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Are Poles happy with the current Polish borders?

guesswho  4 | 1272
10 Nov 2010   #31
Are you happy with the current polish borders?

I'd prefer those old borders

  • Poland192139.gif
Eurola  4 | 1898
10 Nov 2010   #32
Polish borders are unattractive and boring

oh, come on..the mountains, the sea, the western rich soil, the eastern ...never mind..
The statue of Jesus everywhere would be just an icing on the cake! :)
I just don't understand why Jesus the King is going alone without Mary the Queen of Poland.
Argh, I'm so sick of the religious icons!
jwojcie  2 | 762
10 Nov 2010   #33
I dedicate you this song, is much better :):

Czesio?! Cartoons?! Oh boy, now I'm sure you have big collection of plastic soldiers and teddy bear behind your pillow, probably with moustache...
Polonia1  3 | 52
10 Nov 2010   #34
because you kicked all the Germans out. Homogenous is not good since it causes inbred characteristics such as stupidity among other things, it is better to have a variety of genes. Look at the USA.

But of course, you can eat only bigos until the end of your life and watch a mediocre Polish football;)

Its Homogenous because the Germans killed off all the jews and stalin shifted the boarders. Also I guess Biology/genetics isn't ur strong point judging by ur comments.....Or maybe stupidity is a dominant genetic trait in ur family.......anyway why dnt u do somthing better w/ ur mediocre life instead.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427
10 Nov 2010   #35
because you kicked all the Germans out. Homogenous is not good since it causes inbred characteristics such as stupidity among other things, it is better to have a variety of genes. Look at the USA.

But of course, you can eat only bigos until the end of your life and watch a mediocre Polish football;)

I was sarcastic in my post :D but only to the point.

First of all the question about the borders have been asked many time in this board and since the Polish government has accepted it on behalf of Polish people I don't see a point in discussing it.

I live in Szczecin and the best thing in the city such as old buildings, parks and the city planning is a left over from the German times.

As for mixing the genes, I didn't mean it literally. Exchanging ideas creates progress, closing yourself in does not and I find that Poles in general are not open to new ideas. That is why I mentioned the US, which has the best universities in the world.


as for Jews, inbreeding has nothing to do with them being educated, business savvy, but with their general will to survive and thrive in any circumstances - they are just tougher breed over all and my best professors at uni were Jewish - interested, informed, hard workers and friendly with students.

As for Polish football, I hear it is not doing so well and that is in newspapers as far as I know.

As for bigos - I love it, but I was using it as an example for the fact that Poles like everything Polish and look down on anything non- Polish. That is not a smart move, but lets Poles stick to what they are familiar with.

Look at the States for what? Ethnic diversity, yes. But, that doesn't mean people are intermarrying. Sure, enough are, but they're loosing their ethnic identity and cultural ties. Then we end up with these black people in power (be it as employer, mayor, president) and the sad part is that most of them insist on playing the race card and basically complaining for the hundreds of years of slavery (in their own ways, of course).

You have a point there. I was merely point out at the import of ideas into the US, which has the higher numbers of patents in the world.

Ethnic diversity is still a rarity in many small rural areas in America too. And they usually have better (sometimes nepotistic) communities (things actually get done instead of complaining)

I am sure you are right, but the places where ideas are generated are not rural.

quoting Polonia1:
Its Homogenous because the Germans killed off all the jews and stalin shifted the boarders. Also I guess Biology/genetics isn't ur strong point judging by ur comments.....Or maybe stupidity is a dominant genetic trait in ur family.......anyway why dnt u do somthing better w/ ur mediocre life instead.

I was sarcastic in my post, but thank you for your good wishes:D

ON topic:
Am I happy the current borders? Yes, I could be in Berlin in less then 2 hours:), which I consider one of the most interesting cities
Havok  10 | 902
10 Nov 2010   #36
I just don't understand why Jesus the King is going alone without Mary the Queen of Poland.

We can always alternate, giant Jesus, giant Mary, giewont with a tiny Jesus, giant Mary, old German bunkers, giant Jesus, floating Mary, Bismarck ship, floating Jesus, Mary, Jesus and blinking x-mass lights all over, polish flags and fireworks. YAY
ShortHairThug  - | 1101
10 Nov 2010   #37
Dude, if it bothers you so much you can always go and see the giant statue of Sam Houston, it’s much closer to home, it’s in Texas after all and not religious in nature. If you ever do change your mind I'll suggest 90 ft. tall Our Lady of the Rockies still closer to home.

If you ever decide to take a road trip through US you will see that every one horse town there has a claim to fame with something giant be it a doughnut, frying pan, ball of twine and it’s not just small towns, green giant and michelin man ring a bell? Now p** off.
David_18  65 | 966
10 Nov 2010   #38
Poland lost beautiful cities like Lwów, Wilno or Stanisławów but gained on the other hand highly industrialized lands with also beautiful cities (Wrocław, Gdańsk, maybe Szczecin). I think the western lands are strategically much more important and I'd not like to have our former eastern lands instead of current ones. Plus Poland is now ethnically homogoneus as opposed to the Parrabellum time

Actually all of those cities should belong to Poland.

Taking under consideration Polish situation in 45' we really cant complain about our borders.

I am definately happy about their current shape.

Yea maybe you should send a letter to the Russian goverment and thank them for cutting us out from our culture heritage like Lwow and Vilno.

On the other hand, Germany and Poland lost the war, the Soviets won it.

Interesting that Poland lost the war even though it was in the allied camp.
convex  20 | 3928
10 Nov 2010   #39
Interesting that Poland lost the war even though it was in the allied camp.

Wars are fought between nations. Poland lost the war against the Soviets.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101
10 Nov 2010   #40
Absolutely not, My vision - more or less.

David_18  65 | 966
10 Nov 2010   #41
Wars are fought between nations. Poland lost the war against the Soviets.

Didn't we win the war togheter with the soviets? didn't our tropps fight side by side with the soviets?
Havok  10 | 902
10 Nov 2010   #42
If you ever decide to take a road trip through US you will see that every one horse town there has a claim to fame with something giant be it a doughnut,

also they have hundreds of giant power plants, thousands of factories, refineries, recreation-centers, libraries in every village, colleges, highways, and $hit load of money to build stupid stuff.

Texas gross state product was $1.224 trillion
GDP of Poland was $688.761 billion in 2009, obviously you can't afford to build giant statues of Jesus...
As far as the borders of Poland, I stick to my story.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101
10 Nov 2010   #43
That’s my point, not your money that build it. Catching on.
Ironside  51 | 13109
10 Nov 2010   #44

mostly shity and of dire need of repair !

you can't afford to build giant statues of Jesus...

its a private enterprise , go and tell them ...

Czesio?! Cartoons?! Oh boy

Oh ! How deeply I care what you think about me .....I'm gonna cry into my teddy bear....gee ..get a grip you dickless tweed !

Marek11111  9 | 807
10 Nov 2010   #45
Polish borders are not historical borders but Poland had noting to say about it as Stalin moved them as Poland is concern it should be happy with a the current borders.
monika87  - | 55
10 Nov 2010   #46
Absolutely not, My vision - more or less.

I totally agree with you.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
10 Nov 2010   #47
They should get the world's top designers together to redo all the continets so the borders become beautiful and the continent is pleasing to the eye when viewed in the form of a map or globe.
Marek11111  9 | 807
10 Nov 2010   #48
Poland is benefactor of Stalin borders shift as WW2 drove Germans out of western Poland and Polish minority population got resettle to this parts from east so in a cruel kind of way Stalin set the borders where they should be for everyone but Lithuania as Poland still is occupying their land.
Sokrates  8 | 3335
13 Nov 2010   #49
There's a problem with that kind of reasoning, Poles got Wrocław but lost Grodno, Wilno and Lwów, all three cities were intact while Wrocław was moonscaped.

We had to exchange cities with working infrastructure, factories and intact architecture for a region that was a sea of ruins.

As for today, apart from Wilno both Grodno and Lwów are dumps, Ukrainians and Belarussians destroyed our cities so we'd be giving away a huge city we rebuilt for 2 shitholes.

I like current borders + not bordering Russia (kaliningrad does not count) rocks.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387
13 Nov 2010   #50
Any involuntary border changes in modern Europe would be seed for conflict, as illustrated by a glance at past European history...There is an overlap of nationalities in all countries of Europe, but this should not be considered as a problem...One good thing about the EU is that it has encouraged a more open attitude on issues related to this...But when it makes a mistake, such as in the case of Serbia, the results are negative.

The only border changes that will work would involve the agreement of all parties involved, in a peaceful manner, such as the split between the Czechs and Slovaks.
POLENGGGs  2 | 150
14 Nov 2010   #51
No, No No
1st much too large
2nd Krakow should be center of all things as it is more or less the most Polish out of cities 1million in population
3rd Poland should be the old borders of GALICIA (botheast and west)
enkidu  6 | 611
14 Nov 2010   #52
I would be happy with this: New Wold Order

- We don't like our neighbours. They don't like us. With the Ocean around it's not a real problem.
- The climate in Poland would be better.
- Poland would be "From the sea to the sea"
- The Tatra mountains clean cut of the rest would form a beautiful cliffs on the south border.
- The Germany and Russia would be separated by the Polish Sea. Any new war would be more difficult.
- The Czech Republic would finally gain a seaport.

guesswho  4 | 1272
14 Nov 2010   #53
We had to exchange cities with working infrastructure, factories and intact architecture for a region that was a sea of ruins.

Very unjust. You should go back to your borders before the WW2

  • Poland192139.gif
convex  20 | 3928
14 Nov 2010   #54
We don't like our neighbours. They don't like us. With the Ocean around it's not a real problem.

I'm sure after a while there'd be some talk about oppression from the ocean, how it's unfair that the ocean is so big, and that Poland could take on the ocean if need be :)
Sokrates  8 | 3335
14 Nov 2010   #55
Very unjust. You should go back to your borders before the WW2

Apart from all political ramifications, Lower Silesia was a moonscaped desert when Poles took it over, we rebuilt it into one of the best developed polish regions.

Lwów and Grodno were turned into dumps by our eastern neighbours, you're calling for Poland to give away regions it rebuilt for the past 65 years in exchange for dilapidated dumps that our former eastern provinces became in the past half century? Thats just silly.

Not to mention we let Germans into what they called East Prussia centuries ago and it took a grand total of 400 years to dislodge them, what kind of an idiot, apart from you obviously would willingly allow Germans into such a strategic position again?

I'm sure after a while there'd be some talk about oppression from the ocean, how it's unfair that the ocean is so big, and that Poland could take on the ocean if need be :)

Y'know Con you may live in Poland but you're not polish you will never see this from our POV, we've been royally f*cked over by our neighbours and beyond, what do you expect? Business as usuall my arse.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967
14 Nov 2010   #56
Lwów and Grodno were turned into dumps by our eastern neighbours, you're calling for Poland to give away regions it rebuilt for the past 65 years in exchange for dilapidated dumps that our former eastern provinces became in the past half century? Thats just silly.

Not if your heart is innit....
You would do so gladly! :)

Borders are a thing of the past anyhow (at least between us)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
14 Nov 2010   #57
Lwów and Grodno were turned into dumps by our eastern neighbours

Have you actually been to L'viv? It doesn't look like a dump...
Crow  155 | 9721
14 Nov 2010   #58
Are you happy with the current polish borders?

i am Slavic nationalist and Sarmatian patriot and i can tell you that i`m not happy. I am very upset and very frustrated (luckily, there are many females around me that helping me to calm my frustrations).
ShortHairThug  - | 1101
14 Nov 2010   #59
Borders are a thing of the past anyhow (at least between us)

Are you sure about that? Perhaps you should read about "Verordnung ueber die Raumordnung der deutsche ausschliesslichen Wirtschaftszone in der Ostsee". Don’t full yourself the question of German access is still alive today, only these days it’s not about Gdańsk.
Sokrates  8 | 3335
14 Nov 2010   #60
Have you actually been to L'viv? It doesn't look like a dump...

Yes i have been to Lwów and yes it looks like a dump, there's dirt roads as close as half a kilometer from the centre, the buildings are falling apart, there's no such thing as street lights apart from the centre.

Lubomirscy palace for example, 2 streets away from the centre you get ruins for example, not dilapidated buildings but ruins.

Then again dont trust my word on it

Not if your heart is innit....
You would do so gladly! :)

My heart is in it but i've been to both cities and they're positive sh*tholes that require a solid 30+ years of work to look even remotely close to their former glory.

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