1990s had its dark moments when I got a big unpleasant surprise from my compatriots.
One of such surprises was the return of communists to power a few years after the system had collapsed. Many people lost work and personal safety during the transition time and liberal govs did little to help them. The disappointed part of the society voted for former communists now renamed as socialists, in vain hope they would take care of the jobless and needy. It happened during national elections in 1993. I swallowed that bitter pill and didn`t call them homo sovieticuses yet.
However, I did when in 1995 ex communist apparatchik Kwaśniewski was elected President. That was too much for me and I was really shocked coz people supported him after his debate with Walęsa during which the latter acted in a rude way to Kwaśniewski. So it didn`t matter that Kwaśniewski had once fully supported the communist regime and justified its crimes against the opposition, it was enough that Wałęsa refused to shake hands before the debate. Only this.
That was the first time in my life when I started analysing the problem of homo sovieticuses in Poland. And they weren`t oldies as one could presume. No, people my age, so relatively still young.
Here, communist propaganda guru, Urban, enjoying the democratic elections won by his buddies in 1993.
