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Did Poles living in Germany support Hitler's rise to power before World War II?

OP Alien  22 | 5460
9 Jun 2024   #61
That has turned around on it's head

Hitler loved Arabs because they helped him kill Jews, now AfD loves Jews because they kill Arabs. It all doesn't fit together. Well, I can't fix the world, and one day everything will return to normal. The AfD in brown uniforms will march through German cities and burn synagogues... if we let them.
jon357  72 | 22778
9 Jun 2024   #62
Fascists always need an enemy.

Without one, they have no reason to exist, given that they're the politics of hatred.

AfD in brown uniforms will march through German cities

They'd love to be able to do that.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629
9 Jun 2024   #63 we have Islamists marching through german cities....demanding openly the Kalifat....Islamist killing Germans!

In Berlin recently during a demo: "Berlin must burn"!.....Sadly no joke!

Seriously, all you Lefties outside....keep on ignoring that danger but don't wonder about your sinking success...and the rising rightist parties!

if we let them.

It would help instead to blame the AfD for every islamist murder to initiate for once a "Demo against Islamism", for example....just an idea....

But instead a german Green made a joke in the Berlin parliament during a meeting concerning the islamist murder of a police man in Mannheim....she found it somehow funny and others from her party giggled too....

You brave ***** anti-fascists!
OP Alien  22 | 5460
9 Jun 2024   #64
Seriously, all you Lefties outside....keep

I'm not "Leftie"
Novichok  4 | 7630
9 Jun 2024   #65
Do you want more of fewer Islamic migrants in Germany?

If you say more or fail to answer you are a leftist scum and a traitor.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629
9 Jun 2024   #66
I'm not "Leftie"

To put all people who fear the Islamists take over in the "them" Nazis, fascists corner IS so leftie!
OP Alien  22 | 5460
9 Jun 2024   #67
IS so leftie

If you compare politics to football, I am Marciniak. He is also not on any side and yet one side always attacks him
Novichok  4 | 7630
9 Jun 2024   #68
If you say more or fail to answer you are a leftist scum and a traitor.

Hey, Alien, you didn't answer so you are a leftie or a coward. Which is it?
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629
9 Jun 2024   #69
I am Marciniak


*googles redfaced*
OP Alien  22 | 5460
9 Jun 2024   #70
Do you want more of fewer Islamic migrants in Germany

Special answer for Novichok: I'll tell you a secret that I wouldn't want any more. I would like Europe to remain the Christian Europe. Because Christianity is our heritage.
Novichok  4 | 7630
9 Jun 2024   #71
That is as evasive as they get. So you are a coward.
I didn't ask anything about Christianity. My question was about Islamic migrants.
OP Alien  22 | 5460
9 Jun 2024   #72

What are you talking about? It's impossible to answer more clearly.
Novichok  4 | 7630
9 Jun 2024   #73
Do you want more of fewer Islamic migrants in Germany?

What are you talking about? It's impossible to answer more clearly.

Oh, yes, it is if you are not a trembling Euro coward without the First Amendment rights.

Only a hard-core weasel can reply that way. On a witness stand, you would be told to answer the question as asked.

That would be: I want more Islamic migrants in Germany.

Or: I want fewer Islamic migrants in Germany.

Or: I am too stupid to have an opinion.

But, since you are a slippery coward, I am not surprised by your weasel answer.
OP Alien  22 | 5460
9 Jun 2024   #74
I wouldn't want any more

Is my English so bad that the above sentence cannot be understood?
Novichok  4 | 7630
9 Jun 2024   #75
I understand the sentence.

The problem is that you are a typical Euro bootlicking evasive coward who is scared to pis* off your Thought Gestapo.
Novichok  4 | 7630
9 Jun 2024   #76
Man, do I love that First Amendment...
OP Alien  22 | 5460
9 Jun 2024   #77
Thought Gestapo

There is no such thing
gumishu  16 | 6181
9 Jun 2024   #78
He is also not on any side and yet one side always attacks him

that's a lie - you clearly rejoiced when the "democratic opposition" won the last Polish elections
pawian  219 | 24592
9 Jun 2024   #79
when the "democratic opposition" won the last Polish elections

Amasing you still can`t live with it. hahahaha Do you regret that Poland is no longer robbed of its assets by PIS criminals???
OP Alien  22 | 5460
9 Jun 2024   #80
you clearly rejoiced when the "democratic opposition" won the last Polish elections

That's how it was, it was justified then. This game (democracy) only works when all parties stick to the same rules. In the case of PiS, there were suspicions that they wanted to derail democracy.
gumishu  16 | 6181
9 Jun 2024   #81
were suspicions

yeah, suspicions - there were suspicions that they wanted to derail democracy but they lost power in a democratic election - and PO and company are somewhat suspect of breaking the constitution and a number of laws - how about that?
pawian  219 | 24592
9 Jun 2024   #82
they lost power in a democratic election

If they had won, it would be the last democratic national election in Poland. Thank Goddess, they were contained. Like Soviets by Ronald Reagan, bless be the memory of him.
OP Alien  22 | 5460
9 Jun 2024   #83
PO and company are somewhat suspect of breaking the constitution and a number of laws - how about that?

I don't know what this is about, but if so, they'll pay for it sooner or later.
Ironside  50 | 12312
9 Jun 2024   #84

Some left newspapers in Poland claim that AfD hates Poland, is that true?
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629
9 Jun 2024   #85
.....I dunno....I never heard anybody saying anything about Poland, seriously!

But frankly I can't imagine christian european heritage, against leftist internationalism and open borders, against Islam, against illegal immigration...against woke Brussels forcing their rules on souvereign govs.....I could guess there are lotsa more agreements than not!

Oh, you mean "left" newspapers....yeah well....I guess that hate will be mutual! :)

The one big point of discontent could be the stand about the war in the Ukraine....
Torq  8 | 957
9 Jun 2024   #86
is that true?

Nope. I wrote to them on Facebook once, and they replied with words of full courtesy for Poland and Poles. ;)
Ironside  50 | 12312
9 Jun 2024   #87
I can't imagine that.

OK, thanks BB. You are not very politically minded, are you? lol!+
Novichok  4 | 7630
10 Jun 2024   #88
There is no such thing

Thought Gestapo = German thugs in uniforms that would arrest me for a T-shirt with this on it:

  • swat.jpg
OP Alien  22 | 5460
10 Jun 2024   #89
would arrest me for a T-shirt with this on it:

For example, in New York such symbols are also banned, they would arrest you too.
jon357  72 | 22778
10 Jun 2024   #90
in New York such symbols are also banned, they would arrest you too.

Not in the UK, however people just don't wear them.

Home / History / Did Poles living in Germany support Hitler's rise to power before World War II?

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