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20 years of Poland in the EU.

Ironside  51 | 13083
7 Jun 2024   #121
Międzymorze has a chance as an internal EU block

Nope. I told you that is not feasible without the US. It's done, for now. (the whole project is on hold) We need to get closer to Sweden if possible.


So, we need to get stronger and wealthier

Not going to happen with those EU policies that we are to implement. That is given, mark my words. Why are you so stubborn and in denial? It is obvious.

Torq  10 | 1236
7 Jun 2024   #122
Why are you so stubborn

Because I still believe in the project. I still think the EU can get back on the right track, and abandon the attempts at implementing idiotic "climate" and immigration policies.

However, if I see that Polish economy suffers, our development is thwarted and EU-core tries to subdue us and turn us into a semi-colony, then I will join the Polexit camp. I just hope it won't happen.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
7 Jun 2024   #123
...not to forget the billions of EU-funds (money!) flowing from Brussels to Warsaw!

Every true patriot would look to milk that some more before hoisting the anchor.....

Donald Tusk's newly elected government has been pushing to restore Warsaw's fraught relationship with Brussels. The European Commission will next week start unblocking payments of up to €137 billion in EU funds earmarked for Poland that are currently frozen due to issues related to the rule of law.

Alone in that regard Tusk is much more patriot than K. ever was!
Ironside  51 | 13083
7 Jun 2024   #124
ot to forget the billions of EU funds (

BB do you really believe that cheap propaganda? Those found are a common Europan debt and that for start. Then it gets better it needs to be spent on green energy which translates to buying junk from German junk producers.

In other words, Poland borrowed money with higher interest to use most of it to spend on the German economy and idiotic ideological policies forced by the German elites.

No, thank you!
I said many times that only idiots believe in the EU giving Poland money.
Also, all that money officially transferred to Poland for the last 20 years amounts to about 1% of the Polish GDP. In other words peanuts.
I would rather Germany wouldn't undercut the Polish transport companies that got better of them,

Because I still believe in the project.

Well, you are a believer.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
7 Jun 2024   #125
Na ja....since Germany is a big contributor of these funds....I can't deny it.

In other words, Poland borrowed money with higher interest to use most of it to sound the German economy

Well...if it's that then the Funds-stop because of that law-thingie would make not alot of sense, right? And our economy should look alot better than it does right now....

idiotic ideological policies forced by the German elites.

Yeah...something doesn't work here anymore!
Ironside  51 | 13083
7 Jun 2024   #126
.since Germany is a big contributor to these funds

That corruption money that goes to Brussels.

And our economy should look a lot better than it does right now....

Not really, your companies are not comparative enough because had been protected by bureaucratic tricks, and their dependence on Russian ores and the Chinese market failed spectacularly. Green policies are for corporations and won't work but you have big companies that already invested billions into it and now they are desperate to sell that junk otherwise they would go bankrupt.

Your government can't let it happen because they are inept people who let it all happen in the first place due to their arrogance. They would have to go if they didn't deliver wealth to German citizens so they tried to stay in that limbo as long as they could in the hope it wouldn't fall crashing on their heads.

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
7 Jun 2024   #127 short: The age of Globalization is over!

We have to change and adapt....won't be easy though....
jon357  72 | 23654
7 Jun 2024   #128
The age of Globalization is over!

I've a bit feeling that it's barely started. China is the place to watch.
OP Alien  26 | 6527
7 Jun 2024   #129
The age of Globalization is over!

This means that a yoghurt for 50 cents will no longer have to travel 10,000 km before it is made.
wslipach  8 | 96
8 Jun 2024   #130
Ironside I feel like I want to celebrate the 20th anniversary of you and me in EU especially with you close beside me, but you clean up that iron and you wash yourself too before you sit next to me because I think you are not the most hygenic person around. You reject everything bio and clean , you like dirty stuff too much, but I like like you , I think I am becoming more and more attached to you and I think I may never leave you...alone.

You are so critical of EU, you fail to see the benefits, but I will make you, I will faken force you , like Bill Gates, I will hunt you down like the lefites hunt down Trump since they own 80 of enterprise in USA, you wanna fak with that?! , I will use every illegal method to fak u up if you continue your right wing **** here, just like Von Der Lyon did to refuse Poland its money, I will send Marta Lempart to your house , she will bang on your faking doors and harrass you like she did with Kaczynski and she got away with it, because courts are corrupted and tied with PO party which EU wants to regulate for iself and exclde Poland from it, that is severe-inghty and freedom we get from EU, so u better appreciate that, so you better dont dis abortion you right wing asswipe or I will get Tusk and he will take over your ass just like he took over public tv and sold to it to foreign entity form motherfaking Western Europe . Long live EU and fak you Ironside if you step out , otherwise I will cherish and worship you, your irondick especially . and you will be even rewarded like all Tusk has been rewarded for selling Polish everything to Western European hands in the name of EU solidarity.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
8 Jun 2024   #131
Threats instead of arguments?

Man, what a tiny dick.....
wslipach  8 | 96
8 Jun 2024   #132
Hmmm, now imagine sausage how I would celebrate 20h anniversary with you and other Germs, any ideas? Actually I have smaller than Micron , I can;t even see it, often wonder if its sill there , and so what? I dont need it big , we Polish can do more with small things, we turned Orlen into mega company , but sadly it was wihout the intervention of EU, actually when EU spotted that we are doing big things wih small things, and our small things become big the ***** forced us to do deal and sell 10% of Orlen's share . Thanks again EU for nohing , for lowering our GDP.
Torq  10 | 1236
9 Jun 2024   #133
Anyways - here's a proof that the EU membership alone is not enough to lift a country out of poverty and corruption...

... after almost 20 years of EU membership Bulgaria is on a comparable level to Belarus in most areas. :-/
cms neuf  2 | 1943
9 Jun 2024   #134
That is one of the weirdest comparisons possible

On things that people care about - average salary, GDP per head then Bulgaria, easily the poorest EU country, is still 2x the level of Belarus. And as your own numbers show it has very low unemployment.

But it's also a question of direction - Bulgaria is going in a positive direction, Belarus will remain poor and blighted until they adopt democracy and move away from Moscow.
gumishu  15 | 6228
9 Jun 2024   #135
yoghurt for 50 cents will no longer have to travel 10,000 km before it is made.

where have you seen things like that?
Torq  10 | 1236
9 Jun 2024   #136
average salary, GDP per head then Bulgaria, easily the poorest EU country, is still 2x the level of Belarus

Not really.

Average wage in Belarus is 830 euro, and in Bulgaria 1020 euro. Again, far from twice the level.

And as your own numbers show it has very low unemployment.

Really? From the same link...

Of course, I would still prefer to live in Bulgaria (economic freedom, climate, opportunities) because, as you said, they develop faster than Belarus, but still - considering their EU membership - Bulgaria fails to impress in general. So, it takes much more than just the EU membership for a country to succeed.
gumishu  15 | 6228
9 Jun 2024   #137
I guess the purchasing power of Belarusias is even more on par with Bulgarians then the average salary suggests
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
9 Jun 2024   #138
I dunno....

1 Belarus Ruble equals 0,28 Euro

I guess it's difficult to estimate the purchasing power of that Ruble....I compare that rather with the GDR Mark and the West German Mark back then.....totally different possibilities!
cms neuf  2 | 1943
9 Jun 2024   #139
There is nothing to buy in Belarus so it doesn't matter what the purchasing power of their fake ass currency is.

Rest of your numbers are wrong and outdated - the place is a prison camp run by a fossil and it's ludicrous to compare it with a rapidly improving economy like Bulgaria.
OP Alien  26 | 6527
9 Jun 2024   #140
There is nothing to buy in Belarus

A problem known from Poland during communism.
OP Alien  26 | 6527
10 Jun 2024   #141
He was elected to the European Parliament in Brussels, among others. Grzegorz Braun from Konfederacja. I wonder if they have dry powder fire extinguishers or anything else? 🤔
Korvinus  3 | 629
10 Jun 2024   #142
He was elected to the European Parliament in Brussels, among others. Grzegorz Braun from Konfederacja

Mr. Braun is a member of the European Parliament. Mr. Kurski no.

Better to act than to tell?


Ironside  51 | 13083
10 Jun 2024   #143
Grzegorz Braun

Good, he will stir that ...

Ironside I

B'tch stop your whining who told you that you are allowed to do that?
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
10 Jun 2024   #144
There is nothing to buy in Belarus

There used to be digital entertainment (World of Tanks) that I boycotted until they threw them out of their own country. Now I feel no guilt over paying for any tank driving entertainment if I wished for it.

If you search hard enough there is something to buy, but on individual level. State actors don't have much to buy from Belarus, and that's where the big money is after all. Must be driving Lukashenka nuts, especially as he is throwing away his very few small golden eggs he had at the Polish border...
gumishu  15 | 6228
10 Jun 2024   #145
a rapidly improving economy like Bulgaria.

you know what often comes in the way of economic growht? corruption - and afaik Bulgaria is the most corrupted state in the EU to the point that even their top politicians are suspects
Korvinus  3 | 629
10 Jun 2024   #146
European elections are useless, the deputies have no power, it's a show for the goyim to believe that their opinions have a say on politics.

Ideally, the EU Parliament should be dissolved, the Commission cut down to size, and executive power returned to the Council, which is at least theoretically a circle of competent, elected heads of state. But it's better to have a dysfunctional Parliament that's limited in the harm it can do than a competent and functional one that isn't. In a non-ideal world, chaos is an acceptable outcome. If the right can throw a few spokes in the wheel that's trying to run us over, they have earned their keep.
OP Alien  26 | 6527
10 Jun 2024   #147
European elections are useless

No, they are not. The whole world envies them. Practically the entire continent can elect members of parliament from the age of 16.
gumishu  15 | 6228
11 Jun 2024   #148
about 70 per cent of adult Polish females oppose giving voting rights to minors (16-year-olds are minors in Poland) according to a recent poll
Ironside  51 | 13083
11 Jun 2024   #149
The whole world envies them.

Nobody gives an FF! You are delusions that envy relative wealth and that is about it. Given the EU policies are going to end that wealth part soon.

If you are so delusional that you think the world envies some election regulations it must be a German thingy.
OP Alien  26 | 6527
11 Jun 2024   #150
I read that voters aged 16-21 in Germany chose AfD in 17%, CDU/CSU in 17%, but as many as 27% of them chose a small, insignificant party. Well, they also have to learn how to vote.

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