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Origins of Polish Slavs

mafketis  38 | 11260
10 May 2020   #61
Poland - anger and defensiveness, Ireland - empathy and sympathy :)

Polish people have such a long history with crappy governments that create awful systems that they have to keep in fighting trim which is why there are so many daily squabbles. Over the last few years there seem to be fewer (maybe a symptom of greater prosperity?) but it's too soon to say what effect coronavirus will have

On the other hand, they don't take such encounters that seriously, I've seen people go from _really_ heated verbal disputes to casual talk about something else within the course of a minute or so. Americans, by way of contrast, mostly go out of their way to avoid verbal arguments because once we start we have no idea how to stop short of total victory (the other person saying "Yes! You're right!" which of course doesn't happen and I've seen long term friendships end over trivial disagreements that escalated out of control.
Crow  155 | 9699
10 May 2020   #62
All you have to do is convert to Catholicism

You better thank God we resist to Vatican. If we were majority Catholics, the Vatican would use us against Poland. Look Croats and see what happened to the majority of Catholic Serbs. They deny being Slavic self and say they are Germanic.

After all, when this dust in the region settle down, Serbs would finally be allowed to exist as people of three faith- Orthodox, Catholics, and Muslims. With time, when Christianity unites and Muslims (Islamized Serbs) join us in faith, all Serbs would be only Christians who love Svetovid. We must continue to hold balance.
10 May 2020   #63
Muslims will join Christianity and Christians will love Svetovid? Too much rakija or slivovica already, Crow (or was it govnarica)?
Crow  155 | 9699
10 May 2020   #64
They will return to us. They are our wound. Deep wound. But we can wait. They didn`t mix with Turks. Actually, they often supported Christian Serbs against Turks and themsleves rebelled against Turks. Also, in larger schemes (in ideology of Nazi-Islam and extreme Islam), they were also often tool of Vatican, Turks and Germanics against Orthodox Serbs. Its all our common tragedy.
jon357  72 | 23654
10 May 2020   #65

Hugely, together with a tendency, almost a compulsion to argue that black is white and white is black.

Not everyone here is the same however; any positive or negative trait observed in some people isn't universal here.
KorkiTaczer  - | 109
10 May 2020   #66
tendency, almost a compulsion to argue that black is white and white is black

Isn't that a very common trait for the people of Israel, your home country? Don't get me wrong, it makes them brilliant lawyers ;)
10 May 2020   #67
Israel, your home country?

What? Jon is Jewish?

I've never seen a Jewish person using muslim supremacist language. Unbelievable :)
jon357  72 | 23654
10 May 2020   #68
a very common trait

And the habit of some people in Poland, mostly the less well educated, to suggest that someone who disagrees with their point of view is Jewish.

I once had a neighbour blame the parking problems in the street on "the Jews", despite the street being a modern one...
KorkiTaczer  - | 109
10 May 2020   #69
I once had a neighbour

I hate that Giertych type antisemites as well.


Don't be ashamed of your Jewishness. Never again. Oh, and on a side note, you are still trying to

argue that black is white and white is black.

jon357  72 | 23654
10 May 2020   #70

A vile right-winger, however he does seem to be maturing now into a more acceptable political stance. Rejecting the discredited PiS counts in his favour.

Don't be ashamed of your Jewishness.

Don't be silly, there's a place under a bridge in Norway that's missing you...
Crow  155 | 9699
10 May 2020   #71
All you have to do is convert to Catholicism

But Torq

You know very well for close ties of Serbian patriots with Polish NOP and all other patriotic Polish movements and parties, ultra-right-wing Catholics included. Non of us don`t give a sh** for internal Christian divisions. Those aren't our divisions.

When the moment comes and this continent erupts in confetti we would be together on the walls of Warsawa and Beograd. As always.
KorkiTaczer  - | 109
10 May 2020   #72
Don't be silly

Don't be ridiculous, you already took that spot... Yet another PO nutter sucking up to anybody who 'hates PiS'

A vile right-winger, however he does seem to be maturing

Which one Roman Jacek or Maciej Marian Giertych? Since they are both adored by PO at the moment. Your moral spine must be twisted in so many places that even Prof. Grodzki can't fix that. Even if you offer him a number of 'deadly' koperty.
10 May 2020   #73
When the moment comes and this continent erupts in confetti we would be together on the walls of Warsawa and Beograd. As always.

The question is: if, as you say, Muslims will be with us, and all the Christians and all the pagans as well, then who will be on the other side of the barricade?
jon357  72 | 23654
10 May 2020   #75
Yet another PO nutter sucking up to anybody who 'hates PiS'

Or just someone, who like many, dislike and distrust the current regime.

Since they are both adored by PO at the moment

Hardly 'adored'; just people standing up to PiS and their deplorable antics.
KorkiTaczer  - | 109
10 May 2020   #76
You sound like some crazy cult member and not a sane person anymore. Quite frankly I expected more from you. Ppl like you remind me of moherowe berety, only this time you switched sides. Pls, get away from that sect of yours.
jon357  72 | 23654
10 May 2020   #77
Interesting what people from the various Slavic countries think about each other. George Mikes wrote about Poles (he was here in the 30s) however he of course was Hungarian.

You sound

Sadly, your posts are not merely low-quality, but also off-topic.
10 May 2020   #78
Crow, sorry to burst your bubble, but as a Bulgarian I find Serbs and Macedonians the worst-looking slavs, especially the women (they look too masculine). Strangely Bulgarian, Slovenian and Croatian women look better. So the water in Serbia and Northern Macedonia must be bad. ;)
Crow  155 | 9699
11 May 2020   #79

Who? Zombies, of course.

as a Bulgarian

Bulgarian you say?
Crow  155 | 9699
11 May 2020   #80
admit that Poland is the Mother of all Slavija, plus deny all ties to Russia

Yes, I admit. Poland is the Mother of all Slavija.

But why deny ties to Father Russia?

Seriously man, why would we Slavs give up from Russia's resources. There is even initiative in Serbia that to be recognized officially by Russia. Didn't we all acted as a natural shield in every Drang Nach Osten on Russian western borders? Yes, we did. Didn't we all suffer in Siberia? Yes, we did. See, it belongs to all Slavs.

USA is the lover to Mother and China is the rich aunt.
11 May 2020   #81
See, it belongs to all Slavs.

Yeah. Try to tell that to Russians. *rolls eyes*
Miloslaw  22 | 5202
11 May 2020   #82
Seriously man, why would we Slavs give up from Russia's resources

Because only you Serbs are dumb enough to trust Russians.
Poles are not stupid like Serbs...,,,
Vlad1234  16 | 883
11 May 2020   #83
The tatars ...would settle in polish lithuania, and soon 300,000 thousand would live in poland. Thus many poles have distant turkic heritage.

You see, not only Eastern and Southern Slavs, but Poles as well...
Miloslaw  22 | 5202
11 May 2020   #84
Nah, just southern and eastern Slavs and actually I question southern Slavs.
I suspect they are mainly Slavicised Turks.....
11 May 2020   #85
The tatars ...would settle in polish lithuania, and soon 300,000 thousand would live in poland.

Excuse me, but where is this quotation from? Daily Mongol? Mongolskaya Gazeta?

The fact is that in Poland there are only from 500 to 3000 (at most) Tatars...

...they live in peace among us, but their influence on Polish culture (and gene pool) is rather limited, to put it mildly.

I understand that it's rather difficult for you to accept this fact, but here it is - pure science, facts, and common sense: Poland is the only Slavic country in the world (as I explained earlier in this thread). There are many Slavic wannabies, but Polska is the Mother of all Slavija, and even Crow admits that.

I highly recommend the book:

... that explains the unique position of Poland among the nations.
Crow  155 | 9699
12 May 2020   #86
Yeah. Try to tell that to Russians. *rolls eyes*

We told them and they now have their own law by which all companies of third countries that produce in Serbia, have privileged access to Russia`s resources.

But Serbs didn`t, as Zbigniew Brzezinski in his time pointed on Russia's resources as something suitable for Anglo and Germanic projects. No, we talk normally to Russia and we protect our own interests. The government of Poland should also try the same approach.

Because only you Serbs are dumb enough to trust Russians.
Poles are not stupid like Serbs...,,,

Are Serbs dumb? They have most prospective economy in the whole of Europe.
12 May 2020   #87
We are not Slavs, only adopted the Slavic language. Most of us here are genetically more related to Romanians, Southern Italians and Magyars.
Crow  155 | 9699
12 May 2020   #88
Try to tell Hungarians that are they kin to Romanians and expect to be burned and crucified in the process. He, he

Man, all Slavs came from Serbians (ie Sarmatians). All Whites and Europeans come from Serbs. Go see, here on the forum is a thread about it. Its well known among sane. Only politics question that scientific fact.
mafketis  38 | 11260
12 May 2020   #89

IIRC Bulgarians are a largely Turkic people genetically who happen to speak a Slavic language (though there's a lot of genetic diversity there just as there is in western Turkey).

Also, IIRC genetic research in the 1980s showed that over 90 % of Hungarians are the descendants of Slavs and Germanics who were magyarized.

I'm not sure where Romanians fit in... physically there's a lot of variation with obvious Germanic and Slavic components while the language is Romance (and part of the Balkan Sprachbund)

Narrow genetic nationalism is a chump's game in that part of the world which is one reason why the Serbs (who bet the most heavily in that direction) have been and remain the biggest losers, ignoring their crappy present and gloomily contemplating past glory (that didn't happen) or dreamily imagining future glory (that won't happen).
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
12 May 2020   #90
I highly recommend the book:

Excuse me, but is it just another book from the so-called "turbo-slavism" collection which is utter crap or is it a genuine and decently researched book on the historical heritage of the Intermarium?

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