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Communism fell 20 years ago, Poland led the fight since WW2

ConstantineK  26 | 1298
20 Jun 2009   #61
Human rights law was a major part of my university education and if you wipe out

What? What are you talking about¿ Lay apart all these figments about "human rights" ¡¡¡ Do you think that somebody will care about your personal rights ??? Poor boy. I will eat your kilt, if it is so.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
20 Jun 2009   #62
In 1950, a new złoty was introduced, replacing all earlier issues at a rate of one hundred to one. The new banknotes were dated 1948, whilst the new coins were dated 1949. From 1 January 1990 it was a convertible currency.

I will eat your kilt,

Only after weeks of wearing. :):):):)
Seanus  15 | 19666
20 Jun 2009   #63
I can enforce my rights, CK, so there. The closest you'll get to a kilt is your tablecloth.
here's what happens when you let communists get a foothold. Give them an inch and they'll take a mile.

Arkan talking about many important issues. Harry, is this the devil reincarnate? Come off it!
ConstantineK  26 | 1298
20 Jun 2009   #64
can enforce my rights, CK, so there. The closest you'll get to a kilt is your tablecloth

I don't think I shall need it, because your so called "rights" are just fiction, and Irish re-referendum is a clear evidence of my point.

Topic reminder: Communism fell 20 years ago, Poland led the fight since WW2

There is no need to ruin a perfectly valid thread.

Seanus  15 | 19666
20 Jun 2009   #65
The point is, communists care little for rights, Mod. Ever read Solzhenitzyn? Rights (or lack thereof) are inextricably linked with their outlook on humanity. Animal Farm showed the physical manifestations of it and how reality differed from the theory.

There is more than a tenuous correlation between what I'm saying and what pawian was saying about uprisings and fighting for a noble cause.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298
20 Jun 2009   #66
Animal Farm showed the physical

Why do you make all these references for Animal Farm ? What do you think this book about?

For sure, livestock should be ruled by its natural masters, and all misfortunes will fall upon it, if only it will imagine that it can be ruled by its own.
Seanus  15 | 19666
20 Jun 2009   #67
Poland fought all the nonsense that is communism, CK. Oppression, indifference, control and subjugation.

I don't think you have read the book at all. I think it would disgust you to see the truth of your police state and also the vicissitudes of the Stalin regime.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298
20 Jun 2009   #68
I think it would disgust you to see the truth of your police state and also the vicissitudes of the Stalin regime.

I know about my "police" state and Stalin's vicissitudes well enough, but also I know enough villainies of so called western "democratic" states and regimes. And these misdeeds take places even at present days.

The fact is that your "world and civilization" deserve to be ruined even more than communizm.
Seanus  15 | 19666
20 Jun 2009   #69
CK, let's keep it simple. Communism here was widely hated. Democracy, for all its shortcomings, has much more to commend itself than you'll ever realise.

Poland fought long and hard to win that battle, and it triumphed!! So, what misdeeds are anything like the hell that the Russian secret police put Polish people through?

I'm not a major fan of EU officials either but what specific allegations are you referring to?
southern  73 | 7059
20 Jun 2009   #70
ConstantineK has grasped the hardcore variance of marxism as anti-humanist movement.
lexi  1 | 176
20 Jun 2009   #71
Fortunately, educated Westerners know the truth

Exactly Pawian, I could not have put this better myself.
southern  73 | 7059
20 Jun 2009   #72
party bosses weren`t sure if the forces would stand by them in case of trouble. They prefered to resign

Basically party bosses became millionaires.It was simply a sell out.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
20 Jun 2009   #73
Yes. Apparatchiks, i.e. regime`s henchmen, set up private companies, using the state property and funds and created a new class of capitalists. In the wink of an eye. It shows what people communism had - greedy opportunists. :):):)
Seanus  15 | 19666
20 Jun 2009   #74
Very true, pawian. Rip people off and then deny them any prospect of coming back at you. Total control. If Kostik really believes that communists strive for equality and even distribution, he needs to get off the vodka.

CK, Poland has an excellent medical service. They might feel sympathy for you. Vodka is a shared commonality. It's never too late to get help.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298
20 Jun 2009   #75
ConstantineK has grasped the hardcore variance of marxism as anti-humanist movement.

Neither first, nor the second, Southern. Actually I am democrat, pure demokrat... but I prefer indifidual, personal democracy inside each man, his inner righ to choose this way or another. Unfortunately this kind of democracy is peculiar to very few people, to heroes predominantly. On the contrary, you adores only empty forms of democracy, like voting right, for example. This democracy of the mob I reject with contempt. Today they vote for Smith, tomorrow they will give their votes for Brown.
Seanus  15 | 19666
20 Jun 2009   #76
You are a democrat, hehehe. Then why don't you let democracy run its natural course? So people sway between candidates and ideas, so what?

I like your suggestion of individual democracy inside each man, CK. Just like God inside each man.

Anyway, we have borderline communists in today's EU. They label themselves as socialists but that doesn't convey the whole truth.
southern  73 | 7059
20 Jun 2009   #77
Actually I am democrat, pure demokrat...

But you wrote you are a supporter of absolute monarchy.
Seanus  15 | 19666
20 Jun 2009   #78
CK doesn't know what he is and he had better be careful when defending communism. It led to much misery here. Imposing regimes on others is anathema to good reason.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
20 Jun 2009   #79
This democracy of the mob I reject with contempt. Today they vote for Smith, tomorrow they will give their votes for Brown.

My votes go to Smith and Wesson. Those are the essential individual rights.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298
20 Jun 2009   #80
Then why don't you let democracy run its natural course?

Because the mankind, in a its greater part, is just miserable and backwarded idiots and to grant them voting rights means only futher disgracing of fundamental bases of democracy. Communism failed only because it is workable only among ideal noncorrupted people. But where can we find such? There is no any natural courses of the democracy. Where can you find the democracy itself?
Seanus  15 | 19666
20 Jun 2009   #81
So how do you propose to put MP's into place if not by the collective will of the people? What democratic books have you read, sonny? CK, that was the whole point of Animal Farm.

No natural course of democracy? Well, what do you propose then? Holland is a fine democracy, can't you learn from them?
ConstantineK  26 | 1298
20 Jun 2009   #82
Holland is a fine democracy, can't you learn from them?

With hate and fear toward immigrants burried deep inside people's hearts. I know it very well, because have few holland partners. Some drinks of vodka make them more free in their comments.

CK, that was the whole point of Animal Farm.

You reffer on Animal Farm, but I want to give you another example of personal pure democracy and devotion. This is life of Protopop Avvakuum. This Russian religios priest and spiritual leader of oldbelievers opposition is considered as most briliant writer of 17-th century during the time of great schism inside russian orthodox church (between Old and New belivers). Being imprisonment, he said the following: "We shall be burnt in fire but never will cease our persuasions". And for the sake of what? The principal question was the number of fingers for crossing, two or three. Eventually he was burnt.
SeanBM  34 | 5781
20 Jun 2009   #83
ConstantineK, you are completely off topic.
Why don't you start your own thread rather than go off on your own rants on something that is interesting.
Seanus  15 | 19666
20 Jun 2009   #84
Exactly, Seanny. CK, how do you imagine life was for Poles under communism. I've heard plenty stories. Please describe a typical day for your average worker, your conception.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298
20 Jun 2009   #85
ConstantineK, you are completely off topic. Why don't you start your own thread rather than go off on your own rants on something that is interesting

Do you think? It was only an example of firmity which so rare among modern people. Those workers of Gdansk's shipyard who launched the contrrevolution in poland during mid 80-th, are now complaining. Your "domocratic" revolution failed, your heroes you adores are false.
SeanBM  34 | 5781
20 Jun 2009   #86
Do you think?

Yes I do but I see you are a nutter, with delusions of grandeur.
You are your own worst enemy, so I best leave you to your insanity.
Seanus  15 | 19666
20 Jun 2009   #87
Come on, CK, how was communism good for the Poles?
ConstantineK  26 | 1298
20 Jun 2009   #88
CK, how do you imagine life was for Poles under communism.

I cannot tell you this. But for sure the best choise for poland will be a foreign dominance, german or russian. Only these states can save polands and poles from themselves.
Seanus  15 | 19666
20 Jun 2009   #89
You cannot tell me this? Then why are you even bothering to write on this thread? Tell me, how do you imagine the shops were stocked? Foreign dominance, how would this be for Russia? America has you by the nuts.

How do you think freedom was manifested under communism here? What was the role of the Secret Police? Why did it take so long to shrug off this scourge?

CK, what year of primary school are you in?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
20 Jun 2009   #90
Those workers of Gdansk's shipyard who launched the contrrevolution in poland during mid 80-th, are now complaining. Your "domocratic" revolution failed, your heroes you adores are false.

In a way, you are right. Workers toppled communism and allowed Solidarity to take over, but when capitalism started to be built, their situation didn`t improve right away. Why? They thought they would work like in communism

(whether you stand or lie, you will get 2000 zlotys -
czy się stoi czy się leży, dwa tysiące się należy
and earn like in capitalism.
They were wrong.
Those who stubbornly stuck to socialist ideas and didn`t allow their plants to be restructured according to free market economy rules, became drop-outs when their work places went bankrupt.

Communist corruptive ideas had pervaded people`s minds and hearts.
It took 20 years for most Poles to understand that they need to work hard for their own and country`s prosperity.
In comparison to the past, we can say that Poles lost a little to gain a lot. In 1989 an average Pole needed 10 salaries to buy a good quality TV. Today only two salaries. Including workers` wages too.

Kostia, I would gladly fall under Russian domination on one condition: if Russians become like Germans - disciplined, organized, dutiful, etc etc etc, so that they could introduce new quality into Poland and develop these characteristics in Poles :):):):):):):):)

However, I am afraid it won`t happen during my lifetime. :):):):):):):):)

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