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Why Poles love Russia

1jola  14 | 1875
9 Jun 2010   #61
Don't people celebrate Ivana Kupala and Maslennica in Poland?

Absolutely, but you will not find that here on PF. This is a forum for foreigners to talk about Poland.
Sasha  2 | 1083
9 Jun 2010   #62
There are too many similarities between the two, which only makes the differences (and the betrayals, and the violence) all the more traumatic

Very good and thoughtful post!
Aren't you a Russian by any chance? No... you don't have to reveal yourself... :)

No, not at all. I just think it was a good summary of why the distrust exists.

Polonius has been holding antirussian and antijewish campaign on this forum since the very start harping on the same stuff over and over again. Besides his personal attitude shines through all of his posts (except for those that dedicated to names where he only can be normal). Is it healthy for a person of I assume >30 y.o. be on that kind of wavelength every time? I guess it's not...
Wiedzmin_fan  - | 79
9 Jun 2010   #63
Aren't you a Russian by any chance?

I am 1/4 Russian, 1/8 Polish, and the rest of me is Ukrainian. So it's close enough :)
allacces1  3 | 20
9 Jun 2010   #64
I say one backward communist country loving another...
Sasha  2 | 1083
9 Jun 2010   #65

Dobro pozhalovat, buddy!


Hmmm... Look at that, a new-wave intelligent English gentleman here. :) Where are those good old times?


Oh... here they are... :)

polishmeknob  5 | 154
9 Jun 2010   #66
What are you talking about? The Poles hate Russia.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2136
10 Jun 2010   #68
What are you talking about? The Poles hate Russia.

Some do, some doesn't care, and some others are Russophiles

Ahh how cruel can the world be? It would been so much easier if we were all just... humans? (pff how boring would that be)
MediaWatch  10 | 942
10 Jun 2010   #69
Some do, some doesn't care, and some others are Russophiles

I think most Poles just don't care about Russians one way or the other. They don't particulary like them or hate them. Its not like Russians play a role in their daily lives.
Paulina  19 | 4558
10 Jun 2010   #70
I think it's a love-hate relationship

So very true!

Aren't you a Russian by any chance?

LOL And I, after reading Wiedzmin_fan's comment quoted above, thought he must be Polish ;)))
Drac90  1 | 74
10 Jun 2010   #71

at first i was thinkin you are waitin for this Berlinka

You give back our culture we will give you back yours buhahaha :)

on the second thought i have better idea, European museum! we will not give it back, You will give back ours, we will take some of culture of other countries and make it into museum :) perfect plan :D
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967
10 Jun 2010   #72
You will give back ours,

What do you mean?
I don't think there is anything still to give back...

European museum!

Good idea but where should this museum be located and who should run it?
Ironside  51 | 13109
12 Jun 2010   #73
Russians got talent :)
ForVictoria  - | 6
24 Jun 2010   #74
Interesting thread! As an American, I must share this.....(In order to fully understand, you need to understand race relations in the U.S.)

About a week ago I was shopping at an estate sale (it is an "open house" where people can purchase items no longer wanted by the family of someone who died). The sale was held in a town where African Americans are moving in and becoming the majority. There was an African American man and his wife asking the nationality of the woman who was running the sale. She told them she was Polish. He wanted to know if she was pure Polish, and in the thinking of a typical 3rd generation immigrant, she replied that Polish people are really a mixture of nationalities because of invasions of Poland. The black man said to her that this means Polish people have been BASTARDIZED--and she agreed!

Not one to shrink from confrontation, I spoke up and told him Poles are not bastardized. They have been POLLUTED. By the look on the faces of the man and his wife, they were upset with my analysis, but they didn't ask me for further explanation. They paid for their purchase and left. I'm sure the word POLLUTED brought visions of the Ku Klux Klan and racial purity to their minds. I wasn't talking about race--I was talking about rape.

I apologized to the woman running the sale, but told her I was tired of some African Americans insulting white people at every opportunity.

If they had talked to me, I would have told them that in war, rape is often used as confirmation of victory and domination. A woman who is raped and impregnated by a foreign invader does not give birth to a bastard. She knows full well who the father is, but only by face, not by name. A bastard, on the other hand, was given birth by a woman who cannot identify the biological father, usually because she had willing sex with multiple men (which is a sterotype of African American women living on child welfare checks instead of working).

Was I correct?

P.S. I sent a link to the You Tube video "History of Poland in Ten Minutes" which I found here on the site to the owner of the estate sale company!
Krystal  5 | 94
24 Jun 2010   #75
Poliand and Russia are alike. They loves same foods, drinks, fishes, musics, entertainments and they both do cook delicious foods that I know of. Maybe same cultures ?????

There is no way they can't hate each others.
Velund  1 | 497
24 Jun 2010   #76
Maybe same cultures ?????

Not the same, but very similar. Smaller nation in such situation is usually much more aggressive in attempts to keep the differences intact and show to everyone that they are different, very different. ;) Look at Ukraine for example, they even replaced russian-like word "vertolit" with a english "helicopter" in their own language... ;)
king polkakamon  - | 542
24 Jun 2010   #77
Slight differences.They visit the same places,have the same taste,Poles are probably more germanized in some ways.
Borrka  37 | 592
25 Jun 2010   #78
Fairy tales about Russo/Polish "similarities" are result of ignorace or lies on purpose.
I've spent about 10 years in many different parts of Russia, I speak the language, as a matter of fact I like Russkies and I love their culture.

But on the other hand I can hardly imagine two European nations being more different from each other (and it's by no means better versus worse qalification - differant is the right expresion).
David_18  65 | 966
25 Jun 2010   #79
Fairy tales about Russo/Polish "similarities" are result of ignorace or lies on purpose.

Like vodka and Wodka?????

I've spent about 10 years in many different parts of Russia, I speak the language, as a matter of fact I like Russkies and I love their culture.

How are the people there in general?

But on the other hand I can hardly imagine two European nations being more different from each other

Could be that Russia are Euroasians.

This is why i love russians!!!!!!!!! Laughing everytime i see this vid xD

And yes this is in russia.
Pierdolski  - | 31
25 Jun 2010   #80
Interesting thread! As an American, I must share this.....

The way the term "African American" is used in the U.S. is so stupid. Every true white person in America is European American, yet no one uses that phrase.
David_18  65 | 966
25 Jun 2010   #81
YES indeed!!! Down with American imperialism!!!!
Dudeski  - | 25
26 Jun 2010   #82
There's a difference between Russia and USRR. USSR murdered more russians than poles (of course Katyn is a genocide and a terrible mass murder on Polish nation) to be honest. USSR was a worst enemy of Russia and russians (WWII - unequipped cannon fodder, syberia, gulags, femine, mass murders) than of Poland. So we should all hate USSR and blosheviks but we don't have to hate each other.
f stop  24 | 2493
26 Jun 2010   #83
what?? USSRians all moved out and Russians moved in overnight? Poeple were always the same. No need for hate. Those are just games that boys who like wars play.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298
26 Jun 2010   #84
I apologized to the woman running the sale, but told her I was tired of some African Americans insulting white people at every opportunity.

What do you want? You must pay for centuries of slavery. Wait a little and you will see the dawn of pan-Afro-Americanism; and you will be insulted and oppressed everywhere in your own country. The world will get up side down for you.
pawian  226 | 27817
8 Jun 2019   #85
and the 1920 attempt to Bolshevise Poland/ the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact/ There was Katyń,

Yes, but how much of that was pure Russian initiative and how much of Russian speaking bolsheviks/communists? Katyń and other are sacred places for Poles but Russians also suffered at the hands of mad communists. More Russians than Poles are buried in Katyń proper.

To what extent are ethnic Russians to blame for USSR crimes?
Velund  1 | 497
8 Jun 2019   #86
Look at families of CheKa/NKVD/MGB upper officials, and answer will come by itself. ;)

BTW: Feliks Dzierżyński who was responsible for initial Cheka/GPU activity was Polish .
pawian  226 | 27817
8 Jun 2019   #87
Yes, that murderer could virtually bathe in his victims` blood.

Poles rejected him. But Russians` love for Stalin, even greater murderer, is still growing. And that is the thing which saddens me.
9 Jun 2019   #88
Why do you people keep perpetuating that myth that somehow turks kr bolsheviks were going to co wuer all of europe if poland was taken. This has been proven false again and again. At the time poland was as europe as ukraine is today and just because putin takes ukraine doesnt mean hell take poland or anyone else. Quit perpetuating those lies and polish self i portance it is like those right sektora today in ukraine claiming they are fighting for europe or saving europe by being ultras. Fact is they would have stopped at the gate at least at the time due to overextension or because the other countries were much bigger threats than poland that involved the ottomańskiego as well.
Vlad1234  16 | 883
17 Aug 2019   #89
well I guess we hate Russia, we might love Some Russians.

55% of Ukrainians and 99% of Belorussians use Russian as their primary language. Many have family names which are common in Russia. Do you view them as a Russians? What is relation of Poles to them?

Feliks Dzierżyński who was responsible for initial Cheka/GPU activity was Polish

Stanisław Vikentyevich Kosior (Russian: Станислав Викентьевич Косиор, 18 November 1889 - 26 February 1939), sometimes spelled Kossior, was one of three Kosior brothers, ethnically Polish Soviet politicians. He was First Secretary of the Ukrainian Communist Party, deputy prime minister of the USSR and member of the Politburo of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU).
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
17 Aug 2019   #90
But Russians` love for Stalin, even greater murderer, is still growing. And that is the thing which saddens me.

That is amazing, isn't it? And why do they still keep this political terrorist Lenin as a mummy on the Red Square in Moscow, if the mummy himself wanted to buried in the ground and not be shown as an ape to everyone?

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