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What do Poles think about Turks?

25 May 2008   #181
I am Turk. I have never been in Poland and met a Polish but I respect Polish people. Although their history is full of wars and pain, they manage to become strong today. When I read all above, I see that religious, cultural differences are still a matter of battle among people and I think it is very primitive. 40 years ago German government demanded workforce from Turkey. Turkish people contribute German economy until today. Turkey is always ready to welcome her people who live abroad. If they want to live in Germany, it is not fair for Germany to say "we don't need you anymore, your mission is completed".
Spade  1 | 81
25 May 2008   #182
Mate, there are some morons like that middle aged german BOY who spread hate and bigotry on daily basis and don't want to see friendly chat on this board, Let him moan and b1tch about others if thats what making him feel better ... Btw, did You read today that german couple who put their newborn baby on ebay with eur 1 starting bid? It was disgusting, really sick imo

Link :
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
25 May 2008   #183 need for "spreading" by me...they have earned it through hard work all by themselves!
Spade  1 | 81
25 May 2008   #184

Post reply within 10 seconds ..

No surprise You're online 24*7 on this board and doing the Bigotry job, what a reputation You have been earning too..Ha!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
25 May 2008   #185 showed that you know how a stopwatch works but that has to do with the topic exactly what?

Do you really think the intense dislike most Germans feel against immigrant turks is due little 'ol me???
Just compare the turks with the millions of polish immigrants in the last century...totally different. It's not the Germans who make the problems!

You don't like the message so you attack the messenger??? Great tactic - but won't work...
Socrates  - | 20
25 May 2008   #186
We Greeks had so many wars with Turks and now we are living like friends. Maybe one day Germans will mix with them and everything will be ok.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
25 May 2008   #187
Don't think so...the inter-marrying quota between ethnic Germans and ethnic turks is the lowest of all immigrants in Germany.
Marek  4 | 867
25 May 2008   #188

The question remains: What is the meaning of 'civilized'? Again, the Nazis considered themselves the apex of a civilized society, but were they??? Of course, not. Subject closed.

The Turks never developed the technological know-how of many North American and Western Northern European nations. This, however, is not by dint of their lack of 'civilization'! Japan is considered a more advanced society than China, but in fact, Japan owes almost everything in its history to the Chinese, e.g. their very writing system. Feudal dictatorships have had varying effects upon culture. Japan flourished during the Edo period, yet languished during the Meiji Restoration in the mid-19th century. China was the inventor of paper, gunpowder etc., yet remained, to some extent remains, a third world country to this day.
southern  73 | 7059
25 May 2008   #189
We Greeks had so many wars with Turks and now we are living like friends.

Stop the nonsense.Last week turkish fighter planes passed above greek islands in aegean sea 100 times.Sometimes they passed every half an hour and there were iconic air battles against greek planes.What kind of friends are these?

Can't you for a while hold your planes in turkish territory?

Marek I will put it simple for you.Tell me one turkish invention or scientific discovery,just one or any cultural achievement(except from the turkish moustache which spread throught Europe in 17th century).
Marek  4 | 867
25 May 2008   #190
The spread (but not 'invention' of.... LOL) of coffee throughout Western Europe, the fez and glow-in-the-dark wallpaper... OOps, sorry! The last one was invented by the Czechs, I believe, apologies. -:)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
25 May 2008   #191
Kewl...they helped spreading the use of coffee and the fez which now everybody and his mother is wearing...whoa! True Europeans!!!

:) (May I borrow that joke?)
Socrates  - | 20
25 May 2008   #192
Turkish-Greek 13.000 common Words

Souther !!! Turks are our cousins. We are ancient nation, some Greeks have Egiptian blood, some have Slavic. Most of us have Turks blood. Good euros have taken us to EU and we should be grateful. If we can be part of EU, why not Turks ?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
25 May 2008   #193
I don't believe you Socrates...I think you're an imposter!

This clip here shows more of the reality I think:

A video of greek special forces singing songs of committing genocide against The Turks and Albanians. Greek patriotic songs that are taught in Greek schools advocating genocide. Their slogans are on the recent graphite's that were written on the top of the highest building near the Ledra Street border gate in Nicosia in Cyprus. The graphite's stated, "Death to the Turks" and "Axe and fire to the Turkish dogs." ...

Socrates  - | 20
25 May 2008   #194
You know what French talk about Italians ? You know what some Italians talk about French.

read comments

"Long live Greece&Turkey Brotherhood! Nations are friends not enemies we are even relatives each-other.."
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
25 May 2008   #195
You know what French talk about Italians ? You know what some Italians talk about French

I doubt they sing about mass killing them...:)

And anyhow...why isn't Greece inviting all these turkish dregs from Germany if they so love them??? That way the greek would be happy and the Germans would be too! :) Deal?
Socrates  - | 20
25 May 2008   #196
I doubt they sing about mass killing them...:)

Where we live we sing songs like that. Do you know what Serbs sing about Croats ? Do you know what different fractions in UK sing about each other.

And anyhow...why isn't Greece inviting all these turkish dregs from Germany if they so love them??? That way the greek would be happy and the Germans would be too! :) Deal?

you mix two things. You have problems with Turks in Germany. I talk about my opinion.

GREECE & TURKEY Brotherhood!
southern  73 | 7059
25 May 2008   #197
why isn't Greece inviting all these turkish dregs from Germany

You know very well that Germany does not want Turkey into EU and uses Greek opposition as an alibi.In reality german politicians inspire greek ones to oppose Turkey and silently support them.

A slogan from greek revolution in 1821:
No Turk in Peloponese,no Turk in the world

Song in greek special forces

Do you see them?
They call them Ottomans
We will make our boots with their skin
southern  73 | 7059
25 May 2008   #199
Souther !!! Turks are our cousins. We are ancient nation, some Greeks have Egiptian blood, some have Slavic. Most of us have Turks blood.

Are you crazy?Turks cousins of Greeks?You think Demosthenes and Aristoteles were Turks?And Plato wore jijab and ate kebab?
The Seltzuk Turks came from Turkmenistan pressed by the Chinese who were pressed by the Mongols in the 12th century.And the Ottomans came directly from Mongolia pressed by Dzengish Khan.

Tamerlan almost dissolved the Ottomans and imprisoned Vajiazit in 1402.Greeks were allies with Tamerlan but he did not manage to finish his work because a revolution in China took place.

The Turks ruled over Greece 400 years.They are responsible for the disgrace and backwards customs of all these years as well as for the lack of any monuments and the destruction of the already existed.Turks brought the places which they conquered into primitive situation.They were worse than the Mongols.

Also as Macchiaveli wrote Turks had the bad habit to settle in the land they ruled.This created all the tensions in Balkans and continues to create tensions.
Socrates  - | 20
25 May 2008   #200
The Turks ruled over Greece 400 years.

Aristoteles wasn't Turk. Most of us are partly Turks. 400 years !
GREECE & TURKEY Brotherhood!
Turkish Greek Pop music
isn't it cool ?

Why you talk about that we are partly Slavonic and you don't mention our other roots ?
osiol  55 | 3921
25 May 2008   #201
Are you crazy?Turks cousins of Greeks?

In part, yes. The Turkic input into Turkey was more cultural than genetic. A close relationship does not necessarily mean close friendship.
southern  73 | 7059
25 May 2008   #202
Why you talk about that we are partly Slavonic

Right.Do you know that the haplotype R1a can be found in a frequency of 25% among people of Thessaloniki?Do you know that cities of northern Greece like Florina,Serres have a R1a frequency(slavic haplotype) about 40%?There is significant slavic mix and it is obvious and known historically.Many Greeks in north,central Greece look exactly the same with Serbs,they even have slavic accent.(ThessaLoniki they say with fat L like the Slavs).

and you don't mention our other roots ?

Albanians.I agree that Arbanites are descendants from Albanians.They are still in Greece.But what is the origin of Albanians?No matter how much you search you will never find the answer.It is extremely complicated.

Also Vlachs.Probably they come from Romania(Vlachia) but they always had greek national conscience.They fought for Greece and spoke greek(except from some Romanophiles).In Bitola in FYROM there are Vlachs who 80 years ago spoke greek and now speak slavomacedonian.Anyway.

The Turks vanished from Peloponese after revolution in 1821.They also vanished from Athens.
In 1881 they got out of Thessalia.
In 1918-1923 they got out of Macedonia(500000),Kreta(200000).Now they remain only in Thrace(200000),Rhodes and Kos.(small minorities).
isisores  - | 46
26 May 2008   #203
socrates i don't believe either you are greek. and that turkish&greek brotherhood is impossible, as long as people with turkish complex exist. (guess who? southern? oh no)

and yes there's no way there can be smiliarity between turks and greeks. greeks look like slavs much more than they look like others(!)

southern  73 | 7059
26 May 2008   #204
Greeks look like Slavs

Who wrote that Greeks look like Slavs?Only Greeks in northern borders and some villages in central Greece look like Slavs.There are about 3000 Greek villages and towns with Slavic names for example Zlatina,Zarko etc.

Greeks in Thrace look different than Turks in Thrace.They also look different from Greeks on islands.
Greeks in western Greece(Epirus) look like Albanians(south Albanians or Toscas). They have the same facial characteristics,the same mentality(stubborn,we say Albanian head=stubborn or epirus head=stubborn or arbanitic head=stubborn again).

Greeks in Serres,Drama which are close to Bulgaria look very much like Bulgarians because there lived Bulgarians for centuries.
Greeks in Florina,Kilkis close to FYROM look like Slavomacedonians because there lived Slavomacedonians.In fact many of them are Slavomacedonians who speak Greek.

Greeks on Aegean islands close to Turkey(Rhodes,Kos,Chios) look like Turks and have very similar mentality.(Turks are described as lazy,angry,dumb,we say angry as a Turk,Turks are bundala=dumb in Turkish language etc).

Let's see some facts.
Istanbul(Constantinopol) under Greeks till 1453:The richest city in Europe,1 million population,a lot of monuments,science,arts,some of the best philosophers,mathematicians of the time.

Istanbul after 1453 till today under Turks:The poorest capital in Europe,no science,no progress at all.

Greece before Turkish occupation in 15th century:A rigorous place with lots of monuments,economical development.
Greece under Turkish occupation:Backwards,primitive place,no development,no Renaissance,no industrial revolution.
Greece free from Turkish occupation between 1912-now:GDP increase to 28000$ per capita close to Italy(32000),Spain.
Greek fleet the 2nd largest in the world.

Turkish GDP per capita today remains at 10000$,among the lowest in Europe(only Moldova and Albania have lower),close to other 3rd world countries.

Under Ottomans:Business,commerce run by Greeks and Jews.Turks sleep and collect the taxes with the help of Albanians.

In 20th century the Turks:
kill 500000 Armenians between 1914-1922
force out 1.5 million Greeks in 1922 and kill a lot
force out 250000 Greeks from Istanbul in 1954
invade Cyprus and force out 250000 Greek Cypriots in 1974
have killed and forced out dozens of thousands of Kurds in the last 25 years

send their planes repeatedly above the Greek islands and have created conflicts which almost led to war in 1987,1996.
threaten to invade Greece,threaten to invade Iraq
support all Islamic movements in Balkans
romannn  - | 1
26 May 2008   #205
I like Turks and Greeks. They are nice people.
Socrates  - | 20
26 May 2008   #206
you are so old fashioned.

Peace and Love. I look like Turk and I am Greek
Anna_  1 | 6
26 May 2008   #207
Greeks are so cute
southern  73 | 7059
26 May 2008   #208
Ha,ha where did you find this video?It is a group of comedians from Thessaloníki.They are very funny.
isisores  - | 46
26 May 2008   #209
actually i shouldn't say anything about you call turks lazy, angry or stupid etc.. there can not be something more stupid than generalization of people in a whole nation.

Istanbul(Constantinopol) under Greeks till 1453:The richest city in Europe,1 million population,a lot of monuments,science,arts,some of the best philosophers,mathematicians of the time.
Istanbul after 1453 till today under Turks:The poorest capital in Europe,no science,no progress at all.

there are still many monuments in istanbul. both from byzantium and ottomans. you know nothing and talk. come and see. istanbul is not capital of turkey, and not the poorest place of europe. its economical volume is greater than whole greece.

and how do you think turks got istanbul from byzantium? was it easy? could undeveloped primitive barbarians do that? surely no, they came with very scientific guns of that time. they had a cannon called "great turkish bombard" which needs 200 men to operate. and after we got istanbul we didn't destroy any religional or cultural thing there. even respected to orthodox people and gave guarantee that they can live their religion as they wish.

at that time ottomans were very rich too, they were always winning the wars so gaining spoils, taking taxes etc.. and after they got istanbul, istanbul got richer too. they opened new science schools, built palaces etc.. they set up an empire from north africa to vienna. don't you think it needs some development, management culture or good economy? they were the super power of their times. of course they were developed, of course they were rich. and istanbul was the most scientific, richest, cleanest city with ottomans too.

but obviously not forever. their development stoped after 17th century. they couldn't keep step with geographic expeditions, industrial revolution, colonialism etc.. they slowed down like every state did in history. actually ottoman empire had to be destroyed much before than it did. that would be better for everybody. it lived too much as a sick state. we turks, greeks or other nations under ottoman rule are mistaken about it. we had to revolt against ottomans much before. it was totally completed its life time and became a tumour to the people of this region later.

Greece before turkish occupation in 15th century:A rigorous place with lots of monuments,economical development.

yeah you were invented electricty and almost sending a rocket to the moon but we came and ruined everything. ok could be a glorious place much before than turks came to anatolia. when we came, your byzantium was having its last times, very bad economy, heavy taxes from feudal lords. that's why it was easy for turks to collect greek cities. local people didn't complain much about turks. the truth is you were not much developed when we came. you couldn't develop with ottomans either. cause after 17th century ottomans development counted back, made everything they did well to the worse.

Greece under tusrkish occupation:Backwards,primitive place,no development,no Renassaince,no industrial revolution.

true true true. biggest mistake of ottoman empire. as i say they had to be destroyed when they got weak. they used religion as a car brake on development of our region.

Greece free from turkish occupation between 1912-now:GDP increase to 28000$ per capita close to Italy(32000),Spain.

don't say before after turkish occupation. say before eu - after eu. without support of eu you would see this value only in your dreams and wouldn't be much different than us. our handicap is being such a lonely nation.

Under Ottomans:Business,commerce run by Greeks and Jews.Turks sleep and collect the taxes with the help of Albanians.

true, you are right about it. and ottomans gave economical privilege to french which also ruined the economy. all importation, no production.

kill 500000 Armenians between 1914-1922

before world war I ottomans had 21 million population. in the war 800 000 soldiers and 4 200 000 civilians dead including armenians. many turks killed by armenians too. turks never did a systemical genocide to armenians as nazis. it was a war with mutual deads. maybe more turks dead than armenians there. but noone remembers this and say turks are cruels. noone cries for us. the countries provocating and giving guns to armenians against turks and rising deads are now angels and only turks are devils?

force out 1.5 million Greeks in 1922 and kill a lot
force out 250000 Greeks from Istanbul in 1954

also tell how many turks forced and killed by greece? be at least a little objective.

invade Cyprus and force out 250000 Greek Cypriots in 1974

you know there was an organization in cyprus called "eoka". which is probably set up by people like you, who don't want to see alive turkish or english around island. they started to kill people in turkish villages and forced turkish minority to out of cyprus with various of tortures. and so turkey didn't watch this as a theatre and answered. we couldn't take support of international arena, and now we are invaders, greeks are innocents. but the fact is turks agreed kofi annan's peace plan and greeks didn't. cause only peace for people like you is non-existence of turks in the island.

have killed and forced out dozens of thousands of Kurds in the last 25 years

killing kurds? turkey is country of kurds and turks. and many other nations inside. we are brother people. if you ask kurds they will be going to say the same thing. already many of them live in istanbul, ankara, izmir. they don't want to leave from turkey. but the problem is pkk terror. kidnapping kids from families and sending them war against turkey. increasing their wealth coming from heroin money they sell to europe. they just want to control this route better for their dirty commerce, they don't want a free kurdistan either. even a great part of kurds hate pkk too. they kill teachers, students, doctors etc in villages. so that people escape and they can control there better. and after this all people say "turkey killed 30 000 kurds". turkey just kills pkk militants. damn pkk is the one killing kurds. you can't guess how much turks and kurds suffered from this. think about families of dead soldiers. and think about how much money turkey spent to stop it. there could be schools, hospitals, universities or many other things done to kurdish provinces with that money. are you that maniac to think we are psychopaths and killing kurds with that money? yes seems you are.

by the way i have nothing against greeks. history is the past. i even support their teams against other countries' or get pleased when they become succesful in international area. cause they are in our region and neighbours. but i just don't like greeks with turkish complex like you. or other people insult or blame my nation unfairly. greeks, serbs and germans could be nationalist people, but it doesn't need to being peasants who hate or insult other nations all the time.
26 May 2008   #210
Southern, we Turks don't dream to invade Greece. Turkish people follows the slogan of ATATÜRK ''PEACE AT HOME PEACE IN THE WORLD'' .

On the contrary, USA and EU have some plans on Turkey. This is very similar to the plans over former Yugoslavia. Divide into small countries. First some land for Kurds then some lands for Armenia etc. So propoganda begins. Turks killed Armenians, Kurds, Greeks. I can add some more easily Jews, Indians, Algerians, Eskimo. Take which you like for the strategy.

But they don't know that Turkey isn't Yugoslavia. We are aware of this plan and ready for defense. ''WE ARE REALLY STRONG''

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