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Poland - problem for Germany? (historically continual hostility of German state on Poland)

Weimarer  6 | 357
10 Feb 2019   #61

Poland buys gas from russia as well and would not have a problem if the pipeline would go through Poland.

1. I'm AfD supporter, thanks to us, Germany culled down migration by 97%. Would be good Poland would do same against influx of ukrainans. It appears poland gave up its borders?

2. We want sanctions against russia to stop. The eastern german states are against those sanctions.

3. Gas is not on the sanction list.

We have no alternative for russian gas. USA is no trustworthy partner. Trump proved again and again tgst he breaks contracts whenever he wants. Russia never broke gas delivery to Germany in last 50 years.

We are not willing to pay 45% more for energy. Your own people would not be willing to pay that either.
Vlad1234  16 | 883
10 Feb 2019   #62
Would be good Poland would do same against influx of ukrainans.

What is your concern about that?
Tacitus  2 | 1272
10 Feb 2019   #63
I'm AfD supporter, thanks to us, Germany culled down migration by 97

Not even the number of refugees went down that much. From an all-time high in 2015 from 800k to now 180k. Normal migration is still going strong, and considering Germany's need for workers, thankfully so. Poland is also in desperate need for workers, and the Ukrainians fill this gap (who are also not refugees).
Weimarer  6 | 357
10 Feb 2019   #64
Number of refugees is lower than at the record high of 1993.

Ukrainians, Syrians, Pakis ect. All same for me. Its not in German interest to allow them in. The southern border is closed now and i hope Poland starts to protect its borders as well.
mafketis  38 | 11195
10 Feb 2019   #65
considering Germany's need for workers, thankfully so

yes, import as many people as possible since companies want that.... and then when automation lays a large percentage of them off.... well the German taxpayer can pay for their welfare

short term neoliberal dead end thinking
Weimarer  6 | 357
10 Feb 2019   #66
Not working anymore since AfD ist at almost 30% in east german states.

Now suddenly all politicians somehow were always critical about migration and want harsher laws. Its quite funny actually that we have to vote far right to correct.
mafketis  38 | 11195
10 Feb 2019   #67
I really don't think of AfD as being that far right (beyond their weird dysfunctionally crippled political spectrum of modern Germany)

As I have said (repeatedly) that changes in policy are necessary to prevent the real far right crazies from gaining power... give AfD a place at the table to prevent worse actors from knocking the table over later.
Tacitus  2 | 1272
10 Feb 2019   #68
are necessary to prevent the real far right crazies from gaining power

As opposed to the real far-right crazies in the Afd? Once the AfD of its' lunatics `a la Höcke we can talk about political cooperation. But before that they should not be considered for political cooperation.
Weimarer  6 | 357
10 Feb 2019   #69
I see its different. I´m voting for AfD and i´m member of AfD as are most of my comrades and also superiors.

I dont agree with evrything Höcke says but he is necessary. The corrective catalyst we need to correct the leftist bullshit. I dont want cooperation at this point. We must hunt the system parties, counter them and they must fear us. There cant be any cooperation.

First we must see systematic change in the other parties.

The AfD saved the Titanic with a hard to starboard command. We are not out of danger yet.
cms neuf  1 | 1899
10 Feb 2019   #70
What do you mean by comrades ? The people you work with - most Germans would translate mitarbeiter as workmate or colleague ?

Or your friends ? Most people would translate Kamerad as mate or pal or friend.

Strange use of language that.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11998
10 Feb 2019   #71
....member of AfD as are most of my comrades and also superiors.

I really doubt that...

Strange use of language that.

"Kameraden" is used in police and military though. A traditional german description for brother-in-arms.

What you probably mean is "Genossen", another possibly translation for "comrades" in the anglo-sphere, mainly used by party commies...
Tacitus  2 | 1272
10 Feb 2019   #72
Well, if what he says is true, it might really be time to have a closer look at our security forces.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11998
10 Feb 2019   #73
Okay...but what would be the alternative?

Our security forces are traditional more interesting for conservative mentalities...the Left and the Greens have destroyed alot with their attacks against policemen and soldiers doing their job and their generally dislike against weapons.

It's not as if they would want to fill the void when you throw out all AfD voters, not that you can as it is still a democratic party...
Lyzko  45 | 9751
10 Feb 2019   #74

Herr Hoecke has lost the way and is opting, as per usual, for easy solutions, quick-fixes if you will, to infinitely complex problems.
Not too different from Mr. Trump over in the US. Hoecke's rhetoric is nothing more than pandering to the lowest common denominator, so too the PEGIDA people!

DIfficult challenges require rethinking old, worn, and useless strategies. We all have our cross to bear and finger pointing, revisionist chat along with
not so veiled racist agendas don't solve anything.
Weimarer  6 | 357
10 Feb 2019   #75
I have learned that easy solutions are always working solutions. It never helps to make something more complex than it is.

As for AfD, in my village AfD got 38%, in neighbor village over 50%. There is high possibility that AfD becomes strongest party in Thüringen.

Beside that, all my comrades are critical to the system parties. Thats a simple fact. What some say could not even said in public and i fully understand why they think that way.

AfD is a democratic party and im happy about their sucess, only because AfD, things in Germany changed for the better.
OP Crow  154 | 9554
10 Feb 2019   #76
We finally living in era when one can note that German or French states can collapse more easily then Poland. Actually, what fascinates me, even Serbia is more serious state then Germany or France. See, that is the evolution. Eternal circle of things. Historically, nothing strange here. Poles and Serbs have more serious and older culture. So seams that order in Europe actually returning. Now things becoming normal, again.
Tacitus  2 | 1272
10 Feb 2019   #77
You don't even see the contradiction when you claim that the AfD is democratic, yet you call the other democratic parties "system parties"... .
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11998
10 Feb 2019   #78
Actually, what fascinates me, even Serbia is more serious state then Germany or France.

Hmm...people are leaving Serbia....alot of them to Germany and France....

Around one-fifth of Serbian citizens want to emigrate in search of a better life and better-paying jobs, according to a new survey. Most of them are young people and almost all of them want to go to the West.

...Those who have already left do not wish to return...

That really can become a serious problem. Especially once Serbia becomes a new EU member and they are free to chose where to go in Europe. Serbia will empty out in no time.

In a few decades they will be all assimiliated into the West... ;)

Remember? "Voting with their feet", huh? :)

60% of young people planning to leave Serbia
OP Crow  154 | 9554
10 Feb 2019   #79
AfD is a democratic party and im happy about their sucess, only because AfD, things in Germany changed for the better.

AfD or no AfD, Germany is on the path of oblivion.

Expect even invasion of locusts. Buy yourself sh** umbrella.

Hmm...people are leaving Serbia....alot of them to Germany and France....

Economy greatly consolidates but don`t forget that NATO bombing returned us to stone age. Plus, have in mind how are Serbs famously sado-masohistic people and so they still see Germany as France as perfect. They will soon flee to Serbia or to Poland. To Serbs, Czech Republic is already much more attractive then Germany.
Weimarer  6 | 357
10 Feb 2019   #80
Spare me the rubbish. We had a one party dictatorship under Merkel. The AfD broke that system. For that im thankful.
OP Crow  154 | 9554
10 Feb 2019   #81
Many nice things yet to happen. Just wait. Its not Merkel. Its all the same. Germany is changing. Must be that you Germans insulted Svetovid. Something that is now Germany belong to some other civilization. How about complete Germany?
Weimarer  6 | 357
10 Feb 2019   #82
Speak German or english. I dont umderstand your bla bla.
OP Crow  154 | 9554
10 Feb 2019   #83
You know nothing. Its English, not english.
Weimarer  6 | 357
10 Feb 2019   #84
Anyways, i dont umderstand your nonsense.
Joker  2 | 2447
10 Feb 2019   #85
You know nothing. Its English, not english.

Oh, the irony:) Hey, move to Poland and get a teaching job!

Do they know of this 4 headed horse god in Germany?
Weimarer  6 | 357
10 Feb 2019   #86
No, we have germanic gods. Wotan, Thor, Freya, Frigga, Loki, Hel, Idun
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11998
10 Feb 2019   #87
.....and Sleipnir, the eight-legged horse of Odin.

Do 8 legs beat 4 heads? :)
OP Crow  154 | 9554
10 Feb 2019   #88
No, we have germanic gods. Wotan, Thor, Freya, Frigga, Loki, Hel, Idun

Poor soul. You have nothing. Its all Sarmatian (ie Slavic).

Pope and Patriarch both have one head each but, frankly, its public secret, they have 8 arms and legs. Like Shiva.
Spike31  3 | 1485
10 Feb 2019   #89
Poland buys gas from russia as well and would not have a problem if the pipeline would go through Poland.

A long term gas contract on russian gas will expire in 2022. From then on Poland will rely on Norwegian gas from Baltic Pipe, LNG from the US (and spot contracts from other countries) and its own gas resources. Russian will be treated as an optional, spot contract, gas provider when the price is [low] right.

Germany on the other hand will be hooked on Russian gas, and on a Putin's leash. And they will also screw Ukraine at the same time. This needs to be repeated over and over again to ukrainians so they'll lose any hope of German political protection. You can't have your cake and it eat too.

Ukrainians, Syrians, Pakis ect. All same for me

Is that the official AFD stance on Ukrainians? And what is it based on?

I´m voting for AfD and i´m member of AfD as are most of my comrades and also superiors

Weimarer, so you're an Ossi. Funny how you're still using a word "comrade" to refer to your colleagues. Are you a national-socialist?
OP Crow  154 | 9554
10 Feb 2019   #90
Germany on the other hand will be hooked on Russian gas, and on a Putin's leash. And they will also screw Ukraine at the same time.

There is the wisdom in this. Germany started maiden in Ukraine and, let us not forget, destroyed Yugoslavia and harmed Serbians. Now Russia finishing whole thing by subjugating Germany. USA blessing Russia for that. EU (magna Germania) going down. Dollar wins. Trump nicely gave candies to Merkel.

Say that Germans aren`t stupid.

Home / History / Poland - problem for Germany? (historically continual hostility of German state on Poland)
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