that Poland bear less culpability
There is no double standards. All is crystal clear. Poland doesn't bear any responsibility or culpability or any -ility you can came up with. End of story. Let it sink in.
would have been
would have been could have been - those are words of spoiled fools who don't know nothing about anything or same malicious little vermin full of hate.
As I've stated numerous times, hatred is a cancer, a virus which needs feeding
Doctor, cure yourself.
Interesting that all big and rich diasporas of the Jews in Africa, Persia and all other places either disappeared completely or had forgotten their past. Only in Catholic and then Christian Europe Jews not only survived but thrived. Coincidence? Don't think so. How about some thanks eh?
Well for someone who is like you a Holocaust_- Jew, that means that all that connect you to your Jewishness is a family history and myths about WWII. Apart from that you are a typical progressive. You know no better.