This is Polonia 101 for you. Its ok for the Pollacks to do it but not the barbarians as these catholics call them right? not for ukrainians? upa is bad but these people who they worship liwuidating belorussian and othe rgillages are a ok in the pollack war books? no wonder hitler wanted to wipe you people out with your hypocricy. Here in Warsaw I went to this historical bookstore near stanek historyczny a little past plac zbawiciela where dirk's favorite sexpat place to hang out is at: plan B. And anyway, I ran into something you polish nationalsits may find interesting: a book called "Komendant Bury" and being Polish myself and being forced back here after prison I decided to take a look on the back cover what it read and this is what ir said. "wydanie rozkazu pacyfikacji pięciu Białoruskich wsi" for you sexpats out there this means an order to murder eferyone including women and children with probable rapes of five villages in Bealrus or on Pokisht erritory where belorussians lived. These are your pollack heroes lol?
This is the book I glanced at:,Komendant-Bury-Biografia-kpt-Romualda-Adama-Rajsa-Burego-19131949.html
The jews hate Pollacks because just like the belorussians and ukrainians you killed them. You Pollacks ever heard or Jedwabne?
Different from upa how again?
So now even the Slovakians are your enemies and barbarians too thst younpollacks killed?
Nie mogli pojąć, jakim sposobem człowiek, który był zwolennikiem czystek etnicznych, który chciał Polski bez Słowaków, Rusinów i Żydów, który terroryzował, zabijał i okradał ludność na terenie polsko-słowackiego pogranicza, został szlachetnym bohaterem, mordującym wyłącznie przedstawicieli władzy ludowej.
Here is how Ogien or Fire treated other Poles in the region from their own words or the words of their sons:
You Polaks need to read the youtube comments in this videos in Polish haha mentioning your ahte for upa and hypocricity:
f-n pis lovers.
Mój teść do końca życia żałował, że w imieniu AK nie wykonał wyroku śmierci na "Ogniu".
"my uncle till his death regretted not csrrying out the AK order or hit to kill Ogien."
this was the anti communist ak lol that even wanted him dead your lover on here pollacks.