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Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians?

hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366
29 Nov 2011   #601
I want to know what you think of my friend; who thinks that even if in a powerful position Poland would never commit such mass killings

Poles do not have the same respect for authority and never have worshiped brute force the way the Germans and Russians have done. Having said that, what the Germans had done in WWII was out of character when looked from the perspective of their history about 2 to 3 centuries earlier.
skysoulmate  13 | 1250
29 Nov 2011   #602
...Having said that, what the Germans had done in WWII was out of character when looked from the perspective of their history about 2 to 3 centuries earlier.

I totally agree.
29 Nov 2011   #603
Poland was never interested in building an empire. Never had colonies. Polish goal was to keep their own territory and minding their own business.
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366
29 Nov 2011   #604
Polish goal was to keep their own territory and minding their own business.

With a bit of expansion to the east every now and again(:
sascha  1 | 824
29 Nov 2011   #605
Having said that, what the Germans had done in WWII was out of character when looked from the perspective of their history about 2 to 3 centuries earlier.

yes. einzigartig brutal. disguise.

Polish goal was to keep their own territory and minding their own business.

what is rather difficult in the sandwich position...
30 Nov 2011   #606
Thanks everyone for your replies! It really gives some perspective on the issue.
I have not lived in Europe for a long time now. I have no feel for how much hatred there is amongst Poles for either Germans or Russians. Although it does not sound like the hatred is prevailent amongst most.
alxmac  5 | 27
30 Nov 2011   #607
germans !

i like russia
slavic brothers
skysoulmate  13 | 1250
30 Nov 2011   #608
Yeah right, Poland and Russia are "brothers" just like Abel and Cain were. Cain, what a great "brother" to have.
Wroclaw Boy
3 Dec 2011   #609
Someone mentioned that Bratwurst Boy was not here anymore? That's a shame. Got noone to wipe the floor with now :(

It wasn't easy to wipe the floor with him, and in all his posts and years i never recalled you doing it! So what are you actually talking about?

On the ATP forum he even claimed that Germans caused more suffering than the Russians did. I disagreed with him but am bringing this up to show that this German you like to stomp on isn't as devilish as you claim. He's proud to be a German and rightfully so. I don't always agree with him but am yet to see this nazi boy mentality so many here think he espouses. Nothing could be further from the truth.

yeah well you didn't know him that well. When it came to German supremacy there was no other - for him.

You probably don't realize that before he was bratwurst boy, he used to go by a different name and some of his earlier posts weren't all that pleasant to read.

Exactly, the guy totally chilled out once he realized this was a place he actually liked to hang around at, HELL hes now even a moderator on a Polish forum and he doesnt even mention the war anymore. Hes a completely changed man, mind you the Germans were always a bit prone to persuasion.

He was very irritant and provocative eg you Poles provided us the battleground to fight against real soldiers like the Russians etc.

Absolutely, he may be the greatest achievement PF has ever produced. PF totally turned him from a die hard Neo Nazi brain washed victim into an actually there are two sides to this story.

I always kind of liked the guy personally.
Velund  1 | 497
4 Dec 2011   #610
You mean the way you like to bend over for the rusky?

You mean that it is the only possible life style tor anyone residing between two superpowers? ;)
Polish Pride
15 Dec 2011   #611
I am polish and we are not Greece. Germany has done nothing to advance our economy. Poland has built its own status. So I would appreciate the fact you repect our independance. The German Pope is trying to be like the POLISH Pope so he can cover his Nazi history.
16 Dec 2011   #612
we don't not hate them. we don't trust them at all, maybe with exception of our diplomacy minister ;)

having germans in my family i have made my own proverb:

if german gives you 1 euro, it means that he already stole 2 euro from you ;)
6 Dec 2013   #613
I AM POLISH AND BRITISHS. I have never hated current German. It is not their fault that their ancestors were cruel. I can assure you current modern German Society is not cruel. I learnt GCSEs in German in Poland at school best results. Now I have to take Degree in German to get to university. Six years of study. I am a bit stressed and not sure if I will manage. I have to do this otherwise they will not take me on postgraduate course.
Marek11111  9 | 807
6 Dec 2013   #614
I have never hated current German.

you can not hate people for what the gov. does you could only hate the people who do what evil people tell them what to do.
20 Feb 2014   #615
my grandpa (1920-2013) god bless his soul.. who lived in warsaw during the ww2... told me once... "germans were murderers, russians were barbarians".
Vlad1234  16 | 883
20 Feb 2014   #616
The murderous "achievements" of the nazis and the communists were a result of two very deranged ideologies, two beliefs that fought and hated one another yet were eery similar if not identical. One murdered in the name of your race while the other did just the same in the name of your class.

Incorrect. The German Nazis murdered mostly people of the same race with them. You do not have to confuse racism and Nazism.
15 Jul 2014   #617
The German hand has never fed me as I live in the US, but both my great grandfathers perished in WWII. Having said that, I think it's only fair some German tax money goes to building construction in Poland since the Nazis annihilated our capital and leveled it to the ground. Russians were no better, but we should learn from history and stand together.
1 Aug 2014   #618
Merged: are we afraid of war from the east adding up to who do polish people hate the most- germans or russians

Please give me an accurate answer - ive read a few threads in which people argue and dont even try to answer the question - my great granny says that the russians where worst - they harmed people worst than germans- who payed(of course not a lot) for what they took - where as russians took and killed the previous owner
NataliaRegina  - | 4
25 Aug 2014   #619
Therefore, my question is: whom do the Poles hate more, the Germans or the Russians?

What a sick topic. We should not discuss a hatred of our brothers (Russians) and of our good neighbours (Germans). By digging in the past, we achieve nothing but only reopen old wounds. See a bigger picture. Concentrate on the future.
Wulkan  - | 3136
25 Aug 2014   #620
We should not discuss a hatred of our brothers (Russians) and of our good neighbours (Germans).

Considering how much German blood flows in the veins of Polish people I guess we can call them brothers too.
Spirit  1 | 26
25 Aug 2014   #621
We are all brothers (or sisters). All one species, capable of interbreeding (the definition of species), with infinate cultural and outwardly physical variation.

Why don't we get along? Prejudice (judging before knowing) and stupidity.

Nationality - the tool of sheep herders.
Racism - tools of those afraid or scared of variation- cowards.
NataliaRegina  - | 4
26 Aug 2014   #622
We are all brothers (or sisters). All one species, capable of interbreeding (the definition of species), with infinate cultural and outwardly physical variation.

I really hope it wasn't my response that awaken this "Lets love them all" response from you. Mine was not all-inclusive, mine was about Russians and Germans.

Why don't we get along? Prejudice (judging before knowing) and stupidity.

Lived on 3 continents. Travelled many countries. So no prejudice, I DO know.

Nationality - the tool of sheep herders.

Nationality is a great thing, I am proud of mine. Makes me a member of a great nation with great culture and great history. And if being proud of being a Pole in your books means being a sheep herder....I rather be a sheep herder than to loose my national identity. (Such a peace lover but quick to insult people who work fields to feed you....smells of hypocrisy by the way).

Racism - tools of those afraid or scared of variation- cowards.

Variation....???... No, thank you. I am a coward (according to your definition) and proud of it !
Spirit  1 | 26
26 Aug 2014   #623
Natalia, I think you misunderstand me or my intention; perhaps I did not state my position clearly enough, and I apologize if I insulted you in any way. I can sometimes be obscure in my thoughts, relying too much on metaphors not everyone will interpret correctly. My fault.

I'm proud to be Polish, but that doesn't mean I need to hate others. In fact I'm willing to accept the friendship of anyone, male or female, from any race or culture or nation.

My reference to nationalism being for sheep was a direct reference to Nazi Germany, where people were tricked into a World War under the guise of national pride.

The same thing is happening in the Middle East, under the guise of religion. I have no use for that sort of division.

It was not your post that I was commenting on, but the general topic. And no, you don't sound like a racist to me, therefore not a coward.
Sasha  2 | 1083
28 Aug 2014   #624
you can not hate people for what the gov. does you could only hate the people who do what evil people tell them what to do.

I used to think that too but now that I've witnessed the ugly transformation of the Russian society I see putin as nothing but an extent of an average Russian's will. It's not putin who's sick (although he at the end of the day is), it's the Russian society that's been apt to picking him for presidency or recklessly not giving a damn about endless election frauds that occurred.
Palivec  - | 379
29 Aug 2014   #625
You witnessed a "ugly transformation of the Russian society"? In the Russia of the 90s police officers robbed you, professors begged on the streets, army officers sold their weapons to get food for their families, old people didn't get their pension and starved, Oligarchs controlled entire oblasts, the Mafia killed people on the streets, the health care system didn't work anymore... in fact, the situation was so abd that life expectancy dropped by 3 or 4 years during that time. And you witnessed "ugly transformation of the Russian society"???

Sorry, but you are just another Westerner without a clue about Russia. Who cares about election frauds and Pussy Riots when you are hungry? Putin is popular because he restored the Russian statehood, and people still vividly remember the horrors of the 90s.
TheOther  6 | 3596
29 Aug 2014   #626
Putin is popular because he restored the Russian statehood

Yeah, and now he's busy restoring the old USSR.
Palivec  - | 379
30 Aug 2014   #627
Russians can travel, they can buy everything the world has to offer, they can freely move within their country, minorities have more rights than in most western countries, the freedom of religion is guaranteed (how many Western countries have Islamic universities?), the freedom of speech is as limited as in most Western countries.

You, like so many others, don't know what you are talking about. But I don't blame you, as the winner of the Cold War the West never had to question his beliefs, and Russophobia, based on ignorance and a deep lack of knowledge, is a accepted prejudice.
10iwonka10  - | 359
30 Aug 2014   #628
I assume this post is a sarcastic joke.
Sasha  2 | 1083
30 Aug 2014   #629
Out of interest, have you been living in Russia, Palivec? Or maybe do you?
TheOther  6 | 3596
31 Aug 2014   #630
You, like so many others, don't know what you are talking about. But I don't blame you, as the winner of the Cold War the West never had to question his beliefs, and Russophobia, based on ignorance and a deep lack of knowledge, is a accepted prejudice.

Seriously, why would I need a deep understanding of the Russian soul or the inner workings of the country? It is bleeding obvious that Putin tries to get back (some of) the territory that the old USSR lost when it broke apart. Clever guy - exploiting the weakness of the American president.

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