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Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation?

Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522
25 Dec 2010   #1
Is it really possible? Sounds good, I mean the world/phrase ... a Slavic alliance ... not bad eh?

Oh no I'm not stealing the show from dear ol' Crow! ... His mission of a Slavic Union might be so very different from mine. My vision and work have been different, but for anyone who have any thing to do with history, how can a Slavic Union not be a nice idea? =)

We have a rich history, culture, traditional things, language, we are even diverse in our own little ways, yet the elements required to be from the same family is there and recognized by the Poles as well as most of those who are from Slavic origins =).

Not a racist here, but someone who feels that this region have a lot to offer to the world together! It can be a progressive, forward looking and integrated society which looks for superior economic performance and spreading its own culture and tradition, while ofcourse exchanging whatever is good aswell. I surely feel that we can be the center point of Europe in terms of education, economy and all forms of progressive ideas.

An alliance where Poles will play a role, will have to be a peaceful yet strong alliance. Religion must be free and recognized, our relation with other members of the European continent must be sweet and on equal terms. We should have great friendly relations with China and India and Persia as well as the Pacific territories.

The region should recognize love and be a point of celebration of love and kindness. Here the Polish families and the other slavic families will prosper, our children will learn to make friends and build nations.

We have our German Polish/Slavic children .... Persian Polish/Slavic ... Indian Polish/Slavic .... Asian Polish/Slavic ... even Turkish Polish/Slavic Children ... These children should be groomed totally to rise up as Pillars of the Slavic traditions ... and combine together to make us the worlds most powerful and reliable community ever.

A Slavic union which is what the world needs! ... The center of all Power can be here ... and I think we are capable.

The TRUE SLAVIC UNION may start from here.
southern  73 | 7059
25 Dec 2010   #2
Persian Polish/Slavic ... Indian Polish/Slavic .... Asian Polish/Slavic ... even Turkish Polish/Slavic Children ... These

Are you talking about the achievements of Polki?I imagine slavic union as a black free,gay free community a counterbalance to germanic influence.
According to common germanic opinion the Slavs are incapable of governing themselves and need strong germanic hand to direct them properly.Here slavic union could disperse the germanic view with unpredictable results.Serbs should form the crucial fighting factor for melting the differences between the Slavs by directing them against the common enemy.A powerful slavic union could guarantee freedom for a plenty of nations and diminish the muslim danger to zero.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
25 Dec 2010   #3
No slavic union without Russia and I can't see Russia being led by Poles or will be the dominating force and that will be always a NoNo with many other slavic peoples - so I give it not a real chance, sorry!

It would be like a germanic union without the Germans! :)
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522
25 Dec 2010   #4
common enemy

The Slavic Union of mine is not like that. We have friends ... and the enemies of peace and prosperity are the only enemies we have.

For a sustainable, progressive, and loving union - which cares for the impulses and feelings and rights of its people - we need to think beyond the stone age ways.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
25 Dec 2010   #5
What about a German-Russian union?

Would that make the Poles happy???

OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522
25 Dec 2010   #6
germanic union

Not my headache ... you think about it. =)

Russia being led by Poles or Serbs

Why not? ... Russia actually is not all about Slavs ... they are one big diverse community. Which is not bad either... its good, they can add to our power. There shouldn't be a problem for them to be with us and mutually accept leadership ... their common people can I am sure.

And why do you think that only Poles will lead? ... We can have a structure of members ... a Table where the leaders sit together and decide ... leaders of all Slavic communities. The sense of unity is what will bind us all ...

German-Russian union

If it makes the Russians over-joyed ... then I guess everyone is free. It doesn't concern us then =).
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
25 Dec 2010   #7
And why do you think that only Poles will lead?

Because I can't see Poland agreeing to a union where Russians or Serbs or Slovaks or any other non-Pole will lead over them.


You Slavs are worse than western or central Europeans regarding a union and working together and accept leaderships. (Southern has a point here)

If the building of the EU would had depended on Slavs we still would be stuck in the discussions about the How To...


If it makes the Russians over-joyed ... then I guess everyone is free. It doesn't concern us then =).

Your disregard of the biggest and most influential slavic country speaks volumes about your dreamy unrealistic view of such a union. Do you really think that Russia would allow the building of such a union without them having a big say in it? They would feel threatened by it and do everything to destroy it.

It would put Slav against Slav.

Slavs always ruled the dreamworld, instead of the reality - that's your problem!
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522
25 Dec 2010   #8
any other non-Pole will lead over them.

Its called a joint leadership ... a bench of elected leaders from each of our states.

(Southern has a point here)

Why do you think you being a German or he being a Greek will know the Slavic mind better than a Slav? ... No offence but, dont you think you should concentrate on your germ-ic union?

Slavs always ruled the dreamworld

Ignorant =) ... we have capacity and capability, more importantly what many others visibly dont have = HEART! =)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
25 Dec 2010   #9
Its called a joint leadership ... a bench of elected leaders from each of our states.

And in reality???


Why do you think you being a German or he being a Greek will know the Slavic mind better than a Slav? ... No offence but, dont you think you should concentrate on your germ union?


PS: We ARE concentrating on our union Lodz...the EU is our Mitteleuropa + some extras! ;)

Ignorant =) ... we have capacity and capability, more importantly what many others visibly dont have = HEART! =)

I never disputed that one, Lodz.
Point is a working union doesn't need only heart but hard, determined, relentless, gritty ground work.
Heart is for dreamers!

And your Russia-problem isn't going either accept Russia as the biggest dominating factor in your union or you accept them as your main enemy bend on your destruction.

What is your heart saying about that problem Lodz?
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522
25 Dec 2010   #10
Heart is for dreamers!

Heart is for those who know LOVE - we Poles still know inside of us that LOVE IS GOD =) (its in the Bible too ... and I found the same in other Books of God ;-) ).

Changes can come through strong and committed hearts ... mind can help ... hearts to magic =).


I LIVE the Slavic life ... I am born in it. In my family I'm the first man from whom there came a non-Slav in the house ... all are Slavic ... =) ... and happy to be warm hearted Slavs who know the beauty of us lay in our heart and our diversity! ...

hard, determined, gritty ground work.

Hard work ... without love and care in it ... is useless.

Atomic energy, without knowing its proper use is useless.

Having a baby, without knowing your responsibilities and carrying those out with love is useless.

Having power without having a heart which discusses with the mind on equal terms for salvations is useless... and dangerous =)

These are the values on which a progressive union of Slavs can stand ... and show the world including our hard-working neighbors too ... what the Slavs are all about ... and how we are the natural fragrance which can make the world look alittle more livable =)
MrBubbles  10 | 613
25 Dec 2010   #11
this region have a lot to offer to the world together

Apart from prn and cheap labour? Not a chance. Also, why would Russia need Poland for anything?

I imagine Slavic union as a black free,gay free community a counterbalance to Germanic influence.

Surely the other way round
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
25 Dec 2010   #12
These are the values on which a progressive union of Slavs can stand ..

No, it can't, sorry!

Go on spouting your slavic lofty all won't help you one yota in the real world, with real people and their real problems. The world is safe! :)
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522
25 Dec 2010   #13
We ARE concentrating on our union

I am not talking about EU here ... =)

What is your heart saying about that problem Lodz?

I wish to see the knowledge of Russians working together with the rest of the Slavs.

I would love to see Russia let Chechnya go =)

When we, the members of the Slavic union rise in strength, and show love and compassion to Russians ... I am fully confident that Russia will have to join what is their place ...among us.

Russians have many other races and cultures too ... we would love to be brothers to them ... and instill Slavic values.

Its not a foolish union ... its a union which aims to be the NEED FULFILLER of the world ... they will look up on us ... and we will accept them and be brothers with them. Not be anyones master.

Actually this is how a Slavic heart will think which maybe different then some of our HARD MINDED neighbors =) ... we dont look to be a MASTER to anyone ... but a group of men and women who holds the hand of the world and takes it another step forward in love and evolution.

Our union will guard the value of love and unity ... progressive economic independence ... and security (by security i dont mean the traditional HARD MINDED steps ... but a balanced step with heart and mind working together for the good of all).

help you one yota in the real world, with real people and their real problems.

German sentiments keep helping the world you see ... so much ... I think we Slavs have something else to offer which the world might like for a change.

U've had your chance ... now we will SURELY WORK for ours. =)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
25 Dec 2010   #14
U've had your chance ... now we will SURELY WORK for ours. =)


As it looks it seems the Slavs prefer the germanic EU to a union of their own! ;)
With even more standing in the queue and wanting in.

Maybe the majority of the Slavs prefers brain to your and Crows "heart"...
Borrka  37 | 592
25 Dec 2010   #15
Our petty rasist BB starting German X-mas fairy tales ?
Look BB, there is no chance for any Germanic union because there are no Germanics in the closest future.
Recently I was to Berlin and Sharholmen/Stockholm - 100% Muslim color in these two wanna be Germanic locations.
You better get ready for paradise and your award of 77 vergins what is not quite bad.
Just ask your mufti.

I like Ruskies and I'm pretty sure under Polish boot they are able to develop some kind of culture and civilization.
The future belongs to us.
MediaWatch  10 | 942
25 Dec 2010   #16
As it looks it seems the Slavs prefer the germanic EU to a union of their own! ;)
With even more standing in the queue and wanting in.

You know I am all for some kind of Slavic Union with Slavic nations. No doubt.

But since Germany today seems to have decent relations with Slavic nations in general, dare I imagine what a German-Slavic nation alliance can be like?

All the nations of this alliance don't have to be best friends. We all know this isn't feasible. But if the nations of this whole alliance could at least agree on half the issues and major issues like looking out primarily for the best interests of this region of the world, this regional force would no doubt be a world force to be reckoned with.

Deep political and economic relations between countries of this alliance would be a good first step, where they do favors for each other first before the rest of the world.

I just thought I would think outside of the box :)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
25 Dec 2010   #17 is that for a fairytale? Is it your wishful thinking again?

I like Ruskies and I'm pretty sure under Polish boot they are able to develop some kind of culture and civilization.


You Slavs really rule...the world of imagination and dreams! You will NEVER build something worthwile for real!

But since Germany today seems to have decent relations with Slavic nations in general, dare I imagine what a German-Slavic nation alliance can be like?

Poland is part of one actually right now, it's called the EU!
Be committed and make it better and you might be onto something....

A "slavic union" needs an enemy to work, that would be either Russia or the non-slavic EU (or both). That would mean war in the end. And with it would come destruction.
Natasa  1 | 572
25 Dec 2010   #18
OMG Lodz the Boat is for Slavic Union, Crow what have you done:)))

I'm out of this kind of Slavic union ;)

I will rather choose to become what is in Serbia known as "Western wh0re". Or "Russian b1tch".
Whatever, sex is involved anyway. (slavs hate when women use words like wh0res and b1tches, I want to be expelled)
Any altruist out there interested to get me out of this? :)))

Bratwurst if things continue to develop in similar fashion I will start to think of you as of my best friend, and I will germanize/ deslavicize (it's the same process after all) myself schnell without resistance :)))
MediaWatch  10 | 942
25 Dec 2010   #19
Poland is part of one actually right now, it's called the EU!
Be committed and make it better and you might be onto something....

A "slavic union" needs an enemy to work, that would be either Russia or the non-slavic EU. That would mean war in the end.

You are right.

Although you will always have critics, I think Poland in the EU working with its neighboring nations like Germany is a good thing for Poland and its neighbors.

I am all for Poland having good relations with all its neighbors.

Looking at the history of Poland and this region of the world in general, its relatively stable and countries in this region should not take this for granted. Furthermore, in my opinion, it would be nice if all these nations can unite as some kind of regional force so that their total prosperity and strength in the world TOGETHER would go up in synergistic proportions in comparison to their strength as individual nations.

But you are right, the EU is the mechanism which is helping countries like Germany, Poland and other EU countries to the degree they cooperate with each other.

I was just wondering about the possibility of just a combined German and Slavic nation regional force.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
25 Dec 2010   #20
Although you will always have critics, I think Poland in the EU working with its neighboring nations like Germany is a good thing for Poland and its neighbors.

I agree, we have a really good thing going right now, a peaceful and prosperous future, and hence my lacking patience for dangerous air heads like Lodz or Crow!

I was just wondering about the possibility of just a combined German and Slavic nation regional force.

Why not?
As long as it's included in the broader framework and nobody feels threatened by it...
MediaWatch  10 | 942
25 Dec 2010   #21
I agree, we have a really good thing going right now, a peaceful and prosperous future, and hence my lacking patience for air heads like Lodz or Crow!

Isn't Serbia looking to be in the EU?

I thought Serbia was invited and that its thinking about joining the EU but you can correct me if I'm wrong.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
25 Dec 2010   #22
Yes, Serbia is standing in the queue, waiting for admission, as is their once-enemy Croatia! :)


Lodz and Crowie are so far removed from the reality it could be funny...
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522
25 Dec 2010   #23
Is it your wishful thinking again?

Wow BB ... its our wishful thinking right? ... This makes our task more urgent to tell ur kinds that SLAVS ARE THE FUTURE ... and its the German Wishful thinking that we cant. I dont understand than WHY the hell are you commenting here with your pessimist and hatred? ... If you dont believe in us, you dont have to insult our capability.

In one place you say you know about our capability, and in another place you say we cannot rise... whoa!... If I didnt believe there must be some good Germans too as human beings ... I would've made some remark of a life-time here.

A "slavic union" needs an enemy to work

We dont need enemies ... thats the German way of working. WE HAVE NO NOTHING TO DO WITH GERMANY.

Yes I know many go to work ... but give a better choice, they'd readily tell you what they are worth.

By the way BB, note this down .... the day is not far that we rise, we will let you get some work in our Borders aswell ... hopefully it will help your economy ... and the Slavic heart is bigger than you can imagine =).

OMG Lodz the Boat is for Slavic Union

I've always been from day 1. My perspective is not same are crow on all departments.

I just thought I would think outside of the box :)

Good thought =) ... where r u from?

In any case ... we welcome to work together with nations as far as New Zealand even ... Mongolia, India, China ... so why not Germany? ...

Ofcourse... the Union would consist of Slavic States only. However, if you read my Topic Post you will notice that we welcome all cultures and knowledge ... and celebrate peace, happiness and progress. This is the reality of the Slavic lands and Poland ... we have a tendency to be better than others =).

There is also other-race slavic mixes happening in Poland and Cz or other places where you can find Slavs. They are our people and our children. A sustainable future is to be constructed ... which is not to copy from stupid failures that some of our neighbors are so renowned for.

100% Muslim color in these two wanna be Germanic locations.

I dunno whats with this one German BB guy to really indirectly attack the Slavic concept?

In any ways ... Muslims can be groomed like our good ol' Tatars. Its called the ability to control people who are in your land. With some of our neighbors are totally incapable to do =D.

Infact one Slavic girl is enough to make a Muslim turn to a lover of Slavs and work for them and the unity of people of his likes for better understanding and development.

We are a powerful group ... we just need to think intelligently and wisely. We can win and win big.



Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
25 Dec 2010   #24
We are a powerful group ... we just need to think intelligently and wisely. We can win and win big.

How about you starting to think at least for once?

No...wait...better dream on...rumble on with your funny lofty statements. The world is perfectly safe! :):):)



Erm...there are slavic countries right now in an alliance with Germany, you know?

To much eggnogg this morning already Lodz? :):):)
Natasa  1 | 572
25 Dec 2010   #25 are in!!!

Now when I'm in when will you show me your collection in the Secret room? ;)
I want to try them all.
On and off, on and off, on and off, on and off.... ;)
Borrka  37 | 592
25 Dec 2010   #26
Don't worry BB.
We gonna respect your culture of the past like we respect the Roman Empire heritage.
Slavic kids will learn at schools about brave, forgotten Germans ....
And their funny helmets LOL.
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522
25 Dec 2010   #27
How about you starting to think at least for once?

U r an insecure German =) ... why dont you concentrate in ur Germ-ic ideas? ... Its a place for Slavic solidarity from a Polish perspective. A place for a possibility for Slavs. Why are you were trying to mislead and derail a constructive discussion? ... You are trying desperately ... because you are insecure.

I have thought of it well ... and I have worked for it in Poland, and there are many like mindeds here. MANY ... we even connect in dialogue with our brothers and sisters slavs...

There is something in us that does not match with a bunch of racists in our neighborhood. We all know who is one of the most vocal racists in this thread ... we Slavs generally cannot relate to such people... neither is the future of the world there.

brave, forgotten Germans

What brave forgotten german? =D

They should just read their history more unbiasedly ... but I could care less. I am not interested. Let em' live ...

About alliances....yeah there can be health or other joint ventures or works.... researches...yeah...

Slavic Union is SLAVIC.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
25 Dec 2010   #28
You are trying desperately ... because you are insecure.

Just inserting a dose of reality and asking some hard questions!
You don't like it? You prefer your fantasies undisturbed by any hard facts???

Okaaay....please go on...I will leave you to yourself and your right hand! ;)
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522
25 Dec 2010   #29
reality and asking some hard questions!

Ur racism is your reality ... ours is not =)...

You know what ... u will not understand. As you are sadly not supposed to.
MediaWatch  10 | 942
25 Dec 2010   #30
Good thought =) ... where r u from?


I am a Polish American born in the USA.

How would you define this Slavic Union besides the obvious that they all be Slavic? In other words what DO these Slavic nations have to do to be in the Slavic Union?

Do participating Slavic nations give some kind of economic breaks or advantages to other Slavic nations? Do they create a joint Slavic military?

What do you propose the criteria be for membership of this Slavic Union?

It sounds great, I just don't know how feasible it could be since Slavic nations have not been too united. But if inter Slavic relations between Slavic countries get better as they have been.....then you never know.

But I agree with you that the Slavic nations should work with non-Slavic nations like Germany, Mongolia, China ect.

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