difference.

But prove me wrong.

Provide a copy of this so-called "bench ghetto segregation law." Chapter, verse, and law code number.

Provide the names of the Jewish members of the Sejm during this period who either voted for or against this so-called "bench ghetto segregation law."

Also, give us numbers for the Jewish students who left their universities because of such seating arrangements and those who stayed and finished.

You can do all this, right? Or are you going to change the topic? My safe bet is that you, of course, will do the latter.
Ironside  51 | 13083
30 Jul 2020   #159
ghetto benches.

good! So what?

the boycott of Jewish businesses?

So what? who was doing it? Gov? No! So shut you gob commie traitor!

Bo ho! Is that all terrible issues you could come up with. Good you are not make some up as in the thread about Polish Anti-Soviet soldiers. yuck!

. Poles considered it a waste of resources which they couldn`t afford.

That is a fact. Are you say it is a lie? So did allies, they Didn't give F copulation about Jews and never lifted a finger to help them. So what?

In fact they never bombed railways that Jews were transported to Auschwitz . They said - So Germans are using so much needed transport capacities not to support their fronts but in some crazy scheme to kill some civilians. Good! Better for us. It would be easier to win then.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
31 Jul 2020   #160
What I read about Dmowski's stance towards minorities is that Poles could have any religion they pleased (protestant, orthodox, Islam) as long as they didn't have Jewish ancestry. Cause then they would have to be Catholics to be considered Polish. Not sure why he meant that, perhaps cause there were large ghetto communities that excluded themselves from the life of the general public (also own towns&villages)

Or fear of them turning to communism if not being religious (if a Jew was to be religious as in Hebrew, they tend to stick together like glue. Just as many other religiously connected people)
pawian  226 | 27817
31 Jul 2020   #161
Jews are Polish and Jews themselves practiced segregated seating amongst themselves even in schools.

Poles didn`t practice it for themselves so why suddenly for Jews??? Christian students who wanted to show solidarity with discriminated uni mates were also snubbed, even beaten by endecja students.

Yes, it was a lie. It was never a law enacted by the Polish government. It was a policy at the university level.

hahaha So, you chose to lie against obvious facts which took place for real. You are a classic denier and falsifier of history now. hahaha.

The truth is there was a segregation into Poles and non-Poles by nationalist maniacs. And the Polish government didn`t have to pass any laws - it was enough they officially approved of it in 1937. If they had wanted, they could have easily forced universities to withdraw their discriminatory practices. But they didn`t want to do that coz it also belonged to their own policy of discrimination against Jews. Ha!

All in all, Poles (now we should add: nationalist Poles) discriminated against Jews at universities and were planning to spread the ghetto bench to lower types of school but the German threat suspended those plans. Simple.

You can yap out even thousands posts denying it but facts are facts.

PS. Now I am going to breakfast but afterwards we can discuss next discriminatory practice - numerus clausus. Ha!
pawian  226 | 27817
31 Jul 2020   #162
good! So what?

So that I just proved to your Neo-Nazi buddy that he was lying when he claimed there was no segregation into Poles and Jews in prewar Poland.

Btw, stop asking such stupid questions like a 5 yo kid. Why do you only read the last post in each thread? You should know it is a silly behaviour of yours coz you have no idea what the subject matter is.

So what? who was doing it? Gov? No! So shut you gob commie traitor!

hahaha this amok is blinding you. Your furious defence suggests I touched the soft spot, just like with your buddy earlier on. You both are so desperate when eggs are dripping on your Neo Nazi faces. hahahaha

That is a fact. Are you say it is a lie?

Where did I say it was a lie? Again, it is another proof your fury possesses your reasoning powers and you are even unable to comprehend the proper message in posts.

In fact they never bombed railways that Jews were transported to Auschwitz .

hahaha nice deflection but useless in fact. Look again at the title of this thread and get a grip - we are talking about Dmowski and his nationalist antisemitic views, including real cases of discrimination of Jews in pre-war Poland. PoniaƂ, sobako?? hahahaha

All in all, Poles (now we should add: nationalist Poles)

Of course, when we remind that nationalist Poles discriminated Jews, we should also remember there were decent Poles who protested against discrimination. In case of ghetto bench, those decent ones were academic teachers and students, some of them Christian and Catholic. They paid a price for their support for Jews - they were abused and attacked physically by rabid nationalists. One of such respectable protesters was Irena Sendler, who later saved over 2000 Jewish kids during Holocaust. In pre-war Poland she studied law and Polish.
call1n  2 | 192
31 Jul 2020   #163
In fact they never bombed railways that Jews were transported to Auschwitz .

That is what I think the lie is. The alies bombed the supply lines to the internment camps in Poland. That is why there were so many dead jews, they starved because of this. Not because of a plan to exterminate the Jews.


Do you or anyone in your family has ancestors who were Polish and fought for the Czar? I know the imperial Russians were much more specific about the Jews and the Rothschild banking houses.
pawian  226 | 27817
31 Jul 2020   #164
But the pattern you consistently display (like others here with your lefty mindset) is to never explain yourself and talk about something else

Of course not, now you are projecting your own tactics of twisting and manipulating.

E.g, we are talking about ghetto bench at universities., So, isn`t it a sly change of the topic by you??: shtetls in Poland were market towns which were freely inhabited and exclusively by Jews


Or another one by you in the midst of the discussion about ghetto bench: Bonus points if you can not only identify the above structures and where they stand today.


You are really nuts if you believe somebody will fall for it. You can be applauded by other Neo Nazis here or in your area but reasonable people will see through your manipulative crap.

So, as you see, reading a few books about influencing people with manipulative propaganda isn`t enough even for this forum.
Ironside  51 | 13083
1 Aug 2020   #165
that he was lying when he claimed there was no segregation

there was no segregation as you put it. There were not law or legislation to that effect. If there was it was a natural one like everywhere the like prover to live with the like. How is that even on your list of discriminations. You sound like a progressive fruitcake (i.e. regressive left).
jon357  72 | 23654
1 Aug 2020   #166
there was no segregation

  • Screenshot2020080.png
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
1 Aug 2020   #167
There is a difference between state run and enforced "segregation" and private (is that picture from a private event?)
Having people do it privately shows their true colors, and then you can act accordingly (by distancing from those people or not buying their goods as you do not wish to support them)
Lenka  5 | 3548
1 Aug 2020   #168
It's a beach so one could assume at least local government was behind it
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
1 Aug 2020   #169
Better not to assume anything. Especially on the internet in a heated debate where emotions can easily run high. I try to be a cold as possible dealing with sensitive topics.

As long as it's not on a university level or told by a professor, I always remain fairly skeptical and treat anything on the internet as rumors until proven otherwise

That's how I think
pawian  226 | 27817
1 Aug 2020   #170
there was no segregation as you put it. There were not law or legislation to that effect.

Find a post where I explain how I put it. hahaha
You are so wrong. Read message 161 again coz you must have omitted it, like most posts here. The Sanacja government knew about everything and gave green light to uni segregation. That is why they didn`t have to pass any laws coz they had already been created by universities.

If there was it was a natural one like everywhere the like prover to live with the like.

Yiou seem to be lost now. So, was there or wasn`t? hahaha

Oh, natural, I see. If a segregation is natural, does it cease to be a segregation and discrimination? Slavery was also natural in 19th South US - does it mean it wasn`t slavery any more?

There is sth wrong with your reasoning, really. Segregation is segregation and no matter who introduces it and how, it existed in pre-war Poland. Finito. hahaha
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
1 Aug 2020   #171
It's only natural to Create distance between those that hurt you (either they hurt you physically or emotionally) one way is to laugh it off. Do I need to tell you these things? Haven't you studied psychology?
Ironside  51 | 13083
1 Aug 2020   #172
It's a beach so one could assume at least local government was behind it

What local government? People were freely associating with each other I could easy see some Society of Christian Merchants or some such to put up such a sign. It akin to be a member of a club.

Yet another way to look at it! A business has or had the right to chose their costumers or employees. Nowadays that right is not so certain anymore. We talking about 100 years ago when such a take on issues were a given.

Only nowadays such exclusions are deem as a discriminations in the past as long as citizen of a state had the same right in law there was no discriminations.

Look USA as exmaple they had numerous clauses for Jews till 60', some businesses like hotels and such wouldn't let you say if they knew you were a Jew. I'm talking about 1960' right?

Not to mention segregation whites and non whites imbedded in the local law on a state level (in same states)
Seeing what was in Poland in the 30' is just a not a big deal.
This trend to look at the past with norms and sensitives from today is just stupid and counterproductive.
It rather those who are making it to be a big deal have something else in mind. Most of them t are only lazy leftie fruitcake whose only aim in live is acting out their inferiority complex and in this way they say look - I'm better than you - I CARE! lol

Few know that pushing the neo-Marxist way of reading history and viewing the past is just an another way of advancing their ideology.

had already been created by universities.

those laws at universities had been in the bud, It supposed to be enacted in 1938/9 but in reality it never took of the ground.(look USA it was a law till 60') You are preaching here about an intent. ( yes it was there and I would support it) Which is a shame but predictable as you are a soviet. So Orwellian shaming for past thought crimes. It is not only possible in you world, but it is a very good thing.

There is sth wrong with your reasoning, really.

I agree you can see it that way as reasoning is not your forte and you seem to be lost if someone doesn't buy you BS and argue back with logic and facts.

In fact there is nothing word with my reasoning. segregation can be only view as bad if it had been forced on the populace by a gov by it central be it local.

In Poland A citizen be it a Jew be it a Pole had equal rights by the law. So everything is hunky-dory.

By the way - why numerus clauses are put there as an example of segregation? It has nothing to do with it!

Slavery was also natural in 19th South US -

BS, how stupid you are. It was imbibed in law.

I think you forget to erase the last sentence in your post. As it not only illustrates how dumb you are but also your unwillingness to learn anything new. As after all those arguments and facts you still insist on some simplified nonsense? I can only conclude something that is not a revelation you are a leftie fruitcake.
pawian  226 | 27817
1 Aug 2020   #173
hose laws at universities had been in the bud,

Of course not, the regulation was put in full practice. Why are you lying?

segregation can be only view as bad if it had been forced on the populace by a gov by it central be it local.

Oh, I see, so the segregation imposed by universities wasn`t so bad, in your view. It was natural, as you said earlier. It is a fascist view.

All in all, it is obvious that as a Neo-Nazi, you will never accept the truth which is too inconventient for your agenda. Like your buddy, you are a denier and falsifier of history. Tffuu, svoloch!
Poloniusz  5 | 969
1 Aug 2020   #174
Poles didn`t practice it for themselves so why suddenly for Jews?

Again, you are completely lost in the contradictions of your propaganda hoping no one will ever notice and call you out on it.

One moment you are insisting Jews are 100% Polish. The next moment (when it conveniently suits your narrative) suddenly they are reverentially distinct, always good, and nothing and never like the irredeemably evil Poles.

In your head, they are Jews when its time for accolades and pity and they are Poles when its time for personal responsibility and being held to account.

Your logic is no different than when a business seeks to privatize its profits and then strives to socialize its liabilities.

The truth is there was a segregation into Poles and non-Poles by nationalist maniacs.

You mean the documented truth like Zionist maniacs residing in Poland who actively sought "to come to terms with the modern world without surrendering their ethnic identity"?

You mean there have never been boys only and girls only schools in Poland regardless of the local community they served?

You mean students were never and are never separated for things like physical activity and curricula?

That students never self-segregate into social groups they personally and naturally prefer to be in during and after school?

the Polish government didn`t have to pass any laws - it was enough they officially approved of it

You vociferously claimed it was a law only a few posts ago but thanks to me pointing out how totally wrong you were you had no choice but to climb down and admit that your so-called law never existed. Nice try though attempting to save face by saying "they didn't have to pass any laws."

Everyone here knows you are an unrepentant communist (your side lost by the way) but the vast majority of people simply do not want government micromanaging anything at the local level.

If you knew anything about teaching you would know that teachers want, need and deserve to have control over their classrooms. There is nothing out of the ordinary to assign seating if students are unruly or would benefit by it if they have difficulty seeing, hearing or paying attention during lessons.

If politically charged Zionist students did not and would not identify as Poles then it was clearly beneficial to teachers, the Zionist agitators, and Polish students to assign seating accordingly and maintain order in the classroom.

Jews have always had their own pre-university schools and there is no record or legacy of them doing outreach and having non-Jews attend them.

If they had a problem with any policies at Polish universities then they shouldn't have gone to them in the first place or they should have set up their own.
pawian  226 | 27817
1 Aug 2020   #175
Oh, la la, such a long post and again full of lies, manipulation, distortion of facts and Neo-Nazi abuses.

Yaaawn. Why are you so boring???

Therefore, I am going to quote you only once but it is a good example of your lying:

You vociferously claimed it was a law only a few posts ago

Find where I claimed so. hahahaha

All in all, segregation at universities is a finished topic for me, I have said what I needed to.

You lost coz you weren`t able to prove the segregation didn `t exist - that was your initial claim. I won coz I proved the segregation was a real occurence in pre-war Poland.

Thank you very much. hahahaha
jon357  72 | 23654
1 Aug 2020   #176
There is a difference between state run and enforced "segregation" and private

Not if you're being segregated against.

and private (is that picture from a private event?)

It's the beach at Puszczykowo (and 'private events' are not immune from public oversight).
Ironside  51 | 13083
1 Aug 2020   #177
Of course not, the regulation was put in full practice.

Not, they were not, they might be enacted in some few universities for a year but that about it. Why are you so ignorant and why do you speak with authority about the subject you are not really familiar with?

so the segregation imposed by universities wasn`t so bad,

listen even a stupidity has levels, your level is so low I think that debating with you is pointless. Once more soviet - how numerus clauses equals segregation? Explain to me the best you can.

the Zionist agitators, and Polish students to assign seating accordingly

That is a completely different issue. Which was left to each university to deal with it or not accordingly. Is that even an issue?

Not if you're being segregated against.

By today standards and sensitives. As I said don't apply them to something from almost 100 years ago.
jon357  72 | 23654
1 Aug 2020   #178
they might be enacted in some few universities for a year but that about it.

That is more than enough.

By today standards and sensitives. As I said don't apply them to something from almost 100 years ago.

I doubt being a victim of segregation was a barrel of laughs then either.
pawian  226 | 27817
1 Aug 2020   #179
That is more than enough.

Isn`t it funny how neo Nazis and nationalists try to whiten their dark past? They are known for that in other areas, too - according to them, gas chambers also didn`t exist.
jon357  72 | 23654
1 Aug 2020   #180
neo Nazis and nationalists try to whiten their dark past

They have to. If it's held up to scrutiny people are rightly revolted.

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