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How come to Europe as we know it, after last Ice age or, Slavic and Serbian origin of all Europeans

Crow  154 | 9261
8 Sep 2024   #1
First of all, let it be clear. I don`t point at today`s nation Serbs or Slavs in modern sense of the word. I point at the once meta-common ethnicity of the past. Ethic name of modern day Balkan Serbs, Lusatian Serbs or Molise Serbs, represent only remain of that old common name.

All knowledge on this topic coming as the result of informative age we all live in. All is on the net for those who seek and wants to know. Multiple scientific branches: climatology, biology, ornithology, human and animal genetics, archeology, forensic archaeology, archaeogenetics, etc, point to this conclusion, that all Europeans, as we will see, originate from Slavs, from a common civilization which main center was located on so called `Ice age refugium` on Balkan peninsula. Indeed, it was not only `Ice age refugium` in Europe during Ice age but, it was far too oldest and influenced other two refugiums, securing inflow of population and culture, located on Crimea and modern day Spain. Not to say that Balkan refugium had central location in Europe, was most fertile in sense of the natural resources and also had most direct acess to the main European river flow and river net that provided fastest coverage of Europe once when people started to move to re-populate Europe when climate became warmer. Balkan provided conditions for development of earliest European civilization during the Ice age, that at the moment when Ice age was over had already its own writing system, earliest known writing system known, culture and therefore language. People of this culture were aware of itself and their place in back then known world. They had contacts with other human races. So, they had their own ethnic name and, we shall come to it. Speaking on racial characteristics, all types of Whites were extracted exactly here and only here. Light variations of eyes and hair, as well as all variations of Brown to Red hair. All moved from Balkan Ice age refugium. All as sub-genetic mutations within I Haplogroup.

But first. Let me show you this. This was Europe during the last Ice age, 20.000 years ago > Europe was Balkan >


Now. Focus yourself on a thought what was world at the same time, during the last Ice age, 20.000 years ago >


Bdw, that ice you see on the maps, was in average 2 km tick. Just to give you full picture. That green (temperate forest) on the map of Europe was Europe and Balkan gave only civilization of Europe during the Ice age. At it, oldest in the world.
amiga500  5 | 1475
8 Sep 2024   #2
so what you are basically saying, we're all niggas from europa? slavic ubermensch or hungarian master race?
OP Crow  154 | 9261
8 Sep 2024   #3
This thread is about European past and origin of Europeans. Non is ubermensch. We are what we are.
amiga500  5 | 1475
8 Sep 2024   #4
We are what we are.

You sound like Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.
OP Crow  154 | 9261
8 Sep 2024   #5
Why then you offer some interesting thread to the auditorium of the forum? You sound smart.
OP Crow  154 | 9261
9 Sep 2024   #6
Before thread continue, let me add to your picture of environment of the era we speak about.

Here is more accurate map of the Black sea and surrounding area, before the flood from Mediterranean sea >


It is scientifically proved that Black sea was lake back around 5.700 BC and therefore it was lake during the Ice age and the post-Ice age period. See, this fact adds a lot of to our perception of the importance of the Balkan Ice age refugium. Fresh water always meant life. Net of rivers meant life but also fastest way of travel- highway of the ancient time. You have to understand that ancient primordial forests were truly wild and almost impassable (or imagine swamps and tundra). So comes the shore of rivers as the fastest path. Or river itself was used for travel by boat.

Now, think of the location of that first European civilization. On fertile Balkan peninsula but also, practically Central Europe. Lepenski Vir and Vinca on the Danube >

This blue is what Europe was

Lepenski Vir was already an advanced civilization at the end of the Ice Age. The oldest world civilization discovered so far. But the foundations of the civilization of Lepenski Vir comes from the time of the Ice Age. Why is this important to know. It means that our common European ancestors had advanced civilization and they interacted with other parts of back then world. They couldn`t travel North because of cold but they traveled Southern. They maintained contacts with the kin in Span and Crimea. We can only imagine their trade with ancient Indian, African, Chinese civilizations we aren`t even yet aware they existed.

Imagine that. From Balkan (that is Europe) one travel to India. Via Anatolia. BDW, Anatolia was also populated with kin White people. All around Black sea (lake), around fresh water lived our common ancestors. Or, we can only imagine proportions of a tragedy that occurred after Mediterranean sea flooded the Black sea (lake) and turned it into the sea while expanded water area onto fertile land and human settlements on shores, in short period of time. Not only that many died in flood but also fresh water was ruined and complete micro climate of wide area changed.

Compare Black see as lake (upper image) to the later Black sea after the flood from Mediterranean sea, how water area expanded and from fresh water turned into salt water >


So, we now have some insight into the time and space in between 10.000 BC to the 5.000 BC, regarding environment of civilization of Lepenski vir.

Home / History / How come to Europe as we know it, after last Ice age or, Slavic and Serbian origin of all Europeans

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