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What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies?

jon357  72 | 23528
18 Jan 2024   #841
There are tens, if not hundreds, of other cities which liberation Russians can genuinely celebrate;

For the women who were victims of mass rape by the Red Army it probably wasn't very liberating.

A very elderly neighbour where I used to live told me (repeatedly; she probably wanted the horrible story to survive her) that the only difference between the russian soldiers and the German soldiers in Warsaw was that the Germans stopped raping her when she passed out unconscious and the russians broke both her legs afterwards.

That is probably true but it is very poor value for money.

In fact they don't have a system at all; thousands go bankrupt every year paying some weird thing they have there called "medical bills". That doesn't happen anywhere in Europe.

They even have to pay for insulin or to have a baby.
mafketis  38 | 11184
18 Jan 2024   #842
between the russian soldiers and the German soldiers in Warsaw

soviet soldiers.... overall russians were underrepresented in the soviet army in wwii and Ukrainian and Belarussian soldiers overrepresented.

Probably no part of the former USSR suffered more in WWII than Belarus... horrific stuff.
pawian  226 | 27627
18 Jan 2024   #843
So, yes, surprisingly enough I find myself agreeing with Pawian

Yes, amasing!!! hahahaha

But we still agree on a few important matters, like PiS issue, for example.

it explained to him that should the provocative actions of celebrating the "liberation" of Warsaw ever be repeated

But they did it with a clear intention in mind - to provoke. Explaining anything to rabid imperialists is a waste of time. We only need more missiles and ammo, simple. :):):)
Bobko  27 | 2135
18 Jan 2024   #844
For the women who were victims of mass rape by the Red Army it probably wasn't very liberating.

You behave like an idiot.
Torq  8 | 1071
19 Jan 2024   #846
But we still agree on a few important matters, like PiS issue, for example.

Yes, I have to admit that you seem to be right about certain issues on extremely rare occasions. :)
jon357  72 | 23528
19 Jan 2024   #847
behave like an idiot.

Are you suggesting those thousands of rapes didn't happen?
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2131
19 Jan 2024   #848
Some countries see it as a norm, reward for their soldiers or part of rules of war. U.K has a very long lasting tradition of hierarchical army, every soldier knew their role and duties. The honour of one's regiment as well.

One of the most crucial parts of the British military, (land, air or sea) was discipline. Rape could easily have been seen as breach of discipline and seen as a danger for performing military operations at large or in general. Therefore seriously controlled.

Wehrmacht (especially irregular forces of the SS, like Dirlewanger) and Red Army had a much more savage and brutal warfare with unleashed fury and uncontrolled hatred.

Therefore for a Russian reading what you wrote will be seen as a provocation (cause a Russian would think that this happens in war, don't you know?)

While from a western point of view can be deeply shocking, abhorrent or hard to grasp with what type of norms more Asiatic countries are used to and has been normalised.
Bobko  27 | 2135
19 Jan 2024   #849
Rape could easily have been seen as breach of discipline

Rape is seen as a breach of discipline in Russia as well. In fact, anywhere in the world, military atrocities, including rape, are seen as detrimental to morale.

There are hundreds of documented cases of summary executions of Russian soldiers during the Battle of Berlin, for the crime of rape. A good officer, understands that letting rape go unpunished is deletirious for esprit de corps.

The reason I said Jon is arguing an idiotic position, is because he put the rapes on the other side of the scale, when talking about the liberation of literally millions of square kilometers of Eastern European territory from Nazism.

I'm not using Stalin's argument that a little bit of rape is deserved by the frontline men, but that the rape did not cancel out the overall "GOOD".
Novichok  4 | 8608
19 Jan 2024   #850
but that the rape did not cancel out the overall "GOOD".

...and the Red Arny did plenty of good for Poland, Poles, and me. Like preventing the Western warmongers from "liberating" Poland...and never mind how many of us would die in the process.

Red is always better than dead, so FU, Western liberators, and your "freedom and democracy"...
Alien  25 | 6445
19 Jan 2024   #851
...and the Red Arny did plenty of good for Poland, Poles, and me

Red Arny? Do you mean Arnold Schwarzenegger?
Miloslaw  20 | 5142
19 Jan 2024   #852
.and the Red Arny did plenty of good for Poland

You are almost as nutty as Pawian......
pawian  226 | 27627
19 Jan 2024   #853
You are

Mongrel, instead of Novi or pawian, why don`t you take a more proper care of your daughter to prevent her from doing her indecent job for Joker???
Miloslaw  20 | 5142
19 Jan 2024   #854
why don`t you take a more proper care of your daughter

You are obsessed by my daughter....... it is a disgusting trait in an old man like you.
pawian  226 | 27627
19 Jan 2024   #855

No, mongrel, you brought her up as a subject in another thread.
Novichok  4 | 8608
20 Jan 2024   #856
Really? You are almost as nutty as Pawian......

It was not the Brits, the French, the Americans, or the Poles who liberated Poland, including Auschwitz, from the Germans. It was the Red Army.

They were greeted with flowers in Poland just as the Americans were greeted in France.
If my facts are wrong, tell me...No personal insults.
Alien  25 | 6445
20 Jan 2024   #857
There is a Polish proverb; from the rain under gutter. And that's what happened with the liberation of Poland by the Red Army.
Torq  8 | 1071
20 Jan 2024   #858
from the rain under gutter. And that's what happened with the liberation of Poland by the Red Army.

Z deszczu pod rynnę? That is hardly accurate now, is it?

From being destined to either slave labour or slaughter to being a vassal country in a communist block is hardly z deszczu pod rynnę, Alien. More like "from the slaughterhouse to a boring lecture".

Communist party committee meetings might have been boring, no doubt, but I'll take them over gas chambers any day.
Alien  25 | 6445
20 Jan 2024   #859
Z deszczu pod rynnę

Z deszczu pod rynnę does not necessarily mean from better to worse. It can also mean from worse to better, but not as much as you would like. This proverb describes quite well what happened to Poland after World War II.
Torq  8 | 1071
20 Jan 2024   #860
It can also mean from worse to better, but not as much as you would like.

It means "from worse to even more worse"...

Trafić z deszczu pod rynnę oznacza znaleźć się w jeszcze gorszej sytuacji, doznać sytuacji, która pogorszyła czyjeś położenie.

trafić jeszcze gorzej, znaleźć się w gorszej sytuacji niż poprzednio

... but if you thought it menas "from worse to better, but not as much as you would like" then I agree. :)
Alien  25 | 6445
20 Jan 2024   #861
trafić jeszcze gorzej, znaleźć się w gorszej sytuacji niż poprzednio

My interpretation in this particular case was different.
Ironside  50 | 12967
20 Jan 2024   #862
It means

Here, is something interesting:

Novichok  4 | 8608
20 Jan 2024   #863
There is a Polish proverb; from the rain under gutter.

OK. I was in Poland and under the gutter. Tell me about that "gutter". Please be as specific as you can so no Polish poetry, proverbs, or metaphors. Just the facts...
Novichok  4 | 8608
20 Jan 2024   #864
Let me start:

1. I was never hungry
2. I was never homeless
3. I never saw a Soviet soldier or vehicle
4. I received my first communion and confirmation
5. I was never interrogated by UB or Milicja
6. I never belonged to any party
7. I was never forced to parade on May 1
8. I was never indoctrinated
9. I got my MSEE for free
10. I left for the Netherlands in full daylight in 1966

If you know of other horrors I just forgot, please let me know what those were...
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2131
20 Jan 2024   #865
Probably also

11. Never waited in que for a car
12. Wasn't punished or down-prioritised by your teachers for your background
13. Never put in jail
14. Didn't experience interrogations
15. Wasn't fired from work
16. Doesn't understand what a spoiled brat sounds like to other people
Miloslaw  20 | 5142
20 Jan 2024   #866
It was not the Brits, the French, the Americans, or the Poles who liberated Poland, including Auschwitz, from the Germans. It was the Red Army.

"Liberated" is the wrong word.

They were greeted with flowers in Poland

Because Russians were not as bad as Germans!!!! They soon found out that Russians were not much better...... "Liberated"! My arse!!

Poles know one thing.Never trust the Russians.......Our "Slavic Brothers" in Russia are less than 78% Slav.......
Ironside  50 | 12967
21 Jan 2024   #867
I was

Write the F book about yourself and be done with it. I am sick of you stupid ass talking rubbish which revolves around me me me! F YOU! No scratch that - just ignore you, What a dumb boring old troll! geez!
Alien  25 | 6445
21 Jan 2024   #868
F YOU! No scratch that - just ignore you, What a dumb boring old troll! geez!

Iron, you're getting back into your shape. 🤭
mafketis  38 | 11184
21 Jan 2024   #869
stupid ass talking rubbish which revolves around me me me!

It's called narcissism.... other people don't exist beyond being background characters in the endlessly fascinating saga of me me me!!!!!

But that's a facade. Inside, narcissists are hollow and require 'supply' from other people to either openly admire them or at the least attack them. Both give them the input from outsiders that they crave.

He's far from the only narcissist here.
jon357  72 | 23528
21 Jan 2024   #870
He's far from the only narcissist here

There are some good online tests to diagnose narcissism, psychopathy, sociopathy etc. I did some once and the results said I was pretty well the opposite of all three. Almost a shame since psychopaths seem to have a lot of fun.

About nationalities, although I know someone in PL who is certainly on the psychopathology scale and a slight narcissist too (she's actually a nice person albeit rather right wing and libertarian economically) I'd not say that Poland is a nation of narcissists, psychopaths at all; if anything most people in PL are empathetic.

russia though? Harder to say, however they do some things that suggest narcissism.

There's one nationality though that seem to me to be a nation of narcissists and psychopaths. Perhaps I've been personally unlucky in the ones I've interacted with however that would be statistically unlikely. There's one person I know from there who isn't on that scale and one poster here who also seems decent and not on that scale however they are both hyphen-whatsits with strong connections to other places.

The country? Can you guess what it is yet?

PS, the last sentence was a subtle clue.

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