johnny reb 49 | 8003
12 Nov 2022 #31
... communism has never existed
Are you blind, it is being promoted right here on this forum by the owner and his followers.
First, once a communist party is in power, there's no questioning their authority or else you'll find yourself victim of their authoritarian power. :-)
Believing in God, that is the existence of a "Higher Authority" undermines the control of the party, and so it is not allowed.
Second, when a communist party is unable to eradicate religion, they'll try manipulating it to their advantage by rewriting the religion and using coercive power to force adherents to embrace their version of the religion.
Sound familiar ?
Third, I think it's out of jealousy.
You see, religion provides people with control over their selves and a higher, more ultimate goal in life.
That is what Communism is unable and will never be able to do.
A communist party cannot say that if you die for their cause you will go to Heaven.
But religion, for example the Catholic Church, can tell you what's your ultimate goal in life and what will you attain if you follow God's desired path in the afterlife.
That's what atheistic Communism couldn't do.
Keep in mind that Communism itself for many of its followers is a sort of religion.
But, which will you choose to be?
Slave to the communist party with its flawed idea and unsustainable policies of collectivization, oppression, absence of freedom of speech, absence of democracy, and the ultimate control resisting in one or more fallible man of power or to be "slave" to a higher power, that is God, who knows every inch of the corners of this universe because He made it and is everlasting good ?
Don't get into an argument about "if God is good, why there's suffering in this world ?"
In the end, Communism or a communist party rests its legitimacy for being the only power and the only source of control in the country or forum that they rule over.
Religions, particularly organized religions are enemies for them.
And these are the reasons why I, deep inside my heart, hate communism in its every manifestation and communist regimes around the world anytime.
As much as atheists, agnostics, or whatever you call it say that religion is illogical, weird, stupid, strange, foreign, diabolical, and others.