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Heritage of partitions still present in Poland

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11926
19 May 2019   #91
Prussian - best developed...

What's not to like! :)

Besides the Germanization I would hate as a Pole too..
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
19 May 2019   #92
That still strikes me as being a very strange move. The Poles in their area weren't particularly restless or troublesome, and diminishing the role of the Church would have been more than enough, especially if they kept investing in areas with Poles.
Ironside  50 | 12955
19 May 2019   #93
Besides the Germanization

Polish couldn't advance in German army or administration. There were no Polish officials in local adm, I believe there has no been Polish officers with a rank higher that major.
OP pawian  226 | 27558
19 May 2019   #94
That still strikes me as being a very strange move

That was a grave mistake of Germans to act like that. All historians agree that it provoked Poles to think of independence from Germans who were perceived as occupiers. Polish national spirit was born in the Prussian zone - and it applied not only to Polish elites but also simple masses like peasants, too. Famous Drzymała case.

Of course, the German mistake was a blessing for Poles. :):)

Hey , another example of heritage!. Drzymałowo is the name of the village where Drzymała resisted Prussian authorities during partitions.

I can see it is a nice place and obviously they have a replica of his famous circus wagon.

See the pics
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
19 May 2019   #95
All historians agree that it provoked Poles to think of independence from Germans who were perceived as occupiers.

Yes, it just didn't make any sense. They failed to understand where the strength of Austria-Hungary came from, and it's quite possible with modernity that the Polish population would have started to lose their identity anyway as they began to travel. Trying to suppress it was never going to work, and they should have looked at the example from Serbia to see that it was never going to work.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11926
20 May 2019   #96
They failed to understand where the strength of Austria-Hungary came from,

Germany has never seen itself as a multi-kulti-people, that is slowly changing...but still meets alot of resistance...

But that many different people in its borders also destroyed Austria-Hungary in the end, so it was not only a strength either.
mafketis  38 | 11170
20 May 2019   #97
Germany has never seen itself as a multi-kulti-people

defein: "a multi-kulti-people"
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11926
20 May 2019   #98
That for example:

Germany as a nationstate was very young and hence still insecure what it meant to be a German...for most of our history we had been a mishmash of many tribes, states, principalities and one point over 500.

So the gov took the question who belongs to that new Germany very seriously...that all spoke the same language was a foundation of that. The concept of a Hochdeutsch that was spoken everywhere and used in all schools and official institutions was still not a implicitness. Instead regional dialect were often much stronger.

Only in that light one can understand the forceful implementation of German as main language already in the schools even where Polish was the main language. Germany did it with it's bavarian and frisian kids too...
OP pawian  226 | 27558
30 May 2019   #99
Those German politicians who introduced it should be celebrated as saints in Poland today. :):):)

The last EP elections somehow follow the partition pattern (although PiS`social benefits managed to win them new voters in Western Poland)

General map based on province division.

  • polish1.jpg
Spike31  3 | 1485
3 Jun 2019   #100
It doesn't take into account smaller sub regions. Mostly a bigger cities voted for KE (is it still a correct name since PSL left?) while smaller town and countryside in Western Poland voted for PiS.
OP pawian  226 | 27558
3 Jun 2019   #101
Yes, I know it doesn`t. I suggested it in three places in my one post. You must be tired after a hard day. ):)
OP pawian  226 | 27558
27 Jul 2020   #102
Hey, we can sum up the latest elections with a little historical insight .

So, I would like to notify you that the partitions heritage still works fine in Poland.

See the maps with previous election results in the first post:

The newest map for 2020 below. We can say that the former Russian partition zone gave the victory to President Duda. The Prussian zone fought hard but was overwhelmed. After all, Russians always outnumbered their enemies in all wars. hahaha

  • LANDSCAPE_840.jpg
Spike31  3 | 1485
28 Jul 2020   #103
@pawian, this map is oversimplified. It would be much more insighful when we take smaller territorial units - like powiats - into account.

  • 2tura.jpg
OP pawian  226 | 27558
28 Jul 2020   #104
@pawian, this map is oversimplified.

Yes, exactly. I only started to show the maps, coz there are many depending on different approach. I was waiting for an intelligent poster to comment and add new ones. It is you so thank you very much.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
29 Jul 2020   #105
this map is oversimplified

As is the one you've posted, as population wise, you can't compare small rural communes with large cities.

This is a good map when looking at elections to the Sejm, though.
OP pawian  226 | 27558
28 Oct 2023   #106
Nothing has changed in voters` preferences: Russian and Austrian partition zones mostly support autocratic PiS except big cities while the German partition zone supports the pro democratic opposition. Amasing!!! The city of Poznań is the most pro democratic city in Poland - fully orange.

Poznanians - hats off to you! You are the salt of this country. The foundation stone for the recovery of Poland after PiS gangsters` rule.

  • poaaabraneKopiowan.jpg
OP pawian  226 | 27558
28 Oct 2023   #107
Poznanians - hats off to you! You are the salt of this country.

Tri City with Gdańsk isn `t worse or is even the same as Poznań - very intense orange.
Kania, thanks for your voting.

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