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Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians?

Miloslaw  20 | 5108
21 Jun 2018   #811
I completely agree with Mafketis and Ziemowit.
Rysiu is either a Russian Troll or someone with serious mental problems.
Crow is Crow,but some advice mate,don't get too friendly with Rysiu because you will lose what little respect you
have on this forum.
And I repeat what others have said.
Poles don't hate Russians,they don't trust their rulers.Nothing has changed there for hundreds of years.
Germans have never been as great a threat as Russians to Poland,except in WW2.
Contrast Germany's relationship with Poland with Russia's since 1945 and that will tell you all you need to know.
Crow  154 | 9463
21 Jun 2018   #812
If you ask me I would reverse question - Whom do the people in Poland love more: Germans or Russians?

Love is crucial here, you know. Love. And if Poles needs to choose, I know the answer.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
21 Jun 2018   #813
Nothing has changed there for hundreds of years.

Only a brainless moron would say that Stalin = Putin and USSR under Stalin = Russia under Putin.

Misiu, you are either an anti-Putin troll "or someone with serious mental problems".
Tacitus  2 | 1264
21 Jun 2018   #814
Poles seem to like Germany well enough to emigrate herr in droves.
Crow  154 | 9463
21 Jun 2018   #815
Money and vagina have enormous gravity force. But, its not always love.
Ironside  50 | 12916
21 Jun 2018   #816
Poles seem to like Germany well enough to emigrate herr in droves.

Hmm... do they now? Sad..... I don't think they like Germany as such.

Rysiu is either a Russian Troll

He is a troll, if Russian or other is in fact immaterial. Let him prattle away.
Crow  154 | 9463
21 Jun 2018   #817
If he is Russian and he is here, then he care. That is how I see things. He maybe don`t wish to see Poland in the middle while Russians correcting recent German mistake.
TheOther  6 | 3596
21 Jun 2018   #818
This crappy thread should have been closed ten years ago.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
22 Jun 2018   #819
He is a troll, if Russian or other is in fact immaterial. Let him prattle away.

You don't even know what "troll" is, just as equally brainless liberals have no clue what "racist" means anymore. "Troll" is now a weapon to discredit what you don't like. It is not meant to contribute anything but to end a debate the same way as calling somebody Hitler or a nazi. Liberal morons do it every day here in "America".

So, let me explain slowly and in English so simple even you will understand. If a post has facts and is on the subject, that post is not trolling, no matter what's going on in your head. If you don't like the facts, tough s***.

If a post has opinions and is on the subject, that post is not trolling, unless that poster deliberately expressed a contrary opinion before. If his opinion is consistent, troll does not apply, either, since opinions can never be objectively wrong. Only facts can be objectively wrong.

Did you catch all of this or do want me to explain again using simpler words?

So much for that. Now that we know from Misiu that Putin is as brutal as Stalin used to be, may I suggest these equally idiotic claims:

Germany has very little respect for the evil Russia and it has a lot of respect a friendly Poland.
Germans view Poles as culturally and intelectually equal.
Germany views Poland as a friend and does everything possible to protect Poland from the refugees Germany took in out of guilt for the past crimes against humanity.

Thus, Poland deeply trusts Merkel and the German government.
Paulina  17 | 4465
22 Jun 2018   #820
The question is how long can Poland endure the pressure.

What do you care, anyway? You detest Poland and its people, the US is your country now. Why don't you spend your days on American sites advocating "a reasonably good relationship" between Russia and the US?

Only a brainless moron would say that Stalin = Putin and USSR under Stalin = Russia under Putin.

They aren't the same but Poles don't like the attitudes that Russian authorities and many Russians have towards Stalin, towards what tsarist Russia and the Soviet Union did to Poles and others (if they even know what it did) and towards what was happening in the Soviet Union itself. They don't like the red stars on their buildings.

Poles don't like the attitudes Russian authorities and many Russians have towards Russia's neighbours and towards the countries in Russia's "sphere of influence".

They don't like what's going on in Russia too. They don't like the way Russia is TODAY. Or at least majority of them didn't, now - I'm not so sure considering "Russian-like" attitude towards democracy and other stuff of the current Polish government and part of the society.

Still, if you think that Poland can have "a reasonably good relationship" with Russia after what it did to Ukraine then you're probably detached from reality. It was a red line that Russia crossed confirming in this way Poland's worse fears about this country.
mafketis  38 | 11137
22 Jun 2018   #821
Only a brainless moron would say that Stalin = Putin and USSR under Stalin = Russia under Putin

It's the same overall system, a Big Man in charge with the power of life and death over the citizenry, a coterie of treacherous suckups and the great unwashed placid mass of serfs. In structural terms Russia hasn't changed it's form or functioning since the Tsar, the labels change but the strucutre remains the same
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
22 Jun 2018   #822
What do you care, anyway? You detest Poland and its people, the US is your country now.

Good post and I appreciate.

You are correct. I really don't care about Poland at this point in my life as the only thing Polish about me is that I was born there. That's it. I purged all else and never used a hyphen in describing who I am. But I am still curious how Poles see the decomposition of the West and the decay of the white race.

I am white and on some level it upsets me a lot watching the greatest and the smartest race committing suicide. I can see it in Europe and in the US. Germany and its insane refugee policy only accelerates the process. Poland and Hungary will be overcome by that cancer because of their numerical disadvantage in money and people.

One day, Russia will be the last bastion of white Christianity. Just as whites flee the inner city blacks here, whites in Western Europe will soon be running East to safety. It will be critical then to have Russia as a friend rather than a foe. What I find hard to understand is the tendency to whitewash the past experience with Germany, a country naturally hostile to Slavs on one hand, and being stuck in that "Russia is evil" mentality in spite of all the changes there. The best example of this mindlessness is in #811 above: "Nothing has changed there for hundreds of years". That's beyond moronic. It's embarrassing.
mafketis  38 | 11137
22 Jun 2018   #823
Russia will be the last bastion of white Christianity

What about all the muslim immigration to Moscow (from Central Asia and the Caucasus?)
kaprys  3 | 2076
22 Jun 2018   #824
Russia hasn't been a Christian country for decades. Even after the fall of communism less than a half of Russians declare themselves Christian.
Ironside  50 | 12916
22 Jun 2018   #825
You don't even know what "troll" is,

1.I do. Someone who is ingenuine and that describe you to the T.
2. I don't care about your opinions or your posts. Unless you post something that is just incredibly stupid and idiotic and as far from the truth as your claim that you have a six-pack.

3. I think you don't care about your opinions either. You just make them up as you go along. Longer you post here you are getting sloppier and its shows.

One day, Russia will be the last bastion of white Christianity.

Give the rate of births in Russia one day Russia will be overrun by the Muslims.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
22 Jun 2018   #826
Someone who is ingenuine and that describe you to the T.

How did you manage to crawl into my head, see if I am genuine and escape without me noticing? Hmm... Weird.

Back to Germany and Russia. As a troll on Kremlin's payroll, I take great pleasure and pride in watching our May 9th parades. Then, this heart warming thought: today, a war with Germany would last 20 minutes. This is why we love Rosenbergs.

As far as six-pack, you have that, too, and if you can't see any of it, it's because - I am just guessing so don't get offended - you eat like a pig, which is, in most cases, an insult to pigs. My weight was 87kg when I was 20. I had to keep it under 87.5kg (85kg today) to stay in my weightllifting class. Today, 56 years later, my weight is 89.5kg. So, let's do the math: I gained 2.5kg or 5.5lb in 56 years to give me the average annual gain of one tenth of a pound. No, I don't have cancer. BTW, I am 6.0ft.

What's in your pants?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
22 Jun 2018   #827
What about all the muslim immigration to Moscow (from Central Asia and the Caucasus?)

That's mainly because of the Soviet union. Nonetheless Russia is still around 80% ethnic Russian.

Even after the fall of communism less than a half of Russians declare themselves Christian.

Pew research cites a figure of 71% Christianin 2015, Russian 2010 census cited 88%. Of course that's not all weekly church goers.

Besides it's not percentages that matter. Putin's Russia is keeping the church alive and promoting a traditional family. Theyre promoting Russian culture, orthodoxy and instilling family values and patriotism into the youth. Imo much better than wasting your money on gay pride and having drag queens read books about gay couples to kindergarteners which only ends up confusing if not scaring 6 year olds.

Just as whites flee the inner city blacks here, whites in Western Europe will soon be running East to safety.

That's already starting to happen. There's a lot of retirees coming from France Germany etc to Poland Czechy etc. Also a lot of poles have returned from uk and native brits as well. You compare how Polands cities compare to Germany's and Frances and it's no wonder. In Poland you won't see tent cities posted up all over the sidewalks, you won't see groups of migrant men picking on passerbys in the subways or near train stations, there aren't dozens of soldiers armed with autos to prevent against spontaneous cultural enrichment, women can walk around at night without being groped or raped, and you most certainly won't see no go areas or sharia courts.

Poland just needs to keep it up. V4 and now countries like Austria and Italy (imo its probably too late for Italy, but they can atleast prevent mkre from coming and deport a lot) are turning into a fort mentality till the lunacy of the eu socialists simmers down to a bearable level. Till then the people are going to keep demanding that their government keeps them safe and doesn't flood the country with migrants that rape and pillage. The funny part is Poland took in 2 min migrants yet there's no problems. No terrorism, no drastic increases in rapes, no economic problems, etc. That's because European migrants tend to be a net benefit to the country while middle easterners and Africans tend to not be a net benefit, hence why the countries who took masses of then in now want to redistribute them.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
22 Jun 2018   #828
Pew research cites a figure of 71% Christianin 2015, Russian 2010 census cited 88%. Of course that's not all weekly church goers.

And Muslims - 6%. Plus the iron fist that makes them into pussy cats. When they forget how to behave, that iron fist serves as a reminder.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
22 Jun 2018   #829
Indeed. And that's what w Europe hasn't been able to do. Instead of putting them in their place they coddle them and sweep the rapes, terrorism and economic problems under the rug. That's why the Muslims do as they please whenever they please.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
22 Jun 2018   #830
Money and vagina have enormous gravity force. But, its not always love.

Without our Poles we wouldn't be Weltmeister! :) is not required, not necessary, maybe not even possible. Love between nations, whole peoples, is a romantic thing, not a pragmatic realistic thing which survives the day-to-day workings.

Yes, Poles didn't immigrate into Germany for love of Germans or the german culture, I'll give you that. Nonetheless millions of Poles have become Germans over the last centuries, working hard, integrating well, assimilated. So much so that many Germans waving the german flag, supporting the german team, have now polish DNA in them.

Where do they fit into your love/hate scheme?

People decide still mostly with their feet when other means aren't working...not so many Poles immigrated into Russia, didn't they? There you have one answer...
Crow  154 | 9463
22 Jun 2018   #831
Poles can do a lot of in re-Slavicization (ie re-Sarmatization) of Germany.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
22 Jun 2018   #832

And now ask yourself if your continous asking for "love" between Poles and Russians is helping with that! ;)

Shouldn't you rather greasing the wheels between Germany and Poland to help with the recapture?
Crow  154 | 9463
22 Jun 2018   #833
Letting Poland onto it is letting Poland onto morbid machine. Much better that Poles go hand in hand with Russians in it. It can turn to be some modern marriage of three, some wild troika. Sure, I see Germany as receiver.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
22 Jun 2018   #834
Are you saying Poles need the big bear so badly to hold their hand? ;)
Crow  154 | 9463
22 Jun 2018   #835
That sex can turn ugly in a blink of an eye.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
22 Jun 2018   #836
As I've been saying all along; Germany is as much a present threat to Poland as Hawaii is to British Columbia!!LOL

Putin's Russia is the one we should watch out for.

So much anti-German bias on this Forum. Mods have anything to say about it?
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
22 Jun 2018   #837
Germany is as much a present threat to Poland as Hawaii is to British Columbia!!LOL

Apart from the fact that they (Merkel to save her ass) wants to stuff thousands of migrants down our necks, no thanks and no way.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
22 Jun 2018   #838
So much anti-German bias on this Forum. Mods have anything to say about it?

I thought that Mods are here to make sure the forum rules are followed, not to censor posters' world views.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
23 Jun 2018   #839
Forum rules include not being ethnically offensive to various nationalities as well:-)
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
23 Jun 2018   #840
That would make the forum not any better than this abomination in the advanced stages of decomposition - the UK. There, I just offended a whole country, and, to my credit, I was very timid doing it.

"So much anti-German bias on this Forum." Let's think. Why would the Poles have any anti-German bias, considering the monuments to human compassion like Treblinka and Auschwitz they built and generously left behind? Hmm...

"Germany is as much a present threat to Poland as Hawaii is to British Columbia!!LOL" Germany under the US boot - no threat. Germany acting on their own? How many wars in Europe did Germany start or participate in in the last 200 years?

As a Russian troll and Putin admirer, I often watch the British war productions on Netflix. One of my all-time favorite episodes - even ahead of the D-Day landing - is how the Soviets were taking Berlin and what they did for fun after the shooting stopped.

Now, don't get me wrong, I am not in favor of any violence, and especially against women. My sense out outrage at the Russians in Berlin is, howver, greatly diminished when I recall the smiling and cheering German b****** when told about another Hitler's conquests. Their compassion for the conquered - men, women and kids - was nowhere to be found during those celebrations. And, from their ecstatic, near orgasmic German faces, it was easy to conclude that they were sincere in their happiness. Which actually made them more despicable that the SS camp guards, as they, the guards, had no choice - do as told or die. Those smiling broads did all that smiling voluntarily.

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