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20 years of Poland in the EU.

amiga500  5 | 1539
7 May 2024   #61
Judas also received 30 pieces of silver.
OP Alien  26 | 6527
7 May 2024   #62
Judas also

Judas betrayed Christ, but this time God is with us. 🙂
amiga500  5 | 1539
7 May 2024   #63
Guy Verhofstadt said there are many things that make us European, for instance Italian Pizza is found in Poland and Spain, but when asked whether that included Christianity he answered NO. The Fourth Reich will be post modernist and secular, apart from the migrant areas. Akin to the reservations in Brave New World.

East-west highways should be expanded.

Highways linking Germany and Russia?

OP Alien  26 | 6527
7 May 2024   #65
Highways linking Germany and Russia

The most important one is A4. It connects Germany with Ukraine and is terribly crowded. There are currently no motorways directly connecting Germany with russia.
amiga500  5 | 1539
8 May 2024   #66
The most important one is A4

If you rotate the symbol A4 counterclockwise and remove the ^, it strongly resembles a swastika. The evidence for the secret plans of the EU Fourth Reich are in plain sight. Checkmate!
OP Alien  26 | 6527
8 May 2024   #67
evidence for the secret plans of the EU

Not to mention the fact that the name "highway/autostrada" came to Poland from fascist Italy.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
8 May 2024   #68
If you rotate the symbol

But who would do that?

The evidence for the secret plans of the EU Fourth Reich are in plain sight.

....and what are you gonna do now?
Ironside  51 | 13083
8 May 2024   #69
The first unfrozen funds from the West are already flowing to Poland.

Germany and Poland will have to pay it off with interest. Are you stupid or post lame propaganda?
OP Alien  26 | 6527
8 May 2024   #70
Germany and Poland will have to pay it off with interest.

I don't think so.
Ironside  51 | 13083
9 May 2024   #71
You are stupid. Go and learn man rather than talk out of your ass.
amiga500  5 | 1539
9 May 2024   #72
Retired Polish judge Tomasz Szmydt has been appointed as the permanent EU representative in Belarus.
OP Alien  26 | 6527
9 May 2024   #73
permanent EU representative in Belarus.

He will certainly do his job well.😀
OP Alien  26 | 6527
6 Jun 2024   #74
And we are already after the elections to the European Parliament. Fortunately, there is a Briefwahl in Germany, which we did, but there was a voting booth in the town hall and you could vote on the spot and you didn't have to send any mail. Dear PF Europeans, listen to Alien and go to the polls. This is very important for Europe.
wslipach  8 | 96
6 Jun 2024   #75
Fak Europe of Germany , freedom is taken away from Europeans because Germans took it away, but also slaves let it happen , including Tusk , the biggest cocksucker , he sucked off every toxin that could suck out from Merkel's dick , he sucked her dry more than anyone else , she loved it and now he is licking clean and shaving Shultz's old miniture testis with his tongue. Nice stuff Tusk.
Tacitus  2 | 1269
6 Jun 2024   #76
So I take it there are really Poles who take Kaczynski's mad rantings about Tusk being a "German agent" seriously?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
6 Jun 2024   #77
....and how powerful we are! That's so awesome....
wslipach  8 | 96
6 Jun 2024   #78
So I take it there are really Poles who take Kaczynski's mad rantings about Tusk being a "German agent" seriously?
@ Tacitus

So i take it there are still fak ups around who are naive enough not to listen to Kaczynski about tusk cant being a big german cant. Yes, *****, there are millions of us who look after Poland and are not giving fak abt what some brit , germ or dumb pole thinks alltogether. We make our own destiny and we define being european our faking way.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
6 Jun 2024   #79
We make our own destiny and we define being european our faking way.

But you can't...Germany rules everything, you said so yourself! We took away your can't fight our dicks!!! *laughs madly*
Torq  10 | 1236
6 Jun 2024   #80
OMG :-/ This wslipach dude is a hybrid of Crow and Iron... on steroids.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
6 Jun 2024   #81
...and super interested in dicks...and testis.....and cants....and faking....:)
wslipach  8 | 96
6 Jun 2024   #82
But you can't...Germany rules everything, you said so yourself! We took away your can't fight our dicks!!! *laughs madly*

So European of you, I dont know how to handle it, I am only new european , and we can not fight what is bent , you bend the rules so what can we do? You win you *****. Nothing like success of accession to EU . Dont worry, there will be a change of government and this time the downward slope on German GDP will not change shape , bending everywhere for Germans
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
6 Jun 2024   #83
.....WHAT???? You mean Germany is not all-powerful and controls Poland with our dicks?????
OP Alien  26 | 6527
6 Jun 2024   #84
wslipach dude is a hybrid of Crow and Iron... on steroids.

This is just some very active russian troll. He is trying to pit Poles and Germans against each other before the upcoming elections.
Torq  10 | 1236
7 Jun 2024   #85
This is just some very active russian troll.

Or maybe simply an idiot. Such people exist.

The EU is the best Europe that we ever had. Without wars, with free movement of people, goods and services, cooperation between countries on a much larger scale than any other time in history, and last - but certainly not the least - the unprecedented level of wealth and opportunities for ordinary people (plus a net of social security for those less fortunate). There's a reason why half-the-world and their grandmas want to move to Europe.

I am not a huge fan of His Excellency Mr Donald Tusk, Prime Minister of Poland, but sometimes, when I take a short look his opponents, I can't help but feel an instinctive liking for him.

now he is licking clean and shaving Shultz's old miniture testis with his tongue. Nice stuff Tusk.

Look, dude, a man can swear and curse, sometimes in a very vulgar manner (sometimes it is even called for) but what you write borders on mental illness. Any normal person reading the stream of vulgar nonsense that you spout here will develop a lot of sympathy for Donald Tusk, precisely because of what and how you write. :)
Ironside  51 | 13083
7 Jun 2024   #86
He is trying to pit Poles and Germans against each other

There is no need to do that, We have different interests on many issues and Germany doesn't want to compromise and they are very stubborn about it. So...


The EU is the best Europe that we ever had.

Past tense? Indeed we had, but it no longer exists and now we have some sh'ty impostor of the most idiotic colonial enterprise of major European powers who are overusing their influence on the EU structures to corrupt politicians and exploit countries like Poland.

If you can't see that and live in the past or hope for some miracle you are an idiot. That doesn't see reality for what it is.


I can't help but feel an instinctive liking for him.

It would be best if you met him and even better meet him as his underlying and your sympathy would evaporate as he is nasty and toxic b

Tacitus  2 | 1269
7 Jun 2024   #87
I think we can both admit that it wasn't just Berlin who was being stubborn and noncooperative... .
Torq  10 | 1236
7 Jun 2024   #88
the most idiotic colonial enterprise of major European powers who (...) exploit countries like Poland

So? They can try. Doesn't mean they will succeed.

If you consider the import/export exchange between Poland and Germany, or Poland-EU in general, then you must surely realise that we cannot very well just exit the EU because not everything is the way that we would like it to be. That's what EU is about: arguing, b*tching, fighting for one's own interest but eventually coming to some sort of compromise. I'd rather have this than the old Europe of barbed wire borders, trade embargoes and wars.

Having said that, if the leftist agenda in the EU strengthens and even more idiotisms, like ban on combustion engine cars or refugee quotas, are pushed down our throats, then Polexit is always an option. I just hope it won't happen.
jon357  72 | 23654
7 Jun 2024   #89
If you consider the import/export exchange between Poland and Germany

There is shocking asymmetricality in that plenty of German companies own large production and distribution facilities in Poland whereas far fewer Polish companies own large production and distribution facilities in Germany.

How best to mitigate or reverse that?
Tacitus  2 | 1269
7 Jun 2024   #90

There is shocking asymmetricality

Nothing shocking about this. Just an inevitable result of having an economy that suffered from 45 years of communist rule compared to one that did not. One side has a result wealthy investors, the other side has not. We have a similar disparity between West and East Germany.

Home / History / 20 years of Poland in the EU.
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