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Lusatian-Sarmatic obsession of Poles

Lyzko  44 | 9745
4 Feb 2018   #121
Impossible because you are a Slav, that's all. If you were a Celt, like Dr, Cahill from Ireland, you'd claim the Irish saved civilization etc.

Come off it, Crow!
Crow  154 | 9463
4 Feb 2018   #122
Celts were Scythians (ie branch of Sarmatians). As for Irish, they sure, as population on island can`t differ from population on the continent. Its impossible. Those were foreign influences and great distances and isolation of back then time what made Irish developed their own specific culture. Still, that don`t negate their origin.

It don`t depend on you and me and, on that what we say here or anywhere else. Science is science. You falsify science, you deny development of science and work against progress. Its just simple as that. That is why truth must win. One day.

Come off it, Crow!

You asked. I have nothing to add on that, anymore.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
4 Feb 2018   #123
The Celts were to be sure to be found all throughout Central Europe, merging with both the Germanic and the Slavic nations, as we both know:-)

As to their origins, there are numerous theories yet to be historically substantiated.
Crow  154 | 9463
4 Feb 2018   #124
Time will tell us, my friend. Truth will liberate us.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
4 Feb 2018   #125
Let's hope you will be:-)
Crow  154 | 9463
4 Feb 2018   #126
Whatever ;)
Tacitus  2 | 1264
4 Feb 2018   #127
Those are quite sold facts. No space for any denial of it.

This is of course nonsense. Read any book by a respectable historian which was published in the last 50 years. We know very little about most ancient civilizations, their ethnography et al. Tracing your origin to them is even more ridiculous. There have been a lot of attempts to trace back the Germans to the Germanic tribes, but this is now seen as futile due to the lack of evidence, trying to trace them back to the Sarmatians, who came even before them is even more ridiculous.

The only thing that is safe to say is that the Romans brought civilization to the Balkans when they conquered it, as evidenced by archaelogical findings. Before that, there was nothing worth noting between the Roman and Greek world.
Crow  154 | 9463
4 Feb 2018   #128
Lusatians listen to me, my most venerable brothers and sisters! Sooner or later, your last stand would be rewarded by the arrival of great reinforcements! Feel no fear! You are not alone! You shall be free from Germanic yoke! Let them rot with their insane Germanic choices but, you brothers, you go with us!

Independence for Lusatia!

National Anthem of Lusatia - Rjana Łužica
Tacitus  2 | 1264
4 Feb 2018   #129
I don't know about Poland, but you are aware that Lusatians are a minority in every city in German Lusatia right, and the number of children who learn their language is declining rapidly, right?
Crow  154 | 9463
4 Feb 2018   #130
Order in Europe and world is destroyed by western European criminals and their Clinton`s USA partners but they mistaken, for in this chaos in Europe we Slavs are strongest. Germany took part in destruction of world order, in destruction of Yugoslavia. Now, Germany populate non-Europeans in Europe, on the land of ancients.

We Slavs are strong enough to protect ourselves from German insanity. And we will save whatever can be saved and that include Lusatia.

Save Lusatia from Germany! Protect fatherland!

No more house of slavery!

Lusatians are a minority in every city in German Lusatia right, and the number of children who learn their language is declining rapidly

We know what was Slavic in the past. We will reclaim it. All shall learn their Slavic languages again.

This is cure for the soul to every true Sarmatian - simple MUST SEE, truly, video of lifetime

Price of freedom - Serbia in World War One

Comment of Serbian commander from the video (all based on true events): If you are out of ammo and enemy still advancing, use your bayonets! When bayonet is broken, use your hands! When they brake your hands use your teeth! When they shoot you down, fall across their path! Let them trip over you! F*** them even in your death!

Glory to ancestors!
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
9 Mar 2018   #131
the number of children who learn their language is declining rapidly, right?

Schade, wirklich schade!

I don't know about Poland

I have heard of one family who has been living in Pieńsk (Penzig) on the Neisse river ever since the German times ...
Lyzko  44 | 9745
10 Mar 2018   #132
Heck, I can only repeat that Guenter Grass was half-Kaszub on his father's, half-German on his mother's side and native to Danzig aka Gdansk!
Ironside  50 | 12916
10 Mar 2018   #133
Well, it makes as much sense as if I would say that a John Doe was half-Texan, half-Mexican and native to New Amsterdam aka New York City. Stop showing off.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
10 Mar 2018   #134
I'm not showing off, as you put it, at least I'M talking sense.
Crow  154 | 9463
21 Jun 2018   #135
General Pavle from Zgorzelec (1848-1922), Hero of all Serbs

And, when it was hardest Northern Serbs came to the Southern Serbs. They came to us. They who are even in deeper trouble. They gave their best to us. They, Northern Serbs led armies of Southern Serbs into victory.

To the joy of our venerable ancestors, together we proved that Sarmatia still live. From the North to the South of Europe we defended our realm. We protected our civilization. Yes, we did it. We, Serbs.

I clearly see it. I predicts independence of Lusatia. New state would be formed in Europe. One more Serbian state.
Crow  154 | 9463
19 Sep 2018   #136
When Serbians from Balkan/Central Europe speak to Chinese, Jews, Japanese, Indians,... when speak to them as part of the club of old civilizations, human centers that were civilized even in prehistoric times, there is the unique spirit in the air. And when they salute survivor of us Serbs as of last Sarmatians that still using their original ethnic Sarmatian (Serbian) name, no matter all historical odds, when they congrats to us that we- Serbians from Balkan/Central Europe, secured continuity and survivor of our ancient Sarmatian civilization, they are by Serbians reminded that we are not last one, that there is one more point on the map of Europe and world that preserving continuity with its deepest Sarmatian roots. Then, Lusatian Serbs are mentioned and it is then pointed out that they also deserve support and solidarity of old civilizations of Earth.




By focusing attention on position of Lusatian Serbs, Balkan/CE Serbs repaying debt to their Northern brethren but also practically neutralize German threat to Slavic world. When Serbia restore its full economic, diplomatic and influential potential, Drang Nach Osten would finally become just episode from the past.


Not Greeks, not Romans, we Sarmats are givers of West. We gave it, we are parent to it! Old civilizations of Earth know it. You can`t lied to them.
Crow  154 | 9463
8 Oct 2018   #137
shared on the free Net >BOOM ON THE NET !!!!

Serbian Army Coming to Lusatia
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
8 Oct 2018   #138
More Sarmatian dreaming from the Serbian Jester.....
Crow  154 | 9463
9 Oct 2018   #139
From Lusatian Serbian web site

GERMANY - close friend (big borther):
She lives together with Ludwig in Germany ´cause most of the area belongs to this country. After the reunion of Germany she was still scared of him

POLAND - close friend (brother):
......... calls him just brother. ............. They get along very well and she often talks to him Sobian, becaus ...... Both of them belong to the slavs and speak a slavic language.

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
10 Oct 2018   #140
Look at that Crowie! :)

The Sorbs find their voice:
Crow  154 | 9463
10 Oct 2018   #141
Yes, they consolidate. And did you sow in my previous post. They call Germany- big brother (like reality show) and Poland- brother and Polish flag up, while German down :)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
10 Oct 2018   #142

Crowie, the mind behind this art is a japanese manga/anime artist....just google "Hetalia"...or how a japanese artist sees Axis/Allies Europe! :)
Crow  154 | 9463
10 Oct 2018   #143
Beauty is in the eye of the observer.
Tacitus  2 | 1264
10 Oct 2018   #144
And did you sow in my previous post.

Interesting how you left out the part of the description according to which they both get nowadays along just fine and treat each other as family ;)
Crow  154 | 9463
10 Oct 2018   #145
My dear, we all know how Lusatians were robbed of their land. That Germany wanted even more, again, again and again. And now Germany won`t get another chance. Germany will get its place and Serbs their place. Its ongoing.

Did you ever believed that Sarmats won`t strike back. Did you?

Listen, listen better and you shall hear the scream of Lusatia. And aid to them is already on the way.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
10 Oct 2018   #146
the statement that our greatest ever statesman Bismarck doesn't had anything better to do than to murmur "SERBIA" in his last minute...

So what did Bismarck murmur in his last minute then if it were not "SERBIA" ???
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
10 Oct 2018   #147
Maybe something like:

"Dammit, I don't want a harp!"

? :)
Crow  154 | 9463
10 Oct 2018   #148
Bismarck was a Serb and in his time already all Serbs of Lusatia and complete eastern Germany were fascinated with fact that Serbs on Balkan/CE managed to survive and endure all what Romans and Germanics thrown at them. It was honor to all able Lusatians to come and serve in Serbian army. One of the famous Lusatians in Serbian army was Pavel Sturm who had with time became staff general and commandeered 3nd Serbian army in famous Cer and Kolubara battles where Austro-Hungaria was decisively crashed and its fate decided. It was Pavel Sturm who insisted Serbian army to start using Prussian ceremonial army marching step that is used even today to our time. By Sturm, Serbia as free Serbian state have duty to preserve tradition of all Serbs, no matter if enemy managed to Germanize some of defeated Serbs.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
10 Oct 2018   #149
My dear, we all know how Lusatians were robbed of their land. That Germany wanted even more, again, again and again.

My dear, if looked closer into the history of the now Eastern Germany in the Middle Ages, you would see that much of the blame for the extinction of the Elbeslaven can be assigned to the Slavs themselves. They were attacking the Germans much as the Germans were attacking them. But they were also effectuating bloody fights between themselves all the time (as well as against the Polish people, too). And even after the victorious uprising against the Teutonic power in 983, they immediately jumped themselves to the throats rather than trying to built some Slavic unity which could eventually lead to an independent Slavic state between the river Elbe and the river Oder within (most probably) the HRE just as the Czechs successfully did, for example.

Crow, you completely ignore the "Slavic" factor in the disappearance of native Slavs (except for a small community of Sorben today) west of the river Oder. Something that is left, however, are the names of places in Eastern Germany which seem to have glued to this land for ever. Thus, you have: Spandau (Spędów), Neukölln (Nowe Kolno), Treptow (Trzebiatów), Pankow (Panków), Köpenick (Kopnik/Kopanica) in Berlin itself. All those names bear a clear meaning for a Polish or a Czech person today, while they have none in German.
Tacitus  2 | 1264
10 Oct 2018   #150
you completely ignore the "Slavic" factor in the disappearance of native Slavs

Indeed. It is also worth remembering that a large part of Lusatia did not participate in the uprising of 983, because they were quite satisfied how things were.

Furthermore the (Christian) Polish kings of Poland helped the German princes to reestablish their control over the area. Religion was far more important back then for people then nationality ( a concept that hardly existed back then).

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