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Cursed soldiers controvercy - not all Poles respect them

dolnoslask  5 | 2805
2 Mar 2019   #31
because they were working to rebuild Poland?

You truly are a joke and pawian is a brainwashed result of the PRL, enough said.

Anyway more of us who were truly cursed are returning to Poland. Take a deep breath, Poland will be stronger
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
2 Mar 2019   #32
You truly are a joke

For being against extrajudicial assassinations of Polish citizens?
Ironside  50 | 12941
2 Mar 2019   #33
For being against extrajudicial assassinations

How about you answer my question? Rather than troll dolnoslask,
mafketis  38 | 11137
2 Mar 2019   #34
Poland was at war until 1989, but you would not understand that you are not a pole

Well, most Polish citizens aren't Polish according to your standards....
OP pawian  226 | 27453
2 Mar 2019   #35
pawian is a brainwashed result of the PRL,

Oops ,I am sorry for annoying you. :):) But thank you anyway.

Anyway more of us who were truly cursed are returning to Poland. Take a deep breath, Poland will be stronger

Make sure to take your diapers with you. Without them Poland will take no real advantage of returning true cursed soldiers. :):)
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
2 Mar 2019   #36
For being against extrajudicial assassinations of Polish citizens?

Poland was a battlefield until 1989, there was no legitimate judiciary in Poland , sorry delph you follow the PRL, I follow the legitimate Polish government in exile based in London .

The war was not over until the official symbols of Polish Authority were handed over to Lech Walesa's newly formed free government.

Sorry Delph you have been indoctrinated by the enemy of the nation, there will be a time I hope soon the swamp will be cleared.

I know your cynical view of the brave in Polands government of WWII that fled to London to preserve the offices, standards and legitimate seals of the II democratic republic of Poland, but they were no different than the last Polish cavalry man that would not allow the Polish standard fall to the ground and be stomped upon be the enemy.

From what I see Poland is growing stronger under it's leadership of today, all of us who were cursed by the evil of the Soviets an Nazis will have our day, traitors beware.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
2 Mar 2019   #37
had been sentenced to dead and killed by the Polish underground are just unfortunate victims of unacceptable action?

As I said - I'm against extra-judicial killings. War is not an excuse for abandoning humanity.
OP pawian  226 | 27453
2 Mar 2019   #38
From what I see Poland is growing stronger under it's leadership of today,

Actually, it is quite the opposite. You must have been indoctrinated by the enemy of the nation.

I hope soon the swamp will be cleared.

You watched too many horror movies - e.g.,The Swamp Thing.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
2 Mar 2019   #39
War is not an excuse for abandoning humanity.

Delph you don't get the point, war is the abandonment of humanity , that's why wars should never be entered.

Stop watching stupid war films where the battlefields have honour and rules, dude it does not happen in real life, join go see.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
2 Mar 2019   #40
Really Pawien you have no idea what horrors our people endured at the hands of barbarians, please don't make a joke out of this.
mafketis  38 | 11137
2 Mar 2019   #41
you follow the PRL, I follow the legitimate Polish government in exile based in London .

how many Polish citizens agree with you I wonder.... most I've known (including those who involved in anti-communist resistance regarded the government in exile as a curiosity and not any kind of legitimate authority...
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
2 Mar 2019   #42
I am with you on this we were thrown into a different orbit, a sad reality of being the losers of war, betrayal?.

The entire soviet propaganda machine against us, we tried but failed

Yeah many in Poland see me as a curiosity , as they did in Britain, not an easy thing to live with.
Ironside  50 | 12941
2 Mar 2019   #43
I'm against extra-judicial killings.

Those were not extrajudicial they were perfectly legitimate.
Borrka  37 | 592
6 Mar 2019   #44
It's rather hard to ditinguish between hero and criminal during a civil war, like it was in Poland 1945 - 1953. Killing civilians makes some border line but what in the case they were working for secret police?
6 Mar 2019   #45
"Really Pawien you have no idea what horrors our people endured at the hands of barbarians, please don't make a joke out of this."

You are barbarnia,s every country there is big Polania your people are known as barbarians or mexicans of europe or Pollacks in USA. SO dont come here saying these people are any superior or better than the UPA you hate who also fought soviets and for similar reasons and got rid of some of you while they were at it. Just look how your own people act in public transportation in warsaw and tell me theyre not barbarians.

UPA was no different and many were actually just in everything they did they just did it against Pollacks while Pollacks did it to other Pollacks lol. Same type of solider though. Funny how you people justify murder though because someone had a different ideology or worked with a different political party than you. You want to murder some bernie sanders supporters too I bet?

Also you call Soviets barbarians, but any country in the world had a history of being barbarians and many today still are. Go to any prison in California and youll see a bunch of barbarians of every race possible. Go to Latin AMerica where the murder rate is so bad they have caravan trying to escape it and come to the usa. Oh and the Germans were just as bad barbarians despite being a country even more west of you Pollacks!!
OP pawian  226 | 27453
7 Mar 2019   #46
UPA was no different and many were actually just in everything they did they just did it against Pollacks while Pollacks did it to other Pollacks lol

I already suggested it in my earlier posts that the universal cult of all cursed soldiers, including both good and rogue ones, is considered by Poland`s neighbours as a pretext to reject Polish perception of UPA/OUN as organisations of cruel murderers. The reasoning is simple: if Poles celebrate their cursed soldiers, some of whom were murderers and bandits, why shouldn`t Ukrainians celebrate their own UPA heroes too?
Ironside  50 | 12941
8 Mar 2019   #47
is considered by Poland`s neighbours

Who cares about ukry-ies?
The cut is clear here, they have their genocidal squads and cowards serving a racist, Nazi ideology.

While Poland has their unground soldiers fighting against occupants, first against Germany and later Soviets. What controversy?

|Only Soviets and their progeny have some issues, few morons, and lets not forget about F peasants.
mafketis  38 | 11137
8 Mar 2019   #48
Who cares about ukry-ies?

Well, for one they're a lot more valuable to Poland these days than you are....

they have their genocidal squads and cowards serving a racist, Nazi ideology.

Kremlin talking point
OP pawian  226 | 27453
8 Mar 2019   #49
first against Germany and later Soviets. What controversy?Only Soviets and their progeny have some issues,

Are you sure?
What do you think about this one?

Another case of controvercial activity of cursed soldiers is connected with National Armed Forces who decided to cooperate with Germans in 1945.

Read about it here

and here
Ironside  50 | 12941
9 Mar 2019   #50
Are you sure?

Pretty sure.

What do you think about this one?

Much ado about nothing. Repeating Soviet BS and propaganda pawian? >? You're a really disgusting individual.

So, let sum all your views up:

You think that anti-Soviet uprising after 1945 in Poland was done by some unsavory individuals and some Nazis?
You think that UPA, Bandera and their ideology were not Nazi nor racist nor genocidal. You say that anyone who recognizes those facts is somehow connected to kremlin. lol Russian collusion as seen by a F peasant.

No pawian IF anyone you're a keen Kremlin pupil. Are you even Polish? I sincerely doubt it. You with such views you are a polish speaking Soviet or a wholesome moron.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
9 Mar 2019   #51

Don't think for a second Poland is exempt from Jewish social engineering media...

The owner of wyborcza, (((michnik))) own family killed AK members and his publications are anti polish, pro Jewish, pro liberal. Another jew who demands degenerate liberal policies for conservative europeans, but supports policies more resembling the Nazis for Israel

So, in your opinion, cursed soldiers were OK even when they killed innocent people, not by accident but deliberately?

No such thing as a niewinny zyd.

Well Nuremberg from a legal point of view is questionable.

Even some of the people representing the allies said it was a kangaroo court and it wad well known confessions were extracted through torture
9 Mar 2019   #52
This is Polonia 101 for you. Its ok for the Pollacks to do it but not the barbarians as these catholics call them right? not for ukrainians? upa is bad but these people who they worship liwuidating belorussian and othe rgillages are a ok in the pollack war books? no wonder hitler wanted to wipe you people out with your hypocricy. Here in Warsaw I went to this historical bookstore near stanek historyczny a little past plac zbawiciela where dirk's favorite sexpat place to hang out is at: plan B. And anyway, I ran into something you polish nationalsits may find interesting: a book called "Komendant Bury" and being Polish myself and being forced back here after prison I decided to take a look on the back cover what it read and this is what ir said. "wydanie rozkazu pacyfikacji pięciu Białoruskich wsi" for you sexpats out there this means an order to murder eferyone including women and children with probable rapes of five villages in Bealrus or on Pokisht erritory where belorussians lived. These are your pollack heroes lol?

This is the book I glanced at:,Komendant-Bury-Biografia-kpt-Romualda-Adama-Rajsa-Burego-19131949.html

The jews hate Pollacks because just like the belorussians and ukrainians you killed them. You Pollacks ever heard or Jedwabne?

Different from upa how again?

So now even the Slovakians are your enemies and barbarians too thst younpollacks killed?

Nie mogli pojąć, jakim sposobem człowiek, który był zwolennikiem czystek etnicznych, który chciał Polski bez Słowaków, Rusinów i Żydów, który terroryzował, zabijał i okradał ludność na terenie polsko-słowackiego pogranicza, został szlachetnym bohaterem, mordującym wyłącznie przedstawicieli władzy ludowej.

Here is how Ogien or Fire treated other Poles in the region from their own words or the words of their sons:

You Polaks need to read the youtube comments in this videos in Polish haha mentioning your ahte for upa and hypocricity:

f-n pis lovers.

Mój teść do końca życia żałował, że w imieniu AK nie wykonał wyroku śmierci na "Ogniu".

"my uncle till his death regretted not csrrying out the AK order or hit to kill Ogien."

this was the anti communist ak lol that even wanted him dead your lover on here pollacks.
Ironside  50 | 12941
9 Mar 2019   #53
and being Polish myself

Who says you are Polish? lol! You're not. You're another F peasant.
9 Mar 2019   #54
Well, Ironside, I can tell you this. Abroad and even on other english speaking forums with almost an exclusive british, german or american presence, they hate us or Polish. And people like you make an easy case for them to. Even those tourists from netherlands or the west in warsaw will tllyou what they think overall of polish before they came of course they'll say. I remember on an old board named zoklet I used ro post they constantly stated too bad hitler did not finish them off. Again, you make a very easy case for them.

By the way, you should come to the warsaw social event tonight and see the sexpats in action steal your women away.

Actually, I miss that place. It was a good hangout much better than this place before they shut it down:

I believe in one probably the last article I linked above they interview a woman. who was raped and threatened at tunooint by them. at 13 years old.

this one

I skimmed through it maybe itis. a personal account of threats and pistol whip but nor rape. who knows as they did it all.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
9 Mar 2019   #55,54420,24508434,obywatele-rp-probowali-zatrzymac-marsz-zolnierzy-wykletych.html

More proof of the 5/10 at best unwanted dykes and pensioners, mostly waahhhmen, with too much time on their hands, and the odd soy boy beta who supports them which thankfully there's few in Poland

And naturally he fags use every opportunity to promote the globo homo run by Shlomo agenda. Doesn't matter whether it's Olympics or St Pat's day or in this case even protesting against a polish hero they bring out the rainbow flags.
OP pawian  226 | 27453
9 Mar 2019   #56
Much ado about nothing. Repeating Soviet BS and propaganda pawian?

This is really inbelievable if you say so about the close cooperation of National Armed Forces with Germans at the end of war.. After 5 years of unheard-of atrocities and crimes committed by Nazi Germans on Poles, both Jewish and ethnic. After the sadistic suppression of Warsaw Rising 1944 where about 150.000 residents were slaughtered by German death squads? After all this, those pathetic cursed soldiers from Holy Cross Mountain Brigade decided to become German partners. Doing so, they spat heavily on the graves of murdered Polish citizens.

And you say it was nothing serious. Have you gone completely insane?

No such thing as a niewinny zyd.

There are no innocent Jews, you say? Well, you would make a perfect member of some of those cursed soldiers` units..

It`s sad because it proves that it isn`t really war which provokes murderous instincts in people. Those instincts are always present, the war only helps them surface.
mafketis  38 | 11137
9 Mar 2019   #57
the instincts are always there for some... war is just an excuse.
OP pawian  226 | 27453
9 Mar 2019   #58
u on the other hand are Soviet scum, slandering Polish patriots on a par with Kremlin,

Nobody who allies with Nazi Germans a few weeks after suppressing Warsaw Rising can be called a Polish patriot. If you don`t understand it, you are hopelessly blind. I don`t believe you really believe in what you are saying now. Are you some kind of a pervert who derives peculiar pleasure from sharing such shocking views with us?
Weimarer  6 | 357
10 Mar 2019   #59
Wow you use the word nazi synonymous for Germans. So we are Nazi for you, just because we are germans?
OP pawian  226 | 27453
10 Mar 2019   #60
You probably haven`t read the whole discussion, I was talking about Nazi Germans of WW2 times. Go back and read it again because there are some interesting facts.

Home / History / Cursed soldiers controvercy - not all Poles respect them

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