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'Defamation': The Anti-Semism Industry & Poland

sascha  1 | 824
21 May 2011   #61
All I know is "he who pays the piper calls the tune". They control Finance. That's enough to control the world.

Not 100% of it but enough of it. Correct

They do not need a country or whatever. They have seats in the highest stock organisations f.e., consulting/financial, law firms, weapon indistry, chemical etc. They have simply crucial seats in very high positions. Who do think sponsors us president campaign every year the most? They have a big lobby and without them no calls for whomsoever.

Find out yourself via google etc. Just look for companies, names etc. You'll manage it.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
22 May 2011   #62
They do not need a country or whatever. They have seats in the highest stock organisations f.e., consulting/financial, law firms, weapon indistry, chemical etc. They have simply crucial seats in very high positions. Who do think sponsors us president campaign every year the most? They have a big lobby and without them no calls for whomsoever.

But so does everyone else, Sascha. Not just them. I admit to there being a Jewish influence along with others. It is not exclusively Jewish.
Seanus  15 | 19666
22 May 2011   #63
Obama is weak in the face of BN, fact!! He can't lose the support of AIPAC, fact! There will be no 2-state solution as no politicians really want it, fact!
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
22 May 2011   #64
There will be no 2-state solution as no politicians really want it, fact!

You have to get the Jews involved or it won't work. Plain and simple.
sascha  1 | 824
22 May 2011   #65
But so does everyone else, Sascha. Not just them. I admit to there being a Jewish influence along with others. It is not exclusively Jewish.

Which other influence?
They are the HEADS not some 2nd or 3rd place member of the board. They are the CEO's who make the calls. The board or whatever they need is under their control.

Strange for me that you do not believe that, 'cause it's really common knowledge.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
22 May 2011   #66
Which other influence?

Asians, caucasian Europeans and Americans, Arabs, Indians. Japanese have much more influence than Jews, not that I am complaining because they manufacture the highest quality on planet earth.
Seanus  15 | 19666
22 May 2011   #67
PP, as I said, there will be no 2-state solution as it's just an Israeli scam to win time and further destroy Palestinians.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
22 May 2011   #68
Why do you think it's a scam? If Israel doesn't do something to fix this, there will be a big war in the region since the Arab states are all destabilized. It's just a matter of time. And of course, a big war there means NATO will get involved...
Seanus  15 | 19666
22 May 2011   #69
Just think for a moment! Netanyahu will NOT compromise! Obama and so many others will do and have done nothing to stop him.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
22 May 2011   #70
Then they will just have to put up with the outcome. Unfortunately it might mean NATO going into the region.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
22 May 2011   #71
Why do you think it's a scam?

Because they have been negotiating the 2 state solution for 20 years and all that time the Zionists have been illegally settling the territory that the 2nd state is suppossed to occupy. Plastic, it is estimated that 2/3 of the money donated to Democrats for their election campaigns comes from Jews and 1/3 of the money donated to Republican candidates comes from Jews. Until there is campaign finance reform in America the Jewish minority will have our politicians in their pockets and this means that the Palestinians will remain dispossesed, because when it comes to their ethnic state in Palestine American Jews, who are otherwise mostly liberal and enlightened, become irrational racists.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
22 May 2011   #72
But what can anyone do about it, Des?
Seanus  15 | 19666
22 May 2011   #73
Exactly, DE! NATO will run away in the face of the IDF, Shin Bet and the Mossad. They can't even beat weak and old Talibs, ROTFL.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
22 May 2011   #74
Jews are going to work to keep their country, Israel and that's never going to change.
rybnik  18 | 1444
22 May 2011   #75
We support bad policy in many other countries. Pakistan and Egypt to name two. Pakistan and Egypt are just as influential as Israel in this case.

Please don't confuse giving money to governments(Pakistan, Egypt, Afghan., etc) and supporting bad policy (Israeli settlements; buldozing Palest. homes). What kind of influence does Pakistan wield?
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
22 May 2011   #76
What kind of influence does Pakistan wield?

Um, how about housing Al Qaeda? If you want to see bad policy in action, all you need to do is look at US/Pakistani policy. It's the epitome of it.
Seanus  15 | 19666
22 May 2011   #77
Then expect the freedom fighters of Hamas to keep up their work, PP.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
22 May 2011   #78
These weak groups are more powerful than you realize, Seanus. We are past the days when only certain countries wielded power and no one else did.
Seanus  15 | 19666
22 May 2011   #79
42 countries can't overcome a weak group? LOL
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
22 May 2011   #80
But what can anyone do about it, Des?

We need campaign finance reform and we need to be able to call racism racism even if it is Jews that are perpetrating it. I guess the insistance on using the 1967 boarders as a starting point for negotiations in Obama's speech this week was a bit of a start, but it is a sad testament to the power of the Zionist lobby that even such a meager bit of even-handedness is seen as an affront to the "special relationship" between the USA and the Zionist Entity. The tail will probably still wag the dog.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
22 May 2011   #81
42 countries can't overcome a weak group? LOL

Seanus, I was illustrating a point. If Jews are so powerful, doesn't that make Hamas weak?
rybnik  18 | 1444
22 May 2011   #82
If you want to see bad policy in action, all you need to do is look at US/Pakistani policy. It's the epitome of it.

for example?
legend  3 | 658
22 May 2011   #83
If a non-Jew made this film, he would automatically be labeled a 'Jew hater', when, in fact all the film tried to do was be reasonable about the matter, and show the irony involved.

True. But if the Jews dont like the Jew who made the film he is self-hating Jew or something like that...

So, there goes your theory that Jews control the world. They are just a tiny country relying on aide from the US and Europe to exist. Why do you want to give them so much power? Maybe it is your paranoia that's the real problem?

Thats just wrong. There are only ~15 million Jews in this world.
6.5 mil in USA, 6.5 mil Israel, large amounts also in France and Canada, etc.

Now think this. There is only 6.5 million Jews in America a country of 300+ million!
Half the billionares in America are Jewish, a good chunk of them are lawyers, bankers, media bosses, ceos, etc. Have you heard of AJC? AIPAC? ADL? These guys are damn right powerful. Arguably the strongest lobby groups in the world.

Why does USA send so much money to Israel yearly? Billions of dollars for "defense" in other words butchering palestinians and carpet bombing people. One reason is because the powerful pro-zionists are finiancing them. Can you imagine how different America would be without rich Jews?

Have you heard of Fed Reserve? Please Research.

You think Jews have little or no power? Decades ago they destroyed USS Liberty. They killed dozens of Americans on this ship. America did NOTHING. They listened like sheep to their overlords.

Israel excuse? We thought it was Russian ship. HAHAHAHAH.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
22 May 2011   #84
Half the billionares in America are Jewish, a good chunk of them are lawyers, bankers, media bosses, ceos, etc. Have you heard of AJC? AIPAC? ADL? These guys are damn right powerful. Arguably the strongest lobby groups in the world.

And half the billionaires aren't! I am not claiming Jews have zero influence, just not as much influence as paranoid people claim. YES they have a bit of influence.

These lobby groups lobby for the existence of Israel. They do not lobby to run the US or the rest of the world. We might give Israel money because of these lobby groups but we give other countries money because of theirs so it's not just Israel. There's balance. We got plenty of mega rich Arabs throwing money around nowadays ;) So you are going to see their input, too.

Please, do not be naive. The world is too big for a handful of rich Jews to control. They simply cannot do it.

Why does USA send so much money to Israel yearly? Billions of dollars for "defense" in other words butchering palestinians and carpet bombing people. One reason is because the powerful pro-zionists are finiancing them. Can you imagine how different America would be without rich Jews?

The same reason we put money into other places around the world. It's our foreign policy and it's not just the Jews who get plenty of US aide. It's too many countries, quite frankly. We don't have it to spare!

Have you heard of Fed Reserve?

What about it? You are going to say because Bush put Greenspan in charge of it it must be run by Jews. That's just pure hogwash. Yeah, a Jew ran it for a while but certainly not forever.

There are Jews here and they are going to have some influence and positions of authority but they are not the final say in all matters and do not control every aspect of life.
legend  3 | 658
22 May 2011   #85
Please, do not be naive. The world is too big for a handful of rich Jews to control. They simply cannot do it.

I never stated Jews control the world. They do have large influence in USA. USA has enormous power in the world right?

Why is it that Americans carpet bomb only Muslim states? When clearly the IDF and the Israel adminstration are killing innocents (read Noam Chomsky- What We Say Goes; he is Jewish American and probably one of the worlds top intellectuals). And before they also destroyed Yugoslavia. America destroyed central America, America destroyed south America, etc.

American foreign policy is the devil incarnate.

What about it? You are going to say because Bush put Greenspan in charge of it it must be run by Jews. That's just pure hogwash. Yeah, a Jew ran it for a while but certainly not forever.
There are Jews here and they are going to have some influence and positions of authority but they are not the final say in all matters and do not control every aspect of life.

1) Ben S. Bernanke: Chairman of the Board of Governors of Federal Reserve. Term ends 2020.

2) Donald L. Kohn: Vice Chairman of the Board of Governors of Federal Reserve. Term ends 2016.

3) Randall S. Kroszner: Member of Board of Governors of Federal Reserve.

4) Frederic S. Mishkin: Member of Board of Governors of Federal Reserve. Term ends 2014.

5) Alan Greenspan: Advisor to Board of Governors of Federal Reserve. Recent Chairman.

I could go on...
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
22 May 2011   #86
It's very simple, Legend. Jews do not come to our country and fly planes into buildings. If Jews did that in the name of Israel we would be the first to invade it.

And are the people you listed everyone involved in the Fed or just the Jews? I already told you I don't deny that Jews are involved in politics and business, just not to the extent the paranoids claim.
legend  3 | 658
22 May 2011   #87
It's very simple, Legend. Jews do not come to our country and fly planes into buildings. If Jews did that in the name of Israel we would be the first to invade it.

Jews play clean on their image. Do you think they are innocent? The Bolvshevik Revolution and up until WWII it was athiestic Jews who ran Russia. Do you know how much people died? Tens of Millions. Thats more than 6 million Jews. Do you know who died in WWII? 50+ million Christian Gentiles.

Now you are pointing fingers at RADICAL muslims. They do no represent the majority of Muslims.
American foreign policy started destroying Middle East and Asia long before any 911.
They were oil hungry pigs. First it was GBs BP than the Americans destroyed these countries.
They put in false leaders who favored American interests (and thus Jewish interests).
When democracy happened and real leaders were elected by the people. America sent in the CIA and killed these people and replaced with a dictator.

These Muslims want their countries for themselves not so America can use them for their oil.
Extremist Muslim behaviour is a response to American Foreign policy barbarism.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
22 May 2011   #88
They were oil hungry pigs.

We are people who pay the middle eastern thugs a lot of money for their oil so don't come off like the poor victim who has nothing. Middle east is rich beyond belief.

You know it's ironic you say oil hungry pig when if it wasn't for us oil hungry pigs the middle east would be desperately poor with very little, like the rest of Africa. You should thank your lucky stars for oil hungry pigs!
legend  3 | 658
22 May 2011   #89
The amount America pays to these Middle Eastern countries is peanuts compared to what they pay to more favorable countries like Canada. Your view is distorted most probably because of FOX news are some other ******* American media. America cameto their land, stole oil, butchered hundreds of thousands if not millions (directly and indirectly). And now you are using money as an argument to things that belong to these people and to other people LIFES? im done discussing. American Foreign Policy is evil. The majority of the world population argrees. (NOT the goverments but the people).
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
22 May 2011   #90
The amount America pays to these Middle Eastern countries is peanuts compared to what they pay to more favorable countries like Canada.

Seriously, you need to visit a developed, modern middle eastern country like UAE then come back and say we haven't paid the middle east billions of dollars for their oil. Do a GDP search for that tiny country. See how much money they make every year. If you combine all the middle eastern countries GDPs you will get a figure close to the annual GDP in the US. Of course this doesn't count per capita, but still. The middle east needs to take some responsibility for their governments and their lives.

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