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Poland must get back Lwow, Wilno and Brest back

pawian  226 | 27817
4 Jun 2022   #271
So Lwow and more are Poland

Nope. It is Ukrainian and Poles acknowledged it long ago.
Do you know that Poland was the first country to recognise independent Ukraine in 1991??? I was so happy then.... The US leadership was wary at first and even the US ambassador suggested Poles were too hasty. :):)
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
4 Jun 2022   #272

I am 100% with you here.
mafketis  38 | 11260
4 Jun 2022   #273
Borders drawn by communists ... are really nul and void

I never thought I'd see you admit that Kosove is no longer Serbia! Progress, man, progress!!!!!!

Also Kaliningrad, total communist invention, it should be returned to some other country (Germany? or divided between Poland and Lithuania!)

Nice to see this personal growth from you!
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
4 Jun 2022   #274
Do you know that Poland was the first country to recognise independent Ukraine in 1991??? I was so happy then

Why were you so happy?
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Jun 2022   #275
with you

Thank you. :):)

Why were you so happy?

Because my long-standing dream of Polish Ukrainian friendship and brotherhood began taking real shape. Simple.
Alien  26 | 6527
7 Dec 2023   #276
Because my long-standing dream of Polish Ukrainian friendship and brotherhood began taking real shape

Recently, this friendship has been covered with grain and run over by trucks.
pawian  226 | 27817
9 Dec 2023   #277
Excellent metaphor, I must admit. :):):)

The problems you alluded to are trifles. They will be gone when the new - democratic and patriotic - gov of Mr Tusk takes over after PiS bolsheviks.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
10 Dec 2023   #278
There is nothing patriotic in enabling and promoting: Corruption, decadence in your own country! It's the very opposit of patriotism!

Becaouse of that, it doesn't look as if he loves Poland, likes Poland or feels part of Poland or wants to protect it! It looks like he wants it thrown down into a scrapyard! So don't come here telling anyone he is patriotic! It's a lie!
pawian  226 | 27817
10 Dec 2023   #279
Corruption, decadence in your own country!

Darling, that`s what rightist bolsheviks from PiS have been doing for 8 years. Until the nation, its decent part, said NO to gangsters in the latest elections.

Darling, why do you support gangsters? Coz they introduced a ban on abortion which is one of the elements of your sick ideology??? So let me tell you that after losing the elections, PIS gangsters started regretting the changes in the law they had passed in 2020.

Darling, your sick rightist ideology is slowly becoming a thing of the past in Poland.

Choose another conservative country to fulfill your rightist pervert obsessions. Poland is no longer a proper country for it.

Simply speaking, DFY and your stalinist grandpas, too!!!!
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
10 Dec 2023   #280
stalinist grandpas

Beg your pardon?

Darling, why do you support gangsters?

Last time I checked, I don't

I am against hate, no matter the colour it is painted in. In which part of the parliament it sits, or what clothes it wears!!

Both Kaczyński spreads hatred, vile Tusk provokes people to become more hateful. They both cause trouble and worsens the lives of every Pole.

YOU by choosing the lesser evil have chosen hatred, so don't come hear telling me he loves his country when he makes it WORSE
pawian  226 | 27817
10 Dec 2023   #281
Beg your

Don`t beg me, just kneel down and say a prayer for your vile grandpas who promoted stalinism in Poland and in the world.

I don't

You only think you don`t while you actually do coz you are a rightist bolshevik psycho. DFY.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
10 Dec 2023   #282
your vile grandpas who promoted stalinism in Poland and in the world.

One was a sailor and a drunk, other an architect. Neither were members of Workers party in Poland... Or Soviet Union

You look like a Rabid dog writing like that,

I am a very «live and let live» type of guy, so what more nonsense do you wanna throw at me
pawian  226 | 27817
10 Dec 2023   #283
I am a very «live and let live» type of guy

Of course you are not, stop lying, you rightist psycho. You obsessively dream of depriving women of their rights which they should enjoy in a civilised country which Poland is to become when PIS bolsheviks lose power to the end.

I still remember your exchanges with our forum women who considered your views sick and misogynist.

You should have said: I am a very «live and let live» type of guy on condition everybody adopts my sick ideology.


DFY isn`t nonsense, it is a very pragmatic recommendation for a rightist psycho. hahahahaha
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
10 Dec 2023   #284
I am a live and let live type a guy, but if you ask me if drinking alcohol is healthy. I would answer that it isn't,

If you ask me if giving out loaded pistols to kids under age of 16 without proper training and supervision is «safe» I will disagree, even if it infringes freedom.

If you ask me if terminating a life, soul included. Is not a sin, not damaging to your own mental health or a threat to society. I would most likely *facepalm* and think that you are an idiot.

So if you think less of me for thinking AND stating what's best for humans in general. Women and men included, I will. You trying or think ill start lying about important principels like taking lives, especially unprotected evidently. Since we are writing about a captive being terminated by his/her caretaker.

Then I got News for you. Murder will always remain murder. It's not my problem you dislike Words or a dictionary!
pawian  226 | 27817
10 Dec 2023   #285
Can you summarise in two,three sentences what you just posted??? I put up with your production only on condition it is short. When it isn`t, I simply ignore it.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
10 Dec 2023   #286

I am the villain in your forum story, nations story and Russia's story. Yet you try to brand me and my family to be in cahoots with those that robbed us of everything.

My family lost it's meaning to exist, yet yours did not. That's why I can understand Russians, while YOU do not.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
10 Dec 2023   #287
you rightist psycho

Why are you being nasty to Gruni, Paw? He's not a psycho but a young patriot, Christian and conservative in his views. Nothing to be frowned upon. You have to learn to respect all honest Polish patriots, even if you don't fully agree with their views... i naucz się tego, bo Cię znowu kosą nauczę. :)
pawian  226 | 27817
10 Dec 2023   #288
He's not a psycho

To me, he is. And I know I am right.
Don`t be lazy and do some research to find out why I am pawianising on that psycho. You can start from his earliest post today. :):):)

learn to respect

No, I will never ever learn to respect abusive psychos. DFT all!!!!
10 Dec 2023   #289
Nothing to be frowned upon.

Unless you happen to be female. Yet another forum misogynist :(
pawian  226 | 27817
10 Dec 2023   #290
I am the villain

That`s the summary of your earlier post??? Why had it been so long, then, if the case is so simple? Had you described the long path of your turning from a decent person to the psycho villain you are now??? I am still not interested.

Yet another forum misogynist :(

pawian  226 | 27817
10 Dec 2023   #291
a patriot, Christian and conservative in his views.

The same as me. However, the major difference is that he still desires to see women trampled on in a traditional mode while I rejected that approach decades ago. I used to be a misogynist villain like he is today but I worked hard on myself and changed into a decent person thoughtful of other decent people (but still verrry badddd and nassssty on various psycho rascals). .

Yes, I am like St Peter.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
10 Dec 2023   #292
He is only fullfilling what was promised to happen, nothing to be raising schythes over.


Yes, I am a horrible human being ain't I. Especially towards women in general, right? No wonder I am not married. Women despise me, don't understand me.

I am a monster. Ask any women on this board, I do not expect any positive remarks.

I thought that has always been fairly obvious to you, you tried to cheer me up. Think of me as an exception to the rule, I was glad reading that. But... Yes, blame me. Throw all guilt, resposibility or worst you can. If that makes it easier for your day to go good and sleep better. I can take it.

Somebody has to, it's part of my duty
pawian  226 | 27817
10 Dec 2023   #293
I am a monster.

No, just a standard psycho. Don`t pretend sth you aren`t. :):):)

If that makes it easier for your day to go good and sleep better. I can take it.

Darling, it wasn`t me who started this exchange today. It was you coz you needed to relieve your accumulated psychotic emotions on Sunday and it has fallen on me, as usual. You did it in a truly masochistic style coz you know I always talk back to all azholes who attack me in the forum.

That is why I consider you a psycho - you knew exactly you would have your feces thrown back at your face and you gladly went for it. AmaSSing!
Bobko  27 | 2215
12 Dec 2023   #294
I am a monster. Ask any women on this board, I do not expect any positive remarks.

Why so pessimistic, Mr. Grunwald?

Guys in prison, with one eye, and a hairy forehead manage to get married.

That is to say - it can be done.

However, self pity has never been attractive - to either sex. Cheer up, fella.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
12 Dec 2023   #295
Depression, melancholy and the like hits me very often. Suddenly, unexpectedly. I let it pass, and arrive as it wishes.

Besides, I cannot escape my fate. That it suits the political elites and the likes to vilify me. Wether it's called being tyranical despite fighting the possibility of having a tyranical system.

And by that extent, Poland does not need me, Lwów, Wilno or Brest back. We are entering a new age Bobko. Perhaps by future is in Russia who knows, or as a world traveler, a sedentary bookwriter in a cave somewhere.

I'll see what the future will bring, thanks for cheering me up
Bobko  27 | 2215
12 Dec 2023   #296
Suddenly, unexpectedly. I let it pass, and arrive as it wishes.

How very Zen.

That it suits the political elites and the likes to vilify me.

The political elites do not give a f*ck about you. Trust me on this.

Your problem is typical Polish romanticism of the brain. Some Russians have similar mental issues.

Be a little more Anglo-Saxon in your ways - see the world for what it is.

We are entering a new age Bobko.

On this we agree.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
12 Dec 2023   #297
Oh they sure do, given the chance. Their lack of knowledge and information protects me.

What they think does not exist anymore, does not threaten them. Hence, I am safe. Can walk and mix wherever I want, like a invisible shadow nobody is looking for or is able to see or wants to.

I have no need, incentive or wants to be Anglo-Saxon.

I think I have Romantiscism in general, wether I would be a hero of Russia or Poland is of little difference as it would be first step towards a United slavdom that would simultaneously unite the churches!

At least imagining writing about it, and switching out myself with a character. Wanted to be seen and heard in most places.
Torq  10 | 1236
12 Dec 2023   #298
wether I would be a hero of Russia or Poland is of little difference as it would be first step towards a United slavdom that would simultaneously unite the churches!

Moderators - I would like to bring to your attention the fact that Crow has just hacked Gruni's account.
Bobko  27 | 2215
12 Dec 2023   #299
Want to be seen and heard in most places.

Well.... everyone wants this, or nearly everyone.

However, there is probably a good reason why this is not for everyone.
jon357  72 | 23654
12 Dec 2023   #300
I have no need, incentive or wants to be Anglo-Saxon.

You'd need a Time Machine to take you you back a thousand years to those times.

Home / History / Poland must get back Lwow, Wilno and Brest back
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