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Battle of Vienna - history movie about Poland / Commemoration

polonius  54 | 420
8 Oct 2012   #1
A long-awaited blockbuster showing teh triumph of Christan europe over the invading Muslim hordes goes on release this Friday in Poland and dozens of other countries as well. Not a good review from one of the viewers though:

1683, one of the few dates in the rich history of Polish waking so much excitement and pride in that we tek a rich and colorful history that makes us mega pride, on the other hand, looking at the film Battle of Vienna begin to ask questions about what's going on with this film whether it is a pastiche of a movie or the director crossed the fine line that I can safely identify a total farce combined with infantile cinema . So fantastic about it! so fantastically spoil ? already in itself is a feat truly admirable . I 'm sorry that I can not write about the qualities and positive aspects of this film because it is kept in a climate of total trash with a combination of hopeless acting, even though I have for great esteem Piotr Adamczyk I can not even find a single positive in this film and I've tried .
pawian  226 | 27583
8 Oct 2012   #2
triumph of Christan europe over the invading Muslim hordes

Do you think it implies allusion to our times?
TommyG  1 | 359
8 Oct 2012   #3
Well, I for one am going to see it. I keep seeing the "Bitwa pod Wiedniem" posters everywhere. Now all I need is a date, lol:)
pawian  226 | 27583
10 Oct 2012   #4
Sorry, guys, I have bad news for you. It is another crap, even worse than 1920 Battle of Warsaw.

The reviewer is relentless- the film doesn`t even meet TV standards for so many reasons I can`t enumarate them all, but you can read about them here:

One of them is low-budget special effects -e.g., the animated charge of Polish winged riders resembles a cheap PC game.

Do you think it implies allusion to our times?

Funny, I guessed correctly, the film carries a strong political message after all, among others its English title is September 11 1683, while the actual battle took place on 12 Sep.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
10 Oct 2012   #5
It is another crap

No surprise. The wave of garbage "patriotic" films at the minute is really depressing, especially considering the amount of talent that Poland has produced throughout the years. Surely they can do better than this?

Funny, the film carries a strong political message after all, among others its English title is September 11 1683, while the actual battle took place on 12 Sep.

Ugh. Needless.
pawian  226 | 27583
10 Oct 2012   #6
The wave of garbage "patriotic" films at the minute is really depressing, especially considering the amount of talent that Poland has produced throughout the years.

But the film isn`t Polish production. There are a few Polish actors in it, that`s all. It seems an Italian venture, the director is Italian.

PS. The reviewer`s rating: 0/10 :):):):)
TommyG  1 | 359
11 Oct 2012   #7
PS. The reviewer`s rating: 0/10 :):):):)

Well it won't be the first time a film has been slated. Let's watch the film first and then make our comments after. I'm certainly not expecting it to be a patch on films like Excalibur, Zulu or Waterloo. Everyone has different tastes in films, which is a good thing:) For example, I PMPL everytime I see something like Job or Dzien Swira, but I except that many people just wouldn't 'get it'. As long as I enjoy it, that's what counts:)
1jola  14 | 1875
11 Oct 2012   #8
Surely they can do better than this?

Wajda is making a film about the paid snitch TW Bolek. That should please you.

I know what you would like though. I warm love story about Bloody Luna. It would be somewhat less patriotic but more to your liking. I've read you are interested in this period of our history now.
11 Oct 2012   #9
Wajda is making a film about the paid snitch TW Bolek. That should please you. I know what you would like though.

Rather than a film libeling a Polish hero, I'd like to see a film about the Polish traitors who betrayed their country by joining the armed forces of nations which were ready to destroy Poland. Isn't there be an interesting film to be made about the men who sold out their country for a fistful of dollars and were ready to nuke it any time their new masters told them to?
OP polonius  54 | 420
11 Oct 2012   #10
Do you think it implies allusion to our times?

The hordes are already here (in the US and Western Europe). Poland (being the backward country that it is) is still a relatively safe haven from militant Islam. It should join the 'modern' global world (as so many on PF seem the be advocating) and not only turn Warsaw into a poor man's Amsterdam but throw open the floodgates to Arab immigration. Soon Poland would be just as 'modern' and happly (?) as the West!
11 Oct 2012   #11
The hordes are already here

Always a laugh to see an American immigrant complaining about immigration!
Rysavy  10 | 306
11 Oct 2012   #12
Sorry, guys, I have bad news for you. It is another crap, even worse than 1920 Battle of Warsaw.

Do you have suggestions for better? (I have ALWAYS -as in since old enough for 'read me a story' and like the illustrations- loved the imagery of hussars..ESPECIALLY Polish Winged Cavalry)
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
11 Oct 2012   #13
It is another crap, even worse than 1920 Battle of Warsaw.

Worse ? I thought it's not possible.
pawian  226 | 27583
11 Oct 2012   #14
It is. 1920 is at least a real movie while 1683 is mostly animation.

Another revies says that the film is unbelievable crap, and sets a new record in the category of worst films ever.

If the " work" of this caliber , what movie Renzo Martinelli made ​​a Polish film director, not obyłoby without a public lynching . Because to say that the "Battle of Vienna" is a bad film , it does not say anything . Such a dose of kitsch and obłąkańczych unimaginable creator's vision will not find in memory.

120 days of shooting , 250 crew members from 11 countries , 10,000 extras and ... a total fiasco . The fact that the well is not already informed trailers, but that 's not so bad , can be seen only after seeing the whole. "Battle of Vienna" - Italian- Polish - Turkish co-production for 50 million zł (approximately 12.5 million) this oddity so unusual that in order to fully assess the size you need , unfortunately, to see them. Otherwise hard to believe.

OP polonius  54 | 420
18 Oct 2012   #15
Haven't seen it yet, but I gather from soem reviews that it is obivous the film was not directed by a Pole or based on a Polish script.. Poles would have focused on Sobieski and his triumphant victoria, while this version shows things through to eyes of an Italian monk. Too bad Poland can't afford to make more of its own historical blockbusters. Even if tecnically and budgetwise they're not on par with Spielberg stuff, at least they project a Polish viewpoint.
sobieski  106 | 2111
18 Oct 2012   #16
at least they project a Polish viewpoint.

Films are not made to show a Polish viewpoint. They are made to make money and to have a return on investment.
thetenminuteman  1 | 80
24 Feb 2013   #17
It's still based on wealth, there obviously is a wealth threshold the parents must cross before they can consider private education even for the more affordable schools.

Not necessarily, as many of the best schools offer full academic scholarships. I know someone who got one to Eton, for instance.
Barney  19 | 1797
25 Feb 2013   #18
I know someone who got one to Eton, for instance.

The battle of Vienna was won on the playing fields of Eton:)

Related conversation:

Battle of Vienna (where Jan III Sobieski saved Europe) commemoration hijacked

The annual commemoration of the 1683 Battle of Vienna - where Jan III Sobieski saved Europe from a Muslim invasion - was this year hijacked by the smolenkist bigotists.

Why they cannot stay on Krakowskie Przedmieście? Will soon every Polish commemoration around the globe be polluted by their weird antics?,35086,12458197,Polski_bogoojczyzniany_skansen_pod_Wiedniem.html

It says they were cranks connected to Gazeta Polska. The bit about a little morning exorcism while drinking coffee or shaving is surreal.

Why is it surreal??
I f you do not believe in God, Salvation of Jesus Christ then that is okay for you to say,
However for Catholics and Christians overall exoricisms are a reality...
Tell me a Christian woukd believe that Jesus Christ, God and a man in one would die on The Cross and then come back from the Dead yet not belive the Exorcisms,,,

You know there's a saying that I know:
"The Greatest Victory of the Satan was to fool people that he doesn't exist"

I did my gymnasium and lyceum studies under the very stern eye of Jesuit priests. I never heard these nonsense there.
That said and done, why these people cannot stay in their namiot?

Handing out photostats encouraging people to do a little morning exorcism while shaving is far from normal. Those loons were also getting all het up about a national sin of allowing communion in the hand and women working for the church. Bizarre.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2127
11 Sep 2020   #19

11.09.1683 Battle for Vienna

To commemorate the battle for Vienna, one of winged hussars greatest victories
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
11 Sep 2020   #20
This was such a long time ago. Hardly anyone remembers those times these days.
Spike31  3 | 1485
11 Sep 2020   #21
Those who didn't sleep on history lessons and finished elementary school do remember :-)
One of the most important victories in the history of Europe.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2127
11 Sep 2020   #22
If it wasn't remembered, would 9/11 have any meaning?
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
11 Sep 2020   #23
Those who didn't sleep on history lessons and finished elementary school do remember :-)

Those who didn't sleep in history lessons would know that the Habsburgs "re-paid" Poland for that kind deed of Jan III Sobieski later on, in exactly 100 years after the event, by initiating the first partition of Poland in 1772. In 1768 Austria had taken over the Spisz and the Nowy Targ regions under the pretext of making a sanitary buffor zone on the borders of Austria to Poland. It was at that time precisely when Cathrine II of Russia said: "if they may have a free hand in grabing Polish lands, why not us, too?" (Read Władysław Konopczyński on the subject who first found out links between these events). Four years later the first partition of Poland followed and within the next 23 years Poland was erased from the map of Europe completely.

If the Ottoman Turks had crushed the head of the Austrian Hydra in due time, the Habsburgs wouldn't have been able to act as an initiating agent for Poland's partitions and they wouldn't have become one of the grabbing force as well. What's more to it, the Ottoman Empire would have made a much more demanding force towards Russia which in turn would have weaked Russia's stance against Poland.

You guys see everything through the eyes of today's politics, but history has a lot of different shades. And not all shades are taught in history lessons, Spike, so if even you don't sleep at that time, you don't get everything from your teacher.
Spike31  3 | 1485
11 Sep 2020   #24
I'll leave those disputes for historians.

What's important is to teach the nation to celebrate the historical victories first and foremost. And I'm talking about actual victories instead of "moral" victories (read: defeats).

These should be only a source of a valuable lessons about what's went wrong and how to avoid it in the future and not be celebrated as a "moral victory" for losers.

More Battle of Vienna, Greater Poland Uprising, Battle of Warsaw, Grunwald/Tannenberg 1410 celebrations and less XIX century failed uprisings and so on.
Vlad1234  16 | 883
12 Sep 2020   #25 could say the same about the then-native Neanderthals...

This is what I was talking about. A people who value themselves on the same level with Neandertals and feel comfortable about Neandertal's fate.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12019
12 Sep 2020   #26
I would be proud to have some Neanderthal in me...that would make me double NATIVE, heh:)

But frankly all that "dying out" talk is useless...not even the Native Americans have died out....not to mention that they too hadn't been native to the Americas but immigrated from somewhere else.

What you really fear is the end of the Western Civilization as you know it, the top spot for a few white people getting lost...that could happen in the future...but that isn't synonymous with "dying out" which only can happen if your DNA gets deleted from the gene pool. And frankly, watching more and more Afro-Americans with the phenomenon of blue eyes (THE definitive proof of heritage for Europeans) I doubt that very much.

I wish you would vocalize your fears more clearly!
mafketis  38 | 11214
12 Sep 2020   #27
the end of the Western Civilization as you know it, the top spot for a few white people

Look at the social structures of the middle east - it's not just the top spot that has it good in the current order in Germany (and will be massively screwed in what comes next).
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12019
12 Sep 2020   #28
(and will be massively screwed in what comes next).

....well...I personally will surely have died out till then, so... :)
Ironside  50 | 13064
12 Sep 2020   #29
.it was never used for blackmail even once.

When Poland used it for blackmail?

where could Poland had change the path BEFORE?

IF Poland were to 'trust' France and Czechoslovakia, right before Munich Agreement could stop Mr. H. Thing is France with their Maginot line wouldn't couldn't be dependent on/ !

So I guess |the change would be remain in Germany camp and just stall it like Spain.

But frankly all that "dying out" talk is useless.

+Indeed BB. I personally think you shouldn't be so focused on Muslims but take in more of black Africans instead, some Indians and chinks would be good too. Especially lots of black or brown people in Germany would be a very positive thing. Just don't try to force them on Poland and we are good.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12019
12 Sep 2020   #30
So I guess |the change would be remain in Germany camp

So....Poland did always everything right? How come it still ended up so often in such a ****** position during it's history?

Listen, I really don't want to start another dick fight...I'm just saying that defeats can teach you often more valuable lessons than victories. Even as they are much more difficult to handle, especially mentally. Who doesn't prefer a nice victory parade plus pride overall...understandable.

Just don't try to force them on Poland and we are good.

Agreed! :)

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