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Poland-Turkey relations WW2?

narikis  3 | 15
25 Nov 2020   #1
Did Turkey recognize the Polish government-in exile in London during WW2?

Did Turkey accept any Polish refugees during the war?

Did Turkey issue any diplomatic statements during the German-Soviet invasion of Poland in 1939?
pawian  226 | 27817
25 Nov 2020   #2
And the point of yours is what exactly? You are asking because you really don`t know or they are rhetorical questions?
OP narikis  3 | 15
25 Nov 2020   #3
And the point of yours is

I'm asking out of historical interest, what's your problem with my question? Turkey was one of the few neutral countries in the war, and I already know how most of the others reacted, so I'd like to know what Turkey's response was to Poland's situation during WW2, since I don't know.
pawian  226 | 27817
25 Nov 2020   #4
what's your problem with my question?

Not a problem. You asked crude questions and nothing else. So, you should have added: Does anyone know if..... or Can you tell me if......

Now I am too busy to deal with them, you will have to wait a little, or sb else will be faster than me.
OP narikis  3 | 15
25 Nov 2020   #5

Oh, well I didn't think my questions were the kind that could be interpreted negatively, I don't think Turkey is a very controversial topic for WW2 history...

Anyway thank you for offering to look in to my questions later.
Crow  155 | 9699
25 Nov 2020   #6
Give heads back! Let Turks first give back heads of Zawisha Czarny and King Wladislav Warnenczyk that they cut-off!

I wouldn`t give a single apple or nut to Turks if they fail to retrieve those noble heads.
pawian  226 | 27817
25 Nov 2020   #7
heads of Zawisha Czarny and King Wladislav Warnenczyk

And other organs, too!

that could be interpreted negatively,

No, nothing negative.
Crow  155 | 9699
25 Nov 2020   #8
And other organs, too!

We know they have heads. They are ritually burred/placed in grave under the legs of sultans. Serbian peasants from around Golubac saved body of Zawisha Czarny during the night and body of King Wladislav was retrieved even during fatal battle. So, only heads are missing.

Telling you, if on me, I wouldn`t share a nut with Turks if they fail to end that humiliation of Polish heroes and nobles.
pawian  226 | 27817
25 Nov 2020   #9
Did Turkey recognize the Polish government-in exile

Yes, but only till 25.08. 1945, after communists had formed their own government in Nazi-free Soviet-occupied Poland.

Did Turkey accept any Polish refugees

Probably yes, there is nothing in sources they didn`t accept refugees. But those were individual cases compared to mass emigration to Iran, India, New Zealand and Mexico.

Did Turkey issue any diplomatic statements during the German-Soviet invasion

hahaha How should we know??? You need to ask in the Turkish forum...... probably they did but it was in accordance with their neutrality, so meaningless and that is why we know nothing about it in Poland. If they had condemned the USSR, then Polish politicians and then historians would play their trumpet about it for decades.
moondoggie  - | 26
25 Nov 2020   #10
Turkey could have ended the war by siding with the USSR and UK, cowardly to stay neutral when genocide against Jews and Slavs was happening.,
Strzelec35  19 | 830
25 Nov 2020   #11
Poland was just a bastard child of Versailes to all europeans at the time particularly Germans. Lol Americans still think this I saw some talk lecture by a history professor on YouTube saying it was basically Russia and existed due to the powers that be in Europe allowing it to happen and humiliating Germany.
Crow  155 | 9699
25 Nov 2020   #12
You know, by some linguists and sources, those 3 milion Gauls genocided by Caesar in what is now France were Polish speking Polani Slavs (ie Sarmats). Central line from Balkan to Baltic were Serbs. Polani, descendants from that Central line, populated Eastern and Western flanks, those empthy areas after glacial ice melted.

Essentually, without Roman genocide and linguistuc chaos, Western Europe would be Poland.

And yes, most of those 5000 Sarmatians that was transfered to Britain were Polani (confirmed by genetic science), led by Sarmatian noble and pack of more Sarmats from Dalmatia. See, Southern tribes were exhaused in war with Rome and then tribute in cavalry was paid by Northern tribes. You know, there are sources that shows how Southern tribes demanded this tribute from North and North complint. It was so because mega Sarmatian magnates were on South (even involved in rule in Rome), in urban, often stone cities, while North was rural. Not to say that Northern tribes directly originated from Southern and there was hiararhy that had to be respected. What South demanded was law.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
25 Nov 2020   #13
It seems to me that Turkey or Ottomans and Russia were often in warsof conflicts in the past. Was not the Ottoman Empire on the Kaiser or German side during the Great War? I also think Poland was usually in conflicts with the Turks over religion like the Austria battle with Sobietski.
Alien  26 | 6527
15 Oct 2024   #14
It wasn't a religious war.

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