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Roman Dmowski-Patriot, Nationalist, Anti-Semite?

jon357  72 | 23482
1 Jul 2020   #121

About as credible as all his other conspiracies.

It's also probably far from a coincidence that a. he was old, ill and paranoid at the time and b. he accused carers of trying to harm him. Not unusual among the elderly, especially ones as ill as him.
pawian  226 | 27453
2 Jul 2020   #122
His stance on Jews was a matter of principle and circumstance. Not driven by prejudices or emotions.

A paranoid murderer also thinks he/she kills out of principle and in cold blood, never driven by emotions. Have you watched the film 7 with Brat Pitt?

Beside it wasn't Dmowski that negotiated.

Yes ,but he had his men and followers everywhere.
Ironside  50 | 12941
2 Jul 2020   #123
A paranoid murderer also thinks

Are you an expert or are you talking form experience if not you are talking rubbish that has nothing to do with the subject. You spammer you..


Have you read my post or you just react to anything you can disagree with without any consideration if that makes any sense or not?
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
2 Jul 2020   #124
Dmowkski and Pilsudski had different visions for a future Polish state but both were complete patriots.
pawian  226 | 27453
2 Jul 2020   #125
The problem is that Dmowski and his like excluded too many groups from being Polish. His patriotism turned into chauvinism, in fact.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
2 Jul 2020   #126
The problem is that Dmowski and his like excluded too many groups from being Polish

That is a valid point of view.
But you cannot judge this in the terms of how we think today.
Just like BLM.....
Both had valid arguments.
I am not sure who I would have sided with if I had been alive at the time.
Ironside  50 | 12941
2 Jul 2020   #127
The problem is that Dmowski and his like excluded too many groups from being Polish

What a might wizard he was, eh?
pawian  226 | 27453
3 Jul 2020   #128
Yes, if Dmowski got power instead of PiƂsudski, one day there would be a forced expulsion of Jews from Poland. The reason would be Dmowski`s doctrine: Jews weren`t Polish.
3 Jul 2020   #129
I am not against Jews at all. However, travel blogs or pieces on Poland often only focus on WWII and the Jewish contributions to Polish culture and cuisine and ignoring gentile Polish culture. Sure, they did contribute a lot. I think an inclusive view is better - they were as much Jewish as much a product of growing up in Poland. Your environment does affect your view and even culture and many things that Western press now considers contributions of Polish Jews were a unique blend, a Jewish/Polish fusion. A culture that Polish Jews had but did not share much of with, say Dutch Jews. A modern example - Black Germans have quite a different culture than African Americans, there is not a single Black culture. Sure Herbrew religon has some universial cultural impacts on Jews in any place but still.
Crow  154 | 9531
3 Jul 2020   #130
I have respect for brat Dmowski. He was patriot alright but took it wrongly. Unlike brat Pilusdski who believed in Sarmatism, Dmowski never, that I know, mentioned any other Slavic ethnic group within Poland, except Poles. What about Kashubs, Lusatians, Silesians, Lemki, etc, etc, smaller Slavic groups on the territory of Poland? Why force them to be Poles? Why subjugate all to Roman Catholicism? And why it had to be Roman, instead of Polish Catholic Church???? Why wrong, negative choices, underlined foreign rule????????????

If Poland wants to win as an idea, Poland must turn to Sarmatism. Brat Piludski said it all right. Intermarium, equally independent from East and from the West. Same way far and same way close to Rome, Constantinople, and Jews. And, as it was during the Golden Age, in Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and Sarmatism.
Ironside  50 | 12941
3 Jul 2020   #131

Yes? he was a might wizard? Well if you think that there is no need to talk to you. There should be kindergartener corner on PF were all childish or senile posters would congregate and congratulate each due to a very profound fact that they are sill able to type.

there would be a forced expulsion of Jews from Poland.

1. are a soothsayer now?
2. IF that were that case - wouldn't that save their lives?

Dmowski`s doctrine:

What doctrine? Reality.
pawian  226 | 27453
3 Jul 2020   #132
There should be kindergartener corner on PF were all childish or senile posters would congregate and congratulate each due

hahaha I like that one. Why so rarely, Iron?

What doctrine? Reality.

Political doctrines are usually based on reality, aren`t they? :)

2. IF that were that case - wouldn't that save their lives?

Yes, but I `d rather you didn`t mix Dmowski and Hitler now. Let`s stick to one guy, OK?
Ironside  50 | 12941
3 Jul 2020   #133
Yes, but I `d rather

Nobody cares what you would rather ...Its my posts where what I would rather matters.

Political doctrines are usually based on reality

What are you chirping about? Doctrines by the definition aim at shaping reality. Jews are not Poles is not a doctrine that is a reality in itself - an objective fact. A refection of reality, why would you call it a doctrine - to muddle the issue and to cast aspersion or imply sinister motives to people or a person as it is the case you clearly are prejudiced against and about whom you know next to nothing.

Why don't you pick on another 'political doctrine' (lol) - people need oxygen to breath.


So you would rather oppose Dmowski and have them killed. What a Nazi MF you are.
pawian  226 | 27453
3 Jul 2020   #134
Nobody cares what you would rather .

I only wanted to offer you a hand after you began to iontroduce logical chaos into our discussion. We were talking about the hypothetivcal expulsion of Jews by Dmowski`s henchmen during interwar period when you suddenly jumped to WW2 Holocaust. Can`t you see the warped logic of your reasoning? Too bad.

Jews are not Poles is not a doctrine that is a reality in itself - an objective fact.

hahaha Objective fact. According to Dear iron.

So you would rather oppose Dmowski and have them killed.

And where exactly did I say it, darling?? hahaha
Ironside  50 | 12941
3 Jul 2020   #135
listen moron in your hypothetical world Dmowski expulse ?Jews, a simple consequence of that fact would have been no Jews in Poland killed by the German during WWII.

Even imagery worlds need to fallow some basic rules of consistency and logic otherwise it is just feverish refurbish.
pawian  226 | 27453
3 Jul 2020   #136
listen moron

Oh la la, is our dear iron annoyed? buhahaha

Still , you haven`t answered my simple question: where did I say or suggest I wanted to have Jews killed? Just quote my words where I said or suggested it.

Even imagery worlds need to fallow some basic rules of consistency and logic

Yes, logic is your primary problem - you seldom stick to it. Let alone lies and manipulation when you realise you are losing a debate. Tfu, sobaka! hahaha
Ironside  50 | 12941
4 Jul 2020   #137


some many you and ad hominem and so little sense or content, and you claims at victory are just pitiful. Come back when you get a new grey matter
pawian  226 | 27453
4 Jul 2020   #138
Oh, I see. So you can`t point to a quote of mine which I asked for. In this way you admit you were lying. Thank you very much.
call1n  2 | 192
6 Jul 2020   #139
You both are missing the point.
When most Jews think of Poland they think of it as being antisemitic. Want to know why? Watch the movie "The Eternal Jew"
When the Nazis stormed into Poland they saw so many Polish ghettos overrun by Jewish Slumlords.

Enough Said, and I don't have to fully endorse Hitler to know the movie The Eternal Jew hits so many notes.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
6 Jul 2020   #140
When most Jews think of Poland they think of it as being antisemitic.

That's their problem , this is simply not true in modern day democratic Poland.
Ironside  50 | 12941
8 Jul 2020   #141
When most Jews think of Poland they think of it as being antisemitic.

So? Who cares? There all kind of jerks out there, let then stew in their own juices.
call1n  2 | 192
29 Jul 2020   #142
I obviously don't care when they just think it. I care when a Polish Jew holocaust 'survivor' comes to my high school and says that Poland is also responsible for the holocaust like Germany. He said something about Polish people hiding their guns until it was evident that Germany was going to lose the war.(they would not give their guns to runaway jews) He said their was segregation in Poland for Jews and non-Jews.... blah ... blah .. blah...

The United States and the allies were lying about Katyn massacre being done by the Nazis when it was really the soviets.
What else is being lied about?
pawian  226 | 27453
30 Jul 2020   #143
He said their was segregation in Poland for Jews and non-Jews..

Yes, the so called - ghetto benches. The lecturer didn`t lie about it.

Ghetto benches was a form of official segregation in the seating of university students. The practice became conditionally legalized by 1937. Jewish university students were required under threat of expulsion to sit in a left-hand side section of the lecture halls reserved exclusively for them.

Day without Jews - we demand official ghetto!

  • damy_urzdowego.jpg
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
30 Jul 2020   #144
ghetto benches

UAM recently apologised for their part in this, which I think was the right thing to do.
pawian  226 | 27453
30 Jul 2020   #145
Yes, exactly, coz that nasty discrimination was utter disgrace.

blah ... blah .. blah...

if you read more things on the internet, you will learn about other forms of anti-Jewish discrimination before WW2. Have you heard about the boycott of Jewish businesses?

The problem was that Polish buyers didn`t want to give up shopping in Jewish businesses which were cheaper than Polish ones and offered better customer service.

  • [i]Jewish shop - an honest Pole doesn`t buy here.[/i]
pawian  226 | 27453
30 Jul 2020   #146
(they would not give their guns to runaway jews)

He probably meant that Polish underground generally refused to supply more weapons for Jewish resistance, especially before and during Ghetto Rising 1943. Poles considered it a waste of resources which they couldn`t afford. It was hard to obtain such weapons, each piece cost a lot in the black market.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
30 Jul 2020   #147
What else is being lied about?

A great deal and on both sides.

Some Marxist agitators on PolishForums deliberately want to mislead the public by pushing the notion that Jews in Poland were always victims. That these so-called passive overachievers did everything to contribute and integrate but Poles kept holding them back and knocking them down.

Of course these repeatedly told boldfaced lies are always purposefully spread propaganda.

For instance, many Jews in interwar Poland were attracted to Zionism because it "offered them a way to come to terms with the modern world without surrendering their ethnic identity."

Link to the above quote:

How very telling that as recently as the early to mid 1900s there were many Jews residing in Poland (with some still alive today) who admittedly never identified as being Polish and actively sought avenues and safety in numbers so as to protect and preserve their Jewishness rather than integrate into wider Polish society.

Fast forward to today, where this same Zionist movement has its own foreign homeland in the Middle East, and there are now very serious and publicly admitted misgivings, doubts and hurt among a much younger generations of Jews: "as a Jewish person, I was fed a huge amount of lies about Israel my entire life."

Link to the above quote:

If young Jews are being told lies about Israel by the adults in their own community, then the blatant lies that are being spread about Poland by visiting Jews to your high school only proves that this is a well funded, well coordinated, and very sinister program at play.

Anyone who supports Zionism while hypocritically decrying Polish patriotism or nationalism is never, ever, worth listening to. They have no credibility whatsoever; right off the bat.
pawian  226 | 27453
30 Jul 2020   #148
then the blatant lies that are being spread about Poland by visiting Jews to your high school

Did they lie about Polish Jewish segregation aka bench ghetto at Polish universities? And demands to introduce it also in lower level schools but WW2 stopped those plans?
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
30 Jul 2020   #149

So, from your posts we have established two things.

1.You hate Jews.
2. You think they were were the major cause of some, if not all of Polands problems.

For some reason, the last time I attacked you for those sort of opinions, the PF mods gave me a warning and a short ban.

Not sure that you got rhe same treatment though.....
All anti semites are either Fascists, Communists or Islamic extremists.....which of them are you?
pawian  226 | 27453
30 Jul 2020   #150
I suggested Neo Nazi in another thread.

Home / History / Roman Dmowski-Patriot, Nationalist, Anti-Semite?

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