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What do Poles owe to Jews?

OP pawian  226 | 27817
23 May 2021   #421
wondering why so many in so many countries don't like them

Is there anything positive that you can say about Jews? Don`t you see any benefits from having them among us?
Novichok  4 | 8682
23 May 2021   #422
but they had the thankless task of needing to survive..

Madoff sure found the way...
Lyzko  44 | 9723
23 May 2021   #423
Bernie was but the tip of the iceberg! Furthermore, as I recollect, our Yankee doodle Dandy Robber Barons were NOT Jewish.
Novichok  4 | 8682
23 May 2021   #424
Bernie was but the tip of the iceberg!

That was a really dumb thing to say. I am sure that pawian, the forum English expert, will be happy to explain why.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
23 May 2021   #425
to explain why.

Not before you answer my innocent question in 421. :):)
Novichok  4 | 8682
23 May 2021   #426
There are two, both with provocative "you". So, no.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
23 May 2021   #427
Oh, come on, they are quite innocent questions. I thought you were a tougher forum warrior, at least judging by what you told us about yourself, you know, all those guns. etc. And now you are chickening out? Amazing.

But if two are too many, let it be one: do you find nothing positive in Jews????
Lyzko  44 | 9723
23 May 2021   #428
A Jew began the Christian religion! Ya can't beat that.
Novichok  4 | 8682
23 May 2021   #429
And now you are chickening out?

No. I don't do interviews.

Ya can't beat that.

Yes, I can. The Christian religion, like all other religions, is based on lies, and nothing but lies - from the snake to the last "miracle" they needed to make JP2 a saint - and everything in between. Some of those lies are cute, some are scary, but they are lies just the same.

That 20% return Madoff promised was just as much a lie as that wine can be made out of water.
Spike31  3 | 1485
24 May 2021   #430
I would revert this question to: what do Jews owe to Poles?

Jews, over the course of the centuries, have found themselves as an intermediary between Polish nobility and Polish peasants.

They were useful for the nobility for two reasons:

#1 Nobles didn't engage in trade, which was considered inappropriate for them, so they had their Jews do those things for them

#2 Nobles didn't want to engage with peasant directly and preferred to delegate that task to someone else

Given this somewhat privileged position over peasants and having some special business permissions and privileges granted by the nobility, Jews have started to abuse it and engage in malversations, speculation, using their monopolies to dictate artificially high prices for goods, and they would also plot to destroy any rising economic competition from lower classes. Soon they became hated by peasants and considered bloodsuckers and their safety was based solely on the nobility and their armed forces.

So yes, Jews owe a great deal to Poles with a peasant background. But they were also a tool in more powerful hands until the collapse of the monarchy in Poland that is.
Novichok  4 | 8682
24 May 2021   #431
I would revert this question to: what do Jews owe to Poles?

Poland owes Jews as much as Poland owes Christians. Zero.
Now, Jews owing Poles is a good question. Let's start with the 30,000 Poles who were executed for protecting Jews from the barbarians. How much is one Polish life worth today adjusting for inflation?

Soon they became hated by peasants and considered bloodsuckers

You forgot Jesus.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
24 May 2021   #432

That`s an unsubstantiated private opinion of yours which is wrong, of course.

I would revert this question to

No need for that - the title of the thread is clear.

Guys, remember, your infantile antiSemitic remarks won`t stop us from enlightening people with truthful facts! A lot of Polish Jews or Jewish Poles have made an amazing contribution into Poland`s development and progress in many fields.
Spike31  3 | 1485
24 May 2021   #433
I'm neither anti-semite nor filo-semite.

As always I'm prejudiced against morons and half-intelligents...
Novichok  4 | 8682
24 May 2021   #434
A lot of Polish Jews or Jewish Poles

Bravo! Getting you didn't say, Poles and Jews.
Still, you didn't marvel over the contribution Polish Christians made. I wonder why not.

That`s an unsubstantiated private opinion of yours which is wrong, of course.

It's either zero or $X. No stories. Just a number...
OP pawian  226 | 27817
24 May 2021   #435
so you didn't say, Poles and Jews

Aa, you have a problem with that wording? Really? It means you read the thread very carelessly. Or, you only took notice of the title and ignored the whole content. Funny. You take voice without getting acquainted with the subject matter. Did you also use such a casual approach in your scientific research????
Lyzko  44 | 9723
24 May 2021   #436
Assimilated Polish-born Jews considered themselves as ordinary Poles just as American-born, English native-speaking Jews feel 1OO% ,red-white-blue American, pre-Nazi German Jews were German to the bone etc. 'Cuz bigots like you set a super duper double standard's YER problem, bro, not mine!
OP pawian  226 | 27817
24 May 2021   #437

Are there any positive aspects about Jews?
Novichok  4 | 8682
24 May 2021   #438
Assimilated Polish-born Jews considered themselves as ordinary Poles

That sentence is both sick and revealing since nobody ever said - pay attention now - this:

Assimilated Polish-born Christians considered themselves as ordinary Poles....

Never, ever...because Poles never had to assimilate in Poland.

pre-Nazi German Jews were German to the bone

If they routinely spoke any language other than German, they were not Germans. They were role-playing Germans just like I can play a cat. Meow or purr...

Are there any positive aspects about Jews?

What's $X?
Lyzko  44 | 9723
24 May 2021   #439
@Rich's not only an anti-Semite, but a mega hypocrite to boot. He speaks a language other than Polish but does that make him a non-Pole?! In addition, his espursions re: assimilated European Jews is straight out of "The Eternal Jew" by Fritz Hippler.
Novichok  4 | 8682
25 May 2021   #440
Aa, you have a problem with that wording? Really?

No, I don't. That wording says it all. Really.

Now, pay attention. Here we go:
The person who, while referring to the Jews in Poland, says, "Poles and Jews", he or she indirectly claims that Jews are not Poles.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
25 May 2021   #441
The person who, while referring to the Jews in Poland, says, "Poles and Jews",

Darling, it is your problem which I already pointed to - you read only titles, skipping the whole content. Then you make hasty and erroneous conclusions.

I suggest you do it in the opposite direction - first read the content and then skip the title. OK? If you follow my advice, you might avoid making a fool of yourself every single time.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
25 May 2021   #442
Poles owe to Jews the same as Jews owe to Poles.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
26 May 2021   #443
Poland initially saw some value in allowing the Jews in, therefore it was only natural that the Jews felt they owed something to their adopted Ojczyzna!
Novichok  4 | 8682
26 May 2021   #444
Poland initially saw some value in allowing the Jews in,

Poles were blind, stupid, or both. No value other than pity.
If there was any value in importing Jews and other refugees, there would be bidding wars going on. Like when BMW or Ford wants to build a plant.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
26 May 2021   #445
You are an unrepenitent anti-Semite who can't see G_d's truth right in front of him.
Crow  155 | 9700
26 May 2021   #446
If there was any value in importing Jews

But you must admit they were valuable counterbalance to the Vatican`s influence. Even no matter they actually had better connections with Vatican then any Polish magnate. They sure gave more Popes then Poles.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
26 May 2021   #447
The Vatican propagated lies too.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
26 May 2021   #448

Two years ago you used to talk warmly about Jews. What happened that you changed your mind? Were you hurt by a Jewish person? Robbed? Cheated on? Raped? Run down? Even if such an event took place, you shouldn`t take it out on the whole Jewish population.
Crow  155 | 9700
26 May 2021   #449
The Vatican propagated lies too.

Exactly. Lies vs. lies. Perfect situation in which Poland somewhat profited. Better exposed to two lies then only one.

It was and is confrontation of two globalist concepts, Vatican`s and Jewish. They both declare you belong to them, they seek to take your souls, brain and body. Just like Islam.

No wonder maniacal Hitler admired to Islam. Knowing two he opted for third. I f*k them all. Sure, at the same time I admire to Jews as to ethos from whom we Slavs can learn a lot of.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
26 May 2021   #450
Hitler was supported by the likes of the Grand Mufti!

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