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Khazar migrations to Eastern Poland, Belarus, and Ukraine

rock  - | 428
1 Jul 2012   #31
Turks knows very well that Khazars are Turkic Jews. They are not semitic ethnically.

I ignore what Anti-Semitic Turks "know".

I am talking about an historical reality. Khazars were Turkic and they choose judaism.
Khazar1  - | 2
2 Jul 2012   #32
I would like to introduce myself to the forum. I have been reading these post and I must agree with genecps. First I am not raciest. Second I do not lie. Third I will not answer to any insults thrown my way. I am here for one reason and that is to learn.

I have three passions, two of them is History and Genealogy. When I do anything that has to do with my Genealogy the data is confirmed at least three times, Then the data is confirmed by the history of that period. DNA yes I have taken not just one test but five from four different sources in two different countries. All the tests confirm that I am a Khazar, I am white, reddish blond hair with green/blue eyes. One of my sons is reddish blond with blue eyes, as is my grandson and my granddaughter. In history the Khazars broke into two different groups. One group went east and the other went west. Those that moved west settled in Poland, Ukraine, southern Russia. This group was white, reddish to blond hair and blue to green eyes. My DNA is Q1b1a.

Being new I am not familiar with most of you. But I do know History proves the Khazars were indeed real, this can be found in many writings of various cultures and empires during that time period. and up to the present.
p3undone  7 | 1098
2 Jul 2012   #33
Khazar1,I just want to say;welcome to PF and I hope you learn and enjoy as well:)
OP genecps  7 | 131
2 Jul 2012   #34
Here's a video about the Khazar (Karaim) community of Lithuania who were brought by the Grand Duke of Lithuania in the 1400's to act as his guards.

The community is still there, even thought it is very small now.
Khazar1  - | 2
3 Jul 2012   #35
As I sad before, I am here to learn. Who is to teach me? I see there are many opinions here. How many types of Jews are there? Why is there such a disagreement between the different camps? I'm from the tribe of Benjamin. Where do I fit in?
OP genecps  7 | 131
3 Jul 2012   #36
In JAO with the rest of us! ;o)
Nickidewbear  23 | 609
3 Jul 2012   #37
1. All posts must be in English (unless they are related to translations or explanations of the Polish language; or are posted in the Off-Topic forum).

Ja'akow is the Polonized Ya'akov; Jisra'elim is the Polonized Yisra'elim. Hopefully, this helps.
rybnik  18 | 1444
3 Jul 2012   #38
Here's a video about the Khazar (Karaim) community of Lithuania who were brought by the Grand Duke of Lithuania in the 1400's to act as his guards.


fascinating really. Can non-Khazars visit the Oblast?
OP genecps  7 | 131
3 Jul 2012   #39
fascinating really. Can non-Khazars visit the Oblast?

Yes, but there is a price for admission: 1 beer ;o)
rybnik  18 | 1444
3 Jul 2012   #40
that's it?? Hell, I better get my butt over there before the price goes up lol
peterweg  37 | 2305
3 Jul 2012   #41
Jewish Autonomous Oblast

Its 50% bigger than Israel, only 1% of the population is Jewish. Looks like its has good natural resources and climate. I'd have it..
rybnik  18 | 1444
3 Jul 2012   #42
Let's pay him a visit!
OP genecps  7 | 131
3 Jul 2012   #43
Some pictures of the place:
rybnik  18 | 1444
3 Jul 2012   #44
Some pictures of the place:

Nice pics!
yehudi  1 | 433
17 Jul 2012   #45
We are perfectly comfortable being white Europeans who practice Judaism. What you will see in the future is that most of us will start calling anyone who is a white Jew a Khazar.

I wouldn't think of denying your whiteness, but don't attribute that to any Khazar background. The Khazars were a turkic people and so they would have been darker than europeans and with central asian features. Nothing like your Irish features. I think you can assume that you, like plenty of Jews, have some white european ancestors who joined the jewish gene pool. But unless you look like Borat, forget the Khazar nonsense.
OP genecps  7 | 131
17 Jul 2012   #46
Yehudi, you couldn't be more wrong. Turkic people are white like any other Indo-European group. The reason modern people of Turkey are dark is from mixing with Arabs, Persians (Indo-Iranian a.k.a. Aryan) were very white too, until mixing with Arabs. BTW, Bulgarians, Tatars, Chuvash, and Hungarians/Magyars (who are related to Udmurts who are closely related to the Irish) are all turkic people. BTW. I got slightly Asiatic eyes like most people in my extended family, but that is not from the Turkic people but from Asians who lived and mixed with Turklic people. and I do consider myself Turkic.

The misconception about Turkic people being Asiatic is common by people who are not familiar with European migrations. Turkic tribes just remained in Southern Russia and Central Asia and over time due to close proximity mixed with different Asian groups. If Khazars would not have moved West and settled everywhere between Lithuania and Hungary *to include Belarus, Ukraine, Bulgaria, and Eastern Poland) I would also probably look more Asiatic too.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
17 Jul 2012   #47
The Khazars were a turkic people and so they would have been darker than europeans and with central asian features.

Wrong. Turkic peoples have inhabited some of the northernmost latitudes in Asia for thousands of years and thus they may be exceptionally pale. Finno-Ugrian peoples are also from Asia and they may be extremely pale as well. Finns are the blondest people on Earth. Yehudi is merely stereotyping all Turkic peoples as swarthy and Asiatic featured out of ignorance and nervousness about the ramifications of the Khazar conversion to Judaism for the legitimacy of the Zionist project in Palestine.
OP genecps  7 | 131
17 Jul 2012   #48

BTW. Magyars(Hungarians) are considered turkic people (like all tribes who were the major groups in the Hunnic Horde- Khazars, Bulgars, etc). Hungarian language is classified as Finno-Urgic which shows a posible connection between Finnish and Turkic way down the line, and certainly points to the similarities between Redhaired Khazars and Udmurts (who are Urgic speaking people)!

Being Khazar isn't even a threat to Jewish claims on Israel. There is only 1 in 20 Jews (5%, or roughly 1,000,000 people) who can even claim Khazar heritage!
yehudi  1 | 433
17 Jul 2012   #49
the ramifications of the Khazar conversion to Judaism for the legitimacy of the Zionist project in Palestine.

You hit the nail on the head. The whole reason you and other crackpot jew haters keep bringing up the Khazar story is to attack the legitimacy of the Jews – not just of Israel but of Jews in general. You're saying that we're not who we say we are. (Now this would clear us of killing you lord, since you would put us in central asia on the date of the crime, but who talks about that anymore).

The whole Khazar bullsht is a figment of the imagination. Sure there were Khazars in history but their only recorded descendent is apparently your pal Genecps. They faded out of history a thousand years ago. On the other hand, the Jews just don't fade away. And our little "Project in palestine" is not fading away either. Get used to it – we'll be here long after your sorry ass is long forgotten.
OP genecps  7 | 131
17 Jul 2012   #50
The whole Khazar bullsht is a figment of the imagination. Sure there were Khazars in history but their only recorded descendent is apparently your pal Genecps. They faded out of history a thousand years ago. On the other hand, the Jews just don't fade away. And our little "Project in palestine" is not fading away either. Get used to it - we'll be here long after your sorry ass is long forgotten.

Here's a video of a community of these "bulshit" people who don't exist anymore! lol

I certainly do not want to de-legitimize claim to Israel. I have dark Jews in my family, they are centainly descendants of Israelite's. But do you really think all the really white Jews from Russia belong n Israel?! Come on!! If that was so, I wouldn't hear from my friends in Israel how they dislike it there and plan on moving to the US!

PS. There's a bunch of us who claim Khazar Heritage, you just do not know about it. I know several communities in Ukraine and Tukey, and a bunch of people in the US!

PPS. I'm a Karaite Jew, and most Karaites consider themselves of Khazar heritage. And more and more white Jews of Eastern European descent are embracing both Karaim Judaism and possibility of their descent being of Khazar origins, that's why a lot of us are doing DNA testings.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
17 Jul 2012   #51
and a bunch of people in the US!

Americans will claim anything in sight!
OP genecps  7 | 131
17 Jul 2012   #52
These are specifically white Jews who have done DNA testing.

And no surprise most either have red hair or have red heads in their family.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
17 Jul 2012   #53
The whole reason you and other crackpot jew haters keep bringing up the Khazar story is to attack the legitimacy of the Jews

The whole Khazar bullsht is a figment of the imagination.

I am not a "crackpot jew hater". The Khazar story is a true one, nor do I believe that people who convert to Judaism are illegitimate.

Jews just don't fade away.

Indeed, and the Khazars are Jews too.
OP genecps  7 | 131
17 Jul 2012   #54
Indeed, and the Khazars are Jews too.

Yah, I never thought how being Khazar made me any less a Jew!!

I'm not a Semite, you don't have to be a genius to figure that out, but I'm a 100% practicing Jew with 4 Jewish grandparents, who have 100% Jewish parents and grandparents.

BTW. The bible says land of Israel belongs to Jews, EVEN converts!!!

So all these crackpots are just screaming and hollering over NOTHING!!!

And Yehudi, if it hurts you so much to hear me say that Khazar is my heritage, then think of me as a Russian Jew, White Jew, or Karaite Jew, or maybe Aryan Jew. All would be true. Names of tribes change. Before Khazars used Khazar as their description, they were Huns. Hungarians used to be Magyars. Ukrainians used to Rusini, French/Spanish/Portugese used to be Visigoths. Italians used to be Romans, etc.

The funniest thing is that I have never come across a Russian Jew with red hair or a red beard who has ever denied the possibility of being descendant of the Khazars. Most actually seem to like it. And why not, no shame in being descended from great warriors who ran one of the biggest empires in Europe to date. And by the way Arab historians have many written accounts about Khazars. They seemed to have saved a lot of things in history that were destroyed by Medieval Christian Europe. It is a well known fact that European Renaissance started after crusaders came upon Arabic scripts that were translations of Greek Philosophy. We wouldn't even have Greek Philosophy today if it wasn't for great Arabic scholars. The Anti Khazar theorists are just mostly poorly educated Jews on this subject who will discount anything if it comes from Arab sources. Instead of making an honest attempt to filter the truth they just deny everything. In this respect they remind me of the disgusting Holocaust Deniers (not I'm not calling them disgusting like the later, just not-knowledgeable, which serves their purpose)!
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
17 Jul 2012   #55
The funniest thing is that I have never come across a Russian Jew with red hair or a red beard who has ever denied the possibility of being descendant of the Khazars. Most actually seem to like it. And why not, no shame in being descended from great warriors who ran one of the biggest empires in Europe to date.

Indeed the Khazars are not forgotten in Russia. Pushkin, who is to Russia what Mickiewicz is to Poland, included a young Khazar khan named Ratmir amongst the suitors for the hand of Ludmilla in his poem Ruslan and Ludmilla and he had Ratmir act very gallantly, without exception, unlike some of her other suitors. (I highly reccomend viewing the 1972 cinematic adaptation of this poem, not just for an example of the high esteem modern Russians have for the Khazars, but also for its mindblowingly surreal sets and special effects.) So too Russian historians have very favorable views regarding the boons that the Pax Khazaria provided to the nascent Kievan Russian state in the form of trade and a buffer zone against the far less civilized Turkic peoples who would later cause so much misery for the Kievan Russ once the Khazar state declined.
OP genecps  7 | 131
17 Jul 2012   #56
Khazar khan named Ratmir amongst the suitors for the hand of Ludmilla in his poem Ruslan and Ludmilla (I highly reccomend viewing the 1972 cinematic adaptation of this poem, not just for an example of the high esteem modern Russians have for the Khazars, but also for its mindblowingly surreal sets and special effects.)

Interesting, thanks, I will look it up.

I have spoken to one of the Ottomans from Donskie Cossacks (who is very Russian Orthodox Christian and is pretty Antisemitic), and after many discussions, even he agreed that I have claim to the land in Russia, and wished me luck on building my community in the Jewish Autonomous Oblast. What these anti-Khazar theorists do not realize is that just as it is important for them to have a claim on Israel, it is just as important to us to have a claim on our ancestral land: Russia!!! By calling me a product of mixed genetics, doesn't diminish my claim to Russia, as obviously... if I'm a product of Russian converts, I definitely can claim Russia as my motherland. but denying me my Khazar heritage is an assault on my Judaism, and the fact that my family, being European Warriors took Judaism as a rational and intelligent choice, and are not some shmucks who "married" up as these ignoramuses seem to imply!
yehudi  1 | 433
18 Jul 2012   #57
but denying me my Khazar heritage is an assault on my Judaism,

You talk like a comic book character. Let me be clear: No one denies that there was once a people called the Khazars - this is historic fact. And it's probably true that their rulers adopted the Jewish religion. But there are no Jews today who have a family tradition that can trace their families back to the khazars. You claim that you know you're a Khazar and I say you're making it up because it makes you feel special. It gives you a way to be both Jewish and redneck. There was another joker on this forum who say he's from the tribe of Benjamin. That's also a ridiculous thing to say. All Jews are descended from the tribe of Benjamin, and the tribes of Judah and Levi, and we all probably have some blood of the other tribes because they all married each other. But no jewish family in the world has an actual documented connection with any specific tribe, except the Levis (including the Kohanim) who keep this tradition because they have certain ceremonial functions.

Nothing wrong with feeling a connection to teh Khazars, but don't make up a tradition that doesn't exist. If you're looking for a way to be a tough jew you don't have to look in the far east of russia, you can come to israel and be as tough as you like. Better yet, you'll cause less trouble in russia. Have a good trip.
jon357  72 | 23482
18 Jul 2012   #58
This article is one of the most intelligent I've read on the matter.

He mentions the urban legend about red hair. Amazing that some people try to find concrete cultural links with a culture which ended over 40 generations ago and left no surnames, no traditions and no heritage.
OP genecps  7 | 131
18 Jul 2012   #59
Jon, the culture survived. You just do not understand how. Khazars, when incorporated into Russia became farmers and ranchers. Then moved Westwards and continued ranching and farming. The men continued to teach their kids to be tough. Wrestling became the basis of the warrior tradition. And Judaism continued. Cultures change, that's just normal. We became citizens of Belarus, and now Russian Jews. In my family particularly, wealth was passed on, with verbal tradition of our royal descent.

As far as the article, just another one that says there is absolutely no Khazar blood among Jews. How unlikely is it that No One has Any Khazar Blood? Yet there are several communities still surviving: 2 in Lithuania, I in Crimea. And by the way, members of my family are not the only ones who claim heritage from the Khazar Aristocracy. I know one more family that claims this too, Krupa family. Like I said before Arabs take one extreme position, and Zionists take another. The truth is somewhere in the middle.
jon357  72 | 23482
18 Jul 2012   #60
The things you say in the above post are interesting, but none of those things are unique or even specific to the 10th century Khazars or people in a hundred places then or now. They are common human traits. They are not even specific to Belarus or anywhere else in the region.

If you want to claim an actual cultural link to the Khazars, rather just saying that you think they were 'ranchers', farmers and were tough, and so are you a thousand years later you need to be a bit more specific. I'd be really interesting to hear of any real Khazar specific traditions rather than just general human behaviour shaped by landscape and economics however all respectable sources say that none have survived.

What did you think of that article, by the way?

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