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Cursed soldiers controvercy - not all Poles respect them

OP pawian  226 | 27817
1 Aug 2020   #181
Are they acting out their childhoods fantasies of being a hero that saves the world?

Exactly. That`s how I feel. It is much better to be so than rightard fascists who were abused and molested as kids and who decided to take vengence on the whole world.
Ironside  51 | 13083
1 Aug 2020   #182

They conducted a reach some time ago in Poland. They found out that sexually frustrated and mentally unbalanced people are lefties. So put that in your pipe and smoke it you perv! lol!
OP pawian  226 | 27817
1 Aug 2020   #183
They conducted a reach some time ago in Poland

Who made this research? Polish fascists? It doesn`t count.
Ironside  51 | 13083
1 Aug 2020   #184
It doesn`t count.

lol! If you don't like news, you take head of a messenger, an attitude of a tyrant!
Poloniusz  5 | 969
1 Aug 2020   #185
Are they acting out their childhoods fantasies of being a hero that saves the world?

It is important to have perspective for this thread and all others on PolishForums when certain Poland-hating posters hypocritically get on their high horse and use shaming language on other posters who are Polish or have kindred love for Poland.

The first who reach for shaming language are those raised as card-carrying communists in Soviet occupied Poland. They and their families benefitted immensely and got very comfortable jobs for life (well, at least until communism fell which they foolishly thought would never happen). Under communism they got the latest appliances and access to choice property which was far out of reach of true Poles. As communists they took for granted that they could take trips abroad while true Poles were subjected daily to Soviet oppression and terror all across Poland between 1947 - 1989. So any propaganda their beloved Communist Party declared in the last century (like demonizing the Home Army) they still believe it today and foolishly continue to defend their lost cause. They resent that today their communist credentials are something to be laughed at and always rightfully condemned. They are still flabbergasted that even their fellow communists at the time found Jewish hatred and oppression of Poles coupled with their unvarnished Zionism to be too much to tolerate any further thus resulting in their expulsion in 1968. They are outraged that the Polish public today is not calling for any of these expelled Zionists to return. They fume that instead it is the Home Army which is rightfully and publicly given honor, respect, and granted the esteemed position of being brave and inspirational role models for Poland's 21st century youth and beyond.

The second are those wanna-be communists predominately from Britain. They grew-up resenting that they lived in a class structured society and from a position at the bottom which they could never rise up from. Being British they wanted and genuinely believed they deserved all the insider benefits that would come by simply aligning themselves with communism. And being old meant that when they decided to go to Poland they would never have had to endure the horrors of communism but could still benefit from its fallout like lower cost of living and socialized services they never paid into. Therefore communism was still good and never to be questioned. By extension, since communist leaders like the work-shy hypocrite Marx, the murdering psychopath Trotsky, the Soviet lickspittle Bierut, and other notorious communists were Jewish that means in their heads all Jews can do no wrong either and if anything is found to be criminal or lacking in their character that means it is be denied, denied, denied and projected onto non-Jews; preferably Poles.

The third are those who don't believe in communism and never would. However, they intoxicatingly admire the self-segregating livelihoods and misplaced superiority complex they see in the Jewish community and like good cuckolds they overlook the fact that Jews want nothing to do with them in return. Jews live the way they would want to live: apart from others, better than others, and never questioned by others. Such persons can be found predominately from the American South. They have very fond memories (which they would never admit to) of a lost past where segregation was normal and which their ancestors benefitted from and which they too continued to benefit from under its legacy. Under the guise of born-again Christianity (and/or a latent, simmering, deep seated resentment of having lost the Civil War), they worship the Jewish State of Israel because it is the current embodiment of their very own bygone way of life. They will deflect criticism and point out that since Jesus was a Jew and all Jews are amusingly self-declared as being "God's chosen people" that by default means all Jews are good and beyond any criticism (even though they have no problem themselves shoveling criticism out onto non-Jews). In their warped logic they can't lose with their philosemitism. They can openly adore a foreign apartheid country rather than being a productive, contributing member in the diverse America their ancestors lost against. They actually believe their idolatry of Israel and Jews at large will either fulfill their fairytale story of a Messianic return or they can still use it to hopefully explain their way into a heavenly afterlife. I've heard some of these characters have actually converted to Judaism "to be closer to Jesus" but clearly it gives them an excuse to live a segregated life without being criticized for doing so. They may go to Israel as tourists to give their moral and financial support. But they are keenly aware they could never settle there thanks to DNA screening and that's where Poland comes in. Poland gives them the opportunity to live in a predominately white country like their ancestors once did while hopefully scoring some virtue signaling points of sanctifying all things Judaic and engaging in ad hom attacks against all those who don't join with them in worship of their idols.

So if anyone here starts with their smug empty-headed shaming language against Poles and Polonophiles just refer to any of the above categories to see where they fall into and what sort of frighteningly dysfunctional upbringing these sociopathic critics had themselves.

You're welcome.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
1 Aug 2020   #186
use shaming language on other posters who are Polish or have kindred love for Poland.

Yes, correct, that `s Iron and his pack, they abuse true Polish patriots and only pretend to be Polish, but in fact they are Neo-nazis and Kremlin trolls.

I am reallly amazed you expressed it so honestly.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
1 Aug 2020   #187
true Polish patriots

Oh? You are a true Polish patriot, huh?

Who is your president?

Say his name loud and say it proud!
OP pawian  226 | 27817
1 Aug 2020   #188
He`s name is Dupa and I say it proudly!!! hahaha
Ironside  51 | 13083
1 Aug 2020   #189

Yes you are, you need to add an adjective soviet. Soviet Dupa tell us what is the name of the Polish president?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
1 Aug 2020   #190
violent household

Violent neighborhood and world, not household. I couldn't of asked for a better family. And thank God we don't have any pedaly, multi kulti marriages, etc. in the family either. I love my parents and I'll never put them in an old folks home like lame ass ungrateful pricks do now.

And second, you and Pawian don't know half of the nuances between Poles and Jews. Cursed soldiers "controvercy" (not even spelled correctly and yet you're an English teacher?) - not all Poles respect them - what kind of bullshit is that? If you're referring to some AK/NSZ guys who fought the Nazis and later the Bolshevik Jew occupied late 40's and 50's PRL then those guys have balls bigger than your head. These ************* not only managed to take on the biggest, most-powerful country in the hemisphere during the war but even afterwards hiding in the bushes will every NKVD Moscol and SB/UB Polish Jew in the area hunting for them.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
1 Aug 2020   #191
Cursed soldiers "controvercy" (not even spelled correctly and yet you're an English teacher?)

hahaha so, because of that mistake, the whole thread can go fek itself and everything what has been said here is worthless.

you and Pawian don't know half of the nuances between Poles and Jews.

Hmm, really, what makes you think so? Please, don`t usurp for yourself the monopolistic right to know Jews the best of all posters.

NSZ guys who fought the Nazis and later the Bolshevik Jew then those guys have balls bigger than your head.

Yes, full of testosteron which forced them to kill innocent people. We mentioned those crimes already.

Ooops, are you praising Ukrainian nationalist UPA now?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
2 Aug 2020   #192
Another controvercial cursed soldier was Józef Kuraś, who fought against communists in Podhale region.

His career is very interesting.

He fought in 1939 as a Polish Army soldier.
Next, he returned home in the Tatra Highlands and joined local underground organisations.
After they were infiltrated and broken by Germans, he joined Home Army - AK.
He was sentenced to death by AK court for neglecting his duties.
He escaped and joined another big underground organisation - Peasant Batallions and commanded their execution squad in the area.
He cooperated with local Polish left or Soviet partisans, some led by Jewish officers. He aided the Soviet Red Army in its attack against Germans in the Highland region.

In 1945 he dissolved his unit and accepted the Soviet rule in the region. In result, he was allowed by Soviets to organise local militia.
When the local power was taken by communist Poles, he was dissmissed from militia comander position and received a new one: commander of local secret police, the infamous UB. Yes, Kuraś was to organise UB in the Highlands.

Local communist Poles didn`t like the idea and tried to remove and even arrest him, so he deserted with his subordinates and went to the forest.

He commanded the partisan unit which fought against Polish communist army, secret police and Soviet NKVD.
He also ordered to kill Jews whom his partisans apprehended - including 7 Jewish children from a sanatorium.
He died by his own hand, surrounded by communist units, in 1947.

  • Jzef_Kuras_Ogie..jpg
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
2 Aug 2020   #193
everything what has been said here is worthless.

No just what you've said...

Please, don`t usurp for yourself the monopolistic right to know Jews the best of all posters.

ROFL please the last thing I'd want to do is speak on behalf a bunch of LBH's and Brits who's own capital has been overrun by turd worlders. I speak on behalf of my own experiences, those of my Polish family, Polish friends, Polish co-workers and the many of Polish men and women of all generations I've met both in and out of Poland.

That one Jew from the Zionist government put pretty well - Poles suckle anti-Semitism from their mom's teet. Naturally, the Polish government and Poles would never admit it to, but there is a long complicated history with a lot of animosity on both sides. That's going to go on forever till either the Jews stop demanding money from us and stop trying to influence Poland's politics, media, finance, etc. But they won't because such is the Jews' nature.

He also ordered to kill Jews whom his partisans apprehended - including 7 Jewish children from a sanatorium.

Doesn't surprise me. The Jews kill their own too when it doesn't fit their larger agenda or when they become a problem.

Ooops, are you praising Ukrainian nationalist UPA now?

I respect UPA for what they did rising up on behalf of Ukranians and Ukranian nationalism. They were the Ukranian equivalent of AK/NSZ. Naturally, as Pole I opposed what they did a long time ago. Today Polish and Ukranians tend to get along well including the nationalists. Hell there's even Ukranian flags now during Poland's holiday marches.
Ironside  51 | 13083
2 Aug 2020   #194
hey were the Ukranian equivalent of AK/NSZ.

WTF? Just stop it! I simply cannot take it. Between you and pawian, don't know who is the worst. It all nonsense, phew!

full of testosteron which forced them to kill innocent people.

You are full of soviet S..t that forces you to spew lies and insults. You're scum/

His career is very interesting.

It illustrates well what kind of people had embraced soviet rule./
In the Home Army he was a private first class. In P Battalions he was a lieutenant/or second lieutenant, In commie formation he was a major. lol !Soviet elevated some scum and their progeny inherited dumb brains with their DNA.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
2 Aug 2020   #195
WTF? Just stop it! I simply cannot take it

Then block me if my posts irritate you that much.

And yes UPA was basically Ukraine's version of the AK and NSZ. In both cases, they're mostly citizens' militias with some military experts mixed in. They received resources from their own government as it fights an invading force, citizens' donations, and support from abroad especially intelligence services. These were mostly citizens who fought an invading force. Both of them wanted their countries free from invaders and remain independent.

The only difference between the two was the geopolitical forces at work. The Ukrainian nationalists, UPA guys, etc. were inevitably going to come up against Polish nationalists, AK, NSZ, etc. But once the Jewish Bolsheviks and Stalin plotted taking over the government in every country they had tanks in, the UPA stopped fighting the Poles. Later on they even had some kind of arrangements as Anders represented the Polish side. By then it was too late, the Jewish Bolshevik's pawns had already gotten into the government, army, etc. and could not request that all "traitors" in their respective countries be shot.

Between you and pawian, don't know who is the worst. It all nonsense, phew!---

If it wasn't for pawian and I having a conversation this thread would be dead as a door knob
call1n  2 | 192
2 Aug 2020   #196
Mikołajczyk was a good guy

Soviet elevated some scum and their progeny inherited dumb brains with their DNA.

The truth is in you, that is what is relevant, not so many false records of history. If you remember the dead a certain way, and you live up to those expectations and traits that you thought they had, its your truth.

That is why I am so pissed off about being circumcised. It is my body and I can do what that body its my choice. *I can join a military, its my choice* It is just not true that circumcision cures cancer. What I really don't like is having my body be endorsed, to Jewish communism and Bolshevism and to support phony ideas about death, that I don't freakin agree with.

It is not true that 6 million Jews died in the holocaust. It is not true that circumcision cures cancer. And I don't want my body, which is the temple of my soul to support Zionist Israel.

I was not convinced that America was controlled by Jews, until I could not pee and all the urologist in New York were all Jewish who supported circumcision.

In case you don't know circumcision is mandatory for all baby boys in the USA.
Those are my "cursed soldiers." they might have had done some bad things, but they fought against something worse, the Jewish dominated Polish Provisional Government.
cms neuf  2 | 1943
3 Aug 2020   #197
Feel free to move to random - nobody wants to spend a Monday morning talking about some racist guy's chopper

Circumcision is not mandatory in the US (source Wikipedia)
call1n  2 | 192
3 Aug 2020   #198
Circumcision is not mandatory in the US

It was when I was born. Fortunately some cursed soldiers attacked the Jewish Urologist and they got scared.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
3 Aug 2020   #199
Circumcision is not mandatory in the US (source Wikipedia)

Exactly. When I visited the USA decades ago, they didn`t curcumcise me at the airport.
call1n  2 | 192
3 Aug 2020   #200
You are just lucky you did not say anything against Zionist Israel.They would have circumcised you at the airport if you did.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
3 Aug 2020   #201
No just what you've said...

Oh, I see, you want to remove all my posts but keep all other. But why? Because you think so? That`s too little. How are my posts and opinions in them worse than yours? The fact you don`t like them doesn`t mean they are wrong. Simple. :)

I speak on behalf of my own experiences, those of my Polish family, Polish friends, Polish co-workers

You have your experiences, while I have mine. I have been to the USA and it was Jews who helped me the most in the recession of 1990s. The same with my flatmates. Also, I met a few Jews here in Poland, during cultural festivals or youth exchanges. Very positive people.

So, please, don`t tell me all Jews are bad coz I can only smile at it.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
3 Aug 2020   #202
I never said all Jews are bad. I said that Jews ****** over Poland multiple times and continue to demand billions. Does that mean all Jews participated? No. Nonetheless, it's not Kenyans or Mongolians or some other group that wants to sue Poland for billions, it's Jews. It's also not Mexicans, Koreans, or some other group that formed the majority of the UB/SB and the post-WW2 Polish governments that brought about communism for half a century - it was Jews and their pawns.
call1n  2 | 192
3 Aug 2020   #203
So, please, don`t tell me all Jews are bad coz I can only smile at it.

They defile Moses. Circumcision defiles Moses. He ended circumcision. The 10 commandments is the new coven. Zionist Israel defiles Moses.

I don't want to be circumcised because it is not true that 6 million Jews died in the Holocaust
OP pawian  226 | 27817
3 Aug 2020   #204
I never said all Jews are bad. I said that Jews ****** over Poland multiple times and continue to demand billions

But the logic of your statement is that all Jews demand billions. In result, they are all bad.

that formed the majority of the UB/SB

Nope, 90% of the whole institution was always over 90% ethnic Poles. We already talked about it, with proofs, in another thread.

it was Jews and their pawns.

Yes, so what? Poles weren`t so innocent in the past, either. Does it mean Czechs should dislike all Poles today because of Polish invasions? Of course not, so please, don`t use such generalisations coz they are harmful and unfair.
Lenka  5 | 3548
3 Aug 2020   #205
I don't want to be circumcised because it is not true that 6 million Jews died in the Holocaust

So if 6 million did die you would want circumcision? Interesting logic...
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
3 Aug 2020   #206
Nope, 90% of the whole institution was always over 90% ethnic Poles.

Bullshit. Jews made up the majority of UB/SB. The leaders' names read like the invitation to a Bar Mitzvah

Jakub Berman - JEW, Solomon Morel - JEW who ran away to Israel to escape prosecution in Poland, Anatol Fejgin - JEW, Roman Romkowski - CRYPTO JEW (real name Natan Grunspan - changed name to appear more Polish like many other crypto jews), Jozef Rozanski - ANOTHER CRYPTO JEW real name Jozef Goldberg, Jozef Swiatlo - more CRYPTO JEW - real name Izak Fleischfarb, Julia Brystiger- JEWESS, Roman Zambrowski - MORE CRYPTO JEW real name Rubin Nassbaum, Stefan Staszewsk - CRYPTO JEW real name Gustaw Szusterman, ... the list goes on and on....

Don't see too many Kowalskis, Jastzebskis, etc. unless they're CRYPTO JEWS who changed their names to sound more Polish like countless have. Many of these people are still alive and surprise surprise support the leftists. They went from Marxist to neo-Marxist. Now they're pushing lgbt, multikulti, etc. to destroy Polish society and identity since they can't quite repress, torture and kill like in the past.

Proof is right here from a dissertation from Duke University - says that JEWS held half of the managerial positions in MBP.
Paczkowski (2008) referred to a report of October 20, 1945 by Nikolay Selivanovsky, the chief Soviet adviser at the Ministry of Public Security. According to this report, Jews made up 18.7% of the ministry's workforce, and held half of the managerial positions.

No matter how you slice it, the fact remains that there was a disproportionate amount of Jews in the post WW2 PRL government, the security services, etc. especially in the top positions. The Jews brought about Communism while the Poles opposed it. And just like today they're trying to force LGBT, multikulti and all this other BS on Poland once again.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
3 Aug 2020   #207
Bullshit. Jews made up the majority of UB/SB.


and held half of the managerial positions.


Now think hard and do the maths. Does half top management positions equal the majority of UB/SB???

Of course not.

You mentioned 11 surnames from top positions. The problem is that UB/SB consisted of thousands of functionaries. As far as I remember, over 20.000.

Please, don`t argue coz your opinion is wrong and the truth is that over 90% UB/SB was ALWAYS ethnic Poles.

The Jews brought about Communism while the Poles opposed it.

Some opposed, some supported. There was balance in nature, as always.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
3 Aug 2020   #208
Obviously when half the management is Jewish it's basically a Jewish organization. Who's going to have more power - 5 Jews leading the organization or the 20 Poles underneath them in rank and file roles? Obviously the 5 Jews at the top.

The post WW2 government is no different. Every other position was held by a Jew.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
3 Aug 2020   #209
Who's going to have more power - 5 Jews leading the organization or the 20 Poles

Of course not, 20 Poles had more power. Jewish leaders issued orders but without their Polish stooges, they wouldn`t have been able to do anything. It was lower rank Poles who did the dirtierst jobs. I read Cardinal Wyszyński`s diary from the time when he was imprisoned by stalinists in 1950s - he was watched over by Polish simpletons, mostly from the countryside.

If such simpletons hadn`t chosen to serve as communist stooges, Jews at the top would have been helpless.

The post WW2 government is no different. Every other position was held by a Jew.

Yes, true. But later it changed gradually and in 1968 Jews were expelled. However, communism still lasted coz it was supported and defended by ethnic Poles.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
3 Aug 2020   #210
However, communism still lasted coz it was supported and defended by ethnic Poles.

ROFL!!! It survived because Moscow ruled over Poland - not because Poles supprted it. That's like saying Poland was partitioned because Poles wanted their country divided.

The Jews were expelled because Poles gradually became more privvy to what the Jews in the government and media were doing.

Home / History / Cursed soldiers controvercy - not all Poles respect them

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