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What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies?

Paulina  19 | 4556
18 Sep 2023   #601
That woman in the poster is even wearing a headscarf - how Muslim of them lol



Paulina  19 | 4556
18 Sep 2023   #602
it might even make some people take russia's side....

Oh, I'm sure that rightists will after seeing that poster - the likes of Ironside, Novichok, Kania, Kashub1410, etc. It's the right-wing/nationalist wet dream, after all. Their ultimate fantasy. 🤢🤮
Ironside  51 | 13083
18 Sep 2023   #603
Their ultimate fantasy.

So this question need to be asked, you understand - are you nasty or just plain stupid?
Paulina  19 | 4556
18 Sep 2023   #604
@Ironside, neither.
Paulina  19 | 4556
18 Sep 2023   #606
@Ironside, no, I mean neither. Ask pawian if you need English lessons lol
Ironside  51 | 13083
18 Sep 2023   #607
no, I mean neither

Who cares what you mean? You sound like a nasty fool, and act like one so you know what as this saying goes....
why you even pick on me for no reason? I pick on you back and you cry and play a that it?> You like to feel like a victim so you can feel better about being toxic and nasty to others?
Paulina  19 | 4556
18 Sep 2023   #608
why you even pick on me for no reason?

I didn't pick on you in particular - you're just an example of such way of thinking that is behind that banner.

I pick on you back and you cry and play a victim....

It's actually the first time I "picked on you" after numerous times you did that to me and attacked me first out of the blue. So now you know what it's like, eh? 🙄
Ironside  51 | 13083
18 Sep 2023   #609
you're just an example of such way of thinking that is behind that banner.

the point here is you don't know what I think, you are not able to comprehand my thought processs, so for the most part your cliams as to what I think or what are belive in are just idiotic, that has nothing to do with me but all with you and your delusional mind ...

It's actually the first time I "picked on you"

No, it is not! But I don't even care, yet again you look for justfiction to say - hey is not me its him, you are hopless, take responsiblity for your words and action ....

by the way I don't care that you pick on me, I just don't want to go back to the same cycle with you, where it was like - me - its you and - you - not it is you~pointless kindergradern stuff!
Paulina  19 | 4556
18 Sep 2023   #610
the point here is you don't know what I think

Well then enlighten me.

No, it is not!

Yes, it is - it's been like that with you for quite some time now.

by the way I don't care that you pick on me, I just don't want to go back to the same cycle with you,

Then why do you even comment and start this all over again?? If you think that I got your views wrong then you should just say so instead of starting with insults.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
18 Sep 2023   #611
I decided to hold my tongue (metaphorically) upon swearing an oath. I see no other choice now then to break it, I won't mind if continue with your vile, toxins, poisons and false (empty) accusations towards Kashub1410. As I see it merally as hysteria and don't care.

However, if you start behaving as if Polish soldiers in 1941 would massively join side of Nazi Germany upon seeing "Got mit uns" on German soldiers belts, your most likely deluded, lied to and totally unsynchronized to the understanding AND mentality of Polish right-wing politics. You focus on dark side of the medal, I'll warn you. The more you feel and think about it, the more you become it. Don't let your hubris fool you into the darker side of thing Paulina.

When it comes to Ironside and Novichok they seem to be grudging old men (very normal for older men mind you) who live on their nostalgia and are unhappy about everything around them as it does not remind them of their youth, better prospects and their illusions they want to believe in. Ironside is nostalgic about his heritage, estate and all connected to it I guess.

Novichok disgruntled about everything he lost and wishes for to return (most likely close family member in form of a son, that died in a American expedition called formerly as a war, to which he does not understand why and doesn't want to and still has grief to bear. After poking him too much, he became resentful and declared an all out war of PF cause of it, due to my dislike for him. I'll bear the responsibility of unleashing it caused by my own stupidity)

Kania is very similar to me, probably an empath and bridge builder in nature. What he hopes and aims for would been welcome by you 20 years ago for sure. Problem is that this fog of conflict and war have cast rightful mistrust of anything Russian, but also it seems month by month forgetting the human nature of Russians as well.

It is not in Poland's interest of survival to antagonise unnececerally Russia as a state, people or when in form of individual Russians (which they love to point out)

However it is in Poland's interest for her neighbours to live in peace, prosperity, with as many loving families as possible and opportunity to worship God and unite Europe under the banner of the Catholic Church.

To you missy, what might seem as opression, I see clarity, order, simplicity and love.

To you what might seem medieval I see humane, to you what you see as modern, I see as revolting.

To you what might seem like freedom, I see invisible chains you do not know of and the best of doors closed by your own choices.

There are more opponents then allies on this forum, you would be wise to write with a minimal dose of respect even to "Orcs". Otherwise you would have no right for any respect for yourself
Paulina  19 | 4556
18 Sep 2023   #612
However, if you start behaving as if Polish soldiers in 1941 would massively join side of Nazi Germany upon seeing "Got mit uns" on German soldiers belts, your most likely deluded

Of course I didn't mean everyone, but you can see such pro-RuSSian examples in Konfederacja.

To you missy, what might seem as opression, I see clarity, order, simplicity and love.

To you what might seem medieval I see humane, to you what you see as modern, I see as revolting.

"When we think of the past it's the beautiful things we pick out. We want to believe it was all like that."

("The Handmaid's Tale" by Margaret Atwood)

you would be wise to write with a minimal dose of respect even to "Orcs"

Oh, I do that. I write to them with more respect than they deserve.
Bobko  27 | 2215
18 Sep 2023   #613
I write to them with more respect than they deserve.

Whoa! I shudder to think how you treat people that you do not respect. Could you give an example of such a person?
Paulina  19 | 4556
18 Sep 2023   #614
how you treat people that you do not respect

Better than RuSSian soldiers treat Ukrainians.
mafketis  38 | 11260
18 Sep 2023   #615
not in Poland's interest of survival to antagonise unnececerally

Is the resurrection of a nazi slogan a good reason to antagonize russia?

How do you think that "dzieci, kuchnia, kościół" would work in Poland?
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
18 Sep 2023   #616
Certain values cannot be resurrected, they simply are. Just as honesty and truthfulness

The abuse and cynical use of similar propaganda has been resurrected in very similar fashion.

"Dzieci, kuchnia I kościół" sounds like a nightmare for most Polish young men in my opinion. I have a hard time seeing it as a possibility unless propagated by 80%+ of Polish women which in these times seems like an impossibility.

As long as Polish women do not demand proper household conditions, a clean kitchen and means to work there and nagging the whole church to make it so by telling men to step up.

Then I don't see that as a form of "danger" that many on the left seem to imply as a possibility, looks more like a unwarranted fear to me. It's modern day Poland after all, more like a phobic idea.

I can easily imagine all the young men being more terrified by it then women if women considered the results of it truly.
mafketis  38 | 11260
18 Sep 2023   #617
Certain values cannot be resurrected, they simply are.

The funny thing is that the same day that the nazi slogan poster shows up on twitter.... so does this....
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
18 Sep 2023   #618
I would just like to point out that while nazism was indubitably a horrible ideology and an aberration of common sense and human decency, not everything connected with it was totally nonsensical or wrong.

For example, this noble slogan - "Kinder, Küche, Kirche" - provided it doesn't entail any coercion and is simply an expression of a certain ideal, should not be frowned upon or disparaged. Actually, I like the slogan so much that I might even be tempted to have the letters KKK tattooed on my shoulder if it wasn't for the fear that the acronym might be misunderstood by some quick-to-conclusion-jumping people.

If a woman chooses the ideal of family values (Kinder), taking care of their health as well as creating and keeping alive the flame of familial love (Küche) whilst not forgetting the chief end of every human being in worshiping our Lord Jesus Christ (Kirche), she should definitely be praised for her choice as it is infinitely more valuable for society in the long run than the opposite ideal of a 40 year-old childless spinster, with a "career" in shuffling papers and - in the best case scenario - a PhD on 17th century Latvian cutlery that nobody read (except herself and bored reviewers).

What annoys me, on the other hand, are half-witted female organisms who very often like to belittle great women who choose KKK instead of a "career" or "self-fulfillment". Any leftist female organism who makes a full-time mother and wife feel bad about herself and her choice is surely deserving a place in the lowest circle of hell.
mafketis  38 | 11260
18 Sep 2023   #619
keeping alive the flame of familial love (Küche)

Küche means 'kitchen' not vag1na....

Apart from that what strikes me is that you don't seem to be writing about Poland at all.... for many generations most Polish women have gone to work while raising families.... if they're less eager to do that now and concentrate on career then maybe Polish men need to up their game and be a value at home...

The K K K model (as it were) also makes women very dependent on men who in Poland are not necessarily the most dependable... the church certainly has no great record of protecting women from domestic abuse and the like.

And of course there's the typical russian hyopcrisy promoting KKK while prosecuting a pregnant woman for not doing her part in the war effort....
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
18 Sep 2023   #620
Küche means 'kitchen' not vag1na...

Thanks for the linguistic tip.

for many generations most Polish women have gone to work while raising families

Because Polish men died in wars and uprisings and it was Polish women who kept the flame alive whilst the men were dying, being imprisoned or exiled. Polish history 101.

they're less eager to do that now

We can thank all the leftard propaganda and silly Hollyforest movies for that. Also, the quality of men would also seem to decrease recently. Perhaps the Church should allow polygamy for decent men to have more wives (and automatically also more children) whilst pedały w rurkach or irresponsible bums would remain honorary members of their incel clubs forever. Hmm... a thing for the Pope to consider. :)
Paulina  19 | 4556
18 Sep 2023   #621
Actually, I like the slogan so much that

Oh, I'm sure you do, because you're not the one sitting in the kitchen and taking care of kids, as we now know. I'm going to be honest here - I find men like you vomit-inducing, because you're such hypocrites.

We can thank all the leftard propaganda and silly Hollyforest movies for that.

No, you have no idea what you're talking about.

Perhaps the Church should allow polygamy for decent men to have more wives

Pfahahaha :D Another wet dream of rightist men *pukes*
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
18 Sep 2023   #622
I find men like you vomit-inducing

Well, all you have to do then is raise your sons according to your values and make sure they never grow up to be like me.

Oh, no... wait.
Paulina  19 | 4556
18 Sep 2023   #623
@GefreiterKania, speaking of which... Be careful, because your daughter may not turn out the way you want her to be... :))
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
18 Sep 2023   #624

Don't worry about my daughter, worry about yours.

A nie... czekaj. :)
Paulina  19 | 4556
18 Sep 2023   #625
@GefreiterKania, you are her father - you should be worrying about her, not me.

And I'm just warning you... :))
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
18 Sep 2023   #626
I'm just warning you

*trembles with fear and terror*
Ironside  51 | 13083
18 Sep 2023   #627
the church certainly has no great record of protecting women from domestic abuse and the like.

like a police? What are even talking about, it is thanks the church women have righs and eleveted status.
By the way - do you think family - abuse? Seems to me that is the modern obseesion..
Paulina  19 | 4556
18 Sep 2023   #628
*trembles with fear and terror*

You may laugh all you want, but kids aren't our clones and they're not supposed to be. She may end up having different views than you when she becomes an adult - that's all I'm saying.
18 Sep 2023   #629
it was Polish women who kept the flame alive whilst the men were dying, being imprisoned or exiled.

And for decades after. Many of my Polish friends have mothers who are only just retiring or have retired in the last few years.

are half-witted female organisms who very often like to belittle great women who choose KKK instead of a "career" or "self-fulfillment".

I don't know of anyone who would belittle women who choose to stay at home but then I don't know any half-witted female 'organisms' either. Talk about coming from a position of privilege. What about those mothers who have no choice but to work as is often the case these days. Are they half-witted female organisms too?

opposite ideal of a 40 year-old childless spinster, with a "career" in shuffling papers

If women choose not to have children then that is their choice. More interesting though is why you perceive that women are academically less able than men. A PhD on 17th century Latvian cutlery? Seriously?

You strike me as being a very narrow-minded individual to be honest.
pawian  226 | 27817
18 Sep 2023   #630
You strike me as being a very narrow-minded individual.

It is a problem of many Polish males who are middle aged or elderly. The remnants of the patriarchat. Fortunately, younger generations of males are more reasonable.

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