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What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies?

Miloslaw  22 | 5208
15 Mar 2018   #91
Poland doesn't need Russia.Never has done and never will.
Russia has always been Poland's enemy and any friend of Russia is an enemy of Poland too.
cms neuf  2 | 1945
15 Mar 2018   #92
I think their reasoning is that the poison was made in Russia at a secure govt facility. I don't know if that's true but it's a good starting point for her reasoning.
Crow  155 | 9700
15 Mar 2018   #93
Russia has always been Poland's enemy and any friend of Russia is an enemy of Poland too.

that`s insane? Poles against Racowie? you know what you talking about? This last conflict between Anglo-Franco-Germanics and Russia started after vermin destroyed Yugoslavia and Serbians sent call to all Slavs and progressive humanity to help. Russia responded. Not only Russia.

So, this is about continual attack on Serbians and you suggests that we don`t need to accept Russian support? That we have to do it alone? or to give up? You suggests that destruction of Slavic South might be something positive for Poland? Man, Anglo-Franco-Germanics, don`t even wait to finish with us and here they come for Poland. Their greed is legendary. They want all to control or destroy if can`t control.

Then, are you aware that, among many others, Vatican also refusing to recognize partition of Serbia and separation of Kosovo? Are you aware of that? Don`t you see that all sane people who are capable to resist doing exactly that, resist to dictate of Anglo-Franco-Germanics madness that using even mujaheedines against other Whites.

You know when would Poles declare war on Racowie (Serbians)? One word- never. It is impossible to happen. It would be war Poland against Poland. Final defeat and final shame. Man, don`t you see that exactly among right wing Catholics in Poland you have biggest supporters to Serbians. That confidence in Serbians is result of history of our relations. Polish patriots knows what are we Serbians and what we represent. And if Russia decide to support us, Russia is welcome and Poles should join side by side with them and come in our aid. For us, you march with Russia! For if we fall, you falling next! Our foe is your foe.

Prof.dr hab. Jerzy Robert Nowak, Radio Maryja (2008-04-26) - Rola Niemiec w rozbiciu Jugosławii

Polish-Serbian Friendship
gregy741  5 | 1226
15 Mar 2018   #94
Russia has always been Poland's enemy

it has been because buraks like you..called warchols back then. in 17 century Russian even wanted to become part of rzeczpospolita and offered their throne to polish king.but polish buraks preferred raping pillaging and looting.did same to Moldova.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
15 Mar 2018   #95
gregy741polish buraks preferred raping pillaging and looting

I see The Kremlin are still paying your salary then........ ;-)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
15 Mar 2018   #96
Viva la Putin!!! Man its so funny watching these guys trying to stand up to Putin. It's like a child going to the headmaster to get schooled rofl
Crow  155 | 9700
15 Mar 2018   #97
Who gives a sh** for Putin, for any politician. Look what happening around us. We Slavs live or we die. Its that simple. Time is for Slavic cooperation.

I see The Kremlin are still paying your salary then........ ;-)

your comments are comments against Polish children. Always that paranoia. You are or stupid or non-Polish or, if Polish, for some twisted reason you hate your own people.
gregy741  5 | 1226
15 Mar 2018   #98
its so funny watching

for me itsa more funny to read posts by buraks,with tribal mentality,repeating **** they heard from other buraks during drinking sessions in the park
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
15 Mar 2018   #99
tribal mentality

You mean kind of like Jews, Arabs, Japanese.... and like almost every other group who wants to protect its own?

buraks during drinking sessions in the park

Such are business lunches on the golf course = )
gregy741  5 | 1226
15 Mar 2018   #100
and like almost every other group who wants to protect its own?

dont see problem with this..
tho,protecting national interests are not done by stupid nationalistic lunatic village idiocy.such as presented by miloslaw.
states such USA and Britain play with stupid nations and their dumb nationalistic obstinacy and make money on this...look at Ukraine or Syria.
see results of tribalism?
Poland should make business with nations where is beneficial. including with Russia.
burak doent see that our Greatest ally USA have just proposed a bill that if implemented would completely ruin Poland-bill demanding 700 billions dollars from Poland .which is almost act of war on Poland and extreme hostility

there are no allies,there are common interest
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
15 Mar 2018   #101
gregy741- Poland should make business with nations where is beneficial. including with Russia.

You are hilarious!
Why would Poland want to make deals with a country that has so much poverty?
The biggest country in the world with a large population and yet only the GDP of Italy?
You're having a laugh mate!
Crow  155 | 9700
15 Mar 2018   #102

There is duty to your civilization, to yourself, to your child. If you feel Slavic (ie Sarmatian) for yourself, you at a certain times, times like this, disregard your disgust and you work with Russians and together with them come in aid to Serbians, to support old core of Sarmatia. You simple do your duty. Core must live. There at core is grave of Zawisha Czarny. He gave most precious He had to give. Nobleman.
gregy741  5 | 1226
15 Mar 2018   #103
Why would Poland want to make deals with a country that has so much poverty?

and by far the most natural resources
that the thing village business are made in poor countries cus they need countries markets are hard to get into not to mention that they are good in protecting their industry and resources.

just one about what happened with billions invested in Canada by kghm...we could have much better option digging in Russia but
dont worry,western countries are very that happy to see Poland barking at Russia -thanks to village idiots such as yourselves ,while they do business with Russia all the time.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
15 Mar 2018   #104

I feel Slav like you do.

But will never trust The Russians.
Just a few reasons;

1.Occupations of Poland.
3.Warsaw Uprising.
4.Kresy and Siberian Labour Camps.
Crow  155 | 9700
15 Mar 2018   #105
That is why balance must be restored to Sarmatia (ie Slavia). So that all can get their justice. That is why enemies wants to prevent Serbia to restore its full potentials.

And among those justices, one great justice is that vast resources of Siberia belong to us Slavs (ie Sarmatians) and Russians will learn to share it with rest of us. That belong to all our children. Every peace of our lands belong to all our children.
gregy741  5 | 1226
15 Mar 2018   #106
That is why balance must be restored to Sarmatia (ie Slavia). So that all can get their justice.

i wouldn't waste your time with this village idiot.
they are all the same..."Turkey is our best friend" "Hussaria is strongest" "russia is bad,they hurt us" - Idiots. thats their whole knowledge they chicken feeding know -how

he wont understand nothing.USA are doing business even with terrorist supporting state such as Saudi.even after 09/11.
just recently Trump got 300 billion dollar deal
other nations leave historical grievances to historians
but it si too much to understand for village idiot...he will bark his nationalistic idiocies at all neighbors,and at some point he will get slapped again.

then he will be running from one victim memorial to another,crying about injustice
Crow  155 | 9700
15 Mar 2018   #107
i wouldn't waste your time with this village idiot.

no. I understand. You also must understand. We all had our failures. But now is the time to correct our mistakes. Nobody asks Poles to trust to Russians. Time is needed for that and we all don`t have that time. So, Poles have to trust to Serbians. They have all historical reasons for that.
gregy741  5 | 1226
15 Mar 2018   #108
Nobody asks Poles to trust to Russians

its not about trusting or not might not trust but still make business with.
where Poland trusting got us in 1939????? we were sold like a cow by our allies.
village idiots dont know that Russia offered us allegiance and protection agreement in case of Hitler aggression. we pissed on them saying we dont like russia and that Russia is too poor to be of any russia made deal with

where did that got us? huh?
now those idiots cry about Warsaw uprising , none of that would happened if our leaders had brain
RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495
15 Mar 2018   #109
Can`t tell for Polish immigrants on island but, luckily, thanks to Brexit, Britain officially isn`t part of EU and that way,

UK will be a member of the EU for another year (and few weeks)
Crow  155 | 9700
15 Mar 2018   #110
where Poland trusting got us in 1939????? we were sold like a cow by our allies.

Yes and if you remember the other cow next to Poland, it was Yugoslavia and when cow got hair cut, it turned out that to be Serbia.

UK will be a member of the EU for another year (and few weeks)

That`s no good. But then, after EU remains NATO. Poland can`t escape to Brits easily. No, no easy way here.

Again, we Serbians have to rebel first, to crash their momentum. Like back then in 1914.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
15 Mar 2018   #111

This "village idiot" was born and bred in London.....the city where you say you now reside.
Even if you come from Warsaw,by comparison to me,it is you that are the village idiot.
A word of advice......
Don't spend all those roubles on wodka my traitor friend.......


I have to say that I am warming to you.
Your passion,your pride,your insanity is very Slav.
Your supposed love for Poland I doubt though.I feel you have ulterior motives.
I'm sure we could enjoy sharing a few bottles of wodka together though!
But I will never share your love for Russians.....
Crow  155 | 9700
15 Mar 2018   #112
Just tolerate them when needed. Same what I expect from them when come to Poles.

Right now we have better things to do then to tire ourselves on things from past.

And why vodka? Why not awash our insanity with rakija?

born and bred in London

Take the best and leave the rest to them. Then, go back to Poland. Or, come to Serbia.

Stick to the topic everyone please
Slavictor  6 | 193
16 Mar 2018   #113
Hi, I think instead of worrying about the either/or of friendship / enemy, the matter is really one of survival. That is, the continued survival of Poland as a country. Specifically, Polands' continued existence as a civilization and not it's disappearance from the Earth's face replaced by molten ash created by Russia's missiles. Poland is a (very close) target as it hosts NATO's ABM systems.

How so. NATO is pushing hard for a first strike Nuclear War with Russia. They believe they can "win" taking this initiative, bring Russia to it's knees and make it a vassal state like Poland is. There are no winners in a Nuclear War. I don't think they care.

So, first priority is to extract Poland from NATO immediately. NATO's sole existence in the modern era is to provide cover for western aggression and should have been dissolved decades ago. Polands' political class has been paid off to remain as a member but this situation does not have to continue. This means all foreign ABM systems and the entire U.S. military presence out of Poland, immediately. The local Americans need to know that this is for their own good too. Normalize relations with Russia and state Poland has no interest in any other than the self-defense of it's own borders conducted by it's own military. Poland can take the lead on NATO expulsion and other countries in similar current vassalage to the West would certainly follow.

Secondly, and similarly, extricate Poland from the EU. It is engineered poison to the living sovereignty of nations.

No easy tasks of course, yet I was delighted to see Poland stand up for itself (in 2015) and declare it's heritage and intent to the World in one of the largest demonstrations seen in Europe. A shining example to other countries over-run with incoming invaders (yes, invaders. See Coudehove-Kalergi, Hooton Plan etc). Angela Merkel herself recently won the Kalergi prize.

Preserving Poland is worth it. Once it's gone it will never be habitable again. A little dreary? I didn't create the situation and I wish it weren't the case.
Crow  155 | 9700
17 Mar 2018   #114
you have ulterior motives.

to attract Polish investments in Serbia?

I contemplated and concluded that subconsciously, I want Polish investments in Serbia. But, I can`t say that`s all. Who knows what more I want considering my wild imagination.
17 Mar 2018   #115
How so. NATO is pushing hard for a first strike Nuclear War with Russia.

And that's as far as I needed to read.

Russia has a policy of murdering everyone who isn't Russian because they are a potential threat.
cms neuf  2 | 1945
17 Mar 2018   #116
Extract Poland from NATO and we will be safe - just like Georgia and Ukraine were
Crow  155 | 9700
17 Mar 2018   #117
or like Yugoslavia, Serbia, Libya, Iraq, Syria, Vietnam....

On the other side, with NATO, Poland may finish as post WWII Japan. If lucky.

No easy choices for Poland. For non of us.
cms neuf  2 | 1945
17 Mar 2018   #118
Only Serbia was a NATO action - taken after many warnings were ignored. The rest were either US agressiion or interventions that went wrong.
Crow  155 | 9700
17 Mar 2018   #119
Only Serbia was a NATO action - taken after many warnings were ignored.

Warnings invented by NATO leading powers for invented reasons, in situation when state of Serbia reacted to defend from terrorists and rebellion on its territory, as would do any state in the world.

Proof? Just go google on UCK (Albanian military organization). Before NATO intervention it was in official NATO documents classified as terrorist organization. After NATO intervention, UCK in same those documents becoming liberation army.

See? When NATO founds interest, terrorists suddenly becoming useful tool.

Or, think how Britain gave itself right to intervene on Malvinas (violating all possible human rights of natives there and violating positive UN charters and sovereignty of Argentine), while that same Britain preventing Serbia to defend its own territory and sovereignty. Or think of USA, France and all their rights given to themselves to intervene all over the world killing all those people and violating UN charters.

To put it in context of this thread. Russia now coming in aid to Serbia and Poland have opportunity to join to Russia in one positive project that is- `Helping to Serbs to liberate their country`. That will for sure secure that Poland and Russia aren`t enemies. Plus, Poland would prove that isn`t enemy to Serbs, to Slavic cause, to positive UN charters that guaranties sovereignty of states.

BDW, Serbian sovereignty have support from Vatican, China, India, Brazil, many EU and even NATO states and most of the globe. So, reason more for Poland to join to Russia in that fantastic project `Helping to Serbs to liberate their country`.
gregy741  5 | 1226
17 Mar 2018   #120
The rest were either US agressiion or interventions that went wrong

is there any US or NATO intervention that didn't go wrong?

Home / History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies?

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