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Future of Kaliningrad Oblast - is it possible to annex by Poland or will it become an independent country?

skysoulmate  13 | 1250
23 Mar 2010   #31
I dont hate all jews only the greedy ones who think that we should feel sorry for them why they dont feel sorry for us and waht happned to us in world war 2

Fair enough, if I misinterpreted your views then I appologize.

If you were to change your phrasiology from ...I dont hate all jews only the greedy ones... to "I hate greedy people" without bringing up religions, nationalites, races, etc. it would all make sense and be totally understandable. To be quoting Nazi websites even if you misunderstood it simply shows ignorance (yeah, the "white power" part was a good clue and by the way in my view "black power" is racist too).

On a different thread anti-Piłsudski alluded to Hitler being Jewish so the Holocaust which he pretty much denies was in effect a Jewish invention - Jews killing Jews, there you have it, it now all makes sense... (sarcasm smiley if I had one)

Oh, they also caused 9/11 - how could I forget that!

I call him anti-Piłsudski because people who study history quickly realize that Piłsudski was one of very few pro-Jewish or at the very least NOT an anti-Jewish politician of that era and here we have a Polish Nazi using Piłsudski's name - selective history at it's best.

To me it's pretty straight forward - there are good people and bad people. Some of them are Jews (or Israelis of Jewish faith) and some of them are Polish, American, British, etc.

As far as concentration camps - my grandmother's (on my mom's side) cousin was an army officer and was one of the thousands killed in Katyń. Through a Russian (or Ukrainian?) nurse he actually sent a short letter to his wife saying he was being held in a camp, was healthy and everything was fine. He said in the letter he hoped he'd be back in Poland soon. Well, he never came back and his wife never remarried.

I guess my entire family could have chosen to hate Russians and Ukrainians but that would be insane. Can't judge an entire nation based on thugs who ran that country and murdereers who killed the defenseless prisoners following the orders from those thugs.

The same thought process applies to the Jews. I'm sure there were/are bad people amongst them but I think the vast majority are regular folks like you and I and the only difference is that we celebrate Christmas while they celebrate Hunukkah.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427
23 Mar 2010   #32
I don't see any difference between that site and PF to be honest. We have many racist posters and they get away with it. just my 2 cents.
askrany  - | 2
23 Mar 2010   #33
hi I am mohamed from Egypt
any body here
wildrover  98 | 4430
23 Mar 2010   #34
There is only me , i am the caretaker...all the others are away in Greece on two weeks hoilday...can i help you...?
Marek11111  9 | 807
23 Mar 2010   #35
jews need more land for settlements maybe they can buy it from Russians
king polkagamon
23 Mar 2010   #36
This Kaliningrad must be full of sluts I am verblufft.
z_darius  14 | 3960
24 Mar 2010   #37
Future of Kaliningrad Oblast

Because of global warming it will be flooded so it may be a a good idea to leave it with the Russians or give it to the Germans.
skysoulmate  13 | 1250
24 Mar 2010   #38
Don't worry - the armageddon floods won't happen until Gore makes billions on his carbon offset scam. So far his personal assets have gone up from some measly $2 million to almost $100 million so we got some time to go before the nuclear winter, I mean the global warming, no - the climate change occurs... then it'll be called human-induced menopausal hotflashes of the earth... LOL
Sokrates  8 | 3335
24 Mar 2010   #39
This Kaliningrad must be full of sluts I am verblufft.

jarnowa  4 | 499
24 Mar 2010   #40
Are you a neonazi Jarnowa?


but i don't judge a website based on the fact that it has some neonazi members.

So if they are against multiculturalism and not against neonazis, that's okay?

It doesn't matter whether mods of stormfront are neonazi's or not. what counts is the actual contents of the website. if they post shocking things about multicultural Europe, it's worth linking to them. whether you like it or not.
1jola  14 | 1875
24 Mar 2010   #41
Half of the posters on SF are feds baiting wackos. Not a place to hang out.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387
24 Mar 2010   #42
That's what I say.

If you were to change your phrasiology from ...I dont hate all jews only the greedy ones... to "I hate greedy people" without bringing up religions, nationalites, races, etc, you would have this...

The Perfect Specimen of Diversity

skysoulmate  13 | 1250
25 Mar 2010   #43
but i don't judge a website based on the fact that it has some neonazi members. should!

That's like listening to a nazi mass-murderer's opinion on pros and cons of using gas to euthanize animals.

Nazism and communism are the same murderous ideologies of thugery and sympathisers of those ideologies should never be used as a reference.
z_darius  14 | 3960
25 Mar 2010   #44
Don't worry - the armageddon floods won't happen until Gore makes billions on his carbon offset scam.

The hilarious thing is that the floods are already happening, so the whole debate on who will get what might not be there when they get it is equally amusing.
wildrover  98 | 4430
2 Apr 2010   #45
Check out the seems the German railways website is showing a map that includes Kaliningrad as part of Poland...Do they know something we don,t....?
13 Nov 2013   #46
I think that reply was quite simply false rhetoric when you said "let me guess by the Jews?" he never brought Jews and the Jews are not the only people who had the power to use people as puppets, I will give you a hint at what he likely was referring to, he was not the only NAZI in Berlin.
Crow  154 | 9207
13 Nov 2013   #47
Future of Kaliningrad Oblast ?

i look forward to see Kaliningrad Oblast as part of new Commonwealth that shall sooner or later emerge around Poland. That`s how i see that
TheOther  6 | 3596
13 Nov 2013   #48
Before that happens, the Russians will sell the territory back to the Germans. That idea floated around in Russia in 1989/1990 already, if I recall correctly.
Crow  154 | 9207
14 Nov 2013   #49
there is nothing to `give back` to Germany by Russia. Region was previously, since time immemorial, Slavic and then Germanics conquered it. After conquered it Germanics turned region into the bastion of the Teutonic order. Then, Slavs took it back. It is now inter-Slavic thing. Poland have right to talk about it with Russia, other Slavs can also say what they have to say.

So, no. Russians won`t deliver it to the Germany.

Not to say that, on the long run, giving Kaliningrad to the Poland represent minimum what Russians must do to heal the rift between Poles and them. But of course, they won`t just give it. They would invest it Poland if Poland manage to found way to balance between west of Europe and Russia. Here we coming to the new Commonwealth. That is something what may benefit Poland (and many other countries from the Baltic to the Balkan and Black See), while in the same suits Russia and west of Europe.

But what is interesting, eventual new Commonwealth around Poland, may more suits to Russia then to the west of Europe.
Barney  17 | 1623
14 Nov 2013   #50
the Russians will sell the territory back to the Germans. That idea floated around in Russia in 1989/1990 already, if I recall correctly.

There is no way the Russians will sell their territory to any foreigners. When the Germans started murdering people for what ever legal reason they cared to invent they lost any moral or legal claim and may think themselves lucky they were allowed to retain a country.
TheOther  6 | 3596
14 Nov 2013   #51
there is nothing to `give back` to Germany by Russia.

That's not what I said, Crow - read again.

"The offer had been made in a secret telegram sent to the German embassy in Moscow, by one of the senior Soviet generals at the time, Geli Batenin."

And regarding your idea of a new commonwealth:
"But almost no one in Kaliningrad wants to join Germany; even fewer feel any pro-Polish or pro-Lithuanian sentiments."
Crow  154 | 9207
14 Nov 2013   #52
And regarding your idea of a new commonwealth:
"But almost no one in Kaliningrad wants to join Germany; even fewer feel any pro-Polish or pro-Lithuanian sentiments."

well, Poland should be military neutral on global military alliances. That could make her more attractive for those who are interested for the Commonwealth.
Palivec  - | 379
14 Nov 2013   #53
Kaliningrad oblast was

there is nothing to `give back` to Germany by Russia. Region was previously, since time immemorial, Slavic and then Germanics conquered it. After conquered it Germanics turned region into the bastion of the Teutonic order. Then, Slavs took it back. It is now inter-Slavic thing.

Maybe you should read one or two history books...

Topic: the area is even more run down than the former German territories in Poland. I think Germany couldn't care less.
peterweg  37 | 2305
14 Nov 2013   #54
well, Poland should be military neutral on global military alliances. That could make her more attractive for those who are interested for the Commonwealth.

Poland is already in the European commonwealth and NATO, specifically to protect herself from your 'commonwealth'/Soviet Union/Russian Empire.
Ironside  50 | 12312
14 Nov 2013   #55
There is no way the Russians will sell their territory to any foreigners. When the Germans started murdering people for what ever legal reason they cared to invent they lost any moral or legal claim and may think themselves lucky they were allowed to retain a country.

Good man Barney!!!
Crow  154 | 9207
14 Nov 2013   #56
Poland is already in the European commonwealth and NATO, specifically to protect herself from your 'commonwealth'/Soviet Union/Russian Empire.

you don`t know anything about my Commonwealth. you don`t know anything about loyalty and dedication.

i almost every year visiting grave of the Zawisha Czarny in Serbia, in Golubac. My Commonwealth shall arise and brake all those chains and golden cages.
26 Jul 2015   #57
@TheOther... my understanding is that there is more affinity towards Germany than anywhere else in Europe among the people of Kaliningrad. It's a no-brainer; why wouldn't the youth of this region not be a part of the strongest economy in Europe? Germany has moved on and sought to make amends for the past and is a model democratic country. Unfortunately, in many parts of eastern Europe there are still a significant number of people who are "nostalgic" for the Soviet era, and this is holding back progress and is essentially emboldening Putin. It's funny how someone can make a remark about Germans being "lucky" to have a county -- well wrong though the Third Reich may have been, at least the Germans fought for their survival against overwhelming odds. Poland, on the other hand, caved in within a few weeks. If Nazi Germany was so evil, then certainly the Poles would have put up a heroic effort to defend their country and people, and would have preferred fighting to the last man over becoming slaves to Adolf Hitler.
jon357  72 | 22778
26 Jul 2015   #58
why wouldn't the youth of this region not be a part of the strongest economy in Europe?

Because they're Russian.

If Nazi Germany was so evil

It was.

then certainly the Poles would have put up a heroic effort to defend their country and people,

They did.

and would have preferred fighting to the last man over becoming slaves to Adolf Hitler.

This happened. Check out the Warsaw Uprising.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
26 Jul 2015   #59
This happened. Check out the Warsaw Uprising.

Stop feeding the racist, Jon. I think he came here for an argument. This is not the argument clinic, is it? And anyway, he's had his 5 minutes :)
jon357  72 | 22778
26 Jul 2015   #60
I wonder where he's from. There's something in there to offend almost everyone.

Home / History / Future of Kaliningrad Oblast - is it possible to annex by Poland or will it become an independent country?

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