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Judge Tuleya mother was in SB

gumishu  16 | 6182
20 Jan 2013   #1
"hot" judge Tuleya who accused Polish Central Anti-Corruption Bureau of stalinist methods was raise by a mother and father who worked for communist political police
rybnik  18 | 1444
20 Jan 2013   #2
why was his mother's retirement taken away from her?

"hot" judge Tuleya

why do you describe him that way?
Ironside  50 | 12333
20 Jan 2013   #3
It comes as no surprise to me.
even his snout bears characteristic mark of underclass raised above their gutters by the soviet regime. Tuleya my ass - Tuleja at best.
OP gumishu  16 | 6182
20 Jan 2013   #4
why do you describe him that way?

in Polish he is called 'rozgrzany' because of his zeal in uncovering alleged crimes of the CBA (central anti-corruption bureau)

why was his mother's retirement taken away from her?

no : no retirement has been taken from any SB or UB worker in Poland, there were plans to reduce these but they failed

Tuleja at best.

that's the name of his parents actually - he must have changed his
Ironside  50 | 12333
20 Jan 2013   #5

"steaming" would be better in the context.
rybnik  18 | 1444
20 Jan 2013   #6
@ gumishu
Teraz wyszło na jaw, że jego matka Lucyna pracowała w Milicji Obywatelskiej i Służbie Bezpieczeństwa. Z tego powodu niedawno obcięto jej emeryturę

doesn't that mean her pension was cut off?
OP gumishu  16 | 6182
20 Jan 2013   #7
doesn't that mean her pension was cut off?

yes it means it has been cut off - but I am not sure why (I thought that the bill about cutting their pensions was never passed)
Ironside  50 | 12333
20 Jan 2013   #8
doesn't that mean her pension was cut off?


but I am not sure why (I thought that the bill about cutting their pensions was never passed)

Better than nothing!
OP gumishu  16 | 6182
20 Jan 2013   #9
yes it means it has been cut off

my bad - I didn't really understand what to cut off a pension means
rybnik  18 | 1444
20 Jan 2013   #10
ok guys
so was it cut off or merely reduced? :)
OP gumishu  16 | 6182
20 Jan 2013   #11
reduced = obcięta zabrana =cut off
rybnik  18 | 1444
20 Jan 2013   #12
thanks Gumishu
Lenka  5 | 3484
20 Jan 2013   #13
the media you are talking about are anti-Pis - they would never write about Mr Tuleya background

-from the thread Why "musn't we allow PiS..."
I wasn't going to take part in this but now I must ask-what the fact that his parents were in SB has to do with his actions?If you think that's some real argument you're mistaken.Someone took some facts and insinuated that because of that his decisions are not valid?
OP gumishu  16 | 6182
21 Jan 2013   #14
that his decisions are not valid?

what decisions???

Judge Tuleya went overboard with comparisons maybe because he leans politically to the anti-PiS crowd - which is all parties in Poland - why all parties in Poland - becasue all parties in Poland except PiS are corrupt to the bone
Lenka  5 | 3484
21 Jan 2013   #15
becasue all parties in Poland except PiS are corrupt to the bone

Oh,now I see.Good luck Gumishu.With your world-view you must be really angry that PiS is in opposition and that probably they won't win the election in the nearest future.
OP gumishu  16 | 6182
21 Jan 2013   #16
With your world-view you must be really angry that PiS is in opposition and that probably they won't win the election in the nearest future.

we will see, God knows what happens in the next elections - sorry even God doesn't know
Ironside  50 | 12333
21 Jan 2013   #17
I wasn't going to take part in this but now I must ask-what the fact that his parents were in SB has to do with his actions?If you think that's some real argument you're mistaken.Someone took some facts and insinuated that because of that his decisions are not valid?

Well, he was lenient and doctor G who is guilty at least of being a corrupt and nasty individual, received the lowest sentence there is.

Other than that he just let himself to comment on the case spreading rubbish skewed by his political standing and proving that he shouldn't be a judge.

His case like hundreds other just anther argument fo my standing. Polish Soviets shouldn't be sent to Russia - they belong there.
OP gumishu  16 | 6182
21 Jan 2013   #18
he shouldn't be a judge

there should have been lustration of the judges after the end of PRL instead we've got a PRL bis
Ironside  50 | 12333
21 Jan 2013   #19
All that Establishment should be sorted out.Not as it was left alone to do mischief and harming Poland and other people in the process.
Lenka  5 | 3484
21 Jan 2013   #20
Well, he was lenient and doctor G who is guilty at least of being a corrupt and nasty individual, received the lowest sentence there is.
Other than that he just let himself to comment on the case spreading rubbish skewed by his political standing and proving that he shouldn't be a judge.

That I can take as an argument (and agree with it or not) but not the fact that his mother worked in SB.That's simply ridiculous.

there should have been lustration of the judges after the end of PRL

In '89 he was 27.He barely started his career.You're speculating just on the fact that he's against PiS and his mother worked in SB

P.S.On what position his mother worked in SB?
pawian  219 | 24792
21 Jan 2013   #21
there should have been lustration of the judges after the end of PRL instead we've got a PRL bis

Yes!! In that case, PiS wouldn`t be able to promote and advance a few judges who had sentenced anti-communist opposition in Poland in communist times.

About Bronisław Komorowki, current President of Poland:
Dissident activity
During the Polish People's Republic (PRL) he acted in democratic opposition as an underground publisher, and co-operated with Antoni Macierewicz on the monthly Głos. In 1980 he was sentenced along with activists of the Movement for Defense of Human and Civic Rights to 1 month in prison for organizing a demonstration on 11 November 1979 (the judge who presided the trial was Andrzej Kryże).

BTW, gumi, imitating your style, do you know that PiS`s favourite judge`s father was a stalinist oppressor??? :):):):)

What will you say? :):):):):):):)
jon357  72 | 22980
21 Jan 2013   #22
"hot" judge Tuleya who accused Polish Central Anti-Corruption Bureau of stalinist methods was raise by a mother and father who worked for communist political police

Not very relevant to his activities today.
Varsovian  91 | 634
21 Jan 2013   #23
I think all apples fall millions of miles away from apple trees.
Ironside  50 | 12333
21 Jan 2013   #24
Not very relevant to his activities today.

Well maybe it is and maybe it isn't but still I maintain his mother carrier in the communist political police is relevant.
Varsovian  91 | 634
21 Jan 2013   #25
A relative hid Bierut's adjutant during the war. His grandchildren are still benefiting - backs needed scratching, favours returning. Old boys' network, Polish style.
jon357  72 | 22980
21 Jan 2013   #26
I think all apples fall millions of miles away from apple trees.

Most do.

backs needed scratching, favours returning

I doubt that makes much difference.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
21 Jan 2013   #27
BTW, gumi, imitating your style, do you know that PiS`s favourite judge`s father was a stalinist oppressor???

Indeed, this shows that emotions fly high. People in Poland as anywhere else in the world are immersed in their past and no one can really escape from it. No one in Poland or anywhere else in the world can say: You, you are the only one to be blamed and you are responsible for all the bad things that happen. "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" - says the Bible. So many members of the PF tend to cast the first stone (with the notable exception of Harry, now suspended) - one may think!

Roman Giertych, once a political ally of PiS and member of the PiS cabinets of Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz (rumours say that his beloved young Isabel for whom he left his wife and four children is going to leave him soon) and Jarosław Kaczyński in 2005-2007, now says it would be very dangerous if PiS returned to power, yet he doesn't exclude this posibility. Voters are increasigly disappointed with the inertia of PO - says he in a very interesting political analysis in the interview given to Rzeczpospolita (the paper version of 20th of January) - so they might resort to voting for the PiS party, even if they are not particurarly fond of that party (the reason for that, IMHO, is that many voters are likely to believe that PiS is always too ready to "cast the first stone"). They might just be doing it "dla jaj" (will someone have the pleasure to translate this Polish idiomatic expression for me?) - adds the former leader of Liga Polskich Rodzin - even if it is not because of the now looming economic crisis that may soon become a harsh reality.
OP gumishu  16 | 6182
21 Jan 2013   #28
Roman Giertych

have you ever been critical of Roman Giertych Ziemowit??? and why?

Not very relevant to his activities today

yes, he is a spotless unbiased judge and his upbringing has never influence his views in the slightest hehe
jon357  72 | 22980
21 Jan 2013   #29
That's probably true.
pawian  219 | 24792
21 Jan 2013   #30
have you ever been critical of Roman Giertych?

Gumi, don`t divert the topic. What will you say to a commonly known fact that PiS, when at power, embraced and advanced judges who had worked on communists` orders and sentenced anticommunist opposition in Poland?

What will you say when we follow your style of running a debate and tell you that the father of Andrzej Kryże, a PiS nominated communist judge, was a stalinist persecutor with blood of many innocent victims on his hands?

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