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What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies?

johnny reb  49 | 8003
15 Apr 2024   #931
The patriots were only used on Irans few ballistic missiles and the slow moving drones and cruise missiles were taken out by conventional missiles from fighter jets and ships.

A small cost to show Iran that if Israel wanted to take out their nuclear faucilities that they could anytime they wanted to.
pawian  226 | 27817
15 Apr 2024   #932
Thank you, Kania - for differentiating between different flavors of Russians.

Ha! And you didn`t thank me for differentiating between bad imperial and good decent Russians. You are prejudiced coz you belong to the first category.
pawian  226 | 27817
19 Apr 2024   #933
Polish rightist President Duda speaks like a decent patriotic Pole! Amasing!

Polish President Andrzej Duda visits Canada. On Friday in Vancouver, he attended a seminar on transatlantic security. In his speech, he pointed out that Russia's aggression against Ukraine affects the global security system. As he said, Vladimir Putin - by starting the invasion of Ukraine - destroyed the security architecture established after the Cold War.

Andrzej Duda emphasized that Poland had been predicting and warning against such a scenario for many years, because Poles know the Russians' mentality and their way of acting very well.

He pointed out that Moscow imperialism, which was born in the 16th century, had not changed much since then: its essence was to constantly expand the territory at the expense of its neighbors or reduce them to subjugation and domination over them.

In the president's opinion, Russia's policy will not change even if Putin leaves the Kremlin. - The real problem is the imperial mentality of the Russian people. And that is why we must win on the front lines. If we hope for any change in Russia, we must cause it to suffer significant military losses. Russians only know and understand the language of force, Duda said.

He pointed out that Russia is not too concerned about Western sanctions and has enough forces and resources to wage a long war of attrition. - This is one of the Kremlin's goals - to drag the entire Western world into a very long war and exhaust our societies with inflation, new waves of refugees and sudden increases in energy prices - says the president.

- This means only one thing for us, we must provide Ukraine with weapons as soon as possible that will help push the Russian occupiers out of Ukrainian lands, Duda said. - We must consistently and quickly strengthen our forces and the military potential of NATO as a whole. This is the only effective way to deter Russia, because Russia never attacks the strong, he added.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
19 Apr 2024   #934
we must provide Ukraine with weapons as soon as possible that will help push the Russian occupiers out of Ukrainian lands, Duda said. - We must consistently and quickly strengthen our forces.

Duda's words were perfect.
pawian  226 | 27817
28 Apr 2024   #935
What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies?

Russian society needs to promote decent people who reject imperialism. The problem is that most of such people prefer to leave Russia than fight for improvement in it.

Here is a report by a Polish female mountaneer who met young Russian emigrees while climbing in Georgia.,07640b54

You can translate the whole text in Chrome on your own but here is what I deemed most important:

Only then did I realize that they were very young. They were just over 20 years old. At the beginning of the conversation, the boy admitted that many months earlier they had moved to Tbilisi because it was safer there than in Russia. It was a clear signal which side of the conflict attitude this couple was on. Moreover, they quickly opened up about the war in Ukraine, the situation in their homeland and the reality in which some Russians had to live. Their stories showed that they took part in several demonstrations against the war, and during one of them they were arrested. Fearing repression, they decided to escape from Russia. An additional factor was the fact that the boy did not want to fall victim to forced conscription into the army.

We talked for a long time about the madness that is the war in Ukraine. During the conversation, they confessed that they had friends in Warsaw whom they would like to visit, but they could not cross the borders of our country. Moreover, they cannot cross the borders of their own country because they are sure that they would face repression. At one point the girl started crying.

During the conversation, I realized for the first time what a great tragedy the Russians are experiencing because they oppose Putin and the conflict he has unleashed in Ukraine. These two people had to make extremely difficult decisions at a very young age. They were forced to abandon everything they knew because of the dreams of a brutal murderer and his henchmen who were fixated on "Greater Russia". The question is how many years later, if at all, they will be able to return to their own country, families and friends, everything they had to leave behind.

I was ashamed of myself for this simple generalization that was stuck in my head, i.e. that all Russians are bad. Yes, many representatives of this nationality actively contribute to the tragedy of Ukraine or simply support the war, but we cannot forget that there are also people who do not agree to what is happening. I think we should always remember this so as not to become like those really bad Russians, i.e. blinded by prejudice, reluctance and hatred.

Bobko  27 | 2215
28 Apr 2024   #936
I was ashamed of myself for this simple generalization that was stuck in my head, i.e. that all Russians are bad.

pawian  226 | 27817
28 Apr 2024   #937
Stop wowing. She wasn`t speaking of you, but of decent Russians. :):):)
Ironside  51 | 13083
28 Apr 2024   #938
a Polish female mountaneer

Why are you posting some pointless BS most likely made up?
It doesn't change anything.
pawian  226 | 27817
28 Apr 2024   #939
Why are you posting

I am posting coz you come once or twice a week recently. That is too rarely to make this forum running. By your neglectful attitude you are ruining it. Remember, stick to this one coz you won`t get a second chance with another All Things Polish.
pawian  226 | 27817
11 Jun 2024   #940
Wow, I have just found out that imperial Russians exploit the beneficial influence of trees and they practise tree hugging. Amasing! Now I like them a little more. :):):)

The commander of the occupiers' unit said that he was tied to a tree during the shelling because of a conflict with the leadership

Andrei Eliseenko from St. Petersburg was mobilized in October 2022. He was disgruntled that all the equipment had to be bought with personal money, Russian propagandists claim.

His commanders asked him to keep quiet about the problems, but it did not work out "amicably". In the end, the man was simply tied to a tree right during shelling near the town of Oleshki. The mobilized man was left like that for 4 hours. He miraculously survived.

Of course he survived. Thanks to the tree he was tied to.

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Atch  22 | 4299
12 Jun 2024   #941
He's holding his feet in a rather jaunty position. All he needs is a top hat, tails and a cane.

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Alien  26 | 6527
12 Jun 2024   #942
All he needs is a top hat, tails and a cane.

And of course, tap dancing shoes.
pawian  226 | 27817
6 Aug 2024   #943
The Kremlin spends billions on the war and military industry instead of investing into the improvement of infrastructure. Last winter dozens of cities and towns had huge problems with heating coz the installations regularly collapsed in freezing temps.

Now I can read that the 4th dam burst, flooding the local area.
pawian  226 | 27817
23 Dec 2024   #944
Russians have two options:
either get civilised at last and become a decent country allied with Europe
or remain the Asian barbarians they are and be slowly devoured by China.
pawian  226 | 27817
25 Dec 2024   #945
It is probably assumed in Poland that Chopin music should be above all divisions and conflicts. The radio commentary on those pianists is very positive.

Contribution into mankind`s culture is still recognised in Poland.
I collect recycled paper for cats litter and recently obtained a Music class notebook from 6th grade. First lessons introduce patriotic songs and melodies, later Chopin and a few other international artists, among others Piotr Czajkowski, famous for his ballet music.

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Home / History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies?
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