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Future of Kaliningrad Oblast - is it possible to annex by Poland or will it become an independent country?

Crow  154 | 9207
23 Jun 2018   #91
We are what we are. Facts are facts. Falsify facts and you damaging science.
Lyzko  41 | 9545
23 Jun 2018   #92
Taking your own advice, I see. Dobri brateLOL
Crow  154 | 9207
23 Jun 2018   #93
They killed so much of us, incomprehensibly much and utterly cruelly, that we have nowhere to retreat. They leave us no choice. Its us or them. We don`t have any reason to give up from anything on their behalf. Every time we gave something for the peace with them, they took it as our weakness and killed more of us in first opportunity.

After all, we defending facts. With it we defending scientific truth and progress.
pawian  219 | 24592
7 Mar 2020   #94
Future of Kaliningrad Oblast - is it possible to annex by Poland?

Hmm, is it possible that local Russians, bored to death with dull Kaliningrad, will ask Poles to take over and rebuild it in extravagant Gdańsk style?
pawian  219 | 24592
10 Nov 2022   #95
ull Kaliningrad, will ask Poles to take over and rebuild it in extravagant Gdańsk style

Kaliningrad vs Gdańsk

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pawian  219 | 24592
10 Nov 2022   #96
Kaliningrad vs Gdańsk

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Miloslaw  21 | 4928
10 Nov 2022   #97
I don't see Russia giving up Kalingrad any time soon.
Too strong as a strategic point.
They won't make the same mistake as they did with Alaska!
cms neuf  1 | 1721
11 Nov 2022   #98
Yes but the people who live there will have even more depressing lives. Nobody will invest there so the only employer will be the Russian state, which has no money.

Finland and Sweden joining NATO makes the Baltic fleet just as useless as the Black Sea fleet.

I think one solution would be to turn the Baltic fleet into gambling and party ships for Scandinavian tourists. That would generate a bit of cash.
pawian  219 | 24592
10 May 2023   #99
Russian regime members are furious that Poles have just restored the old Polish name of Kaliningrad - Królewiec - which is a close translation of its German name - Konigsberg. Putinists suggest they will return to German names for Polish cities - e.g, Danzig instead of Gdańsk etc. And are reminding that Poland was once a part of Russia.

Polish Commission for Language Purity introduced that change in terminology to remove the surname of an infamous Stalinist criminal - Kalinin - from the public use in Poland. So, the reason is serious and well grounded.

Yet, the Putinist regime is flying off the handle again. Funny - so much ado about nothing., :):):):)
Bobko  27 | 2124
10 May 2023   #100
Funny - so much ado about nothing., :):):):)

Look - genius - if it's nothing, then why do you do it? Does the government not have urgent problems needing solution? The Polish budget, welfare reform, pension reform, and so on and so forth?

The Poles did something meaningless and stupid - first. Then Russians reacted with a meaningless and stupid reaction.

Do people not have more important things to do?
Paulina  16 | 4384
10 May 2023   #101
to remove the surname of an infamous Stalinist criminal - Kalinin - from the public use in Poland. So, the reason is serious and well grounded.

Yes, it is. It should have been done long ago... It was always mind-boggling for me that RuSSians kept that name. It's like spitting in the faces of his victims.

The Poles did something meaningless and stupid - first.

This is not "meaningless and stupid", you sovok. 😡
pawian  219 | 24592
10 May 2023   #102
Does the government not have urgent problems

But it isn`t the government`s decision. There are specialised institutions which deal with the language purity - they operate regardless of the government`s agenda. :):):)

The Poles did something meaningless

I don`t think so. :):):)

It was always mind-boggling for me that RuSSians kept that name.

Yes, it perfectly shows Russian schizophrenia. They still glorify Stalinist criminals who organised mass executions and deportations of common Russians under the Soviet regime. It isn`t really known in Poland but Katyn mass graves contain more Russians than Poles.

Of course there are also decent Russians who would like to introduce necessary changes. But they are voted out by the brainwashed majority.

Bobko, you certainly don`t belong to that first group I mentioned above. :):):)

As for your question Do people not have more important things to do? Yes, they do. Russians have to withdraw from Ukraine, pay all the reparations and send their war criminals to the Hague. Ha!
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
10 May 2023   #103
Polish Commission for Language Purity

What? Is it some sub-commission of Polish Language Council (RJP)? Interia and other sources say that it was the Comission for Standardisation for Geographical Names Outside the Borders of the Republic of Poland (KSNGpGRP)...

... oh, well. Whichever bunch of f*cking eggheads and paper-shufflers did this - fair play to them! At least they got one thing right in their useless, parasitic lives. :)
pawian  219 | 24592
10 May 2023   #104
the Comission for Standardisation for Geographical Names Outside the Borders of the Republic of Poland

The Polish Language Purity Commission in short. :):) My 5 words against your 15.

At least they got one thing right in their useless, parasitic lives

Even one right thing excludes useless and parasitic. :):)
johnny reb  46 | 7516
11 May 2023   #105
Russian regime members are furious that Poles have just restored the old Polish name of Kaliningrad -

Have they restored it or has the Polish government 'advised' using it ?
The Polish committee said the city and wider area should instead be called Królewiec.
The decision no longer to use an "imposed name" was partly a result of Russia invading Ukraine.
Russia said the decision was "bordering on madness" and "a hostile act".
jon357  72 | 22778
11 May 2023   #106
Comission for Standardisation for Geographical Names Outside

Hard to know why such a body exists (and I've heard/read very old fashioned names for Pyongyang, Beijing and Mumbai in Poland recently) however they've made the right decision.

Krolewiec is pretty well walking distance from the Polish border and if Leipzig can be Lipsk, Konigsberg/Kaliningrad can be Krolewiec.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 912
11 May 2023   #107
Imagine a referendum now where the people in Krolewiec vote to leave Russia and become their own nation. Then imagine they keep the Russian nukes, and join NATO later. All because little Vlad is a fvcking idiot. That would become a Master Class in how to fvck up a dictatorship. LMAO
jon357  72 | 22778
11 May 2023   #108
He has been a disaster however any attempt to secede either my voting or any other means is likely to trigger an escalation.

Assuming there's anything left of r*SSia by then.
pawian  219 | 24592
11 May 2023   #109
Russia said the decision was "bordering on madness" and "a hostile act".

Exactly that is why I used the world classic`s immortal words: much ado about nothing. :):):)

where the people in Krolewiec vote to leave Russia

Sooner or later that will happen. :):):)

is likely to trigger an escalation.

Exactly. 12 more Russistans will be created on the ruins of the current Russian Federation. I can`t wait. :):):)
Miloslaw  21 | 4928
11 May 2023   #110
Russia said the decision was "bordering on madness" and "a hostile act".

Russia's words no longer hold any value in most of the rest of the world.
That is the price you pay for invading a neighbouring country without provocation.
Russians are paranoid and dim witted.
pawian  219 | 24592
12 May 2023   #111
however they've made the right decision.

Of course. Even Google Maps service has already changed their nomenclature according to Polish expectations.

should instead be called Królewiec.

Exactly. But should has different meanings. Apart from advice, it also implies a mild obligation and duty. Read more about English or Polish grammar. Ha!

Polish road maintanance services have started replacing old road signs.
Novichok  4 | 7630
12 May 2023   #112
Russians are paranoid and dim witted.

You are diminishing your standing here by making such baseless throwaway claims nobody can rebut. No links, no quotes, no A therefore B logic.
Let me give an example...

Claim: Russians are very good at designing fighter planes. In the top ten fastest planes, Russian planes are 1, 2, 4, and 5.

Now you have something to chew on and question my conclusion. How can one respond to "Russians are paranoid and dim-witted"? Was there any research done to prove it?

Then imagine they keep the Russian nukes, and join NATO later.

I have a better idea...

Rename Poland to Polaska and claim that you are now the 51st state.

What a bunch of petty idiots...
Miloslaw  21 | 4928
12 May 2023   #113


Try this link;

Or this thread;t****-heads-

Or this;

I could go on all night.....but is is clear that Russia, as a nation, just doesn't work.
Novichok  4 | 7630
12 May 2023   #114

If you do this one more time I will put you on my ignore list.
Don't ever insult me with crap like this. Yeah, Russians are dumb because Navaly is alive. How about, (1) they never meant to kill him or (2) they meant it to be a warning? Duh!

Are you really that dense? That's one thing I would trust FSB about. Just like Mossad, if they want you dead, you will die.

In the meantime, which country operates the space taxi, and which one calls for rides?
pawian  219 | 24592
13 May 2023   #115
Claim: Russians are very good at designing fighter planes

Yes, but only after they steal Western advanced technology. :):):) The infamous Polish spy operating in communist times, Marian Zacharski, bought thousands of top secret documents. What do you think? Did communist Poles share that espionage info with Soviet Russians or not???? :):):)

Pretending to be a businessman, Zacharski started a relationship with Bell. He had paid Bell about $110,000 in cash and $60,000 in gold coins, to be allowed to photograph highly classified documents about Hughes Aircraft radar and weapons systems. Moreover, Zacharski gained access to material on the then-new Patriot and Phoenix missiles, the enhanced version of the Hawk air-to-air missile, radar instrumentation for the F-15 fighter, F-16, "stealth radar" for the B-1 and Stealth bomber, an experimental radar system being tested by the U.S. Navy, submarine sonar, and the M1 Abrams tank.

If you do this one more time I will put you on my ignore list.

Don`t punish us so cruelly!! Are you a monster or what???
Alien  22 | 5460
13 May 2023   #116
Russians are very good at designing fighter planes

I have to admit that the Mig 29 was a very nice plane.
pawian  219 | 24592
13 May 2023   #117
Polish road maintanance services have started replacing old road signs.

Hundreds of road signs will have to be replaced, but language purity is worth it!

  • picture.jpg
Alien  22 | 5460
13 May 2023   #118
Hundreds of road signs will have to be replaced, but

This will lead to complete chaos, already today no one knows what Bezledy is.
pawian  219 | 24592
13 May 2023   #119
no one knows what Bezledy is

Unimportant. This thread is about Królewiec primo voto Kónigsberg secundo voto Kaliningrad. That`s what really counts. Ha!
pawian  219 | 24592
15 May 2023   #120
Linguists in Latvia recommend that Latvian speakers use the historical name of the city, Kenigsberga, instead of the Russian term Kaliningrad. They emphasize that a similar recommendation was previously issued in Poland, where the name Królewiec was restored.

Amasing - the Polish example spreads onto other countries.

Home / History / Future of Kaliningrad Oblast - is it possible to annex by Poland or will it become an independent country?

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