Crow if some Albos wanted to join the Slavic Union what would be your answer?
Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation?
MediaWatch 10 | 942
26 Dec 2010 #212
Listen people, anything peaceful is the way to go.
Try to find positives in things ...
Alright, if the term sounds too ethinic, it can always be changed. Also, little regional cooperation clubs is not bad. A cooperation club among the neighboring states will not harm. So what if Germany is not a direct member? - We can always work together in peace and harmony.
Try to find positives in things ...
Alright, if the term sounds too ethinic, it can always be changed. Also, little regional cooperation clubs is not bad. A cooperation club among the neighboring states will not harm. So what if Germany is not a direct member? - We can always work together in peace and harmony.
I agree with you that its always good to focus on positive things with the Slavic Union and to NOT be against anyone.
It could be kind of like the Polish & Slavic Credit Union here in the US, which naturally only wants to help Polish and Slavic Americans and is not against anyone.
On another note, I think its very interesting how this topic "Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation" has generated OVER 210 comments in just a couple days! Wow!
Crow if some Albos wanted to join the Slavic Union what would be your answer?
you ask me for Shifs (Albos)?
believe it or not but, i am more and more relaxed. All we need is time. Shifs would get Serbian answer same way as would all other Slavic enemies get answer. Stealing Kosovo from Serbia isn`t something new. Things like that happenings to Slavs all the time. Think about all those Western Slavic lands stolen from Poland all the way to the Rujan island. Think about Lusatia, etc, etc.
See, now is time for stealing. Same way, time for answer would come.
Well, we have seen NATO almost push Poland into the line of fire through insisting on that nonsense missile shield. Where is the urgency now? Things with Russia got better and then Obama stepped in to offer weaponry to Poland (idiot). I don't think a Slavic Union would be conniving like that. We don't want tension and NATO powers look for it.
I agree with you that its always good to focus on positive things with the Slavic Union and to NOT be against anyone.
yes. But still, its good to know that eventual Slavic Unity bringing balance of power on European and world scene. With Slavic Unity, no question about that, Slavs would get chance to once and for all solve some problems even using force, in case that other side isn`t flexible or show open hostility.
Would Dragan Dabić play a part with his wonderful healing hands, Crow? ;)
my friend, why don`t you ask him? Simple, e-mail him. Good doctor for sure may be willing to offer his services... just that he survive that enemy torture perpetrated on him in Hague
He's out of office for the foreseeable future, Crow :( :( Ratko may need to step in to rescue him.
He's out of office for the foreseeable future, Crow :( :(
you can say that way
Ratko may need to step in to rescue him.
Ratko is just preoccupy rescuing itself
Ratko plays hide and seek better than Saddam Hussein :)
Crow, depose of Tusk and who would you put in his place?
Crow, depose of Tusk and who would you put in his place?
OP Lodz_The_Boat 32 | 1522
26 Dec 2010 #221
believe it or not but, i am more and more relaxed. All we need is time. Shifs would get Serbian answer same way as would all other Slavic enemies get answer
This is the biggest problem. This attitude is the BIGGEST PROBLEM.
Why cant they live with us side to side and we convince a brotherly relations with change in both of us for a better adjustment with life for future of both our children?
THIS ATTITUDE is that will never let such a union have a future or solidarity.
£ódź, which part of Poland are you from? If Lithuania came in and annexed it to their country, how would you feel?
OP Lodz_The_Boat 32 | 1522
27 Dec 2010 #223
£ódź, which part of Poland are you from?
Guess wise man ...
If Lithuania came in and annexed it to their country, how would you feel?
No one is coming to annex.
MediaWatch 10 | 942
27 Dec 2010 #224
yes. But still, its good to know that eventual Slavic Unity bringing balance of power on European and world scene. With Slavic Unity, no question about that, Slavs would get chance to once and for all solve some problems even using force, in case that other side isn`t flexible or show open hostility.
What problems could be solved once and for all Crow?
What other side are you reffering to?
English is the international language of commerce and academia precisely
because of its primitivism (or, I should rather say, simplicity)
because of its primitivism (or, I should rather say, simplicity)
I hate to break it to you but older, more 'primitive', languages tend towards greater inflection - Latin is a classic. English in that sense is more 'modern' than Polish. As is this 'Slovio' which nobody speaks apart from a handful of fruit and nut jobs in linguistics departments.
Slavic elites
What are they going to do after backing themselves into a linguistic dead end? Sell amber to the Romans? Trade with the orient for spices? Maybe open links with the Americas for cotton? Pah
27 Dec 2010 #226
What are they going to do after backing themselves into a linguistic dead end?
You missed the point (again). There would be no "linguistic dead end", as Slavic elites would
also know English (and other modern languages), so they would be able to communicate
with most of the world easily.
Slovio or rather Slovianski, which I think would be a better choice, would be used for
communication between elites of different Slavic countries. There's no reason
for us to speak to one another in English or French, when we can use an inter-Slavic
language, and in that way honour our unique heritage and culture.
I try to picture the world that you advocate - the world where people from different
countries speak only English to one another and, frankly, it makes me sick.

Just looking at the map there, Russia is incredibly big, it makes it look like any Slavic union would be 'those little countries' joining Mother Russia.
The Slavic Union (Russian: Славянский союз) (SS) is a Russian far right national socialistic movement, which aims at the creation of Russian national state.[1] The Slavic Union is the most active ultranationalist political association in Russia.
The group's website, in Russian, links to extensive material on Holocaust denial[3] and to works by Adolf Hitler. Its organizational logo is a stylized swastika and the group's initials, "SS" in Russian, are the same as those used by the German Schutzstaffel and its secret intelligence service, the Gestapo (Geheime Stadtpolizei, Secret Policeforce), during World War II.[2]
The Slavic Union was banned by the Moscow City Court on April 27, 2010 following charges by prosecutors that the group promoted a national supremacist ideology similar to that of Nazi Germany.
I think an economic Slavic Union based on business would be beneficial but not an ethnic one.
the world where people from different
countries speak only English to one another and, frankly, it makes me sick.
countries speak only English to one another and, frankly, it makes me sick.
There is an irony in this from you, you are on an English language forum at gun point then, are you? I hope at least you have a bucket beside you at all times :)
There is such risk.
There must be many organisations in the U.S. for example, where people of Slavic countries come together to show off traditional dance, eat traditional foods (I see Slavic countries have many similar dishes) and other such none intrusive or dominant collaborations, this is a start rather than jump in to a complete Union.
Although last time I was with a group of Russians and a Pole, it seemed to me that the Russians spent the greater part of the night telling the Pole (who didn't care) how great Russia was, even though there were people from five other nations.
It struck me as insecure but of course I won't judge a whole country on a few people over the course of one night.
Must stop typing, must go back to work...
Russians have an interesting view.I always enjoy conversations with Russians.
There would be no "linguistic dead end", as Slavic elites would
also know English (and other modern languages)...There's no reason
for us to speak to one another in English or French, when we can use an inter-Slavic
language, and in that way honour our unique heritage and culture.
also know English (and other modern languages)...There's no reason
for us to speak to one another in English or French, when we can use an inter-Slavic
language, and in that way honour our unique heritage and culture.
You are going to honour your heritage and culture by inventing a new language which 10 people will speak to each other when they get together round the dinner table every year to play Dungeons and Dragons? Sounds really cool. Will you have a secret handshake too which only 5 people will know?
I see you modestly include yourself within the secret circle of the slavic elite.
27 Dec 2010 #230
a new language which 10 people will speak to each other
I think that the expression "one another" is more suitable when talking about more than
two things or people (so, "John and Mary looked at each other", but "All my neighbours hate
one another.")
How can I expect you to understand the beauty and joy of speaking a Slavic language,
if you don't even respect the few rules of your own vulgar native tongue?
they get together round the dinner table every year to play Dungeons and Dragons?
Sounds really cool. Will you have a secret handshake too which only 5 people will know?
Sounds really cool. Will you have a secret handshake too which only 5 people will know?
I will ignore your constant attempts to disparage people who cherish their Slavic
heritage and culture. You belittle Slavic world (as in your idiotic remark about cheap
cars and pûrnography), but you don't seem to really know anything about it.
Oh, well - your ignorance is not my problem.
I see you modestly include yourself within the secret circle of the slavic elite.
There's nothing secret about it.
Educated, cultured people, who know and cherish their Slavic history, culture and traditions
are automatically members of Slavic elite. Walking alimentary tracts, who eat, sh*t, sleep,
learn English as only foreign language and don't know anything about their heritage, are
obviously not members of the Slavic elite.
The criteria are, as you see, quite simple.
OP Lodz_The_Boat 32 | 1522
27 Dec 2010 #231
Slavic elite.
Arent you the one who was trying to pour his pessimistic view on the Slavic union just two days ago?
People think that such a Union is ethnic and thus racist. I think a confederation of neighbors with similar heritage then is the way forward. Not to mention that in the very beginning post (if read completely) makes it clear about our harmonious ways (not only harmonious but welcome too) for other European nations, Middle eastern or Indian or Persian or Far Eastern nations who settle in our union/confederation and have families here.
But no ... we need to be undermined and mistrusted.
I am ok with Kosovans as our friends too ... we have our own Muslims (tatars) and we have had a wonderful history with them. They are gallant and very patriotic.
27 Dec 2010 #232
Arent you the one who was trying to pour his pessimistic view on the Slavic union just
two days ago?
two days ago?
On your version of the union, maybe. Apart from that, I was nothing but enthusiastic
towards the idea. Besides, you're not supposed to be posting here - you're currently
in a Siberian re-educational camp for racists - remember? *rolls eyes*
Walking alimentary tracts, who eat, sh*t, sleep
I think they are quite common activities.
learn English as only foreign language
The same.
OP Lodz_The_Boat 32 | 1522
27 Dec 2010 #234
*rolls eyes*
Keep rolling =D
Yeah Yeah sure =D ... I ESCAPED ;-)
On your version of the union
Whats wrong in my version brate? ... care to explain? ... We'll work together to solve it if you dont mind? ... I am a man open to suggestions! Not stubborn or angry at someone who might have a different opinion.
Is it about Germany again? ... I told you that we can work with everyone as friends ... but dont you think that a little club/confederation etc should have some as members and others as friends? Otherwise we can take everyone from Japan to California =D ... 360 degrees =D ... why not? I LOVE ALL HUMAN KINDS EQUALLY =D ... =)
You can call me racist and trap me in some Siberian prison =D ... your wish =) ... I will escape again ;) ... but I know about myself, my family =), my love =), my beloved friends of different color/culture/language and their beautiful families with Polish spouse making everything Polonized ;-) and their children to grow up as Poles =) ...
I know how much I welcome Americans and Brits and even Germans who come Poland and want to make it their home with complete honesty and respect =) ...
But still ... I am interested to know what is EXACTLY YOU PURIFIED VERSION??
27 Dec 2010 #235
Whats wrong in my version brate?
It's based more on race than on heritage and culture, and you are too blinded
by your idea of keeping the union purely Slavic, to see that other nations simply
have to be included in the union for geopolitical reasons (Hungary,Romania
and Moldavia.)
I mentioned the inclusion of Hungary and Romania in this very thread.
I am interested to know what is EXACTLY YOU PURIFIED VERSION?
That's the point - my version is not "purified." You want to keep the union purely Slavic,
I am for inviting Hungarians and Romanians to it. Also, if Germany want to join the union,
they should be allowed to do so. Germanic Goths are a part of Slavic ethnos, and Germans
mixed with Slavic peoples so much, that today, genetically, they are about 30-35% Slavic.
So, my union includes Hungary, Romania, Moldavia and Germany. Your "pure race" version
of the union excludes the membership of non-slavic countries. That's racism of the first order
and I will not tolerate it in my union.
OP Lodz_The_Boat 32 | 1522
27 Dec 2010 #236
Your "pure race" version
I have no such version. Hey! ... my own wife is not a Slav, she is a Korean!
I think I am simply getting misunderstood by you. Its not pure race ... it means a confederation with shared cultural heritage.
If we need to be with Germany and Romanians ... all together ... why another Union? ... EU should suffice!
Why dont you realize that its just a economic club with some selected members ... Romania, Moldavia, Hungary are all friends with whom we work with =) ... otherwise tell me where is our uniqueness or shape?
27 Dec 2010 #237
my own wife is not a Slav, she is a Korean!
Say 안녕하세요 to her from me then. ;)
it means a confederation with shared cultural heritage.
Well, in that case I can't imagine NOT inviting Hungarians to it. We have developped
such strong ties throughout centuries that excluding them on the basis of lack of
shared cultural heritage would be nonsensical.
Romania and Moldavia must be in for geopolitical reasons (look at the map.)
We can negotiate about Germany, but I think they should be included (even if only
for Lusatian Sorbs - not to leave them outside the borders of the union.)
I guess some intermix between Slavs will produce amazing results.
some intermix between Slavs will produce amazing results
yes. it would result in Fifth element
or eventually in Resident evil
Its her. Child of Slavija, Mrs. Mila Jovovic - Serbian-Ukrainian mix >
OP Lodz_The_Boat 32 | 1522
27 Dec 2010 #240
There can be Slavic Albanian ... or Slavic Turkish mixes aswell. They would look beautiful too...