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Polish history is 100% glorious

Paulina  19 | 4556
20 Aug 2010   #241
Learn from mother of friend ask her details ask her about her opinion.

My mom isn't from Kielce and she wasn't born yet at that time :)
As I wrote before, mother of my university professor witnessed what happened. He told us during the classes what she saw (of course, he should be teaching us instead but I'm glad he told us about this).

check Yad Vashem stories like this

I watched a documentary not so long ago on TVN about a Jew living in Israel who wanted to get his Polish citizenship back and he said that he was saved by a Polish family somewhere near Jedwabne, I think.

and for God sake START THINKING.

I am :)

Ender, do you live in Poland?
convex  20 | 3928
20 Aug 2010   #242
And Poles helped Hitler in Ghetto Rising

Hi there, this was the scene where Poles shot collaborators.

MareGaea  29 | 2751
20 Aug 2010   #243
I see that ender is at it again?

Thank God for Google Translation:

Just for your information. I do not deny the fact that Poles killed Jews during the war and after the example of two second-hand: my friend from school told me the story swgo grandfather about how he promised he (grandfather) to help hide a Jewish neighbor in the woods, took him to the wagon into the woods and threw the Jew began to claim for his property remained in the car stabbed his fork. Recognize that the MG knows very well is not killed in Jedwabne in 1600, but fewer people that most Poles do not want to have to deal with that that part of the local Poles by the Germans released two weeks prior to transport to Siberia, part of the family was deported more than helpful. Helpful after they saw how their Jewish neighbors pointed 'stubborn elemnty' NKVD or supervised the deportation to the train station, or when a priest from the parish or shake nachajkami paraded by the NKVD after the cross of the Silk Market. To be honest when something like this POGNA£BYM skrzydkłach after a match. In the matter of Kielce note that a few days before the child disappeared (lost) so if the other stated that it has been kidnapped and stuck to the basement (which did not exist, a very important argument for some, because the building has no basement) is everything is important, it is important that place from the outset and the militiamen and soldiers, and that both of these formations were under the control of the People's Government. Remember that some Jews from the building early on got the same weapons to defend the government.
I think logically, without emotion, even when you search for a hit on the abominations przedewszytkim then. Or give it a rest live in accordance with their emotions and do not mix to something you do not understand

So yet again all the standard nonsense comes out of the box. You claimed that 1600 went into the barn - I simply looked it up and it stated that based on the facts it could never have been more than 250 to 400 in the barn; the rest was murdered elsewhere.

Classic little story full of clichés again. Come up with sth better. I'm still enjoying myself dearly with the standard things you come up with :)

And for your information: I do understand perfectly. I am smart enough to understand that some weird story caused a mass hysteria that resulted in the deaths of 1000-1500 ppl in the period immediately after WW2, ppl who had just survived the biggest organised killing in human history. Only to find a hysterical mob infuriated by imaginairy paranoya killing them.

@MediaWatch: I seem to remember that I already responded to that column, after all, you post it every other post you do, so it must be somewhere. Don't feel like looking it up, excusez moi.


M-G (proud to be not brainwashed)
ender  5 | 394
20 Aug 2010   #244
So SAY IT!!!!
There was much much less people killed in Jedwabne and for some unknown for you reason Gross lied!
For they wierd for they real your precious Jews helped Russian in killing Poles
TheOther  6 | 3596
20 Aug 2010   #245
I don't feel responsible for that at all.

And you don't have to, I think. We (me and you) didn't do this. It happened over half of a century ago.

Yet present day Germans are blamed over and over again on this forum for what happened 75 years ago. I call that double standard.
Paulina  19 | 4556
20 Aug 2010   #246
Yet present day Germans are blamed over and over again on this forum for what happened 75 years ago.

Not by me :)

Ender, I'll answer you tomorrow, I hope.
ender  5 | 394
20 Aug 2010   #247
Yet present day Germans are blamed over and over again on this forum for what happened 75 years ago. I call that double standard

he he I don't blame them it's a history only people who blame are MGand his colleges.

Thank God for Google Translation:

I love my language it's impossible to translate using artificial tools. I am surprised it was able to translate so many. (I blame my logic brain) try that

ty rymnięty pochlaście
MareGaea  29 | 2751
20 Aug 2010   #248
There was much much less people killed in Jedwabne

Gross concluded that, contrary to Stalinist proclamations, the Jews in Jedwabne had been rounded up and killed by mobs of their own Polish neighbors without any supervision or assistance from an Einsatzgruppe or other German force. He referred to the number of victims (1,600) presented on a memorial stone in Jedwabne erected by communist authorities, later removed and deposited in the Polish Army Museum in Białystok.[38] In his book Gross stated that the massacre could have been a provocation, considering that two main local leaders inspiring the mob to murder, Zygmunt Laudański and Karol Bardoń, were the NKVD agents prior to German occupation.[39]

Quick link from Wiki.

So we never will know. But then again, we're not talking about Jedwabne, which took place in 1941, but about Kielce and the period immediately after WW2. And we de facto not even talking about that. The reason why we do is that some apparently don't understand the meaning of the word "illustration".

Anyhow, you're still very entertaining, ender; keep it up.

For they wierd for they real your precious Jews helped Russian in killing Poles

I'm actually having trouble what you try to say with this sentence. Is this Polish? No, the words look familiar, but yet in an unintelligable order. Perhaps you want to do that sentence again? Thanks :)

he he I don't blame them it's a history only people who blame are MGand his coleeges.

And I don't blame anybody either. It's well established already who were the perpetrators. I just want the Glorious Defenders of the Glorious History Of Poland Gloriously admit this.


M-G (tiens)
ender  5 | 394
20 Aug 2010   #249
I'm actually having trouble what you try to say with this sentence.

sorry I was bit surprised. I wont change or correct anything. I think you are professional lier same as your friend fiction author Gross.

I am proud to be antisemite
MediaWatch  10 | 942
20 Aug 2010   #250
And for your information: I do understand perfectly.

Are you smart enough to know that even if some Poles were involved in it, Polish nationalists did NOT control large events like this and that the Soviets did? Did you know large events like this could not happen without the knowledge of the Soviets since MOSCOW and NOT Polish nationalists controlled Poland after 1945 with an IRON FIST.

Are you aware of Soviet Soldiers getting the rioting going? Do you know anything about Soviet rule in Poland after 1945???? Evidently not.

Are you aware that ethnic tensions between Jews, Poles, Ukrainians, etc BENEFITED the Soviet Rulers of territories they controlled and many times were sparked by them? Are you aware that the "Polish media"/state media after 1945 was dominated by the Soviets? Are you aware of the IRON FIST control of the Soviet Union over Poland? Evidently you are not.

Also I have not seen your response to the article
"Stalin's Jews".

But how about answering this question, which I asked you before - How many Jews do you think Poles have killed?????
ender  5 | 394
20 Aug 2010   #251
I just want the Glorious Defenders of the Glorious History Of Poland Gloriously admit this.

Ha ha this tiny incident means NOTHING to OVER 1000 years history. What really matters is Jewish influence on Polish History after WWII. What matters is how many people important for history has been killed by Jewish low lifes

new page, time to remind Jewish lies
MareGaea  29 | 2751
20 Aug 2010   #252
Polish nationalists did NOT control large events like this

Oh look, one has gone, and another one pops up! The fun is never-ending, it seems :) I never stated that anybody controlled it, nobody controlled it, de facto it was the lack of control that allowed it to happen.

I am aware of all the points you mention, yet it's no explanation as to why grown ups let themselves carried away on the basis of a story of an 8-year old who wanted to stay a little bit longer with his friends and in order not to get punishment made up an elaborate story about Jews kidnapping him and hiding him in a non-existing basement. Besides, it sounds all like giving excuses. There is no excuse for it and there doesn't have to be an excuse for it. Just an admittance is needed. Needed in order to restore or normalize relations between Poles and Jews. As long as incidents like this get sweeped under a cover of who-knows-what reason, there will always be friction somehow. Incident-impact-repercussions, remember?

Ha ha this tiny incident means NOTHING to OVER 1000 years history. What really matters is Jewish influence on Polish History after WWII. What matters is how many people important for history has been killed by Jewish low lifes

Mind if I laugh with you? But I am probably not laughing for the same reason as you do. I laugh because you try to minimize an incident that has shaped how the outside world has seen the Poles since. Thank God there are reasonable and sensible ppl in Poland, who are embarrassed and are most willing to admit that it was wrong and that it were their fellow countrymen who did this and don't try to hinge everything on some past of 1000 years ago. I have no problems with ppl like that as they are decent ppl, however, it's scumbags like you who continue to give Poles a bad name abroad. But I guess you have to be smart to understand that and I have my doubts about you.

You still haven't shared with us the name of the film. For all I know this could be a Polish film. But you claim it to be Jewish, so enlighten us about the name and we will look it up.

Edit, but it's time to go to bed now. It was fun and tomorrow there will be more fun, at least for me, I'm not so sure about you, though.


M-G (tiens)
MediaWatch  10 | 942
20 Aug 2010   #253
So what your saying is this Kielce tragedy is a little more complicated then meets the eye?

So there were some bad Poles involved with this. Who doesn't know that.

But when are you going to request of Jews that what you keep requesting of Poles? For Jews to apologize for those horrific things SOME Jews did to Poles?? When When When?

Or do you have a double standard here?

Remember Jews CHOSE to LIVE in POLAND. If Jews felt they were being mistreated in Poland they could have always left Poland. Did you forget that?

Also for the fourth time I'm asking you - How many Jews do you think Poles have killed? Is that going to be something else you are going to ignore?

I mean the concept of "Poles killing Jews" is something you are OBSESSED with so I think its odd that you don't have an answer to the simple question:

How many Jews have Poles killed? According to you.

Your silence on that simple question is quite interesting. Hmmmm
MareGaea  29 | 2751
20 Aug 2010   #254
Your silence on that simple question is quite interesting.

I already answered that question: the official estimates lie between 1000 - 1500 between May 1945 and September 1946. If you just took the time to read what I write instead of coming up with the same over and over again, you would have known.

So there were some bad Poles involved with this.

Hm, according to reports it was quite a bunch, later on reinforced with workers coming from a nearby factory. Must be hundreds, perhaps thousands of bad Poles.

Or do you have a double standard here?

No, I just want you to admit that it was the Poles and the Poles alone who planned and performed this outrageous crime. Without covering it up over and over again, blaming it on ...The Stalin Jews!, the commies, Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band or Dwight Yoakam. Just take the responsibility for it and say it :) No sooner will I leave you in peace.

How many Jews have Poles killed?

Before the Kielce incident? Much less than 1000 - 1500. So it's actually the Jews themselves who brought it on? Hm, haven't heard that one before. Nonsense of course, but always fun to hear how ppl re-chew what they have been told to chew.

Here's an example of what "some bad Poles" were capable of:

Regina Fisz, a mother with a newborn baby, was taken from her home, along with a male friend, by an impromptu gang of four men, among them a police corporal. The men had no plan for how to dispose of their victims, so they flagged down a truck driver to ask for a ride, telling him, in the corporal's words, "we had Jews whom we wanted to take out to kill. The driver agreed, he only asked for a thousand zloty, and I said, 'It's a deal.'" (It is worth remembering that the "Jews" in this case consisted of a man, a woman, and a baby.) The driver took them to a forest outside the city, where Fisz and her baby were shot, while the friend escaped. Afterward, the four men left the bodies for locals to bury and adjourned to a restaurant with the truck driver, where they enjoyed a meal together and split the proceeds from the sale of the two adults' valuables.

Same link as earlier on.

Now get out of my sight as I want to go to sleep. Tomorrow's another day, another day for more fun with you guys.


M-G (coming soon to you on their "War On Terror"-tour of Poland and Russia: ...The Stalin Jews! with special guests The Babcias! They will play all your favourites, like the International and will do requests!)
ender  5 | 394
20 Aug 2010   #255
incident that has shaped how the outside world has seen the Poles since

Poles haters where born is US just after WWI guess why? Who cares what mob think. I don't. Your lies is like the Damocles Sword you need to repeat them to keep it hi.
MareGaea  29 | 2751
20 Aug 2010   #256
Of course. If you say so. Now, take your pills and be a good boy and go do peepee and poopoo and then off you go into your little bed, dreaming of evil Jews and how great it is that you're an anti semite. And wake up tomorrow morning to realise you're still in the same institution as you were last night.


M-G (tiens)
ender  5 | 394
20 Aug 2010   #257
take your pills and be a good boy and go do peepee and poopoo and then off you go into your little bed

I took 4 Mike-Ike, had a toilet session, one fag (it's not you). Most of this evening I spent in bed. Little lieing* jewish boy did you hear about about your fella Anatol Fejgin? It's very interesting animal.

proud to be called antisemite by stupid jewish boy


lieing lie lying liar cheating bullsheetting truth backstabbing fooling faking someone fool lies bean shooter fibbing flapper sheet beetch

MediaWatch  10 | 942
20 Aug 2010   #258
I already answered that question: the official estimates lie between 1000 - 1500 between May 1945 and September 1946. If you just took the time to read what I write instead of coming up with the same over and over again, you would have known.

So according to you Poles have killed 1000-1500 Jews and before that much less. That's it??? And that's only assuming the Poles controlled their own country after 1945 (which you claim) and not the Soviets, which is a new one on me. So according to you the Poles and not the Soviets controlled Poland? LOL

The way you talk about Poles you make it sound like Poles killed hundreds of thousands if not milions of Jews. LOL

Now according to that article on Stalin's Jews by an ISRAELI, Jewish communists were responsible for MILLIONS of deaths of East Europeans and Poles.

It only confirms what so many East Europeans already knew.

Hundreds of thousands of ethnic Poles were shipped out of old East Polish territories to Siberian death camps thanks to Communist Jewish NKVD officers and Polish Jews collaborating with them. Frankly I'm surprised there hasn't been more anti-semitism in Poland considering the huge amount of Jewish atrocities against Poles.

I have heard from Polish relatives and friends the reverse of what Jan Gross has accused Poles of. When the Soviets were dominating old East Polish land, they were ethnically cleansing it of ethnic Poles, sending them to Gulag death camps, and then putting NKVD/Communist collaborating Jews in these homes. Maybe some Poles REACTED to this?

It looks like somebody removed that MareGaea comment about wanting to see a certain other person die here. Well I guess that's all for the better.

MareGaea your hatred is getting the best of you. The problem is in a nutshell you believe what the mass media has said about Jews vs Poles/East Europeans which has always been ONE SIDED. Now you're hearing the other side which has been suppressed by the mass media. Like what Winston Churchill said about the so called "Russian Revolution" based on what Russians reported to him.

Now MG nobody is saying all or most Jews are bad people. I'm not going to sink to your level. Only that Jews like all people have their share of bad apples just like anyone else. Many decent Jews today are against these Communist Jews. But that doesn't mean these bad Jews did not exist.
MareGaea  29 | 2751
20 Aug 2010   #259
MareGaea your hatred is getting the best of you.

Oh, I don't have any hatred. Au contraire, most hatred seems to be coming from you and your brothers in arms to tell that dirty lying Jew the truth, how the hell does he try to doubt the holy words of Glorious Poles when they Gloriously deny obvious facts?

I didn't want him to die, I just said it'll be his biggest effort to mankind if he someday would. That's sth different, but of course you wouldn't understand it as you obviously didn't understand what this thread was all about anyway.

Edit: let's not forget that this thread is where it is because YOU didn't understand what an illustration is and started screaming blue murder and anti Polish again. Just read it back and see who brought it here. It wasn't me, I was just explaining sth to sb else until you barged in. Just read it back.

Your problem is that you're first of all an American, not a Pole, secondly you're an anti semite, which has been coming clear throughout your posts and I don't feel like answering nor reading the same bullcrap you post over and over again of how the Poles have been good to Jews some 1000 years ago and that the Jews chose to live in PL, so they kinda had it coming and how it's actually all the fault of the Stalin Jews and the Jews in general and if it's not the Jews, it's the commies, anybody, anything, just except the Poles. Either you come with sth completely new or be prepared not to responded to anymore. Ok? I still regard you as having one braincell more than that amoebe ender, let's keep it that way, ok?

same as you reported antisemitism of PF?

Nope, you're the first or the second one I ever reported.


M-G (tiens)
MediaWatch  10 | 942
20 Aug 2010   #260
All I have done is present the other side of Jewish vs Poland/Eastern Europe "information" that the mass media has suppressed. Including what some Israeli columnists and people like Winston Churchil have reported on Jewish history as far as the disproportionate Jewish participation in Communism.

Basically "The emperor has no clothes" type information on those bad people among Jews. But if you think that's "anti-semitic" just because one brings that up to give CONTEXT to Jewish vs Eastern Europe tensions then that's because you are an ethno-centric Jewish person who feels Jews should never be questioned because they are morally superior to Non-Jews. They are not. They are humans who do good and bad just like all people. You must also remember this isn't the New York Times or Washington Post ect which doesn't allow these politically incorrect facts about a certain element of Jewish history to be brought up.

I have also never said there were never any bad people among Poles. I have repeated many times Poles have their bad people, so I don't know why you don't acknowledge that. But why don't you acknowledge those bad Jews out there who have given good Jews a bad name?

There have been wonderful good Jews out there who have contributed to mankind with their Nobel prize type contributions in the sciences just like there were terrible horrible thug like Jews who participated in the Stalinist Bolshevik machine to kill and hurt others.

There is good and bad in all groups of people. Certainly Poles and Jews are no exceptions to that.
MareGaea  29 | 2751
20 Aug 2010   #261
I see that for some individuals the truth is apparently, like Paulina said, too hurtful yet. Anyway,that's for tomorrow.

You must also remember this isn't the New York Times or Washington Post ect which doesn't allow these politically incorrect facts about a certain element of Jewish history to be brought up.

No. It's about you turning things around. The question at stake is about the Kielce pogrom and whether Poles are ready to admit that they were wrong back then. Apparently, with due exceptions, some are not. The question is not if Jews brought it on themselves. That's a topic for later discussion. Right now the main question is whether the Poles are ready to accept and admit Kielce and also admit that there are dark periods in their history that have no connection to commies or whoever. Those are the questions at stake here. Not anything else. We can discuss that at some other point. Right now, it's admittance.


M-G (tiens)
MediaWatch  10 | 942
20 Aug 2010   #262

Didn't former Polish president Alexander Kwasniewski and many other Poles basically fall over themselves apologizing to Jews for Kielce about 9 years ago????

Oh and in case you didn't know, former Polish president Alexander Kwasniewski is HALF JEWISH. Now why would those terrible anti-semitic Poles vote for a Jewish guy to be their president?? LOL
ender  5 | 394
20 Aug 2010   #263
Didn't former Polish president Alexander Kwasniewski and many other Poles basically fall over themselves apologizing to Jews for Kielce about 9 years ago????

MG you not so bright, you not here to let subject drift so far you are here to say lies about 1600 jews were killed in Kielce by antisemitic polish mob.

And I am here to show your lies.
And the truth about Kielce lays in Anatol Fejgin.

you may bit bush around and at the end you get more uncovered true.

proud to called antisemite and retard by jewish lier

"There is in England a saying that an anti-Semite is someone who hates the Jews more than is necessary."

I don't hate you I just think you are different like different are africans arabs indians. I need to say that I didn't mean any physical aspect. Thats all

proud to be called antisemite
vetala  - | 381
20 Aug 2010   #264
Yet another thread where Jews and antisemites are trying to outcry each other with biased, hateful remarks. MG is trying to prove that Poland has always been hell on Earth for Jews and that virtually all Poles are evil, heartless murderers. Ender and others are trying to prove that Poles are saints and Jews are the ones who are evil, heartless murderers. This is the sort of discussion where I have nobody to side with :(
MareGaea  29 | 2751
20 Aug 2010   #265
Didn't former Polish president Alexander Kwasniewski and many other Poles basically fall over themselves apologizing to Jews for Kielce about 9 years ago????

That was actually the Jedwabne commemorating service. He did what every decent person would do. That he in fact is half Jewish has nothing to do with it.

Anyway, this thread was about historical techniques and then MediaWatch comes along and feels the need, like he always feels the need, to "show the other side of things" when it concerns Poles killing Jews. It was uncalled for as the discussion was not about the actual killing initially, but about the chain of incident-direct impact-long lasting repercussions and reverberations. Too bad our friend from the other side didn't notice this, saw the words "Jews-Poles-Faster-Pussicat-Kill-Kill-Kill" and thought it was time to re-introduce ...The Stalin Jews! into the discussion once more. I take blame for the part that I allowed the discussion to derange into the realms where illustrations are being discussed more than the key point at hand.

Strangely enough, MediaWatch never feels the urge to "show the other side of things" when it's concerning Jews killing Poles. Anyway, the gates of hell were opened and all of the standard Golgothians came from their pile to give it a go. None of them introduced sth new into the discussion. All of the arguments -if there were any arguments besides the usual insulting and ranting- fell within the scope of the 5 myths that haunt Polish history for the last 70-80 years. Well, at least one myth has been busted: the myth of the Jewish Communism. As it turns out this has been an invention of the propaganda machine of the White Armies during the Russian Civil War. And it's only thanks to the quality of the propaganda machine of the Whites that this fairy tale is still in the heads of ppl. Nobody has denied there were Jews within the ranks of the commies, but the statement that the vast majority of the commies were Jews is a gross exaggeration: by far the most functionaries within the Communist Party in Poland were Poles. But then again, it's hard to go kill your own ppl based on the fact that they were an active member of a party you don't like, so what do you do in that case if you really want to vent your anger and agression? You go look for members of that hated party that are not part of your own group. It's very basic psychology. And you find that there are....Jews! member of the Communist Party. Aha! There you have your vent! And this vent gets used and abused for many decades since its conception.

Then a one braincelled creature comes along, showing us 100 times the same fragment of a film in which a woman sitting on a chair is being excecuted by Polish soldiers and claims this to be a Jewish film. Unfortunately he cannot or won't give us the name of that particular movie, so we cannot check whether it is indeed a Jewish movie or not. And then the creature accuses me of lying because I am supposed to have claimed that in July 1941, 5 years before the events we are discussing, 1600 Jews were driven into a barm, that consequently was set ablaze - the historians are not yet clear whether it was Soviet leftover gasoline they used or petrol provided by the Germans. Anyhow, this creature introduces this into the discussion, alongside of the usual rants and superficial statements that he is proud to be an anti semite, never mind the dispiccable nature of such a statement and then accuses me of stating that there were 1600 Jews burned in the shed. It's a nice way of trying to lock a discussion: introducing an issue into the discussion, which has nothing to do with the actual topic at hand and then accusing sb else of lying about it. Nice, but predictable technique. Then it shows me a wiki page of a Jewish Communist police functionary in the 1950's. In 1949 he became head of some dept and this of course is proof that the commies were behind it all. Miraculous how everybody fails to acknowledge that the atmosphere could've been so poisoned and tensed that even a silly lie by an 8-year old boy could spark some extended lynch-party. They state that the incident was staged by the commies from start to finish. I think it was the natural outcome, the accumulation of a very tensed period in Polish history and that many were shocked in fact as they perhaps hadn't realised that tensions were so high it could even lead to murder of innocent survivors. I have stated that before and I state it here again.

After heading through the storm of usual insults, rantings and even lower intelligenced remarks thrown at myself, I have come to the conclusion that some Poles are not yet ready to admit any dark pages in their own history, yet are keen to point out dark pages in other's histories. I expected that and I am not surprised by it.

So far the summary of the rounds so far. Time for a new round - let the games begin; I'm curious what they will come up next with. My best bet would be sth that stems from one fo the five mentioned myths. Good luck guys :)

MG is trying to prove that Poland has always been hell on Earth for Jews and that virtually all Poles are evil, heartless murderers.

Not true. I was talking about historical techniques and trying to explain Ironside how historians worked and thereby used Kielce as an example, nothing more. Then MW bashes in and spoils the discussion. I take responsibility for letting it getting out of hand, but I do not try to convince anybody that PL was hell on earth for Jews. I just want some hardcore idiots on this forum to admit that it were Poles who did this. Has nothing to do with Jews, just with the point that ppl must find the courage to admit that even their own history has dark pages. That's all. And it's quite amusing so far to hear all the stereotypes gallopping by and actually nothing new is introduced, yet they refuse.


M-G (wonders what's next)
ender  5 | 394
20 Aug 2010   #266
For your information if you asked any Pole what was nationality of persons who killed Jew in Kielce they will tell you (including myself) THEY WERE POLES. And case should be closed. Don't you dare looking for reasons cos you are unable to take reasonable arguments from others.

Unfortunately he cannot or won't give us the name of that particular movie

I told you already to ask your mum, she seats on chair. One case closed.

1600 Jews burned in the shed... then accusing sb else of lying about it

I accused fiction novelist Jan Gross and YOU

plus some others has on this forum has been called anti-semites, morons, retards and some other such nice names.

In my opinion you provide kind of verbal terrorism on PF
MareGaea  29 | 2751
20 Aug 2010   #267
In my opinion you provide kind of verbal terrorism on PF

Says the creature that says this:

Jedwabne please come back. Lets build 6 new barns

Did you know that for that remark, I could have you arrested? Gonna be a jailbird, dude :)

Thankfully the mods heeded my request and removed all the nice things you had to say to me, uncalled.


Ahw, does it hurt to get a taste of your own medicine back? You were quite on a roll last night, weren't you? If you're that keen on reading my posts back, you can see, as everybody else can, that I only react to insults thrown my way and then the original insulters start crying that I'm a "verbal terrorist". Well, it's not gonna happen. Perhaps others are too decent to reply to you with your same methods, I've had just about enough of all the insults you morons throw at me and what even disgusts me more is that you're acting like little children by starting crying when I return the favour. You are a sick and disturbed individual and you really balance on the edge. I would suggest you seek some professional help before you kill sb.

Unluckily for you, I can use the same methods you guys use, not as freely as you use it, but if necessary I will use it as I had more than enough of idiots like you and your kind and there are a lots of other ppl on here who had enough of it. Difference between you and me is that I can switch it off at any time I want to, but for you and your kind it's a way of life, it seems.

Now, will that be all as far as you is concerned? Yes? You know the way out the door. Ciao and don't come back here. Thanks for your effort, there's coffee if you want and a cookie. You can drink and eat that while you're on the way to the bus.

So, after this anomaly, we can continue with the original issue at hand? The chain Incident-Impact-Repercussions-Long Term Reverberations by means of the example Kielce?


M-G (tiens)
ender  5 | 394
20 Aug 2010   #268
ender: Jedwabne please come back. Lets build 6 new barns

it's a sarcasm. what did you say about my ability to recognize sarcasm?
at least 6 Jedwabne's size barn needs to be built to fit 1600 people (ask novelist Jan Gross) and it was Soviet Gasoline (Germans don't waste resources)

Did you know that for that remark, I could have you arrested?

terrorist and lier as I said previously

I've had just about enough of all the insults you morons throw at me... like little children by starting crying when I return the favour... I can use the same methods you guys use, not as freely as you use it

see I do not insult I just state the fact that you lie and terrorize members of this forum accusing them of anti-semitism and lack of intelligence

I said Jews in Kielce has been killed by Polish nationals. And it's all what you can get from me cos you are physically and mentally unable others point of view.

All your posts are lies within lies within lies covered by thin layer of dust of truth
MareGaea  29 | 2751
20 Aug 2010   #269
Ok, enough fun with ender now, I want to go back to the original topic - Incident-Impact-Repercussions-Long Term Reverberations and how they are handled.

As per following the earlier example:

Incident: Kielce
Impact: newpaper readers all over Europe and the world read about and are disgusted and wants as an immediate response the heads of the perpetrators.

Repercussions: the perpetrators get caught, tried and sentenced, questions get asked in, for example, parliament.
Reverberations: the Poles get the image of anti semitic (in this example, in any other example, the reverberations will of course be different)

Timeframe could be anything from 1 to 100 years. Incident is replaceable for any incident; Impact can differ from locally to globally, given means of reporting; also the time between incident and impact is important. In the Middle Ages there was sometimes up to years between an event and the time that sb at the other end of the country or continent heard about it. Nowadays it may take as short as an hour or even less, given the ocurrance of Internet. (Long Term -) Repercussions depend of course on the nature of the incident, but are fairly fixed. Reverberations depend on the level of tolerance the general public has built up, either by previous similar incidents, a growing numbness or a fixture on one's own.

If anybody, except ender, wants to add sth to this chain, he/she is welcome to do so.


M-G (simple chain on how events change perceptions and perspectives)
ender  5 | 394
20 Aug 2010   #270
the original topic - Incident-Impact-Repercussions-Long Term Reverberations and how they are handled

What are you talking about?
Original topic is:
Polish history is 100% glorious
And a Kielce subject has gone.
Do you want to know more? Check Wiki

Home / History / Polish history is 100% glorious
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