I'm fairly optimistic about the future.
20 years of Poland in the EU.
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11960
22 Aug 2024 #242
...one of the rare ones! :)
It's not what it once was
True. We had great kebabs in Kreutzberg though and plenty of walking around. Just a bit of relaxation after a stint at work.
My favourite bar is still there though, Brinks Eck in Hermannplatz. Still a Hertha supporters' pub and still a raucherkneip
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11960
22 Aug 2024 #244
We had great kebabs in Kreutzberg
You surely mean DÖNER! :):):)
...but yeah....that's something I would miss too...that can stay! :)
Of course.
We didn't actually do that much there this time, just relaxation and a bit of shopping since my OH can't walk very far, I was really tired (and hadn't walked more than a couple of hundred metres due to being in Africa for 90 days) and the weather was crazy hot.
Nice cold beer though
We did visit Frankfurt am Oder though due to having to change trains. A nice little town. I could happily live there even though the hill from the station to the town is so steep it's cruel!
We didn't actually do that much there this time, just relaxation and a bit of shopping since my OH can't walk very far, I was really tired (and hadn't walked more than a couple of hundred metres due to being in Africa for 90 days) and the weather was crazy hot.
Nice cold beer though
We did visit Frankfurt am Oder though due to having to change trains. A nice little town. I could happily live there even though the hill from the station to the town is so steep it's cruel!
The ubiquitous Döner is also thanks to the European Union.
We've not had that as much fortunately
Really? Because I hear about a knife crime happening very often.
I don't hear about it that much at all and am very pleased that serious crime rates in general are falling, though there was a knife murder in my town last year. The perp (or perps since there were two) weren't from outside Europe though; they were from the country that sits directly to the east of Germany.
And thank your lucky stars it's not guns..
And thank your lucky stars it's not guns..
Tethered caps
Haven't seen them yet but then I don't drink anything out of bottles......
but now there's a huge building site.
I was staying in Alexanderplatz earlier this month. There were massive cranes everywhere!
great kebabs
I have to say the kebabs I had in Berlin were probably the best I've tasted.
I hear about a knife crime happening very often.
Me too. The worrying thing to me is that the attackers are often teenagers.
You don't lose them and they don't end up littering the streets.
It is not like the caps are all over the streets and I have never lost a one.
These bottlecaps are so obviously and patently stupid.
I'm surprised the EU hasn't mandated a cut in CO2 in carbonated drinks to combat climate change.
Yes they'll be less fizzy, but think about the climate!
It is not like the caps are all over the streets
They are; you just don't notice them.
You've mentioned that you always throw them away correctly. Sadly, all too many people don't.
Good that there's less sugar in them, however that's a national rather than an EU thing as far as I know. Poland (like the U.K.) have them quite low in sugar; in Italy, it's like drinking syrup.
think about the climate
We always should.
With plastic (especially softer plastics) the problem isn't the oil they're made of (a tiny bit of crude oil makes a lot of soft plastic) but instead what happens afterwards. It's around for potentially thousands of years if it isn't recycled or burnt.
The caps also go down drains and cause problems too.
They are; you just don't notice them.
So these are irelevent.
Sadly, all too many people don't.
So? I am to suffer because of them?
however that's a national rather than an EU thing as far as I know
Untill our EU overlords decide otherwise.
and cause problems too
This nonsense solved a real problem, it made money switch hands between the right people.
I am to suffer because of them?
Suffer how?
So these are irelevent
No, they are litter. Do try to pay attention.
Untill our EU overlords decide otherwise.
Who is that? Given that Poland is a full member of the EU. That term 'overlords' just sounds like a trashy comment from a tabloid newspaper's comment field made by someone with an IQ of 90.
Why are you against a practical anti-littering measure? As Lenka says, in what way do you "suffer"?
No, they are litter. Do try to pay attention.

there I usually see them
Suffer how?
Getting my blood pressure up every time I try to open bottle of mineral water while having to pull and twist in order to make a cap go away.
A very interesting situation, Jon has become a defender of the European Union even though he does not live in it, and Korvinus complains about this Union even though his homeland benefits from it the most of all countries. 🤔
A very interesting situation, Jon has become a defender of the European Union even though he does not live in it, and Korvinus complains about this Union even though his homeland benefits from it the most of all countries. 🤔
what a stupid post. what has where you live to do with ability to comment on a supranational structure? the irony.
what a stupid post. what has where you live to do with ability to comment on a supranational structure? the irony.
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11960
23 Aug 2024 #258
These so called "environment protection laws" are to measure about what they achieve....most climate laws (not only in Germany) lead only to rising blood pressure in totally normal beings (meaning no anti-climate rightist nuts)....
There is a reason green parties are losing everywhere...to the detriment of real environment protection!
....even as most sane people will always say they prefer their environment green and healthy and would like to help....that is an "achievement" these green numbnuts will get their place in the history books for....not that they can be proud of it!
Such a nuisance like this bottle-cap-coercion is just not the way guys and gals!!!
There is a reason green parties are losing everywhere...to the detriment of real environment protection!
....even as most sane people will always say they prefer their environment green and healthy and would like to help....that is an "achievement" these green numbnuts will get their place in the history books for....not that they can be proud of it!
Such a nuisance like this bottle-cap-coercion is just not the way guys and gals!!!
defender of the European Union even though he does not live in it
Has Poland left then?
Anyway, I'm defending their sensible rule about plastic bottle caps.
even though his homeland benefits from it the most of all countries
And yes, PL benefits from this too.
Whining about attached bottle caps, an inconvenience to nobody, is just durny, and strangely fits his unfortunate user name.
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11960
23 Aug 2024 #260
an inconvenience to nobody,
It's the mass, Jon.....green policy has become a long, long sequence of such nuisances!
PS: Maybe it is better in Britain, and you are being blessed with a smarter, more pragmatic green policy (as with the better immigrants)....not like in Germany...who knows!
Are attached bottle caps a 'nuisance' to you?
For me, they're neither here nor there.
the mass
Worldwide, plastic bottles are a bigger nuisance.
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11960
23 Aug 2024 #262
Are attached bottle caps a 'nuisance' to you?
Not really...I drink mostly coffee or water out of the tap....I never understood the reason for buying water in bottles when it runs freely out of the wall! (Okay, maybe not totally free:)
And juices and such in bottles are highly unhealthy (added sugar + fruit sugar etc.)...everybody and their grandmom should know that by now...but it's just the latest not-stroke-of-genius in a long line! It only serves to make people angry and surely won't save the climate!
I never understood the reason for buying water in bottles
That depends where you are.The UK, Germany, Poland, fine (though bottled water is very big in Poland). In many places, tap water isn't what it ought to be.
And juices and such in bottles are highly unhealthy (added sugar + fruit sugar etc.
I very rarely drink them for that reason (plus they're generally quite nasty except for one or two old favourites, however the attached bottle caps are an inconvenience to nobody.
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11960
23 Aug 2024 #264
In many places, tap water isn't what it ought to be.
Okay....yeah....that complicates the matter....
But reading that other thread one could think that law made by a gov which is otherwise sane and pragmatic and makes good policy and makes the trains run on time again and helps the economy etc. maybe people would not be so angry about these bottle caps....it's the source, in Germany it comes from a highly unpopular gov, a gov and a green party which nearly daily breaks another unpopularity-record!
So, they hate it...
maybe people would not be so angry about these bottle caps
Are they?
If anyone is angry about something that doesn't inconvenience them in any way, perhaps they should look for something else to get all hot and bothered about.
Like the fact that there are so-called 'investors' who are making more money from their jobs than they are themselves.
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11960
23 Aug 2024 #266
perhaps they should look for something else to get all hot and bothered about.
They are....in Germany it's the "Green Party".....till this gov breaks up most Germans take it out on these laws...they won't go voluntarily...
Jon has become a defender of the European Union even though he does not live in it,
It is easy to see something through rose tinted glasses if you do not have to deal with it on daily bases.
Korvinus complains about this Union even though his homeland benefits
When Poland singed up for EU it was just an economic union. Now we get all these ridicules woke regulation pushed down our throats.
It is high time for Polexit, asap.
in Germany it's the "Green Party
Don't worry, we had 14 years of fúcking Tory grifters. So we voted them into oblivion.
Green issues are important. Yes they go too far sometimes in appealing to the emotions of people who don't understand the issues, and I sometimes think I'd happily watch certain green activists being fed head first into a mincing machine however the bottle cap thing is a genuinely good move.
Nobody's forced to like the policies of every single political party in their country, however those who moan the most are generally the least likely to engage politically and actually do something about it in the run up to elections when political parties need activists to help. Many of those who moan don't even vote; and they are in no position to complain about positive things achieved by those who do.
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11960
23 Aug 2024 #269
Many of those who moan don't even vote;
True....but german Greens have become sadly a left party first. And Germany never was a left country, our population is traditionally in their majority center/right. The moment they decided to sacrifice true environment protection on the altar of gender speech, very generous immigration policies, benefits for everybody even if that means going broke etc. they invited population-wide resistance which will end them and that is so not helping the environment.
The climate is not left or woke and gives a *** about humans! You don't save the environment with fighting the majority (the not left part) of the people, that is not rocket science!
sadly a left
Nothing sad about that.
And Germany never was a left country
I'd forgotten that Marx, Engels and Liebknecht were Eskimos.
You don't save the environment with fighting the majority
They aren't though, are they. To describe litter-free bottle caps as "fighting the majority" is just bizarre.