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Can anyone from Poland tell me about Auschwitz and The Ghetto?

Miloslaw  20 | 5135
25 Apr 2023   #571
it was Polish Jews who were expulsed by thousands with one way passports and no right to return. Poland lost a lot of brilliant people.

Kashub1410  6 | 580
26 Apr 2023   #572
That's the thing, communism made them tainted Poles, not pure Poles. They were as un-Polish as it gets. They had No freedom.

Read up on MBTI- personalities and you will understand how a person can become opposite of who he is when becoming more of a darker mind. Communism does that to people, it corrupts. So don't come here telling me about any "pure" communists cause that's total nonsense

With regard to the expulsions, you should know fairly well that it was a communist reaction to the shift of Israel turning to be more pro-US during their war in the middle east.

If anything, communists should apologize for it regardless of nationality or culture... As repressions towards Jews at that time wasn't excactly a Polish invention.

You can try all you want the two of you but, neither far right extremism or left extremism will ever be representetive of Poland or Polish values
Lyzko  44 | 9720
26 Apr 2023   #573
By "Polish values" you mean Catholic values, I take it.
As Communism was in essence anti-religion, this handily explains the deep revulsion to Communism by committed, or at least pious, Christians.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
26 Apr 2023   #574
Not necessarily, boasting about individual achievements isn't excactly catholic. Yet a Polish trait.

Communism tried to eliminate individualism in every possible form
Lyzko  44 | 9720
26 Apr 2023   #575
With the latter comment, Kaszub1410, I couldn't concur more!
Yet boasting about individual achievement alone is scarcely a Polish trait:-)
German arrogance outpaces Polish boasting any day of the week.
Bobko  27 | 2128
26 Apr 2023   #576
Communism tried to eliminate individualism in every possible form

It's curious, isn't it - that Communism sprouted up not in the industrial West with its enormous working class, but in the agrarian and backwards East where almost nobody worked in factories.

Also curious, that such an ideology that smothers the individual appeared in a place where individuals have very high opinions of themselves.
Lyzko  44 | 9720
26 Apr 2023   #577
Communism was and is a mere construct, posited by a German Jewish intellectual, a philosopher
to be more exact, who studied in London, was an economist by trade, and had the time to sit around thinking up abstract concept rather than "working for a living".
Miloslaw  20 | 5135
28 Apr 2023   #578
Communism was and is a mere construct, posited by a German Jewish intellectual

Mate, I rarely agree with you lately, but you are spot on here.
Communism was a Jewish idea.
Made with good intent.
But not thought through properly.
People need to think.
Please pay attention at the back!
JR Jim, that means you......
Lyzko  44 | 9720
29 Apr 2023   #579
Not in fact a "Jewish idea", but instead, an idea or concept
originated coincidentally by a Jew in the figure of Karl Marx, an atheist, incidentally,
who had as little use for the practice of Judaism per se as he had
for all organized religion.

Head-in-the-clouds academics rarely if ever think through
their pie-in-the-sky notions which are as far from reality as one can
get! Marx was no exception, nor was Gramsci, Fanon, any of the
Utopian idealists of the last century or two.
Novichok  4 | 8587
29 Apr 2023   #580
Utopian idealists of the last century or two.

...aka useful idiots.
Idealists and believers are the real threat as no fact-based discussion with them is possible. They will die or kill you before admitting they have been wrong.
Miloslaw  20 | 5135
29 Apr 2023   #581
originated coincidentally by a Jew in the figure of Karl Marx

Yes, A Jew.

useful idiots.

Yeah, that is better than Jewish.
Lyzko  44 | 9720
30 Apr 2023   #582
Milo, kindly don't lump all Jews into one basket! As with Poles,
Germans, generalizations are convenient pegs upon which to hang
one's own experience(s), but they're not always accurate.

Rather like judging a country solely or even mostly by her politics, isn't it?
I mean, most English are basically honest by nature.
pawian  226 | 27585
20 Dec 2024   #583
AmaSSing paradoxes of our times. Nazi leader of Israel, Netaniahu, fears coming to Poland for the celebration of death camp Jewish Shoah victims after the Justice Tribunal`s arrest warrant on him for the genocide that Nazi Israelis are perpetrating on Palestinians.
pawian  226 | 27585
20 Dec 2024   #584
the genocide that Nazi Israelis are perpetrating on Palestinians.

Hey, Nazi Israelis, the world is watching and bearing in mind your genocide on Palestinians. You will burn in Hell for your war crimes. Just like your predecessors, Nazi Germans 70 years ago.
Are you aware of it????

Tens of thousands of dead and injured, deliberately attacked hospitals, blocking of essential humanitarian aid and conditions in which it is impossible to live, although there is nowhere to escape - Doctors Without Borders warns in its latest report: genocide is taking place in Gaza. "The wounded lie everywhere, bodies are carried out in plastic bags, the stench of blood is unbearable. There are hundreds of people in the hospital waiting for news about their loved ones injured in the air raids. Bodies in white shrouds lie next to them and in the hospital morgue, an apocalypse reigns in the emergency department. Shocked, pale children, burned, calling for their parents, sometimes unable to scream because of the shock," Karin Huster from the medical staff of Doctors Without Borders in the Gaza Strip tells the authors of the report "Gaza: Life in a Death Trap".
Joker  2 | 2390
20 Dec 2024   #585
Hey, Nazi Israelis,

Yeah, that stupid statment makes about much sense as the rest of your idiotic posts.
pawian  226 | 27585
20 Dec 2024   #586
Nazi Israelis

Joker  2 | 2390
20 Dec 2024   #587
No such thing, just another one of your stupid comments.
pawian  226 | 27585
20 Dec 2024   #588

Exactly, no to Nazi Israelis. Thanks.
Lyzko  44 | 9720
20 Dec 2024   #589
Comparing Israel under Netanyahu with Nazism is downright sick, misguided, indicating
a complete and utter disregard for historical truth!

German anti-Jewish resentment and slow-burn, violent hatred of same, stoked above all by
Hitler. represented a centuries' long, indeed festering, animosity towards a single group within
a society, deemed "different", therefore weaker, by the majority host culture in whose midst the
Jews were living for hundreds of years before the Enlightenment.

The situation between Jews and Palestinian Arabs of the Muslim faith is one of singular denial
of their Jewish neighbors, the intent of whom, is stated as "to drive Israel into the sea".

The Israeli Jews have no other option than to defend themselves.
Had Germany's sizable Jewish population during the Third Reich been even more integrated
into German society, hence, with the effective use of firearms, hand-to-hand combat beyond merely
that of conscripted service in the First World War, Germany's Jewish citizens would have been able
to fight back tooth and nail, applying all the modern weaponry at their disposal.

As this was not the case, Germany's Jewish population appeared to the Nazis to lack the force of strength, an
attribute considered more important than any other.
Joker  2 | 2390
20 Dec 2024   #590
o Nazi Israelis

Do you have any photos or any proof?

Or are you just Johning around, dont be like him. I dont think of you as a liar, but more of a pest:)
Lyzko  44 | 9720
20 Dec 2024   #591
People like to irresponsibly label others as "Nazis", "Faschists" a knee-jerk, pseudo-liberal
response to anything they dislike! Say some high schoolers find their homeroom teacher too strict.
"Ahh, Mr.________'s such a fxxxxxxg Faschist... he doesn't like to give us recess!!" etc, ad nauseum.

Israelis are no more Faschist or Nazi than you or I.

Only those Holocaust survivors who experience true dictatorship are entitled to apply such epithets,
NOT anybody else!
pawian  226 | 27585
20 Dec 2024   #592
Netanyahu with Nazism is downright sick, misguided,

Compare the Jewish victims of German Nazis in 1940s and the Palestinian victim of Israelis Nazis in 2020s.

  • a

  • a
Lyzko  44 | 9720
20 Dec 2024   #593
Once again, "Israeli Nazis" is a vile misnomer, pawian, I'm surpised at you, man!
Israel was attacked by the Palestinians first, for whatever reason, Israel was the
butt of a rival's vicious onslaught, and needed any expedient within reason in order
to fight back, just as with any other nation on earth who has been forced into submission.

The will to survive remains the strongest of all human emotions, don't forget.
pawian  226 | 27585
20 Dec 2024   #594
I'm surpised at you, man!

Don`t be. The war in Ukraine overthrew all previous agendas. Israelis are modern Nazis and I can`t help it.
Remember it is nothing personal. I still respect you. :):):)
Lyzko  44 | 9720
20 Dec 2024   #595
You certainly can help it, by not kowtowing to willful ignorance!
If you desire to remains so, you will. If you desire to learn from your ignorance,
you won't, it's that simple.
pawian  226 | 27585
20 Dec 2024   #596
If you desire to remains so

I think I will for the time being. I have had enough of modern Nazism - both in Russia and Israel. Don`t blame me. I am too decent to close my eye.

ignorance! ignorance,

I forgive you your silly words coz you don`t know what you are doing.

Do you know who uttered these words????
pawian  226 | 27585
20 Dec 2024   #597
Do you have any photos or any proof?

  • images.jpg
Lyzko  44 | 9720
21 Dec 2024   #598
@pawian, you need not remain ignorant! Sure you understood me before??
Novichok  4 | 8587
21 Dec 2024   #599
Israelis are modern Nazis and I can`t help it.

If you were 25, you would love to date one of these "Nazis".

What a moron...diluting the word to make a cheap point and making the SS and Gestapo look better. Only a dumb azhole like you would try to accomplish that.
Joker  2 | 2390
21 Dec 2024   #600
..diluting the word to make a cheap point and making the SS and Gestapo look better.

Only a true commie A Hole would do that. I would love to watch him walking around Poland talking this crap. But we both now he hasnt the balls to try it. Hes only a keyboard warrior and a stupid one at that. It cracks me up when he constantly reffers to himself as being "decent". Pfffft!

Home / History / Can anyone from Poland tell me about Auschwitz and The Ghetto?
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