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What do Poles think about Turks?

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
29 May 2008   #241
Maybe it is time to try to assimilate Turks ?

They will rather try to assimilate YOU to THEM!
southern  73 | 7059
29 May 2008   #242
Yes,exactly.The Turks feel superior to the West.They do not try to adjust.
Marek  4 | 867
29 May 2008   #243
Just as here in the States, The Turks and others like them, the Chinese, Vietnamese, Hispanics, even immigrant Bukharian Jews etc... will always continue to look especially attractive to business because they offer cheap labor. Old Darwinist-Capitalist slogan: Don't pay a cent for something, no matter how good, if you can get it for free (or close to free)!
Lukasz  49 | 1746
29 May 2008   #244
They will rather try to assimilate YOU to THEM!

Greeks are good example that it is possible to assimilate turks.

I say no for nazi propaganda. Get real bratwurst look how people live. About what they think : work about life about pleasure. Live in real world everything will be fine.

Turks are ok you need to accept them and everything will be better. I have notced that alost all police members in Germany are natives. Maybe it is time to change it.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
29 May 2008   #245
You speak as an outsider....4 weeks in Neukölln or Kreuzberg and you would see it differently, promised!

(I mean...I like turks Turkey that is!)

PS: And your germanophobie is as least as strong as my stop usinig words like "nazi-propaganda"!
(You are still calling Germany the "enemy" in another thread)
Lukasz  49 | 1746
29 May 2008   #246
PS: And your germanophobie is as least as strong as my stop usinig words like "nazi-propaganda"!(You are still calling Germany the "enemy" in another thread)

Germans and Poles are not best friends ...

I am not germanphobe I like your candidate on president she is ok. :)

What you want to do with Turks expel them ? I thought Germans are building museum about expeled immigrants ...

I think it is time to work harder and try to assimilate Turks. I have heard about this teachers in Poland so when you mentioned it in discussion with our Turk friend I realized that it has something to do with reallity. Maybe it is time to socialize with Turks try to be nicer for them maybe they need more time. It is very long process. Your effort is needed. :) First Turk Chancelor will be good sign.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
29 May 2008   #247
Germans and Poles are not best friends ..

How much money and support you get from Turkey?
How much money and support you get from Germany and EU???

I dunno what you are looking for in friends Lukasz...

I thought Germans are building museum about expeled immigrants ...

And you are supporting Schwan because you think she is an "enemy" of Steinberg who want's such a museum be build? Do you have an idea how hypocritical you sound?

I think you support the Turks because Germans can't stand them...

We will send you our uneducated, unemployed, islamistic, backwards turks gladly over once the polish economy is gearing up and searching for cheap try to assimilate them! Have fun!

We will then speak again....
Lukasz  49 | 1746
29 May 2008   #248
we are historicaly not the best firiends. Relationship was good in 90s but when Nord Stream project appeared ...

And you are supporting Schwan because you think she is an "enemy" of Steinberg who want's such a museum be build? Do you have an idea how hypocritical you sound?

you know the problem is that this neighbours started to be better humans after Nazi invasion. Imagine yourself Turks invade Germany and some of emigrants are on Turks side. Finaly Germany wins war and natuarly expels traitors and lets loyal stay. Seems to be fair. Yes we are against this project becuase it is aimed on Poles when Poles were expeled form east by Salins decission and Germans were expeled because of Alies decision. Russians are your friends and Americans are too strong.

Ok it is wrong idea to talk about this issue again.

as to Turks you need more time be patient. Maybe you are going to have so loyal citizens like Jews before WWII ... don't do this mistake again.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
29 May 2008   #249
as to Turks you need more time be patient. Maybe you are going to have so loyal citizens like Jews before WWII ... don't do this mistake again.

You really have no idea, don't you?
Do you know that most of these third and fourth generation-problem-turks who live in ghettoes in their parallel societies speak worse german than the first generation who came here for work???
Lukasz  49 | 1746
29 May 2008   #250
Maybe more smile and being more helpful will help you. ;) It is good advice.

Next time when you will see Turk smile to him say hello. It is small step but it can change a lot.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
29 May 2008   #251

Ooookaaaay...when you don't want to have a serious discussion you should say so!

PS: It isn't the german youth being on a criminal rampage through Berlin! I want to see you smile to those turkish louts who are beating you to the hospital....

PPS: When you smile at one openly he might think you are gay and are coming onto him...he will hurt you baaaaaaaaaaaaad! :(
Lukasz  49 | 1746
29 May 2008   #252
Ok now I am serious watch it

there is even something good about Germans.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
29 May 2008   #253
there is even something good about Germans.

NO!!! Really!!! Can't be...

Lukasz  49 | 1746
29 May 2008   #254
It is lesson for you :) be good for Turks. Who knows maybe one day, one of them will be your Chancelor :)

and send this teachers to some specialists ... they shouldn't put down Turks kids in schools.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
29 May 2008   #255
If he want to become Chancellor then he must be nice to Germans first (and I really doubt that he will be alike to the dregs in the ghettos - and he will speak fluently german probably, not to mention having a good education)

Lukasz? Why this interest in Turks so suddenly? What did your DNA test show? Are you part turkish maybe?
JustysiaS  13 | 2235
29 May 2008   #256
Bratwurst Boy, are there ANY nationalities (apart from German obviously) that German people like??? Lol. I agree with u on the Turks though, i heard stories about how violent they get and that they stab people in the ass or something (?!)...

Lukasz? Why this interest in Turks so suddenly?

i think he only defends Turks cos he doesnt like Germans ha ha
Seanus  15 | 19666
29 May 2008   #257
The Germans like the Scots :)
JustysiaS  13 | 2235
29 May 2008   #258
Wow, so do i :). But seriously i didnt know that. I can see why that is though.
Seanus  15 | 19666
29 May 2008   #259
Ask a German, they will probably say, 'Schottland, ja, wunderbar', hehehe
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
29 May 2008   #260
i think he only defends Turks cos he doesnt like Germans ha ha

Yup! :)

Bratwurst Boy, are there ANY nationalities (apart from German obviously) that German people like???

Germans belong to the people which are traveling around the world most of all.
They go there to see and experience new people and cultures, learn languages, enjoy the food...
Would a xenophobic people do that?
Lukasz  49 | 1746
29 May 2008   #261
If he want to become Chancellor then he must be nice to Germans first


Lukasz? Why this interest in Turks so suddenly?

you started to moan about them in this discussion... after moaning about Poles ... so I have decided to take stance. :)
southern  73 | 7059
29 May 2008   #262
Why all this turkophilia?I bet if Poland gets overflowed with Turks,you will search for ways to throw them out one way or another.

Ask any neighbour what he thinks about the Turks.Ask the Greeks,the Serbs,the Bulgarians,the Romanians,the Kurds,the Iraqis,the Saudis,the Syrians,the Armenians,the Georgians.Everyone will tell you the same.
Seanus  15 | 19666
29 May 2008   #263
I don't agree, I don't think Poland would throw them out. To a Pole, a Turk = kebab maker. Kebabs are very popular here in Gliwice, the various outlets do a roaring trade. The Poles are largely indifferent to them as people, they let them get on with their work. If the Turks were to set up mosques everywhere, that may change the picture.
JustysiaS  13 | 2235
29 May 2008   #264
Ask any neighbour what he thinks about the Turks.Ask the Greeks,the Serbs,the Bulgarians,the Romanians,the Kurds,the Iraqis,the Saudis,the Syrians,the Armenians,the Georgians.Everyone will tell you the same.

maybe cos there's a good reason for that? it's Turks working for their own reputation.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
29 May 2008   #265
The Poles are largely indifferent to them as people, they let them get on with their work. If the Turks were to set up mosques everywhere, that may change the picture.

It isn't the quiet turkish kebab maker who becomes a problem in the big cities...
Seanus  15 | 19666
29 May 2008   #266
To those who are in the know, it is the Turks that played a major role in 9/11. They don't mind being the intermediaries for shady deals.
Marek  4 | 867
29 May 2008   #267
.....Germans like everybody..... so long as they can feel culturally, intellectually, athletically, or especially technologically, superior. Come to think about it, maybe they're just plain tired of always being on top, that gets tiring. I'm sure they'd like to turn over the mantel of perfectionists numero uno to someone else. Morally superior? Naah, Germans aren't much into 'hypocritizing' about morality. The latter they, like most of Europe, are all too happy to leave to us Americans! -:) LOL Seems we can expound for endless hours abour brotherly love, except of course, once we need to practice it.

I guess Turkey and Turks need better pr. The US is the world capital of public relations (sorry, second only to Austria who was able to convince a gullible planet that Beethoven was really an Austrian and Hitler a German).
southern  73 | 7059
29 May 2008   #268
Turks need better pr

What is better pr than the Turks themselves?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
29 May 2008   #269
.....Germans like everybody..... so long as they can feel culturally, intellectually, athletically, or especially technologically, superior.


The US is the world capital of public relations

Then why is Germany's image world wide much better than that of the US???
Not very efficient PR then, isn't it?
Marek  4 | 867
29 May 2008   #270
LOL I meant better positive pr. -:)

I'm Jewish and of German heritage. I love the language to pieces (heck, I all but grew up with it!), enjoy the culture immensely, yet find myself often holding my nose as I slither past the layer of arrogance which seems to ooze out of the locals' pores when some non-descript Mediterranean type comes their way.

Some prejudices it seems simply never quite go away. Rather like being an African American in the deep South today. They're treated almost like anybody else.... on the surface. Yet, the 'oool South' ain't far beneath.

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