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Gorbachev and Poland

Przelotnyptak1  - | 550
6 Sep 2022   #61
No. Göring was charged and found guilty of four crimes - none was murder.

I am sorry for classifying Goring as a murdering tough
You employ annoying and absurd discussion methods. Omit the post's main point and desperately cling
to a difference without a distinction. Who cares what the reason for his conviction was? He was responsible for ending the lives of thousands of humans,

so he was a mass murderer Same applies to Hans Frank, Alfred Jodl, Joachim von Ribbentrop, Wilhelm Keitel, and Putin. There are crimes more heinous

than murder. If one of the charges was not a murder, so what?
Kashub1410  6 | 580
6 Sep 2022   #62
Remember that to a cynical person being tricked or fooled was so hurtful that they basically lost faith, hope and trust in the positive aspects of humanity and found out that they can get what they want and seek from playing on the darkest parts of human nature, thinking that the good side of a person is only a mask used in social settings so as to appear better then they are.

Due to meeting mostly such people they fall in to the trap of cynicism.

A human person has a might and Darek side to himself. Question is: which does he norture the most?

Communists as an example nurture their worst sides with the aim to perform good.

Problem is they Lost already at the beginning, by falling prey to darkness as the tool. Meaning failing within the realm of faith, due to lack of "proof". As they cling to security
OP pawian  226 | 27509
10 Sep 2022   #63
His game plan was to Make Soviet RuSSia Big Again. Surprisingly, it backfired and RuSSia became smaller. Now it it trying to recreate the old good times but those efforts are doomed to fail - coz RuSSists are Out of Place, Out of Time.

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