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Terrible past for the Jews in Poland?

jon357  72 | 23400
24 Mar 2021   #571
the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

have you seen the website of the Polin Museum in Warsaw? It's very worth a look.
Lyzko  43 | 9685
24 Mar 2021   #572
Will ck. it out.
Novichok  5 | 8633
24 Mar 2021   #573
With antisemitism as widely spread as the ADL map would suggest, there must be a common denominator somewhere. As a victim, the first question I would ask would be: Why are they doing it to us?

Your evasive answers prove your ignorance of the subject. I expected better from a well-educated person like you.
Lyzko  43 | 9685
24 Mar 2021   #574
Jews were blamed for every ill under the sun because they were mistakenly targeted as "Christ killers". In fact, it was the Romans who murdered Jesus.
jon357  72 | 23400
24 Mar 2021   #575
In fact, it was the Romans who murdered Jesus.

It was, however that's at best a pretext. Hatred of 'the other' is common in most societies and frequently involves violence. The unintelligent and the paranoid always need individuals or groups to fear and hate, whoever they are.
Novichok  5 | 8633
24 Mar 2021   #576
If you wanted to insult my intelligence you did a splendid job.
Sure, a bunch of guys all over the globe - Muslims included - would repeatedly attack Jews and vandalize their graves for something that happened 2000 years ago as the sole reason. Including Denmark.

Yeah, and I am Pope Novichok.
Lyzko  43 | 9685
24 Mar 2021   #577
Yet history shows that the more the Jews of Europe assimilated, indeed converted, the more their lives improved:-) @Novi, insulting your intelligence doesn't take much!
Novichok  5 | 8633
24 Mar 2021   #578
Spare me history lessons.
I wanted to know if YOU know what the pogrom participants claimed as THEIR reasons for organizing pogroms.
Lyzko  43 | 9685
24 Mar 2021   #579
Re-read #574 and #577 once again, and EXTRA SLOWLY this time 'round.. if you can lol
Novichok  5 | 8633
24 Mar 2021   #580
Post 574 lists the crucifixion as the only reason why Jews are hated, which is a total bullsh*it. They were hated by the Polish communists in 1960's with passion.

And by Muslims - always and everywhere. No, neither the commies nor Muslims would hate Jews because of Jesus.

Would you like to add more reasons to the Jesus one?
Lyzko  43 | 9685
24 Mar 2021   #581
Jews were the competition.
Novichok  5 | 8633
24 Mar 2021   #582
Indians from India compete, too. No progroms, no hate, no vandalism. Try again.
Lyzko  43 | 9685
24 Mar 2021   #583
Tell that to the Untouchables, I'm sure they'll be thrilled. LOL
Novichok  5 | 8633
24 Mar 2021   #584
You are clueless.
Muslims hate Jews because of Jesus. Sure. You can't make this sh*it up...
Lyzko  43 | 9685
24 Mar 2021   #585
Yet Jesus of course technically was Jewish because of Mary Magdalene:-)
Miloslaw  20 | 5107
24 Mar 2021   #586
Muslims hate Jews because of Jesus

No they don't.....Muslims regard Jesus as one of their prophets.
Novichok  5 | 8633
24 Mar 2021   #587
No they don't.

That was sarcasm. Muslims hate Jews, Jesus or no Jesus. I just can't get him to tell me why so many people in so many countries hate Jews. It must be the best-kept secret ever. The ADL even has a map of hate, it's so widespread.

...but, according to Lyzko, it's all about Jews being blamed for the way Jesus was tried and executed.
Miloslaw  20 | 5107
24 Mar 2021   #588
Muslims hate Jews

You are losing it mate......why do you suddenly care what Muslims think?
Lyzko  43 | 9685
24 Mar 2021   #589
The Church demonized the Jews as a mendacious lot for centuries! All lies, for the most part. A well disseminated children's Yuletide album from Nueremberg read: "Traut keinem Fuchs auf gruener Heid' und keinem Jud' bei seinem Eid." (Trust ye neither the fox alone upon the heath nor the Jew at his word) Charming little ditty.
Miloslaw  20 | 5107
24 Mar 2021   #590

What has any of that history got to do with now?
History is one thing, now is what matters.
Lyzko  43 | 9685
24 Mar 2021   #591
Ever heard of the past that won't pass away? I guess not. Pity that. The past is always present:-)
KasiaP  - | 7
25 Mar 2021   #592
From what I know there is enough documents, books and articles explaining Polish Jews history. Unfortunately there were very terrible crimes which was done not only by Germans nazi but also by some Polish peoples... if you need to learn more about specific city and what happened with peoples of Mosaic faith within that city, the best option is to contact IPN (,Zydzi-polscy-i-Zydzi-w-Polsce.html).

Unfortunately Polish politicians for some reason are ok with highlighting Polish "heroes" (people's who was helping Jews) but are totally blind in terms of crimes on Jews done by Poles...

Shame as this change the view of history...
Novichok  5 | 8633
25 Mar 2021   #593
but are totally blind in terms of crimes on Jews done by Poles...

Committing a crime is morally repugnant and legally risky. Most criminals do it as the last resort, not for fun.
So, why would Poles do it? Did Poles commit "crimes" against other minorities?
Miloslaw  20 | 5107
25 Mar 2021   #594
Polish politicians are totally blind in terms of crimes on Jews done by Poles

Please post some links to prove your claim of Polish "crimes" against Jews.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
25 Mar 2021   #595
how bout just Jedwabne?

" Most criminals do it as the last resort, not for fun."

youve never been to or lived in a hood or a prison have you? plenty do it just for fun. even in dabrowa gornicza that neighbourhood i wrote about i visited in the 90s and noughties thwt guy leroy would throw frogs in the air and torture animals just for fun as one example of the people who loved there.
jon357  72 | 23400
25 Mar 2021   #596

And Kielce, Bialystok, Pinczow etc.

But why see Poles' crimes as Polish crimes? Neither bad things nor good things reflect on a nation of 40 million as a whole. It's a strong example of "cultural cringe" that so many in Poland feel they do.
Novichok  5 | 8633
25 Mar 2021   #597
Let me try one more time...

Jedwabne and pre-war pogroms were criminal acts. I got it.

What nobody here is saying is what would motivate the criminals to commit those crimes - IN THEIR OWN WORDS!!!!
I don't want to read any more interpretations, thoughts, and assumptions!!!!! Or about Jesus!!!!

It's a strong example of "cultural cringe" that so many in Poland feel they do.

Oh, cut that crap out. I am not going to cringe about what I didn't do. Just as we are told not to blame post-war Germans for the crimes of their fathers.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
25 Mar 2021   #598
probably the ger,and or thats what current polish politicians claim motivated th guys at jedwabne germans with their propaganda. ph and the Jews were sen as communist or something even the women and children. ask ridk diggler he wrote about it on this forum also blaming them for communism and such. or making excuses for the crimes due to their role in communism or soviets lol just like iron. always blaming the Germans and Russians or soviets and nazis lol.
Miloslaw  20 | 5107
25 Mar 2021   #599

It is simple.
Fear of the unkown.....
jon357  72 | 23400
25 Mar 2021   #600
the jews were sen as communist

Seen as different. That's all it takes for the weak to become vicious.

Jedwabne and pre-war pogroms were criminal acts

Does that make a difference? No. That's a spectacularly silly argument, even from you.


Neither Kielce nor Pinczow were pre-war.

I am not going to cringe

Google the term "cultural cringe" before shooting your mouth off stupidly.

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