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Can anyone from Poland tell me about Auschwitz and The Ghetto?

19 Feb 2009   #151
Would you like us to talk about the post-WWII Polish concentration camps?

What’s the confusion, Harry? You didn’t have a paragraph in your handbook “How to provoke Poles most successfully” about different types of camps? What a horrible oversight! You know, even not every German camp during WW2 was a concentration camp. Did those alleged ‘polish’ camps after the war had gas chambers?
19 Feb 2009   #152
You know, even not every German camp during WW2 was a concentration camp.

Nice to see you posting facts rather than personal material (or at least trying to). You're right about the Nazis. As well as the Konzentrationslager they also had transit camps, labour camps, POW camps, camps for rehabilitation and re-education of Poles, hostage camps and extermination camps. However, with the exception of some of the extermination camps (which had an the sole purpose of killing, i.e. the Aktion Reinhard camps), all of those non-Konzentrationslager fit the generally accepted definition of concentration camp.

Did those alleged ‘polish’ camps after the war had gas chambers?

No they did not. But as mentioned above, gas chambers are more the kind of thing that would be found in the extermination camps in Poland. The Nazi extermination camps in Poland which, I must stress, were never Polish.

You can argue about semantics if you want to but to most people a concentration camp which is run by Poles, guarded by Poles, managed by Poles and exists at the order of a Polish government which is made up of Poles is simply a Polish concentration camp.
1jola  14 | 1875
19 Feb 2009   #153
What’s the confusion, Harry? You didn’t have a paragraph in your handbook “How to provoke Poles most successfully” about different types of camps?

He doesn't have the latest ADL handbook.
Prince  15 | 590
19 Feb 2009   #154
You can argue about semantics if you want to but to most people a concentration camp which is run by Poles, guarded by Poles, managed by Poles and exists at the order of a Polish government which is made up of Poles is simply a Polish concentration camp.

Soviet/Russian National Anthem - Techno Version!
19 Feb 2009   #155
You can argue about semantics if you want to but to most people a concentration camp which is run by Poles, guarded by Poles, managed by Poles and exists at the order of a Polish government which is made up of Poles is simply a Polish concentration camp.

No more than Guantanamo Bay could be called a Cuban Camp.
1jola  14 | 1875
19 Feb 2009   #156
1jola: You operate with no sources whatsoever, pumpkin.

Had to wait until I got home as this is not one of your copy and paste sources.

As if writing out a few lines from a book carries more weight. You silly man. I'm still waiting for your source of the lie you posted that Polish police were volunteers.

Answer this. Which police force did more damage to the ghetto population? Granatowa or the Jewish ghetto police?
Piorun  - | 655
19 Feb 2009   #157
Harry, are you up to your old tricks again and trying so desperately prove how Poles did this or that?

The simple truth is that Stalin did not trust Poles; in those days 90% of the penal facilities were run by and staffed by Jews who have changed their names to a more Polish sounding ones. So whom can Stalin entrust a Security in Poland a Jew by the name of Jacob Berman. Stalin regarded Jews as trustworthy, whose loyalties would be to Zionism rather than the country of their residence and he was right, seems like he was not disappointed in his choice.

Keeping to the subject at hand, in Silesian region alone there were some 2 to 3 hundred such officers and 75% of them were Jews, of course the percentage is much higher when it comes to who is of an executive level and position of influence. Silesia alone had 20 to 30 prisons housing polish nationals and anyone who was deemed a threat to a Commie Government. You have to keep in mind that it was Pinek Maka (a Jew), who was the Secretary of Security for Silesia and guess who he appointed to be in charge of the penal system? Hold on to your hat, here’s a real shocker now; it’s another Jew Chaim Studniberg.

Here is just a sample of Jewish officers in Silesian region who were commanders of such facilities and did not even bother to disguised to be perceived as Poles, they are as follow; Maj. Frydman (in Bytom), Jacobowitz (can’t remember), Szmul Kleinhauft (in Mysłowice), Efraim Lewin (in Nysa), Szlomo Morel (in Świętochłowice, Opole, Katowice) and Lola Potok Ackerfeid (in Gliwice).

As for Czesław Gęborski, being either Polish or Jewish although he himself never made a claim to be Jewish some of the witnesses have claimed that they overheard him bragging to other Jewish guards there and making this statement “I boast of me being Catholic and they believed me”. The shadow of a doubt is upon him but it was never proven. What he did is a stuff of aw inspiring and envy to many aspiring SS and Gestapo officers because of his ingenuity he employed in keeping his prisoners entertained to the bitter end. No matter how you perceive him to be a Pole or a Jew; the simple truth is his deeds were committed under a watchful eye of his regional commander who was a Jew and there is no way you can deny this.

PS. Read what American Jew named Sack has to say about this very subject. It will blow your mind and maybe make you realize how wrong you are. Keep in mind I recommend a Jewish author because you would not even consider reading a non Jewish one.
19 Feb 2009   #158
how Poles did this or that?

Until Poland faces up to what it did as a nation, it willl be doomed to repeat the same mistakes. As has already been proven by Poland being selected to host and agreeing to host the USA's black prison in Europe.

You can argue about semantics if you want to but to most people a concentration camp which is run by Poles, guarded by Poles, managed by Poles and exists at the order of a Polish government which is made up of Poles is simply a Polish concentration camp.

Is Guantanamo Bay run by Cubans?
Is Guantanamo Bay guarded by Cubans?
Does Guantanamo Bay exist by order of the Cuban government?
Come to think of it, is Guantanamo Bay even on Cuban territory?

Face facts: a concentration camp in Poland which is run by Poles, guarded by Poles, managed by Poles and exists at the order of a Polish government which is made up of Poles is simply a Polish concentration camp. Trying to argue that it isn't just makes you look foolish.
Prince  15 | 590
19 Feb 2009   #159
Harry so why Poles fight the war against Soviets in 1920 ? If your version was true ... Poles should welcome Soviets with flowers in 1920 ...

Why Poles have been invaded by Soviets in 1939?

Why there was need to false election results after WWII
19 Feb 2009   #160
I would very much imagine that in your mind the answer to all three of those questions is "Because of the Jews!".

Now, please name the men who ran the Polish concentration camps and who now "live in Israel and claim to be Israelis not Polish". Either that or admit that you have been telling anti-semitic lies.
19 Feb 2009   #161
Harry, for the last time cos arguing about semantics is just boring: those after WW2 camps in Poland were labour camps run by Soviets, as a polish gov was not independent. Using some Poles - Christian or Jewish - as guards changes absolutely nothing.
Piorun  - | 655
19 Feb 2009   #162
Face facts: a concentration camp in Poland which is run by Poles, guarded by Poles, managed by Poles and exists at the order of a Polish government which is made up of Poles is simply a Polish concentration camp. Trying to argue that it isn't just makes you look foolish.

Just read my statement above and consider changing all reference to Poles and Polish, to Jew and Jewish and you will be a hundred percent correct otherwise you are just a Lire.
19 Feb 2009   #163
Using some Poles - Christian or Jewish - as guards changes absolutely nothing.

That might be a nice argument, were it not for the fact that from the late 1940s onwards the staff at Poland's concentration camps were almost exclusively Polish and they ran the camps in the way specified by a government made up exclusively of Poles.

BTW: the 'they made us do it' defence is the same one used by the Nazi guards at Auschwitz. How odd to find a Pole using the same excuse to justify the actions of Poles at concentration camps that Nazis used to justify their actions at Nazi concentration camps.

Just read my statement above and consider changing all reference to Poles and Polish, to Jew and Jewish and you will be a hundred percent correct otherwise you are just a Lire.

Oh goody! Somebody else wants to claim that all the people who ran Poland's concentration camps were all Jews! Please do what your fellow anti-semite Prince has failed to do and post all the names of those people.
Piorun  - | 655
19 Feb 2009   #164
Prince has failed to do and post all the names of those people.

I did not all but some.
19 Feb 2009   #165
And the names which I provided? Those ones which belong to people who were not Jews. What about them?
Piorun  - | 655
19 Feb 2009   #166
Did you read my post?
Prince  15 | 590
19 Feb 2009   #167
Harry I haven't claimed that all ... Marek Edelman is great personality I really like him. If he wanted to be member of our parlament once again ... he has my vote.
19 Feb 2009   #168
the 'they made us do it' defense is the same one used by the Nazi guards at Auschwitz. How odd to find a Pole using the same excuse to justify the actions of Poles at concentration camps that Nazis used to justify their actions at Nazi concentration camps.

Nobody made us do anything. WE just didn't do it.

Until Poland faces up to what it did as a nation, it will be doomed to repeat the same mistakes.

And this crusade you are doing about educating us about our own history and this "facing up to" isn’t working. When you will realize that?
19 Feb 2009   #169
Did you read my post?

Yes. You stated that "The shadow of a doubt is upon him [Gęborski] but it was never proven". So in the space of a single page you went from saying that there is doubt about his ethnicity to being certain that he was a Jew because all the people who ran Polish concentration camps were Jews. Nice consistent argument you have there.

I don't see where you have made any mention of Aleksy Krut, Stefan Szablewski, Włodzimierz Staniszewski, Stanisław Kwiatkowski, Ivan Mordasov or Teofil Hazelmajer, to name but a few of the commanders of the Polish concentration camps.
19 Feb 2009   #170
are you Jewish Harry?
19 Feb 2009   #171
Why does the answer to that question matter at all?
Piorun  - | 655
19 Feb 2009   #172
I don't see where you have made any mention of Aleksy Krut, Stefan Szablewski, Włodzimierz Staniszewski, Stanisław Kwiatkowski, Ivan Mordasov or Teofil Hazelmajer, to name but a few of the commanders of the Polish concentration camps.

Unlike you I don’t make it my life’s mission to blame all the ailments of this world on Jews like you do on Poles. I don’t’ know the rest of these names, but with little bit of research on my part I’ll bet I can prove you wrong. You see It’s not the facts that are driving you but some kind of chip on your shoulder. Was your father thrown out of Poland or something?
19 Feb 2009   #173
You certainly seem ti blame all the negative actions which were taken by the post-WWII Polish government on Jews.

I don't' know the rest of these names, but with little bit of research on my part I'll bet I can prove you wrong. You see It's not the facts that are driving you but some kind of chip on your shoulder.

I'll be right here waiting for that research. Just as I'll be waiting for you to explain how you went from saying that there is doubt about Gęborski's ethnicity to being certain that he was a Jew because all the people who ran Polish concentration camps were Jews.

Was your father thrown out of Poland or something?

Never even set foot in the country.

Maybe it is your people that should face up?

A masterful point. Or at least it would be if I was Jewish. By the way, although the actions of individual Jews is (or at least should be) a source of a certain amount of shame for Jews as a whole, the actions of the Jewish state should be the source of much much more.
Piorun  - | 655
19 Feb 2009   #174
Just as I'll be waiting for you to explain how you went from saying that there is doubt about Gęborski's ethnicity to being certain that he was a Jew because all the people who ran Polish concentration camps were Jews.

I’ll make you a deal since it is you who are claiming they are Polish, you prove it. Otherwise I’ll call them Jews. As for Gęborski just like you call him Polish I call him Jewish same difference since it is not clear who he is.
1jola  14 | 1875
19 Feb 2009   #175
A masterful point. Or at least it would be if I was Jewish.

Oh, that's right. You said you don't claim any nationality.
19 Feb 2009   #176
I'll make you a deal since it is you who are claiming they are Polish, you prove it.

My pleasure. "Czesław Gęborski (ur. 5 czerwca 1924 w Dąbrowie Górniczej"

Born in Poland, therefore Polish. We can discuss whether he is a Jewish Pole or a Catholic Pole but he is most certainly a Pole.

As for Gęborski just like you call him Polish I call him Jewish same difference since it is not clear who he is.

It is very clear who he is: he is a Pole. Unless you want to say that somebody who might be a Jew can not be a Pole. And even then, you're the one claiming he's a Jew, so the onus is on you to prove your claim. That might be tough to do, seeing as how you yourself said that there is doubt about his ethnicity and that he himself never stated he was a Jew.

Shall I go on for the rest of the people named here?
Jimbo Jones  - | 3
19 Feb 2009   #177
Would you like us to talk about the post-WWII Polish concentration camps?

That's funny coming from a brit. Let's talk about concentration camps limey. Your miserable kunt-rymen starved women and children in concentration camps.

"Eventually 27,927 Boers died in the camps, of whom 4177 were adult women and 22,074 were children under the age of 16. Since the entire Boer population in both republics was just over 200,000, the mortality rate meant that just under 15 percent of the entire Boer population was wiped out. Such a figure is of genocidal proportions."

Whatever sins the Poles have to answer for pale in comparison to brit atrocities.

To deflect charges of hypocrisy on your part may I suggest getting your ass back to London temporarily to lobby for proper acknowledgement and restitution of these hideous crimes.

  • boer1.jpg

  • boer2.jpg
19 Feb 2009   #178
That's funny coming from a brit. Let's talk about concentration camps limey. Your miserable kunt-rymen starved women and children in concentration camps.

Well it might be, if it came from a Brit. As you are American, perhaps you can tell us about the camps set up by your government in the summer of 1838 and the Trail of Tears generally. Do note that the percentage death rate of Cherokees on the Trail was higher than that of Boers in British concentration camps before attempting to claim the moral highground.
Seanus  15 | 19666
19 Feb 2009   #179
Let us not forget who funded the Nazis, da da, Prescott Bush.

Anyone care to deny it? Mike Ruppert commented on it in his 2.5hr commentary. I can't remember what part but he shows irrefutable evidence of Prescott's complicity in funding Nazism.

He also says here, that he had incontrovertible evidence that America could have prevented those attacks. I can furnish those like HB with screeds of evidence, in chronological order, showing numerous instance of potential aversions.

It is SOOOO clear that the American government was involved. But, back to the thread, Auschwitz was a reality funded by American sources. Fact!!

Mike Ruppert is ex-CIA. He was also a cop and has written widely.
dtaylor  9 | 823
19 Feb 2009   #180
Lets not forget who funded both the allies and nazi's at the same time ;) and made a healthy profit from it :)

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