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POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country?

5 Feb 2008   #271
many of the today's westerners wouldn't range Poland as an eastern country

BULLSH1T, look at what all the newspapers regard poland as, listen to the westerns on the street. you are considered eastern european because you ARE. you have REFUSED to listen to solid evidence of this. United nations classifies you as eastern european and so does nato. get over do I have to post the map showing the united nations classifications again. do I have to show you all again.

If that's the way people are in your Promised Land - the UK, I'm not going there, even as a tourist.

my hard work has paid off
Piorun  - | 655
5 Feb 2008   #272
my hard work has paid off

All that effort to discourage one person, was it worth it?
5 Feb 2008   #273
if it means one less polish toilet cleaner, on benefits getting housing allowance , nhs healthcare, education for their children etc then it was worth it.
OP Polson  5 | 1767
5 Feb 2008   #274
look at what all the newspapers regard poland as

All, really ? Please tell me what newspapers do you read ?

you are considered eastern european because you ARE

More and more people consider Poles as Central European, because there's a difference between Eastern Europe and Central Europe. Bulgarians are not like Poles, not at all. But, as you happily spit on both nations, you think they are the same.

you have REFUSED to listen to solid evidence of this

Solid ? Haha. Sorry, your evidence is that Poles are undermen, not like Brits ?...
You seem to really like the United Nations....did you know they are not the only world organization ? If you check some others, you'll find some classifying Poland as a Central European country.

do I have to show you all again

All what ? All the things you chose carefully and gave them to us as "evidence" ? Haha.
osiol  55 | 3921
5 Feb 2008   #275
then it was worth it

You have now made up my mind for me. A couple of mates of mine from Poland will be invited over in the near future.
5 Feb 2008   #276
look at what all the newspapers regard poland as

You only read the Daily Mail, a known anti-immigrant newspaper.

Try broadening your perspective a little.

You have now made up my mind for me. A couple of mates of mine from Poland will be invited over in the near future.

Yes I think I'll convince some relatives of Polish friends to come to the UK.
JumpinJuniper  1 | 21
5 Feb 2008   #277
OK if you count the big danged portion of Russia as Europe that they show on a map of Europe nowadays, it is central. I think of Poland, Czeck Rep., Slovakia, Lith. Beluraus, Ukraine as Eastern Euro countries
Magdalena  3 | 1827
6 Feb 2008   #278
they show on a map of Europe nowadays

You should brush up on your geography and check the traditional definition of Europe as continent. It stops at the Ural Mountains, and this is no newfangled notion.
Dublinjohn  - | 38
7 Feb 2008   #279
It stops at the Ural Mountains, and this is no newfangled notion.

We should take that too? You are mixing geography with politics.

I think the topic of this is wrong, it really depends what Eastern Europe means, geographical, political? and what that means? ex-eastern block countries. Is it a negative connotation with this phrase that has you all discussing if Poland is eastern or central?

The more east you go the more western Poland is, seriously.
Dice  15 | 452
7 Feb 2008   #280
Why is there so much fuss about it?
Poland is an Eastern European Country as far as the political and historical background goes. There is NOBODY in the world, I assure you who will hear the word "Poland" and will say to him/her-self: "Oh yeah, Poland is in CENTRAL Europe". No! They'll think of a former Soviet Satellite, Warsaw Pact, etc; EASTERN EUROPE.

That's the way it is and no matter how much some of you want to deny it, it's better to get used to it and work with it.

Trust me, I understand the reasoning behind your thinking and I simpathise, but it is what it is - Eastern Europe.
Cooler  - | 2
7 Feb 2008   #281
Poland is an Eastern European Country as far as the political and historical background goes. There is NOBODY in the world, I assure you who will hear the word "Poland" and will say to him/her-self: "Oh yeah, Poland is in CENTRAL Europe". No! They'll think of a former Soviet Satellite, Warsaw Pact, etc; EASTERN EUROPE.

only in English world (USA UK ...)

I don't have the problem I can be eastern hehehhe :P lol :)

For some europeans UK isn't europe :P

I think it is important to change Polands palce in some countries. When "western european" country has tradegy everybody help them. 2000 people died in WTC it was tradegy, milions die in Africa, Eastern Europe, Asia their life is worth nothing. People form "western" europe prefere to protest in defence of animals life or promote vegetarian food. So when we talk about business it is better to be considered western.
southern  73 | 7059
7 Feb 2008   #282
By central Europe westerners usually mean Austria or Switzerland,anyway it is a vague term.
Matyjasz  2 | 1543
7 Feb 2008   #283
Why is there so much fuss about it?
Poland is an Eastern European Country as far as the political and historical background goes. There is NOBODY in the world, I assure you who will hear the word "Poland" and will say to him/her-self: "Oh yeah, Poland is in CENTRAL Europe". No! They'll think of a former Soviet Satellite, Warsaw Pact, etc; EASTERN EUROPE.

Why is there so much fuss about it?

Maybe, just maybe because the commie period lasted for over 40 years while the whole history of Poland is over 1000 years old.

But it's just a guess. :)
irishdeano  5 | 304
7 Feb 2008   #284
i would look at poland as central europe
southern  73 | 7059
7 Feb 2008   #285
The idea of Mitteleuropa contains all the lands which belonged to the former Austrohungary.This is the idea of central Europe.
osiol  55 | 3921
7 Feb 2008   #286
Europe as a continent, by world standards, is pretty small. However, we all seem to think it's too big, so we break it down into Eastern and Western, then even East, Central and Western. Some prefer a North-South split, but we'll ignore that for now.

I propose to divide it even more into the following categories:

West Western Europe, Central Western Europe, Eastern Western Europe, Western Central Europe, Central Central Europe, Eastern Central Europe, Western Eastern Europe, Central Eastern Europe, Eastern Eastern Europe. In this system, I propose that Poland should be within Southern Northern Western Eastern Europe (Central).
OP Polson  5 | 1767
7 Feb 2008   #287
By central Europe westerners usually mean Austria or Switzerland,anyway it is a vague term

Switzerland, Central ? What about Italy then ? ;) For me Switzerland is Western.

The idea of Mitteleuropa contains all the lands which belonged to the former Austrohungary.This is the idea of central Europe

Parts of Poland belonged to Austrohungary actually ;)

I propose that Poland should be within Southern Northern Western Eastern Europe (Central).

Seems okay to me... ;)
Dice  15 | 452
7 Feb 2008   #288
I propose that Poland should be within Southern Northern Western Eastern Europe (Central).

I second that motion.
Or we could call it Western Asia or Nothern Africa.
southern  73 | 7059
7 Feb 2008   #289
Switzerland, Central ? What about Italy then ? ;) For me Switzerland is Western.

Italy is south.Look every country bordering to Mediteranean sea is south Europe except France which is western.Mediteranean countries share common culture.You cannot tell France a mediteranean country because it belongs to western culture.Of course you can argue that the southern France has mediteranean elements but this is pointless.

Switzerland and Austria have similarities and commonalities.They are between mountains,so in western european mind they are located not next to the sea but central,so in central Europe.CR,Slovakia,Hungary also have no sea and have similarities to Austria,however due to history inside the iron curtain they were separated from common world with Austria and became part of the eastern Europe.

Russia is not eastern Europe.It is Russia.It is perceived as continent in its own by Russians and many foreigners.
Polak89  1 | 13
9 Feb 2008   #290
Poland is East..look below all the countries that call themself south-eastern, bosnia, serbia ,macedonia (We are in the same line on the map). 3 countries can call themself central as they are in line with each other - Czech Republic, Austria & Slovenia and are between east and west (Germany & Poland). That is where europe splits.
Crow  155 | 9699
9 Feb 2008   #291
Poland is both- Eastern and Central European country. Plus Western and Northern European and not only European

From Kamcatka to Lusatia, from Baltic to Balkan. I clearly see
masterpolack89  1 | 5
10 Feb 2008   #292
its CENTRAL European lol, and to this noimmigration fellow, he is a chav, why are you here you ******* red headed scottish ******* retard, go to your scottish forums lol.
osiol  55 | 3921
10 Feb 2008   #293
he is a chav

In Scotland they are called Neds.

red headed

That's not usually a crime.

go to your scottish forums

Do you think anyone would want him there either? Because I don't.
Crow  155 | 9699
10 Feb 2008   #294
its CENTRAL European lol, and to this noimmigration fellow, he is a chav, why are you here you ******* red headed scottish ******* retard, go to your scottish forums lol.

he can`t be Scottish?! Is it possible

Scots or Picts, Irish, Welsh - how could any of them be against Slavs, when we are of same kind
10 Feb 2008   #295
the scots are nordic, the slavs are slavs we are nothing alike
Seanus  15 | 19666
10 Feb 2008   #296
Masterpolack89, I'd rather be one Scottish red-head in 80,000 than 1 in 38,000,000 of the Polish nation. Go and enjoy ur plain existence. U want to be more like the Western European Germans, don't feel so bad about that, that day will come
rjeden  - | 29
10 Feb 2008   #297
Scottish go home to your weak nation.
Seanus  15 | 19666
10 Feb 2008   #298
Weakened by excessive immigration u cretin. The Scottish economy is still strong and blows ur country's out of the water. We at least have the decency to pay valued workers like farmers well, whereas u guys pay them peanuts. We have an abundant supply of oil and gas. The only gas u have is coming out of ur mouth and ass ye wee glaekit nyaff. Relying on coal to generate revenue, talk about backward. Expect a backlash from the other Scottish members.
szkotja2007  27 | 1497
10 Feb 2008   #299
Scottish go home to your weak nation.

Welcome to the forums rjeden.

I still like to think that noimagination is not Scottish.


Non Educated Delinquent.
z_darius  14 | 3960
10 Feb 2008   #300
the scots are nordic

So you don't even know the identity and origin of your own ethnic group?

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