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Polish civilization is older than English or French. Why do Poland follow them?

McCoy  27 | 1268
21 Aug 2010   #31
Polish civilization is older than English or French

actually its true. its the oldest civilisation of all. they found lately the cave drawing dated 60 000 yrs bc:
OP Crow  155 | 9736
21 Aug 2010   #32

he, he. That`s the good one :)
jeden  - | 226
21 Aug 2010   #33
Yes BB indeed. Civilisated doesn`t mean good, honest, just or fair. Civilisation don`t have positive or negative meaning. It is neutral.

Watch the Paulina Movie on yt. Romans are civlisated and Germans are barbarian although Germans are defending their land, and Romans are trying to conqeur and enslave them.

Did you know that skill of bridge building Romans learned from Slavs?

I didn˛t know and I don˛t belive until you show some examples of slav architecture older than roman

Or shall we just mention Polish `Sarmatism` as early seed of democracy in modern sense of the word.

This is true.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11974
21 Aug 2010   #34
Yes BB indeed. Civilisated doesn`t mean good, honest, just or fair. Civilisation don`t have positive or negative meaning. It is neutral.

...and civilisation doesn't mean better bath houses or roads!

The tribes had laws too and even better gender equality...they didn't prefer to live in crowded, stinking towns and loyalty and honor counted more than political intrigues.

Civilization is an attitude and a way of life. In no way where the Romans more civilized than the tribes...The freedom loving Celts for example had been more civilized than the Romans who after long fighting enslaved one half and killed the other half.

When you want to count architecture like roads as signs for civilization then you have to count Hitler's autobahns too. That way lays madness.

It seems it's a philosophical decision one has to make for himself...what counts as civilization for one self.
Maybe we just have to agree to disagree here.
jeden  - | 226
21 Aug 2010   #35
We have other definitions.

When you want to count architecture like roads as signs for civilization then you have to count Hitler's autobahns too.

Yes I count. Germany in 39 was civilisated country, maybe a bit mad but civilisated. ;)

The culture and civilisations stands oppose to the nature. When society appears, the first what people make is border beetwen them and nature. Walls, closed houses, wooden palisades. This show that culture and civilisation is a creation sth. new sth. what doesn`t have anything in common with nature. WE ARE NOT PART OF WILDLIFE. It doesn`t mean that is good, but this is CIVILISATION.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11974
21 Aug 2010   #36
This show that culture and civilisation is a creation sth. new sth. what doesn`t have anything in common with nature.

And again...our ancestors had that too...they had their wood houses, their wood walls etc.
They even had already 1600 BC such a metallurgy and knowledge of astronomy that not even the Egypts had at that time (Sky disc)...

Stop reading up the Romans so much but start learning more about your own people...barbarians or not! ;)

The culture and civilisations stands oppose to the nature. When society appears, the first what people make is border beetwen them and nature. it seems the higher developed a society becomes the more they care for their environment...retracting the walls between them and back...guarding nature...;)

PRO-nature is the direction it goes!

And because our ancestors pagan beliefs doesn't need stone monuments to worship doesn't mean it was somehow "less"...

All a matter of view point it seems.
shelly19  - | 3
4 Oct 2011   #37
okkkkkkkkkkkkkk stop can anyone please tell me witch is older Ireland or Poland ??
isthatu2  4 | 2692
4 Oct 2011   #38
Ireland had Christian Kings when Poles were pagan forest dwellers. Make of that what you will shel'
sascha  1 | 824
4 Oct 2011   #39
Ireland had Christian Kings when Poles were pagan forest dwellers.

yeah, and tomorrow is eastern ;)

for ireland

for poland
isthatu2  4 | 2692
5 Oct 2011   #40
yeah, and tomorrow is eastern ;)

Now,I know English is a second tongue for you,but.....WTF do you mean Eastern????
A wild guess though is you are trying to say Im wrong in some way. Well, Im just stating facts,not making judgments,ie Ireland doesnt "win" anything for being an older far more established collection of folks than poland...

From your own links;
The establishment of a Polish state is often identified with the adoption of Christianity by its ruler Mieszko I in 966, over the territory similar to that of present-day Poland. The Kingdom of Poland was formed in 1025

..beginning in the 7th century AD, a concept of national kingship gradually became articulated through the concept of a High King of Ireland.....The Chronicle of Ireland records that in 431 AD Bishop Palladius arrived in Ireland on a mission from Pope Celestine I to minister to the Irish "already believing in Christ." The same chronicle records that Saint Patrick, Ireland's best known patron saint, arrived the following year. ...
grubas  12 | 1382
5 Oct 2011   #41
Now,I know English is a second tongue for you,but.....WTF do you mean Eastern????

Yeah,I know English is a first tongue for you but...if you were an intelligent person you would figure that he meant Easter.It's not that hard,seriously.
isthatu2  4 | 2692
5 Oct 2011   #42
Of course he meant easter, pull the broom out yer arse grubas,anything to contribute to the thread?
grubas  12 | 1382
5 Oct 2011   #43
anything to contribute to the thread?

Not really.
sascha  1 | 824
5 Oct 2011   #44
WTF do you mean Eastern????

yeah, tf, Ostern, u scottt. ;)

so what, i posted 2 links that anyone for himself could read what is and what not. ur comment was just arrogant, thats why the links.

guten abend noch
isthatu2  4 | 2692
5 Oct 2011   #45
Arrogant??? Huh? She asked a question that would take books to fully answer, I gave her a short but correct answer, whats arrogant about that?

You obviously view it as some compitition, a bit odd though,when was germany created,the late 18 hundreds wasnt it? :)
sascha  1 | 824
5 Oct 2011   #46
Arrogant??? Huh? She asked a question that would take books to fully answer, I gave her a short but correct answer, whats arrogant about that?

sorry dude, but it passed to me like that. competition? me? germany? not necessary i suppose.

You obviously view it as some compitition, a bit odd though,when was germany created,the late 18 hundreds wasnt it? :)

whateva. who starts late often comes is 1st. :)
isthatu2  4 | 2692
5 Oct 2011   #47
I think my flippance (or disdain at expecting a simple answer to a half formed question) may have come across as arrogance,maybe,sorry if it did :)
13 Oct 2011   #48
Crow is spreading so many lies. Ancient Slavic people were not advanced at all compared to others. We can't even find out much about their pagan religion because there is no writing about it.
sascha  1 | 824
13 Oct 2011   #49
sorry to ask u, but do u have any proove for ur bave comment/claim?
OP Crow  155 | 9736
27 Jun 2020   #50

Slavic civilization is the strongest and most vital civilization on Earth

There are strong countries on this world, I won`t deny but, as a civilization, as a whole, no matter all attempts of hostiles to put us Slavs down, we Slavs, when combine all our attributes of power and geo-strategic positions are strongest and most vital human civilization. This may end one day, some say all have its end, but that day still didn`t come.

Heads up Slavs!


27 Jun 2020   #51
I think Poles always ***** about Poland and really have no national pride. When I speak with Poles online they are surprised you ask about Poland and seem not very excited about their own culture.

In Turkey and USA you see ppl having the flags everywhere. Poles are somehow ashamed of themselves. I don't get that!

Ask an Italian, Turk or an American about their countries and they won't shut up. Ask a Bulgarian - history lesson on our ancient culture, great food and nature. Ask a Pole and he only says "You must visit Krakow" and that's all. No mention of the way you fought the Ottomans near Varna. No mention of nature. Even the grumpy Czechs, wild Albanians, Arabs from dirt poor desert countries like Iraq and rustic hillbilly Slovaks have more national pride!

Heck I think even Bosnians and Belgians have more national prides and their countries are worse in everyway than Polska.
Lenka  5 | 3552
27 Jun 2020   #52
In Turkey and USA you see ppl having the flags everywhere. Poles are somehow ashamed of themselves.

It's just different approach to national symbols. Flag is something special. You can see plenty of them on national holiday

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27 Jun 2020   #53
Probably. But it's true most Poles are not truly proud. Yeah I know those Ruskies and krauts totally made you develop victim mentality. But if totally made up countries like Belgium and Macedonia can be proud, so can you! Macedonians steal Bulgarian and Hellenic cultures and are proud. You at least have your own culture and a language of your own! Your nature is more beautiful than British or Dutch yet Dutch and British ppl are prouder.

Ottomans ruled my ppl for 500 years, much longer than Russia or the Nazies ruled you. There are some bones left from the Batak massacre etc. so many of us were treated the same. Get 2 Bulgarians together and we'll be vicious to each other. AND yet when a foreigners asks sth about Bulgaria we gladly share about our history, food and underline our nature while Poles even sound self-deprecating at times.
Lenka  5 | 3552
27 Jun 2020   #54
Well I can't comment on that as I never experienced what you described
27 Jun 2020   #55
Really? I think maybe also PiS might be to blame sonewhat. I remember back in 2010-2014 Poles online sounded more optimistic.
OP Crow  155 | 9736
28 Jun 2020   #56
I think Poles always ***** about Poland and really have no national pride.

They have pride. But they were heavily beaten by Popes and Germans. Especially in the head. Sure, then Russians reacted and didn`t quite help with their policy, `save what can be saved for Third Rome`- madness on its own.

In my opinion, Poles should receive more of Serbian and Svetovid`s influence. If we just removed that maniacal Archduke Pferdinand earlier, Poles would today have quicker reactions. Still, better ever than never.

Wait, it's on this day, day of Svetovid when Pferdinand provoked and was assassinated in Sarajevo, back in 1914 year. And today are elections in Poland. See, symbolism is obvious. Svetovid bringing good things to Poels. Positive changes.
28 Jun 2020   #57
Poles have the unfortunate luck to be at the same time between Germany and Russia and as a consequence the place of German Nazi camps. Too bad many Islaelites view Poland as not victim but they hate it because "it happened there". Talk about hatred displacement. Also, the West still treats it as a buffer state. As a Bulgarian, I know how bad it is to be next door to Turkey and to Greeks who hate us in the guts as we say but Germany and Russia are bigger shots.

Hungarians have the luxury to be further away from both Russia & Germany. They don't border Belarus, only Ukraine (much smaller border + Western Ukrainians are not that pro-Russian). They also had a much lighter version of communism, Goulas communism. Maybe Poles could make an alliance with Sweden and Denmark?
OP Crow  155 | 9736
28 Jun 2020   #58
As a Bulgarian, I know how bad it is to be next door to Turkey and to Greeks

Oh, don`t tell me. Turks are open foe and Greeks stabbing in the back. And same way Vatican always favor Germany, Greeks with their impact on Orthodox Church always escape with everything. Plus, Vatican always sides with Greeks and Patriarch of Constantinople when it come the time to deal with Slavs. Same was as Vatican turns Catholic Serbs into Croats and then covering Croat genocide on 1 mil. Orthodox Serbs, during WWII, Patriarch of Constantinople covering genocide on 1 mil. Orthodox Serbs committed by Orthodox Greeks, after WWI.

They are all pervs and hate Slavs. And Serbs are first on the list to both.
pawian  226 | 27817
30 Jun 2020   #59
Polish civilization is older then English or French. Why then Poland follow them?

I didn`t know about it. It always struck me, e.g., at the uni, that Western popular literature for the entertainment of masses was 1-2 centuries older than Polish. E..g, Canterbury Tales by Chaucer come from around 1400.
Ironside  51 | 13132
30 Jun 2020   #60
both Russia & Germany.

They are (especially Germany) upstarts.

Define civilization Crow.

Home / History / Polish civilization is older than English or French. Why do Poland follow them?

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