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What makes you feel Polish?

Kashub1410  6 | 580
30 Jun 2022   #121
It comes down to the thought of being responsible of one's own actions (collectively and individually)

The west (in this example: France, Germany and U.K) have been pending between focusing between collective and individual politics from one extreme to another, for that reason they expect to influence as self defence with use of military or other means quite offensively. It didn't change much until Napoleonic Wars, (except for Germans who had enormous casualties from it, didn't get the update about it until after ww2 in practical terms)

Post ww1 Germans still wanted an personalised form of government (mono-rule), it's downside wasn't noticed until consequences of ww2. Due to have been convinced by conspiracy theories, that were accepted by German military staff as to save themselves from the responsibility and out of loyalty of their head of state.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
30 Jun 2022   #122
"Pan Tadeusz"

Oh Pan Tadeusz now. What happened with Polish antisemitism are you going to apologize for racist trope you spew or you just slink away like a cowardly scum?

They aren't relevant; it's basically whataboutism.

No is not! This is an English forum and we got this slogan about Polish antisemitsim coined in the USA I think. That is what I'm talking about. There is no such slogan or readly used phraze when it comes to all other countries. I call it racist, prejusdice and anti- Polish propaganda. I don't care about some non existent or imaginary anti-semitism in Poland which in practise comes to some people saying somtime that this or that is a Jew or Jews this or that.

How that even matter. So could we call the UK anti-Polish or Polonophobs? Maybe USA should go and get some scolding for their Polnophobic jokes and views?

So there are vilolent crimes against Jews in other counrties that doesn't matter and Poland has a problem because Jasiu said to Janusz he doesn't like Jews over a bottle of beer.

Your insistence on that tell me that you are prejudiced against Polish people.
Do you know what I say if that comes along in some converstation or on forums? You are a jerk!
Funny it doesn't matter that much anymore. In fact it was rare as well, unless you were talking with some left wing people. All others were like - so you don't like Jews, we don't like them either you have a good casue not to like them, nobody likes them.

Nowdays if some jerk want to go for Poland they go with this LGBT or gender trope. Anti-semitism is a thing of the past but I think lost of Jewish jerks didn't get a memo yet.
jon357  72 | 23361
30 Jun 2022   #123
English forum

It isn't.

As far as I know, it's run by a Polish guy who loves in America.

got this slogan

A 'slogan'?

Either you don't know the meaning of the word slogan or you don't care about the experiences of people who lives) live in Poland.

Remember, denial of facts is a r*ssian trait; world you want piles to be like r*ssians trying to airbrush history with any intelligent observer noticing this, or would you prefer honesty and truth?

left wing people..... Jews...jerk...LGBT..... gender..... Jewish jerks

It just looks as if you're bitter about life.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
30 Jun 2022   #124
There's a tendency though that if someone points out an issue or problem here, within minutes someone will mention France Germany or the UK.

Who are you to point out a problem here? It is Poland and we are going sort out our problems without your help. What you point out is not even a problem. What is a problem I think that people are overtly nice to forgeiners and some of those foreginers don't have that treshhold of a sense when they go overborad.

You overstepping yourslef now!
That is your opinion that anti-semitism is a problem in Poland.

It just looks as if you're bitter about life.

Why is calling jerk a jerk or telling as it is about gender and LGBT issues used by the some to attack Poland is bitter? What bitter about it? That there are people like that out there? You are an adult you should know it by now.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
30 Jun 2022   #125
If Poles started to see themselves as antisemites, then pogroms would have been enacted. Communication with Israel banned, and hate towards Jews would flurish. It goes right in to the enemies of Poland for Poland to turn that way, yet I say firmly: Nay! Keep your fantasies! Doesn't mean their true! Slandering git!
GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
30 Jun 2022   #126
And of course the recent nobel laureate.

A very skillful writer with admirable way with words. I enjoy reading her books from purely linguistic/technical point of view; after all she got - deservedly! - the title of Wielki Ambasador Polszczyzny.

As for the content of her books, I can't help but feel that she's a Wodehouse desperately trying to be Márquez or Allende - the linguisitc skill is there, the depth not so much, so as a result we get Tokarczuk, a writer that will charm you, confuse you but ultimately leave you with a feeling of emptiness.
jon357  72 | 23361
30 Jun 2022   #127
a Wodehouse

We need more of those. They bring a lot more joy than Marquez.

If Poles started to see themselves as antisemites, then pogroms

It isn't about how people see themselves, not are Poles a homogenous mass,

Are you trying to pretend that anti-Semitism has been absent there?
Kashub1410  6 | 580
30 Jun 2022   #128
It is for Poles

Are you implying that I lack knowledge with regard to Israeli history? Polish history? It's contact with one another? Also pretending to act as if the word you used isn't emotionally loaded and important for certain humans and brazingly using it as if it's another loaf of bread for you seems unconvincing to me that you actually care about the topic really and seem to want to use that word more like an argument or a tool to win a debate.

Only losers care to win, as they are deprived of it and need it constantly. Imaginary or real, short lived or lasting.
Addiction to be seen as victorious! :)

Conflict between Jews and Poles have been present. Just like between Tatars and Poles, yet I don't see many Tatars pointing out Anti-Tatarianism online and blaming Poles to be a main culprit of it.

They seem to know that most harm done to them stems from Russia, but due to certain populations in Israel emigrating from Russia, not Poland. It's not very wise to bash anything related to Russia for those reasons.

Are you pretending to not know it? Don't care? Or simply try to portray Poland as badly as possible, disregarding what Poland is? What's your beef is my question to you
jon357  72 | 23361
30 Jun 2022   #129

Are we talking about Israel?

Conflict between Jews and Poles have been present.

Which is what I said

Of course some Jews are Poles and some piles are Jews. The two things are not incompatible.

I don't see many Tatars

Are there many?

Very interesting that in a thread titled "what makes you feel Polish" yourself and another poster think that what makes you feel Polish is being less anti-Semitic than most people think...
Kashub1410  6 | 580
30 Jun 2022   #130
It's not interesting to me, certain groups have been doing an ongoing smear campaign towards Poles since early 19th century at every possible step.

Austrians have thankfully stopped it due to other issues, Germans might actually be re-thinking their strategic approach. Yet Russians are still continuing it, Israeli state builders continue it and everyone in contact with them who are clueless about it, eats it without even asking questions.

It is tedious and when a person like you keeps it going, it reminds any Pole with a little IQ and knowledge where it stems from
jon357  72 | 23361
30 Jun 2022   #131
It's not interesting to me,

Interesting enough for you to comment

groups have been doing an ongoing smear campaign


Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire no longer have designs on the flat territory next to them.

If anything, Germany has a big distinctive to operate an "ongoing smear campaign" against Poland since they see it no longer as Lebensraum but as geschaftsraum.

About r*ssia, they have other things on their mind right now and lack the capacity to annex Poland even if they wanted to.

any Pole with a little IQ

Kashub1410  6 | 580
30 Jun 2022   #132
Interesting enough for you to comment

Duty seems to be a foreign word to you, I would deem it as irresponsible to leave it unanswered. You tormenting this issue only increases anger and negative wibes in your general direction
jon357  72 | 23361
30 Jun 2022   #133

So you think you have a duty to say that you feel Polish because you don't think that Poland is as anti-Semitic as is suggested by eyewitness accounts and historical documentation or as certain of the Polish posters here are.


(And threats don't work; even for r*ssia...)
Lyzko  44 | 9745
30 Jun 2022   #134
@Cojestdocholery, what on earth are you babbling about in post #121?
Your English fails you once again:-)
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
30 Jun 2022   #135
Your English fails you once again:-)

lol I'm having talk with you for which you should be greatful. Your Polish is sh't.
Don't get me start about your English lol! stupid troll!
OP Miloslaw  20 | 5108
30 Jun 2022   #136
anti-semitism is a problem in Poland.

It is clearly not.

Yes, in the past there was some antisemitism, I remember it well. Even within my family, but it was no worse than antisemitism in Englamd, France, Italy or especially Germany.

Nations that have accepted their own antisemitism want to point the finger at others that they can blame as being worse.
And Poland is a victim of this weird type of racism.
But Poland is not as guilty as their accusers.
Novichok  4 | 8748
1 Jul 2022   #137
Yes, in the past there was some antisemitism,

There is no such thing as antisemitism - just as there is no racism. There are only statistics and those are damning.

We have every right to know them and no obligation to ignore them.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
1 Jul 2022   #138
And by the same token, Rich, there's not anti-Polonism either, right?
Merely throwing your logic back to you. LOL

Like Crow (although slightly less so now, thank heaven), you use lots and lots of English, but mostly, it's like listening to Carmen Miranda speaking English in one of those old '40's musicals; she spoke in English, but Portuguese was coming out:-)
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
1 Jul 2022   #139
And by the same token

try again in English, you should use google translate. You make no sense at all.
OP Miloslaw  20 | 5108
1 Jul 2022   #140
There are only statistics and those are damning.

Please share with us those "Damming statistics".
Novichok  4 | 8748
1 Jul 2022   #141
Make a list of the most notorious crooks in US history starting with how the "Fed" was created and what race was dominant in that scam.

Don't forget Madoff.
Then the spies like Rosenbergs, Pollard, and other dual-loyalist hyphenated scum.

Oh, almost forgot...the communists in Russia and later in Poland.

Let me know if you need help.
pawian  224 | 27236
5 Jul 2022   #142
Anti-semitism is a thing of the past

Of course not. There are still some guys who think that Jews rule Poland and it is needed to throw off their yoke. Even Polish Pope was Jewish to them.

  • uid_9f6adc6735d8e615.jpg
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
5 Jul 2022   #143
There are still some guys who think

Oh so we are now in the orwellian dystopia where they comitt thoughtcrime. Don't you think that your fanatical zeal tell more about your psyche and it issues then descirbe reality?

I mean are you seriusly compare some random people thoughts to people shooting Jews to dead just becasue they are Jews? You must be a spiritual kin of that Isreally freak, scum and a politican Lapin or Lapid.

Even Polish Pope was Jewish to them.

Yes, they are not a joke they are a real problem or this is what people like you like to tell to everyone.
Becasue IF they are a joke and nuttjobs (as they are) then your narrative about Polish anti-semitism has as much sense and value like complaining about shortage of sand in the middle of the Sahara.

In other words your kind of nutter need their kind of nutter to validate your credidelity as a seriuos and normal person. Which by the way you cearly are not!
pawian  224 | 27236
5 Jul 2022   #144

I wanted to sound reserved but you still think it is zeal. :):):)

So, let me be straighforward for a change: yes, there are many antisemites in Poland, most of them among nationalists. As usual. Nothing has changed since Dmowski`s times 100 years ago when his supporters were the most ferocious Jewish haters in Poland. They killed President Narutowicz who was a Pole but chosen to the post with Jewish votes.

OK, we discussed it many times in other threads when you posted as Ironside. This thread isn`t for such a discussion.
Novichok  4 | 8748
5 Jul 2022   #145
Even Polish Pope was Jewish to them.

Is he in pain?

there are many antisemites in Poland,

What happened to the poliSSh Soviet collaborators? I heard that all were Jews.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
5 Jul 2022   #146
I wanted to sound reserved

You weren't sucessful. It didn't fool me.

there are many antisemites in Poland, most of them among nationalists.

lol! It wasn't hard enough to get to the bottum of it. You rather then came up with reaons why your idological/political side is good for Poles and Poland as a reaon why any voter would support it.

You rather pull out some filty outdated and stupid ways to snalder those who you think are a politicla threat to you. Funy it is the same lies and the same trope communist and Kremlin had been using to slander Poles, hell they use it even today and you try to play into it.

Oh I'm a good little Pole look at me here and patt me on the head I'm a good pudle. I could be useful to you notr like all those anti-semitic nationalist. lol!

Do you know what kind of smelly thurd that shows you to be?

when you posted as Ironside

As I said I never talked to you before.
RussianAntiPutin  6 | 209
6 Jul 2022   #147

That's as bad as "RuSSian". Please don't. SS is stupid and pointless.
pawian  224 | 27236
6 Jul 2022   #148
You rather then came up with reaons

I already did in another thread which is more suitable to discuss it.
Check it out - hundreds of Polish nationalist Jewish haters marched through a city. That is why quit being a pathetic liar and stop claiming there are no antisemites in Poland.

I never talked to you before.

Is Iron your father then? But he said he hadn`t taught you Polish?
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
6 Jul 2022   #149
Check it out - hundreds of Polish

I don't care! At this stage after decades of being an object of lies, slander and insults from Jews, Ameircan Jews and Isreal their politians - I'm really suprised that people in Poland don't hunt them down on the streets for sport.

As for this event I have told you that there are few nutters and some paid trolls and that what those people are. They not nationalists as much as you wanted them to be, just that you can bring your 'proof", you proved absolutly nothing aside the fact that you a nutter and nutjob with agenda.

Freedom means that you can hate whoever and whatever you want.
That case proved that in Poland there is no freedom as those who organized that sad show had been arrested.

stop claiming there are no antisemites in Poland.

I don't care if they are in Poland, good for them. I only said that you should worry about people in other countries trying to shoot Jews, not for some random people in Poland talking to each other.
pawian  224 | 27236
6 Jul 2022   #150
Freedom means that you can hate whoever and whatever you want.

Yes, but if you incite to murder, you break the law in a civilised country.

had been arrested.

And released soon.

They not nationalists

No, they are primary school pupils on a school trip around the town. hahahaha

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