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Time for Slavic Commonwealth around Poland as center

OP Crow  155 | 9736
10 Sep 2017   #121

Well, actually, your posts offering good base for dialogue, I see it now clearly after I took my glasses.

See, idea of new Commonwealth or to say Intermarium isn`t about nationalism. It accepts differences and see them as advantage, not as a problem. This tolerance and pluralism isn`t reserved only for different ethnicities but also for political ideas. Idea of Intermarium itself reasonably came in existence due to necessity to preserve independence and specifics of Poland and not only of Poland, equally- from the threat from the west of Europe (not only Germany) and from the threat from the east of Europe (primarily Russia). And Intermarium have to encompass Slavs and non-Slavs who live on wast area from Baltic to Adriatic and from Balkan to Ukraine. So, Intermarium is about fundamentally multi-ethnic and multi-religious society, sure, society that accepts reality of predominant Christian and Slavic cultural heritage due to historical and practical reasons. Here I especially point on English language as official in USA, Australia or Canada. So, same way, for example, Polish language may become official language in Intermarium, if Poland found strength to return to the basic principles of Sarmatism, resisting that way to all possible negative influences that may dispute role of Poland as leading country of the Intermarium.
10 Sep 2017   #122
You contradict yourself. You say "fundamentally multi-ethnic and multi-religious society" but then say "society that accepts reality of predominant Christian and Slavic cultural heritage", which sounds a lot like domination of everyone else by Polish-speaking 'Christians and Slavs'. Where does that leave the Tartars, or atheist Czechs? What about the Kosovans (like it or not, they exist)? Why would that 'Intermarium' be any better for Lithuania than the much broader multi-ethnic and multi-religious EU that they already belong to, with its larger trading bloc, larger defence force and guarantee against Polish domination of their own language? Why go for soemthign smaller, weaker and more unbalanced that is based just on the narrow definition of 'Slavs'? What makes you think that the Baltic or Balkan states would want to be in a union dominated by Poland? What would such a union offer to the world, in terms of external trade? The problem with central Europe is that historically it hasn't got anything that anyone else wants, except for location (to be invaded). What would the economy be based upon?

If you want to use the British Commonwealth as an example, then think of India and Africa and the vast number of reglisions and cultures. The only common link is the English language, which is barely understandable between different parts. The other important thing to consider is this: most of the British Commonwealth HATES Britain, for being the dominant (colonial) power. Is that how you want Croatia and Latvia to look to Poland? If you think Brussels is unpopular, why shift the blame to Warsaw? Smaller players always hate the 'capital' (Brussels for the EU, Rome for the Romans, Berlin for the Nazis, London for the British Empire).

So Poland's best option is to be a big player at the top table of the EU - to be close to Brussels/Berlin/Paris in order to influence it, and so gain the trading and defence benefits. The UK was quite good at this (getting many 'special agreements'), by using its economic and defence and reliable governmental power as negotiating tactics. The UK gave stability. Poland is currently doing the opposite - it is isolating itself and appearing unstable. In the end, it will become a client Russian state if it's not careful, not the leader of some glorious Slavic empire. Without EU defence (mostly France & Germany, formerly and possibly still UK), then Poland has no future. Asking Poles to gamble all that way for the sake of Serbian pride is like the flea whispering instructions to the dog.
Crnogorac3  3 | 673
11 Sep 2017   #123
that are liberal, or gay, or internationalist, or globalist, or atheist, or communist, or anything else that you do not like.

Most of all, Serbs despise communists.

The English and Bulgarians that were left out deserve a mention.
OP Crow  155 | 9736
11 Sep 2017   #124
You contradict yourself.

not at all.

You say "fundamentally multi-ethnic and multi-religious society" but then say "society that accepts reality of predominant Christian and Slavic cultural heritage"

Nobody says that modern human civilization gave answer to all open questions. But, that goes for all societies in the world. To function, societies have backbone, spirit, values, dominant culture, etc. To live in organized society, to avoid anarchy, humans pay prices. Why Americans tolerate English language? Canadians? Australians? After all, why entire humanity tolerate English as global language? Simple- interest. See, Intermarium is best what many could get from Baltic to Balkan, Adriatic to Ukraine.

Where does that leave the Tartars,

you mean Tatars? Tartar is sauce

or atheist Czechs?

With rest of us. If they now live in `Judeo-Christian` EU as it is stated in EU proclamation, why wouldn`t they live in `Slavo-Christian` society?

What about the Kosovans (like it or not, they exist)?

Kosovans don`t exist. Exist only Serbs and Albanians of Kosovo. Some others, too. Actually, Albanians call themselves Shquiptars.

Why would that 'Intermarium' be any better for Lithuania than the much broader multi-ethnic and multi-religious EU that they already belong to, with its larger trading bloc, larger defence force and guarantee against Polish domination of their own language?

You should ask that Lithuanians. What they think of `much broader multi-ethnic and multi-religious EU`. As for `larger trading bloc, larger defence force`, forget it. EU would turn to be something else. It would reduce, modify, crumble. It would split on probably three separate conglomerates (one of them being Intermarium). In future, what remain of EU they may name Magna Germania and that would be multi-ethnic and Germano-Christian society.

So, truly, why would Lithuania choose Intermarium over Magna Germania? Maybe they won`t. Who knows. Its interesting question. Same question goes for Estonia and Latvia, too. Today, they are already deeply germanized societies.
Crnogorac3  3 | 673
11 Sep 2017   #125

Kosovo - land of holy warriors & rulers

Please focus on Poland
Vesko Vukovic
11 Sep 2017   #126
Most of all, Serbs despise communists.

The damage done by the commies to the Polish economy is estimated to be even worse then during WWII.
11 Sep 2017   #127
Quite, and it lasted 40 years. Which is why the current "right" claimed by PiS to demand 1 trillion Euros in reparations from Germany, but not mentioning Russia, can be seen for what it is - a childish and transparent attempt to deflect from the EU holding Poland to account on the rule of law, logging of Bialowieza etc, and an attempt by PiS to isolate Poland from the EU so as to secure total power for ever, modelling themselves on their Russian idol (Putin).
Ironside  51 | 13132
11 Sep 2017   #128
Which is why the current "right" claimed by PiS to demand 1 trillion Euros in reparations from Germany, but not mentioning Russia, can be seen for what it is - a childish

Your comment is childish unless you're getting paid or have some other motive in saying what you say.
RUSSIA never paid any compensation to anyone ever.
Germany are claiming to be a very good friend of Poland. They paid left and right all kind of compensation to anyone but Poland. So what kind of 'friend of Poland' they really are. Time they fessed up.

As for this childish attempt at reducing the issue debated to absurdum - go and get a life observer rather than troll.
OP Crow  155 | 9736
17 Sep 2017   #129
In that thread, among else, I wanted to present how Poles and Serbians uniting their interests and, among else, intend to give middle finger to English who love mujaheedines. Thread had great perspective.
Vlad1234  16 | 883
13 Feb 2020   #130

Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth of the three nations?

Do you think Poles and Lithuanians needed to agree with Ukrainian proposition to create a principality of the three nations - Polish, Lithuanian and Orthodox Rusyn in 17-th century? In which all this nations would have similar rights or at least Rusyns (modern Ukrainians and Belarussians) would have their rights increased somewhat? If yes, what would be a historical consequences of that hypothetic union?
14 Feb 2020   #131
Well Poles and Czechs have the same religion but genetically Czechs are closer to Germans. Less beauties in Prague than any Polish (and Slovak) city.

I think Poles should make a union with Slovaks to have access to more mountains. Language, culture and genetics are very close.
Vlad1234  16 | 883
14 Feb 2020   #132
Poland+Slovakia. What a huge union it would be!
OP Crow  155 | 9736
19 Nov 2021   #133
Central Europe is only solution for Poland. New Commonwealth!
Strzelec35  19 | 830
19 Nov 2021   #134
no. just no. there is no such thing as central europe.
OP Crow  155 | 9736
19 Nov 2021   #135
We have to have it while isnt too late. Unity of Central Europe from Baltic to Balkan. We have to give middle finger to Brussels
Strzelec35  19 | 830
19 Nov 2021   #136
Central europe is germany. balkans is balkans. eastern europe is eastern europe.
Alien  26 | 6567
19 Nov 2021   #137
Poland is Central Europe. So is Poland Germany or Eastern Europe?
OP Crow  155 | 9736
19 Nov 2021   #138
Germans are Serbs with mental error.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
19 Nov 2021   #139
No only Germany is Holy Roman Empire. Poland is eastern europe and a backward country that has a lot more in common in the educational system with china than any western country aong with other spheres of life. Here is a recent vice documentary you can watch teaching you this fact or how non European or western it really is:

They cant even speak English in Poland or teach it effectively and instead their educational system tries to make chemists out of kids or high schoolers.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
19 Nov 2021   #140
china than any western country aong

All is good then. West is going down and china is going up. Soon western europe will be a laughing stock.
OP Crow  155 | 9736
20 Nov 2021   #141
In formation of global civlizations, Western Europe would be ultimataly divided onto Anglo and Slavic side. I firstly thought they would on their own emerge as unique civlization but now is clear they don`t have capacity to it. Israel and Japan have more chances to exist as unique civs then they have.
Miloslaw  22 | 5269
20 Nov 2021   #142
Give it up.
Poles will never join Serbs in a Slavic attack on Western Europe.
You just totally misunderstand Poles.
They are European first, with strong ties to western Europe and Slavs second.
Poles feel a great afinity to England and France and none to Serbia.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
20 Nov 2021   #143
I disagree. They have nothing in common with the culture wars or the culture transformation in those countries. unless trannies start using female bathrooms or new pronouns start to be used and gender diverse hires start making video games in poland with pink hair. Even the shcool system in Poland has more in common with China than any of those countries where they try to teach kids or teens to be professional chemists or chemistry courses and dont even learn English or throw a bunch of grammar **** instead of teach practical language skills.
Miloslaw  22 | 5269
20 Nov 2021   #144

You are wrong.
Poles feel much more European than they do Slavonic.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
20 Nov 2021   #145
I dont know or care how they feel. I am objectively assessing how they are not how they fear based on being to numerous countries and living in diff continents and being aware via various media across diff countries how different and non western they are and non european. they have nothing in common in terms of their culture to europe. unless there is wokeness which there isnt and true fmeinism without always expecting men to pay for everything and treat them like princesses and them being religious zealots and not accepting trannies or furries or even acknowledging their existence, they will have nothing to do with europe.
Miloslaw  22 | 5269
20 Nov 2021   #146
I dont know or care how they feel

And that is your problem in a nutshell.
You are out of touch and therefore your opinion is irrelevent.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
20 Nov 2021   #147
I am very objective in my analysis.
OP Crow  155 | 9736
20 Nov 2021   #148
Poles will never join Serbs in a Slavic attack on Western Europe.

You don`t understand. We shall unite to be able to preserve ourselves from decaden ways of western Europe. Western only in geographical sense.

Poles feel much more European than they do Slavonic.

You again don`t understand. What is Slavic is Europe and Western.
Miloslaw  22 | 5269
20 Nov 2021   #149

You are subjective.
OP Crow  155 | 9736
20 Nov 2021   #150
they have nothing in common in terms of their culture to europe.

They do with true Europe but sure not with that how western Europeans portrait Europe.

Poles feel

Poles, as all Slavs after all have nothing with colonial logic, with genocidal ideologies of western Europe, with killing frenzy of Rome, with disfunctional familes as the higest societal value, with cold brainwashing, with vulgar racism that lurk with tendency to deny itself and histerically merge with darker races, etc, etc upside down monstrosities.

No, we Slavs likes normalcy and tradition.

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